Here below is the list of Most Cited Publications about ‘Smart Contracts’.

Last updated October 30th, 2017.

Most Cited ‘Smart Contracts’ Publications

  1. Formalizing and securing relationships on public networks“. N Szabo. 1997. First Monday143 cites.
  2. Hawk: The blockchain model of cryptography and privacy-preserving smart contracts“. A Kosba, A Miller, E Shi, Z Wen…. 2016. Security and Privacy …141 cites.
  3. Smart grid: integrating renewable, distributed and efficient energy“. FP Sioshansi. 2011. 122 cites.
  4. On scaling decentralized blockchains“. K Croman, C Decker, I Eyal, AE Gencer, A Juels…. 2016. Springer … Conference on Financial …110 cites.
  5. A next-generation smart contract and decentralized application platform“. V Buterin. 2014. white paper99 cites.
  6. A tale of two outsourcing contracts“. BA Aubert, M Patry, S Rivard. 2003. Springer Wirtschaftsinformatik95 cites.
  7. Blockchains and smart contracts for the internet of things“. K Christidis, M Devetsikiotis. 2016. IEEE Access75 cites.
  8. Capability-based financial instruments“. MS Miller, C Morningstar, B Frantz. 2000. Springer Financial Cryptography74 cites.
  9. The quest for scalable blockchain fabric: Proof-of-work vs. BFT replication“. M Vukolić. 2015. Springer International Workshop on Open Problems in Network …72 cites.
  10. Enigma: Decentralized computation platform with guaranteed privacy“. G Zyskind, O Nathan, A Pentland. 2015. arXiv preprint arXiv:1506.0347160 cites.
  11. Blockchain technology: principles and applications“. M Pilkington. 2015. Browser Download This Paper59 cites.
  12. Locational signals to reduce network investments in smart distribution grids: What works and what not?“. C Brandstätt, G Brunekreeft, N Friedrichsen. 2011. Elsevier Utilities Policy58 cites.
  13. System and method for mobile loyalty program“. W Barhydt, M Cartabiano, J Hardy. 2006. Google Patents US Patent App. 11/382,89655 cites.
  14. Making smart contracts smarter“. L Luu, DH Chu, H Olickel, P Saxena…. 2016. Proceedings of the 2016 …52 cites.
  15. Understanding modern banking ledgers through blockchain technologies: Future of transaction processing and smart contracts on the internet of money“. GW Peters, E Panayi. 2016. Springer Banking Beyond Banks and Money44 cites.
  16. Step by step towards creating a safe smart contract: Lessons and insights from a cryptocurrency lab“. K Delmolino, M Arnett, A Kosba, A Miller…. 2016. Springer … Conference on Financial …42 cites.
  17. Beyond Bitcoin: Issues in Regulating Blockchain Tranactions“. TI Kiviat. 2015. HeinOnline Duke LJ40 cites.
  18. Town crier: An authenticated data feed for smart contracts“. F Zhang, E Cecchetti, K Croman, A Juels…. 2016. Proceedings of the 2016 …39 cites.
  19. Architecture of the Hyperledger blockchain fabric“. C Cachin. 2016. Workshop on Distributed Cryptocurrencies and …35 cites.
  20. Corporate governance and blockchains“. D Yermack. 2017. Review of Finance35 cites.
  21. Demystifying incentives in the consensus computer“. L Luu, J Teutsch, R Kulkarni, P Saxena. 2015. Proceedings of the 22nd ACM …35 cites.
  22. The idea of smart contracts“. N Szabo. 1997. Nick Szabo’s Papers and Concise Tutorials33 cites.
  23. Where Is Current Research on Blockchain Technology?—A Systematic Review“. J Yli-Huumo, D Ko, S Choi, S Park, K Smolander. 2016. PloS one32 cites.
