Here below is the list of Most Cited Publications about ‘Ring Signature’.
Last updated November 4th, 2017.
Most Cited ‘Ring Signature’ Publications
- “Aggregate and verifiably encrypted signatures from bilinear maps“. D Boneh, C Gentry, B Lynn, H Shacham. 2003. Springer Eurocrypt. 1592 cites.
- “How to leak a secret“. R Rivest, A Shamir, Y Tauman. 2001. Springer Advances in Cryptology—ASIACRYPT …. 1355 cites.
- “Threshold signatures, multisignatures and blind signatures based on the gap-Diffie-Hellman-group signature scheme“. A Boldyreva. 2003. Springer International Workshop on Public Key Cryptography. 741 cites.
- “Efficient non-interactive proof systems for bilinear groups“. J Groth, A Sahai. 2008. Springer Advances in Cryptology–EUROCRYPT 2008. 637 cites.
- “Diffraction-pattern sampling for automatic pattern recognition“. GG Lendaris, GL Stanley. 1970. Proceedings of the IEEE. 332 cites.
- “1-out-of-n signatures from a variety of keys“. M Abe, M Ohkubo, K Suzuki. 2002. Springer Advances in Cryptology—Asiacrypt 2002. 328 cites.
- “Multi-signatures in the plain public-key model and a general forking lemma“. M Bellare, G Neven. 2006. Proceedings of the 13th ACM conference on …. 310 cites.
- “Accumulators from Bilinear Pairings and Applications.“. L Nguyen. 2005. Springer CT-RSA. 309 cites.
- “Threshold ring signatures and applications to ad-hoc groups“. E Bresson, J Stern, M Szydlo. 2002. Springer Annual International Cryptology Conference. 304 cites.
- “Sequential Aggregate Signatures and Multisignatures Without Random Oracles.“. S Lu, R Ostrovsky, A Sahai, H Shacham, B Waters. 2006. Springer Eurocrypt. 288 cites.
- “Attribute-based signatures.“. HK Maji, M Prabhakaran, M Rosulek. 2011. Springer CT-RSA. 286 cites.
- “An efficient strong designated verifier signature scheme“. S Saeednia, S Kremer, O Markowitch. 2003. Springer International conference on …. 269 cites.
- “Security models and requirements for healthcare application clouds“. R Zhang, L Liu. 2010. Cloud Computing (CLOUD), 2010 IEEE 3rd …. 261 cites.
- “Universal designated-verifier signatures“. R Steinfeld, L Bull, H Wang, J Pieprzyk. 2003. Springer Asiacrypt. 233 cites.
- “Off-the-record communication, or, why not to use PGP“. N Borisov, I Goldberg, E Brewer. 2004. … of the 2004 ACM workshop on Privacy …. 229 cites.
- “Oruta: Privacy-preserving public auditing for shared data in the cloud“. B Wang, B Li, H Li. 2012. Cloud Computing (CLOUD), 2012 IEEE 5th …. 229 cites.
- “Linkable spontaneous anonymous group signature for ad hoc groups“. JK Liu, VK Wei, DS Wong. 2004. Springer ACISP. 212 cites.
- “Generalized identity based and broadcast encryption schemes“. D Boneh, M Hamburg. 2008. Springer Advances in Cryptology-ASIACRYPT 2008. 208 cites.
- “Anonymous identification in ad hoc groups“. Y Dodis, A Kiayias, A Nicolosi, V Shoup. 2004. Springer Eurocrypt. 207 cites.
- “Pairing-Based Cryptographic Protocols: A Survey.“. R Dutta, R Barua, P Sarkar. 2004. IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive. 207 cites.
- “Practical Short Signature Batch Verification.“. AL Ferrara, M Green, S Hohenberger, MØ Pedersen. 2009. Springer CT-RSA. 206 cites.
- “Ring signatures: Stronger definitions, and constructions without random oracles“. A Bender, J Katz, R Morselli. 2006. Springer TCC. 205 cites.
- “Attribute-based signature and its applications“. J Li, MH Au, W Susilo, D Xie, K Ren. 2010. … of the 5th ACM Symposium on …. 204 cites.
- “Concurrent signatures“. L Chen, C Kudla, KG Paterson. 2004. Springer … on the Theory and Applications of …. 187 cites.
- “Threshold attribute-based signatures and their application to anonymous credential systems.“. SF Shahandashti, R Safavi-Naini. 2009. Springer Africacrypt. 180 cites.
- “Privacy preserving access control with authentication for securing data in clouds“. S Ruj, M Stojmenovic, A Nayak. 2012. Cluster, Cloud and Grid …. 179 cites.
- “Knox: privacy-preserving auditing for shared data with large groups in the cloud“. B Wang, B Li, H Li. 2012. Springer Applied cryptography and network security. 175 cites.
- “Attribute-Based Signatures: Achieving Attribute-Privacy and Collusion-Resistance.“. HK Maji, M Prabhakaran, M Rosulek. 2008. IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive. 170 cites.
- “Efficient identity based ring signature“. SSM Chow, SM Yiu, LCK Hui. 2005. Springer International Conference on Applied …. 164 cites.
- “Deniable ring authentication“. M Naor. 2002. Springer Crypto. 158 cites.
