Here below is the list of Most Cited Publications about Segregated Witness a.k.a. ‘Segwit’.

Last updated October 29th, 2017.

Most Cited ‘Segwit’ Publications

  1. On scaling decentralized blockchains“. K Croman, C Decker, I Eyal, AE Gencer, A Juels…. 2016. Springer … Conference on Financial …110 cites.
  2. Blockchain technology: principles and applications“. M Pilkington. 2015. Browser Download This Paper59 cites.
  3. BigchainDB: a scalable blockchain database“. T McConaghy, R Marques, A Müller…. 2016. white paper …15 cites.
  4. The impact and potential of blockchain on securities transaction lifecycle“. M Mainelli, A Milne. 2016. 15 cites.
  5. P2P Mixing and Unlinkable Bitcoin Transactions.“. T Ruffing, P Moreno-Sanchez…. 2016. IACR Cryptology ePrint …8 cites.
  6. The Maltese language in the digital age“. M Rosner, J Joachimsen, G Rehm, H Uszkoreit. 2012. Springer 7 cites.
  7. Privacy in bitcoin transactions: new challenges from blockchain scalability solutions“. J Herrera-Joancomartí, C Pérez-Solà. 2016. Springer Modeling Decisions for Artificial …6 cites.
  8. Segregated witness and its impact on scalability“. P Wuille. 2015. SF Bitcoin Devs Seminar5 cites.
  9. Segregated witness (consensus layer)“. PWE Lombrozo, J Lau, P Wuille. 2015. GitHub 5 cites.
  10. Towards bitcoin payment networks“. P McCorry, M Möser, SF Shahandasti, F Hao. 2016. Springer … Conference on Information …5 cites.
  11. Teechan: Payment Channels Using Trusted Execution Environments“. J Lind, I Eyal, P Pietzuch, EG Sirer. 2016. arXiv preprint arXiv:1612.077664 cites.
  12. Smart Contracts–Blockchains in the Wings“. T Bocek, B Stiller. 2018. Springer Digital Marketplaces Unleashed4 cites.
  13. Reliability analysis of wind turbines equipped with tuned liquid column dampers (TLCD)“. AF Mensah, L Dueñas-Osorio. 2012. Structures Congress 20124 cites.
  14. A Taxonomy of Blockchain-Based Systems for Architecture Design“. X Xu, I Weber, M Staples, L Zhu, J Bosch…. 2017. … (ICSA), 2017 IEEE …4 cites.
  15. Bitcoin: ringing the bell for a new asset class“. C Burniske, A White. 2016. 4 cites.
  16. Segregated witness: the next steps,”“. B Core. 0. . 3 cites.
  17. Bringing New Elements to Bitcoin with Sidechains“. G Maxwell. 2015. SF Bitcoin Devs Meetup3 cites.
  18. BigchainDB: A Scalable Blockchain Database (DRAFT)“. T McConaghy, R Marques, A Müller, D De Jonghe…. 2016. 3 cites.
  19. Flare: An Approach to Routing in Lightning Network“. P Prihodko, S Zhigulin, M Sahno, A Ostrovskiy…. 2016. 3 cites.
  20. BIP141: Segregated witness (consensus layer)“. E LOMBROZO, J LAU, P WUILLE. 2015. . 2 cites.
  21. Segregated witness (consensus layer), BIP 141“. E Lombrozo, J Lau, P Wuille. 0. . 2 cites.
  22. Concurrency and privacy with payment-channel networks“. G Malavolta, P Moreno-Sanchez, A Kate, M Maffei…. 2017. 2 cites.
  23. Mixing Confidential Transactions: Comprehensive Transaction Privacy for Bitcoin.“. T Ruffing, P Moreno-Sanchez. 2017. IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive2 cites.
  24. Constant-deposit multiparty lotteries on Bitcoin.“. M Bartoletti, R Zunino. 2016. IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive2 cites.