  24. Blockchain technology: Beyond bitcoin“. M Crosby, P Pattanayak, S Verma…. 2016. Applied …31 cites.
  25. The Stanford InfoBus and its service layers: Augmenting the Internet with higher-level information management protocols“. M Röscheisen, M Baldonado, K Chang…. 1998. Springer Digital Libraries in …31 cites.
  26. The blockchain as a software connector“. X Xu, C Pautasso, L Zhu, V Gramoli…. 2016. … (WICSA), 2016 13th …30 cites.
  27. Sharing ledgers for sharing economies: an exploration of mutual distributed ledgers (aka blockchain technology)“. M Mainelli, M Smith. 2015. The Journal of Financial Perspectives29 cites.
  28. Smart contracts“. N Szabo. 1994. Unpublished manuscript28 cites.
  29. Untrusted business process monitoring and execution using blockchain“. I Weber, X Xu, R Riveret, G Governatori…. 2016. Springer … Conference on Business …27 cites.
  30. Distributed Ledger Technologies in Securities Post-Trading Revolution or Evolution?“. A Pinna, W Ruttenberg. 2016. 26 cites.
  31. System and method for mobile loyalty program“. W Barhydt, M Cartabiano, J Hardy. 2006. Google Patents US Patent App. 11/382,89026 cites.
  32. ALGORAND: the efficient and democratic ledger“. S Micali. 2016. arXiv preprint arXiv:1607.0134125 cites.
  33. Blockchain-the Gateway to Trust-Free Cryptographic Transactions.“. R Beck, JS Czepluch, N Lollike, S Malone. 2016. ECIS24 cites.
  34. eContractual choreography-language properties towards cross-organizational business collaboration“. A Norta, L Ma, Y Duan, A Rull…. 2015. Journal of Internet …23 cites.
  35. Protecting critical information infrastructure: Developing cybersecurity policy“. H Brechbühl, R Bruce, S Dynes, ME Johnson. 2010. Taylor & Francis 23 cites.
  36. Cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, and artificial intelligence“. S Omohundro. 2014. AI matters22 cites.
  37. Blockchain beyond bitcoin“. S Underwood. 2016. Communications of the ACM22 cites.
  38. The ricardian contract“. I Grigg. 2004. Electronic Contracting, 2004. Proceedings. First IEEE …22 cites.
  39. Medrec: Using blockchain for medical data access and permission management“. A Azaria, A Ekblaw, T Vieira…. 2016. Open and Big Data (OBD …22 cites.
  40. A Survey of Attacks on Ethereum Smart Contracts (SoK)“. N Atzei, M Bartoletti, T Cimoli. 2017. Springer … Conference on Principles of Security and …21 cites.
  41. Blockchain thinking: The brain as a dac (decentralized autonomous organization)“. M Swan. 2015. Texas Bitcoin Conference21 cites.
  42. Blindly signed contracts: Anonymous on-blockchain and off-blockchain Bitcoin transactions“. E Heilman, F Baldimtsi, S Goldberg. 2016. Springer International Conference on Financial …21 cites.
  43. The Truth About Blockchain“. M Iansiti, KR Lakhani. 2017. Harvard Business Review21 cites.
  44. Beyond Cryptocurrencies-A Taxonomy of Decentralized Consensus Systems“. F Glaser, L Bezzenberger. 2015. 21 cites.
  45. Corda: An Introduction“. RG Brown, J Carlyle, I Grigg, M Hearn. 2016. R3 CEV, August20 cites.
  46. The new public governance in public service delivery“. J Koppenjan. 2012. 20 cites.
  47. The ring of Gyges: Investigating the future of criminal smart contracts“. A Juels, A Kosba, E Shi. 2016. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC …19 cites.
  48. New Kids on the Blockchain: How Bitcoin’s Technology Could Reinvent the Stock Market“. L Lee. 2015. HeinOnline Hastings Bus. LJ18 cites.
  49. Economics of blockchain“. S Davidson, P De Filippi, J Potts. 2016. 17 cites.
  50. Trends in crypto-currencies and blockchain technologies: A monetary theory and regulation perspective“. GW Peters, E Panayi, A Chapelle. 2015. 17 cites.
  51. Bitcoin and beyond“. A Extance. 2015. Nature17 cites.
  52. Is disruptive blockchain technology the future of financial services?“. LJ Trautman. 2016. 16 cites.
  53. Visions of a Techno-Leviathan: The Politics of the Bitcoin Blockchain“. B Scott. 2015. . 16 cites.
  54. The IoT electric business model: Using blockchain technology for the internet of things“. Y Zhang, J Wen. 2017. Springer Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications16 cites.
  55. Smart contracts, Bitcoin bots, and consumer protection“. J Fairfield. 2014. Wash. & Lee L. Rev. Online15 cites.
  56. Micropayments for decentralized currencies“. R Pass. 2015. Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGSAC Conference on …15 cites.
  57. Creation of smart-contracting collaborations for decentralized autonomous organizations“. A Norta. 2015. Springer International Conference on Business Informatics …15 cites.
  58. Distributed electronic rights in JavaScript“. MS Miller, T Van Cutsem, B Tulloh. 2013. Springer European Symposium on …15 cites.
  59. Network unbundling and flawed coordination: Experience from the electricity sector“. G Brunekreeft. 2015. Elsevier Utilities Policy15 cites.
  60. Internet of things, blockchain and shared economy applications“. S Huckle, R Bhattacharya, M White, N Beloff. 2016. Elsevier Procedia Computer Science14 cites.
  61. Sealed-glass proofs: Using transparent enclaves to prove and sell knowledge“. F Tramer, F Zhang, H Lin, JP Hubaux…. 2017. Security and Privacy …14 cites.
  62. Evaluation of logic-based smart contracts for blockchain systems“. F Idelberger, G Governatori, R Riveret…. 2016. Springer … Symposium on Rules and …13 cites.
  63. Blockchains and the boundaries of self-organized economies: predictions for the future of banking“. TJ MacDonald, DWE Allen, J Potts. 2016. Springer Banking Beyond Banks and Money13 cites.
  64. Smart contract templates: foundations, design landscape and research directions“. CD Clack, VA Bakshi, L Braine. 2016. arXiv preprint arXiv:1608.0077112 cites.
  65. The blockchain anomaly“. C Natoli, V Gramoli. 2016. … and Applications (NCA), 2016 IEEE 15th …12 cites.
  66. Just-in-time manufacturing“. B Maskell. 1987. Industrial Management & Data Systems12 cites.
  67. Efficient zero-knowledge contingent payments in cryptocurrencies without scripts“. W Banasik, S Dziembowski, D Malinowski. 2016. Springer European Symposium on …12 cites.
  68. Pervasive decentralisation of digital infrastructures: a framework for blockchain enabled system and use case analysis“. F Glaser. 2017. Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii …12 cites.
  69. Decentralized autonomous organization to automate governance“. C Jentzsch. 2016. Online-Publikation: https://download. slock. it/public …12 cites.
  70. Ledgers and Law in the Blockchain“. Q DuPont, B Maurer. 2015. Kings Review (23 June 2015) http://kingsreview …11 cites.
  71. The blockchain and kudos: A distributed system for educational record, reputation and reward“. M Sharples, J Domingue. 2016. Springer European Conference on Technology …11 cites.
  72. Towards a shared ledger business collaboration language based on data-aware processes“. R Hull, VS Batra, YM Chen, A Deutsch…. 2016. Springer … Conference on Service …11 cites.
  73. Blockchain thinking: The brain as a decentralized autonomous corporation [commentary]“. M Swan. 2015. IEEE Technology and Society Magazine11 cites.
  74. Formal verification of smart contracts: Short paper“. K Bhargavan, A Delignat-Lavaud, C Fournet…. 2016. Proceedings of the …10 cites.
  75. When cryptocurrencies mine their own business“. J Teutsch, S Jain, P Saxena. 2016. Springer … on Financial Cryptography and Data Security10 cites.