  25. Alliances for Inclusion“. A Edwards, P Downes. 2013. Cross-sector policy synergies and …2 cites.
  26. Segregated witness benefits, 2016“. B Core. 2016. URL https://bitcoincore. org/en/2016/01/26/segwit …1 cites.
  27. Bip 141 segregated witness“. E Lombrozo, J LAU, P Wuille. 2015. . 1 cites.
  28. The blockchain folk theorem“. B Biais, C Bisière, M Bouvard…. 2017. Preliminary Work in …1 cites.
  29. Smarter Signatures: Experiments in Verification“. C Allen, S Appelcline. 2016. Rebooting the Web of Trust II. https …1 cites.
  30. Enhancing bitcoin transactions with covenants“. R O’Connor, M Piekarska. 2017. Financial Cryptography …1 cites.
  31. Banking on Blockchain: Costs Savings Thanks to the Blockchain Technology“. L Cocco, A Pinna, M Marchesi. 2017. Future Internet1 cites.
  32. Peer to Peer for Privacy and Decentralization in the Internet of Things“. M Conoscenti, A Vetrò, JC De Martin. 2017. Proceedings of the 39th …1 cites.
  33. Everything you always wanted to know about bitcoin modelling but were afraid to ask“. D Fantazzini, E Nigmatullin, V Sukhanovskaya, S Ivliev. 2016. 1 cites.
  34. Strategies for Cross-Examining Expert Witnesses: Social Scientists’ Encounter with Attorneys in the School Desegregation Cases“. M Chesler, D Kalmuss, J Sanders. 1984. 1 cites.
  35. Mastering Bitcoin: Programming the Open Blockchain“. AM Antonopoulos. 2017. 1 cites.
  36. REM: Resource-Efficient Mining for Blockchains.“. F Zhang, I Eyal, R Escriva, A Juels…. 2017. IACR Cryptology ePrint …1 cites.
  37. The illusion of scale in segregated witness“. CS Wright. 2017. 0 cites.
  38. Last updated on September 20, 2017“. VD Team. 2017. 0 cites.
  39. Simulation-based Evaluation of Coin Selection Strategies“. WT Strategy, F MyceliumWallet, F BreadWallet…. 0. pdfs.semanticscholar.org0 cites.
  40. Zero-Collateral Lotteries in Bitcoin and Ethereum“. A Miller, I Bentov. 2017. Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS&PW …0 cites.
  41. Disrupting governance with blockchains and smart contracts“. V Shermin. 2017. Wiley Online Library Strategic Change0 cites.
  42. Syscoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System with Blockchain-Based Services for E-Business“. J Sidhu. 2017. … Communication and Networks (ICCCN), 2017 26th …0 cites.
  43. Luċija Levanzin Inglott: ħajjitha u ħidmietha“. M Bilocca. 2012. 0 cites.
  44. Probabilistic Lightning“. J BLOXHAM, G YUAN, A XIA, J JANG. 0. pdfs.semanticscholar.org0 cites.
  45. Blockchain: A Graph Primer“. CG Akcora, YR Gel, M Kantarcioglu. 2017. arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.087490 cites.
  46. The irrationality defense of Paternalism“. CS Wright. 2017. 0 cites.
  47. DTB001: Decred Technical Brief“. C Jepson. 0. coss.io0 cites.
  48. c0ban: a crypto currency is for advertisement and entertainment apps v0. 2“. N Kobayashi, Y Shijo. 0. lrweb.wp-x.jp0 cites.
  49. Studju soċjolingwistiku fuq ir-reġistru tal-futbol“. C Borg. 2016. 0 cites.
  50. Ir-reġistru tal-futbol fl-ilsien Malti“. K Attard. 2011. 0 cites.
  51. L-ostruwent f’tarf kliem Malti missellef mill-Ingliż“. E Sammut. 2016. 0 cites.
  52. Wirt (1989): ħarsa tematika, stilistika u kuntestwali ta’dan id-dramm storiku“. S Galea. 2016. 0 cites.
  53. ZEN: Technical notes on a financial engine“. N Cook. 2017. 0 cites.
  54. ブロックチェーン・エコノミーのコンセンサスとガバナンス“. 山崎重一郎. 2017. 情報管理0 cites.