  76. Digital Supply Chain Transformation toward Blockchain Integration“. K Korpela, J Hallikas…. 2017. hl-128-171-57-22.library.manoa … … of the 50th …10 cites.
  77. Augur: a decentralized, open-source platform for prediction markets“. J Peterson, J Krug. 2015. arXiv preprint arXiv:1501.0104210 cites.
  78. Blockchain contract: Securing a blockchain applied to smart contracts“. H Watanabe, S Fujimura, A Nakadaira…. 2016. … (ICCE), 2016 IEEE …9 cites.
  79. Scripting smart contracts for distributed ledger technology.“. PL Seijas, SJ Thompson…. 2016. IACR Cryptology ePrint …9 cites.
  80. Towards an ontology-driven blockchain design for supply chain provenance“. HM Kim, M Laskowski. 2016. 9 cites.
  81. Blockchain platform for industrial Internet of Things“. A Bahga, VK Madisetti. 2016. J. Softw. Eng. Appl9 cites.
  82. Block chain technologies & the semantic web: A framework for symbiotic development“. M English, S Auer, J Domingue. 2016. … Science Conference for …9 cites.
  83. A Blockchain-Based Approach to Health Information Exchange Networks“. K Peterson, R Deeduvanu, P Kanjamala, K Boles. 2016. 9 cites.
  84. Blockchain challenges and opportunities: A survey“. Z Zheng, S Xie, HN Dai, H Wang. 2016. Work Pap9 cites.
  85. Decarbonization and regulation of Germany’s electricity system after Fukushima“. S Lechtenböhmer, HJ Luhmann. 2013. Taylor & Francis Climate policy9 cites.
  86. Blockchain-oriented software engineering: challenges and new directions“. S Porru, A Pinna, M Marchesi, R Tonelli. 2017. Proceedings of the 39th …9 cites.
  87. Governance in Blockchain Technologies & Social Contract Theories“. W Reijers, F O’Brolcháin, P Haynes. 2016. Ledger9 cites.
  88. Towards blockchain-based intelligent transportation systems“. Y Yuan, FY Wang. 2016. … 2016 IEEE 19th International Conference on9 cites.
  89. From institutions to code: towards automated generation of smart contracts“. CK Frantz, M Nowostawski. 2016. Foundations and Applications of …8 cites.
  90. Smart contracts: building blocks for digital markets“. N Szabo. 1996. URL: http://www. alamut. com/subj/economics …8 cites.
  91. Locational distribution network pricing in Germany“. C Brandstätt, G Brunekreeft…. 2011. Power and Energy …8 cites.
  92. Blockchains and online dispute resolution: smart contracts as an alternative to enforcement“. R Koulu. 2016. HeinOnline SCRIPTed8 cites.
  93. The blockchain phenomenon“. J Mattila. 2016. … The Blockchain Phenomenon'(Berkeley Roundtable of …8 cites.
  94. Blockchain ready manufacturing supply chain using distributed ledger“. SA Abeyratne, RP Monfared. 2016. 8 cites.
  95. Regulating Bitcoin and block chain derivatives“. HB Shadab. 2014. Browser Download This Paper8 cites.
  96. Disrupting governance: The new institutional economics of distributed ledger technology“. S Davidson, P De Filippi, J Potts. 2016. 8 cites.
  97. Blockchain technology in healthcare: The revolution starts here“. M Mettler. 2016. e-Health Networking, Applications and Services …8 cites.
  98. The Revolution will (not) be Decentralized: Blockchains“. R O’Dwyer. 2015. Commons Transition8 cites.
  99. A system view of financial blockchains“. WT Tsai, R Blower, Y Zhu, L Yu. 2016. Service-Oriented System …8 cites.
  100. Opportunities and Risks of Blockchain Technologies–A Research Agenda“. J Lindman, VK Tuunainen, M Rossi. 2017. 8 cites.
  101. Blockchain Double Bubble or Double Trouble?“. J Umeh. 2016. ITNOW7 cites.
  102. Blockchain Technology: What is it good for?“. SH Ammous. 2016. Browser Download This Paper7 cites.
  103. Great Chain of Numbers“. T Swanson. 2014. A Guide to Smart Contracts, Smart Property, and …7 cites.
  104. A Case Study for Blockchain in Healthcare:“MedRec” prototype for electronic health records and medical research data“. A Ekblaw, A Azaria, JD Halamka…. 2016. … of IEEE Open & Big Data …7 cites.
  105. An empirical analysis of smart contracts: platforms, applications, and design patterns“. M Bartoletti, L Pompianu. 2017. arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.063227 cites.
  106. Further applications of the blockchain“. G Foroglou, AL Tsilidou. 2015. 12th Student Conference on Managerial …7 cites.
  107. Dynamic common law and technological change: the classification of Bitcoin“. S Bayern. 2014. HeinOnline Wash. & Lee L. Rev. Online7 cites.
  108. New kids on the block: an analysis of modern blockchains“. L Anderson, R Holz, A Ponomarev, P Rimba…. 2016. arXiv preprint arXiv …7 cites.
  109. The idea of smart contracts, 1997“. N Szabo. 1997. . 6 cites.
  110. Improving investment coordination in electricity networks through smart contracts“. C Brandstätt, G Brunekreeft, N Friedrichsen. 2011. 6 cites.
  111. Great chain of numbers: A guide to smart contracts, smart property and trustless asset management“. T Swanson. 2014. Amazon Digital Services 6 cites.
  112. Safer smart contracts through type-driven development“. J Pettersson, R Edström. 2015. 6 cites.
  113. Making sense of blockchain smart contracts“. J Stark. 2016. . 6 cites.
  114. Blockchain temporality: smart contract time specifiability with blocktime“. M Swan. 2016. Springer International symposium on rules and rule markup …6 cites.
  115. Product-centric information management: A case study of a shared platform with blockchain technology“. J Mattila, T Seppälä, J Holmström. 2016. Industry Studies Association …6 cites.
  116. Blockchain-based architectures for the internet of things: a survey“. M Atzori. 2016. 6 cites.
  117. Overview of business innovations and research opportunities in blockchain and introduction to the special issue“. JL Zhao, S Fan, J Yan. 2016. Financial Innovation6 cites.
  118. Improving data transparency in clinical trials using blockchain smart contracts“. T Nugent, D Upton, M Cimpoesu. 2016. F1000Research6 cites.
  119. Beyond bitcoin enabling smart government using blockchain technology“. S Ølnes. 2016. Springer … Conference on Electronic Government and the …6 cites.
  120. A programmer’s guide to ethereum and serpent“. K Delmolino, M Arnett, A Kosba…. 2015. URL: https://mc2 …6 cites.
  121. Are blockchains immune to all malicious attacks?“. JJ Xu. 2016. Springer Financial Innovation6 cites.
  122. Realizing the smart grid’s potential: Defining local markets for flexibility“. A Ramos, C De Jonghe, V Gómez, R Belmans. 2016. Elsevier Utilities Policy6 cites.
  123. Blockchain application and outlook in the banking industry“. Y Guo, C Liang. 2016. Springer Financial Innovation6 cites.
  124. Blockchain-based sharing services: What blockchain technology can contribute to smart cities“. J Sun, J Yan, KZK Zhang. 2016. Financial Innovation6 cites.
  125. Rethinking Permissioned Blockchains“. M Vukolić. 2017. Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Blockchain …6 cites.
  126. Conflict-resolution lifecycles for governed decentralized autonomous organization collaboration“. A Norta, AB Othman, K Taveter. 2015. Proceedings of the 2015 2nd …6 cites.
  127. Beyond Bitcoin-Part I: A critical look at blockchain-based systems.“. P Forte, D Romano, G Schmid. 2015. IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive6 cites.