  55. Data Insertion in Bitcoin’s Blockchain“. A Sward, V OP_0, F Stonedahl. 2017. 0 cites.
  56. Bitcoin: limiti e soluzioni tecniche della scalabilità“. O Komarnytska. 0. amslaurea.unibo.it0 cites.
  57. Studju tal-Malti mħaddem fl-eqdem żewġ katekiżmi: it-‘Taġhlim Nisrani’ta’Francesco Wzzino (1752) u t-‘Taᶇlim Nysrani’ta’Cleardo Naudi (1829)“. M Catania. 2016. 0 cites.
  58. Blockchain-What it is, and a non-financial use case“. A Melander, E Halvord. 2017. 0 cites.
  59. Funzjonijiet soċjali tal-vers popolari Malti: is-seħta u l-iskunġrar“. Y Schembri Fava. 2016. 0 cites.
  60. Estudo sobre Bitcoin: escalabilidade da blockchain“. EI Rodrigues. 0. elias19r.com0 cites.
  61. Proof of Work as it relates to the theory of the firm.“. CS Wright. 2017. 0 cites.
  62. Proofs of Work-the Engines of Trust“. A Biryukov. 0. Blockchain Engineering0 cites.
  63. In Search of Justice: the Depredation of Christian Greeks by Maltese Corsairs“. F Theuma. 2010. Historicizing Religion0 cites.
  64. Performance and Scalability of Blockchain Networks and Smart Contracts“. M Scherer. 2017. 0 cites.
  65. On Scaling Decentralized Blockchains“. A Juels, A Kosba, A Miller, P Saxena…. 2016. … and Data Security …0 cites.
  66. Corporate Governance for Complex Cryptocurrencies? A Framework for Stability and Decision Making in Blockchain-Based Monetary Systems“. P Hacker. 2017. 0 cites.
  67. Select your location“. R Truman. 0. capgemini.com0 cites.
  68. Poster: Mixing Confidential Transactions: Comprehensive Transaction Privacy for Bitcoin⇤“. T Ruffing, P Moreno-Sanchez. 0. pdfs.semanticscholar.org0 cites.
  69. ブロックチェーン (分散型台帳) 最新事情: 第 4 次産業革命を牽引する革新的な技術への期待と課題“. 青木崇. 2017. 情報管理0 cites.
  70. Riskju għal-Lingwi Tagħna u Sfida għat-Teknoloġija Lingwistika“. M Rosner, J Joachimsen. 2012. Springer The Maltese Language in the Digital Age0 cites.
  71. RP Geo. Jos. Camelli, De Plantis Philippen-Sibus Scandentibus, Pars Quarta. Ad D. Jacobum Petiver, SRS Nuper Transmissa“. GJ Camelli. 1704. Philosophical Transactions0 cites.
  72. Zen White Paper“. R Viglione, R Versluis, J Lippencott. 2017. 0 cites.
  73. Building the blockchain world: Technological commonwealth or just more of the same?“. S Manski. 2017. Wiley Online Library Strategic Change0 cites.
  74. Scalable Funding of Bitcoin Micropayment Channel Networks“. C Burchert, C Decker, R Wattenhofer. 2017. Springer International Symposium on …0 cites.
  75. 비트코인 기반기술 분할과 향후 디지털통화 생태계“. 이광상. 2017. 주간금융브리프0 cites.
  77. 19 Smart Contracts–Blockchains in the Wings“. T Bocek, B Stiller. 2017. Digital Marketplaces Unleashed0 cites.
  78. Lohkoketjuteknologian soveltaminen finanssisektorille“. M Mäenpää. 2016. 0 cites.
  79. Blockchain and the future of money and finance: a qualitative exploratory study of blockchain technology and implications for the monetary and financial system“. R Alvseike, GAG Iversen. 2017. 0 cites.
  80. A Cross-Sectional Overview of Cryptoasset Governance and Implications for Investors“. N Carter. 0. coinmetrics.io0 cites.
  81. Avoiding Intraoperative Ultrasonography during Partial Nephrectomy by Combined use of Three-Dimensional Reconstructed Images and Three …“. H Takiuchi, K Fukui, H Kurata, T Nishida, O Kitagawa…. 2016. Clin Oncol0 cites.
  82. An Evaluation of Coin Selection Strategies“. M Erhardt. 2016. 0 cites.
  83. On Scaling and Accelerating Decentralized Private Blockchains“. W Xin, T Zhang, C Hu, C Tang, C Liu…. 2017. Big Data Security on …0 cites.