  128. Market design for trading with blockchain technology“. K Malinova, A Park. 2016. Unpublished manuscript, University of …6 cites.
  129. Blockchain technology in the chemical industry: Machine-to-machine electricity market“. JJ Sikorski, J Haughton, M Kraft. 2017. Elsevier Applied Energy6 cites.
  130. Smart contracts–how will blockchain technology affect contractual practices“. K Lauslahti, J Mattila, T Seppälä. 2017. The Research Institute of the Finnish …5 cites.
  131. Smart contracts“. M Kõlvart, M Poola, A Rull. 2016. Springer The Future of Law and etechnologies5 cites.
  132. Setting standards for altering and undoing smart contracts“. B Marino, A Juels. 2016. Springer International Symposium on Rules and Rule Markup …5 cites.
  133. Book-Smart, Not Street-Smart: Blockchain-Based Smart Contracts and The Social Workings of Law“. KEC Levy. 2017. Engaging Science, Technology, and Society5 cites.
  134. The risks and rewards of blockchain technology“. K Heires. 2016. Risk Management5 cites.
  135. Enhancing price‐responsiveness of end‐use customers’ loads: dynamically administered critical peak pricing“. JY Joo, SH Ahn, YT Yoon. 2009. Wiley Online Library International Transactions on …5 cites.
  136. Music on the blockchain“. M O’Dair, Z Beaven, D Neilson, R Osborne, P Pacifico. 2016. 5 cites.
  137. SMART POOL: Practical Decentralized Pooled Mining.“. L Luu, Y Velner, J Teutsch…. 2017. IACR Cryptology ePrint …5 cites.
  138. 72 Hours to DonutLab: A PlanetLab with No Center“. M Stiegler, MS Miller, T Stanley. 2005. 5 cites.
  139. Experiences with the foresight exchange“. K Kittlitz. 1999. Extropy Online5 cites.
  140. Theory of non-territorial internal exit“. TJ MacDonald. 2015. Browser Download This Paper5 cites.
  141. Analysis and outlook of applications of blockchain technology to equity crowdfunding in China“. H Zhu, ZZ Zhou. 2016. Springer Financial Innovation5 cites.
  142. Accountable Storage“. G Ateniese, MT Goodrich, V Lekakis…. 2017. Springer … Conference on Applied …5 cites.
  143. Blockchain as Radical Innovation: A Framework for Engaging with Distributed Ledgers as Incumbent Organization“. R Beck, C Müller-Bloch. 2017. … of the 50th …5 cites.
  144. Integrationsmanagement für Erneuerbare Energien–Dezentrale Koordination im Strommarkt der Zukunft“. K Trepper, C Weber, D Kallen. 2013. Springer uwf UmweltWirtschaftsForum5 cites.
  146. Философские и социо-антропологические проблемы конвергентного развития киберфизических систем (блокчейн, Интернет вещей, искусственный …“. ВВ Чеклецов. 2016. Философские проблемы информационных …5 cites.
  147. Formal verification of smart contracts“. K Bhargavan, A Delignat-Lavaud…. 2016. Proceedings of the …4 cites.
  148. Smart Contracts–Blockchains in the Wings“. T Bocek, B Stiller. 2018. Springer Digital Marketplaces Unleashed4 cites.
  149. Smart contracts: Coding the fine print“. NR Fulbright. 2016. A legal and regulatory guide4 cites.
  150. The digital path: smart contracts and the Third World“. MS Miller, M Stiegler. 2003. na 4 cites.
  151. From smart contracts to courts with not so smart judges“. C Reitwiessner. 2016. . 4 cites.
  152. Hawk: The Blockchain Model of Cryptography and Privacy-Preserving Smart Contracts, 2015“. A Kosba, A Miller, E Shi, Z Wen, C Papamanthou. 2015. . 4 cites.
  153. What are Smart Contracts? Cryptocurrency’s killer app“. J Cassano. 2014. Fast Company4 cites.
  154. Method and system to use a block chain infrastructure and Smart Contracts to monetize data transactions involving changes to data included into a data supply chain.“. SB Smith. 2015. Google Patents US Patent App. 14/852,6104 cites.
  155. Blockchain and smart contract automation: How smart contracts automate digital business“. A Morrison. 2016. Online] Avaialble: https://www. pwc. com4 cites.
  156. The Great Decentralization: How Web 3.0 Will Weaken Copyrights“. N Vogel. 2015. Browser Download This Paper4 cites.
  157. Financial technology: blockchain and securities settlement“. T Mori. 2016. Journal of Securities Operations & Custody4 cites.
  158. Colored coins: Bitcoin, blockchain, and land administration“. A Anand, M McKibbin, F Pichel. 2016. … World Bank Conference on Land and …4 cites.
  159. Smart Contract Templates: essential requirements and design options“. CD Clack, VA Bakshi, L Braine. 2016. arXiv preprint arXiv:1612.044964 cites.
  160. Establishing Distributed Governance Infrastructures for Enacting Cross-Organization Collaborations“. A Norta. 2015. Springer International Conference on Service-Oriented …4 cites.
  161. New developments in electricity markets following large-scale integration of renewable energy“. G Brunekreeft, M Buchmann…. 2015. … Routledge Companion to …4 cites.
  162. Managing IoT devices using blockchain platform“. S Huh, S Cho, S Kim. 2017. Advanced Communication Technology …4 cites.
  163. Developing blockchain real-time clearing and settlement in the EU, US, and globally“. JD Caytas. 2016. Browser Download This Paper4 cites.
  164. The UK and Blockchain technology: A balanced approach“. CRW de Meijer. 2016. Journal of Payments Strategy & Systems4 cites.
  165. Hybrid Consensus: Scalable Permissionless Consensus“. R Pass, E Shi. 2016. 4 cites.
  166. Securing Smart Cities Using Blockchain Technology“. K Biswas, V Muthukkumarasamy. 2016. … and Communications; IEEE …4 cites.
  167. A Taxonomy of Blockchain-Based Systems for Architecture Design“. X Xu, I Weber, M Staples, L Zhu, J Bosch…. 2017. … (ICSA), 2017 IEEE …4 cites.
  168. Applicability of distributed ledger technology to capital market infrastructure“. A Santo, I Minowa, G Hosaka, S Hayakawa…. 2016. … Exchange Group, JPX …4 cites.
  169. Using Blockchain Technology and Smart Contracts to Create a Distributed Securities Depository“. E Wall, G Malm. 2016. 4 cites.
  170. How Blockchain Will Change Organizations“. D Tapscott, A Tapscott. 2017. MIT Sloan Management Review4 cites.
  171. Using Blockchain to push Software-Defined IoT Components onto Edge Hosts“. M Samaniego, R Deters. 2016. … of the International Conference on Big Data …4 cites.
  172. Smart contracts and their applications in the construction industry“. H Cardeira. 2015. New Perspectives in Construction Law Conference3 cites.
  173. Great chain of numbers: A guide to smart contracts, smart property and trustless asset management, in https://s3-us-west-2. amazonaws. com/chainbook“. T SWANSON. 2014. Great+ Chain+ of+ Numbers+ A+ Guide+ to+ Smart …3 cites.
  174. A gentle introduction to smart contracts“. A Lewis. 2016. … , https://bitsonblocks. net/2016/02/01 … 3 cites.
  175. Smart Contracts: The Good, the Bad and the Lazy“. G Greenspan. 2015. . 3 cites.
  176. Making sense of blockchain smart contracts, 2016“. J Stark. 2016. . 3 cites.
  177. On the intersection of Ricardian and Smart Contracts“. I Grigg. 0. . 3 cites.
  178. Smart contracts: the ultimate automation of trust“. D Tuesta, J Alonso, N Cámara. 2015. Digital Economy Outlook-October3 cites.