  84. Decentralized Transactions in a Centralized Environment“. M LÖF. 2017. 0 cites.
  85. Decentralized Transactions in a Centralized Environment: A Blockchain Study Within the Transport Industry“. M Löf. 2017. 0 cites.
  86. Atomically Trading with Roger: Gambling on the success of a hardfork“. P McCorry, E Heilman, A Miller. 2017. Springer Data Privacy Management …0 cites.
  87. Cluster-Based Image Segmentation Using Fuzzy Markov Random Field“. P Rasouli, MR Meybodi. 2016. Journal of Computer & Robotics0 cites.
  88. Livre blanc Zen“. R Viglione, R Versluis, J Lippencott. 2017. 0 cites.
  89. The age of fintech: providing a liquid and efficient secondary market for security based crowdfunding with distributed ledger technologies“. S MARTINAZZI. 2017. 0 cites.
  90. From Digital Divide to Facebook Divide, Reconstruct Our Target Market Segments with Facebook Native and Facebook Immigrant“. A Yung. 2017. 0 cites.
  91. Blockchain: An Exploded View“. RB Christiansen. 2016. 0 cites.
  92. Appoġġ Ta’Teknoloġija Lingwistika għall-Malti“. M Rosner, J Joachimsen. 2012. Springer The Maltese Language in the Digital Age0 cites.
  93. Decentralized Exchange and Payments Platform“. J Poon, OGO Team. 2017. 0 cites.
  94. Trust and verifiable computation for smart contracts in permissionless blockchains“. D Harz. 2017. 0 cites.
  95. BlockChain sistemų mastelio keitimo savybių tyrimas taikant agentais grįstą modeliavimą“. A Šulnius. 2017. 0 cites.
  96. A User-Centric System for Verified Identities on the Bitcoin Blockchain“. D Augot, H Chabanne, T Chenevier, W George…. 2017. Springer Data Privacy …0 cites.
  97. The Hypocrisy of Equal but Separate in the Courtroom: A Lens for the Civil Rights Era“. JK McFarlin. 2015. HeinOnline J. Juris0 cites.
  99. DECOR+ LAMI: A Scalable Blockchain Protocol“. P Camacho, SD Lerner, M Erhardt, E Heilman…. 2016. 0 cites.
  100. Oturumu Aç Hoşgeldiniz! Hesabınıza giriş yapın“. RA Werner. 0. blokzinciri.org0 cites.
  101. Mesh networking with Bitcoin“. RN Yang. 2016. 0 cites.
  102. OPINIONS“. A Collomb, K Sok. 0. bitcoin.fr0 cites.
  103. The Gozo Observer“. P Schembri, S Formosa, J Bezzina, R Pace, M Saliba…. 0. cites.
  104. Blockkedjeteknik“. K Andersson. 2017. 0 cites.
  105. How much does trust cost?: analysis of the consensus mechanism of distributed ledger technology and use-cases in securitization“. JH Jiang. 2017. 0 cites.
  106. The Impact of Cryptocurrencies on the Internet of Things-Insights from Prototypes“. D Wörner. 2017. 0 cites.
  107. Transforming face-to-face identity proofing into anonymous digital identity using the Bitcoin blockchain“. D Augot, H Chabanne, O Clémot, W George. 2017. arXiv preprint arXiv …0 cites.
  108. Didactique comparative de la Notion du but/finalité examinée dans quatre langues: le français, l’anglais, l’italien et le maltais Didattika Komparattiva Tan …“. L Seychell. 0. mreronline.org0 cites.
  109. Il-funzjoni avverbjali fil-Malti“. J Mifsud. 2014. 0 cites.
  110. Механизм функционирования платежной системы на основе криптовалюты: магистерская диссертация по направлению подготовки: 38.04. 08-Финансы …“. РМ Джаватханов. 2017. 0 cites.
  111. The blockchain as a financial market infrastructure“. A SAGLIMBENI. 2017. 0 cites.
  112. Blockchain y su aplicabilidad a una industria bajo regulación“. A Isasa Cuartero. 2017. 0 cites.


(Featured Image: University of Virginia, School of Law)