  179. Bringing New Elements to Bitcoin with Sidechains“. G Maxwell. 2015. SF Bitcoin Devs Meetup3 cites.
  180. Agents, trust and contracts“. P Novais, F Andrade, J Machado…. 2010. … Law, Protection and …3 cites.
  181. Blockchain learning: can crypto-currency methods be appropriated to enhance online learning?“. P Devine. 2015. 3 cites.
  182. Smart Contracts Make Bitcoin Mining Pools Vulnerable.“. Y Velner, J Teutsch, L Luu. 2017. IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive3 cites.
  183. Applications of smart-contracts and smart-property utilizing blockchains“. E Hillbom, T Tillström. 2016. 3 cites.
  184. A strategist’s Guide to Blockchain“. J Plansky, T O’Donnell, K Richards. 2016. 3 cites.
  185. Building the blockchain: the co-construction of a global commonwealth to move beyond the crises of global capitalism“. S Manski. 2016. 12th Annual California Graduate Student Conference …3 cites.
  186. A decentralised sharing app running a smart contract on the ethereum blockchain“. A Bogner, M Chanson, A Meeuw. 2016. … of the 6th International Conference on …3 cites.
  187. Blockchain in financial services: Regulatory landscape and future challenges for its commercial application“. JS Cermeño. 2016. BBVA Research, Madrid, Spain3 cites.
  188. A maturity model for blockchain adoption“. H Wang, K Chen, D Xu. 2016. Springer Financial Innovation3 cites.
  189. The future of law and etechnologies“. T Kerikmäe, A Rull. 2016. 3 cites.
  190. Blockchains and the Logic of Accountability: Keynote Address“. M Herlihy, M Moir. 2016. Proceedings of the 31st Annual ACM/IEEE …3 cites.
  191. Predicting Latency of Blockchain-Based Systems Using Architectural Modelling and Simulation“. R Yasaweerasinghelage, M Staples…. 2017. … (ICSA), 2017 IEEE …3 cites.
  192. Towards scalable and private industrial blockchains“. W Li, A Sforzin, S Fedorov, GO Karame. 2017. Proceedings of the ACM …3 cites.
  193. Computational contract collaboration and construction“. MW Wong, H Haapio, S Deckers, S Dhir. 2015. 3 cites.
  194. Reinforcing Immutability of Permissioned Blockchains with Keyless Signatures’ Infrastructure“. N Emmadi, H Narumanchi. 2017. … of the 18th International Conference on …3 cites.
  195. The Blockchain Revolution: An Analysis of Regulation and Technology Related to Distributed Ledger Technologies“. H Kakavand, N Kost De Sevres. 2016. 3 cites.
  196. The Real World of the Decentralized Autonomous Society“. JZ Garrod. 2016. tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. Open …3 cites.
  197. Smart-Contract Value-Transfer Protocols on a Distributed Mobile Application Platform“. P Dai, N Mahi, J Earls, A Norta. 2017. URL: https://qtum. org/uploads …3 cites.
  198. The Future of Finance: FinTech, Tech Disruption, and Orchestrating Innovation“. O Bussmann. 2017. Springer Equity Markets in Transition3 cites.
  199. Tezos: A Self-Amending Crypto-Ledger Position Paper“. LM Goodman. 2014. 3 cites.
  200. Integrative deal-design: cascading from goal-hierarchies to negotiations and contracting“. DA Plewe, R de Rooy. 2016. Journal of Strategic Contracting and …3 cites.
  201. Dissecting Ponzi schemes on Ethereum: identification, analysis, and impact“. M Bartoletti, S Carta, T Cimoli, R Saia. 2017. arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.037793 cites.
  202. Getting paid in the naked economy“. MR Miller. 2014. HeinOnline Hofstra Lab. & Emp. LJ3 cites.
  203. SCPKI: A Smart Contract-based PKI and Identity System“. M Al-Bassam. 2017. Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Blockchain …3 cites.
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