- “Disc galaxies with multiple triaxial structures. II. JHK surface photometry and numerical simulations“. D Friedli, H Wozniak, M Rieke, L Martinet…. 1996. Astronomy and …. 158 cites.
- “New Proxy Signature, Proxy Blind Signature and Proxy Ring Signature Schemes from Bilinear Pairing.“. F Zhang, R Safavi-Naini, CY Lin. 2003. IACR Cryptology EPrint Archive. 154 cites.
- “Designated Verifier Signatures: Anonymity and Efficient Construction from Any Bilinear Map.“. F Laguillaumie, D Vergnaud. 2004. Springer SCN. 152 cites.
- “Forking lemmas for ring signature schemes“. J Herranz, G Sáez. 2003. Springer International Conference on Cryptology in India. 151 cites.
- “Charm: a framework for rapidly prototyping cryptosystems“. JA Akinyele, C Garman, I Miers, MW Pagano…. 2013. Springer Journal of Cryptographic …. 150 cites.
- “Blacklistable anonymous credentials: blocking misbehaving users without ttps“. PP Tsang, MH Au, A Kapadia, SW Smith. 2007. Proceedings of the 14th ACM …. 149 cites.
- “Batch Verifications with ID-Based Signatures.“. HJ Yoon, JH Cheon, Y Kim. 2004. Springer ICISC. 148 cites.
- “Oruta: Privacy-preserving public auditing for shared data in the cloud“. B Wang, B Li, H Li. 2014. IEEE transactions on cloud computing. 144 cites.
- “Hidden attribute-based signatures without anonymity revocation“. J Li, K Kim. 2010. Elsevier Information Sciences. 139 cites.
- “Efficient ring signatures without random oracles“. H Shacham, B Waters. 2007. Springer Public Key Cryptography. 130 cites.
- “ID-based ring signature and proxy ring signature schemes from bilinear pairings“. AK Awasthi, S Lal. 2005. arXiv preprint cs/0504097. 130 cites.
- “Short linkable ring signatures for e-voting, e-cash and attestation“. PP Tsang, VK Wei. 2005. Springer ISPEC. 121 cites.
- “On the generic construction of identity-based signatures with additional properties“. D Galindo, J Herranz, E Kiltz. 2006. Springer Asiacrypt. 117 cites.
- “Dissent: accountable anonymous group messaging“. H Corrigan-Gibbs, B Ford. 2010. Proceedings of the 17th ACM conference on …. 116 cites.
- “Efficient attribute-based signatures for non-monotone predicates in the standard model“. T Okamoto, K Takashima. 2011. Springer International Workshop on Public Key …. 114 cites.
- “Dating past geomorphic processes with tangential rows of traumatic resin ducts“. M Stoffel. 2008. Elsevier Dendrochronologia. 108 cites.
- “Multi-designated verifiers signatures“. F Laguillaumie, D Vergnaud. 2004. Springer ICICS. 107 cites.
- “Charged particle depletion surrounding Saturn’s F ring: Evidence for a moonlet belt?“. JN Cuzzi, JA Burns. 1988. Elsevier Icarus. 106 cites.
- “Trustworthy privacy-preserving car-generated announcements in vehicular ad hoc networks“. V Daza, J Domingo-Ferrer, F Sebé…. 2009. IEEE Transactions on …. 106 cites.
- “Identity based undeniable signatures“. B Libert, JJ Quisquater. 2004. Springer CT-RSA. 100 cites.
- “Voyager planetary radio astronomy at Neptune“. JW Warwick, DR Evans, GR Peltzer, RG Peltzer…. 1989. Science. 98 cites.
- “ID-based ring signature scheme secure in the standard model“. MH Au, JK Liu, TH Yuen, DS Wong. 2006. Springer International Workshop on Security. 97 cites.
- “Mesh signatures“. X Boyen. 2007. Springer Annual International Conference on the Theory and …. 97 cites.
- “New identity-based ring signature schemes“. J Herranz, G Sáez. 2004. Springer ICICS. 97 cites.
- “Perfect concurrent signature schemes“. W Susilo, Y Mu, F Zhang. 2004. Springer Information and Communications Security. 96 cites.
- “Cyberentity security in the internet of things“. H Ning, H Liu, LT Yang. 2013. Computer. 94 cites.
- “Identity Based Threshold Ring Signature.“. SSM Chow, LCK Hui, SM Yiu. 2004. Springer ICISC. 92 cites.
- “New approaches for deniable authentication“. M Di Raimondo, R Gennaro. 2005. Proceedings of the 12th ACM conference …. 91 cites.
- “Palaeoflood records for the Red River, Manitoba, Canada, derived from anatomical tree-ring signatures“. SS George, E Nielsen. 2003. The Holocene. 91 cites.
- “Attribute Based Group Signatures.“. D Khader. 2007. IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive. 90 cites.
- “Separable Linkable Threshold Ring Signatures.“. PP Tsang, VK Wei, TK Chan, MH Au, JK Liu, DS Wong. 2004. Springer Indocrypt. 90 cites.
- “Short Attribute-Based Signatures for Threshold Predicates.“. J Herranz, F Laguillaumie, B Libert, C Ràfols. 2012. Springer CT-RSA. 89 cites.
- “Identity-based ring signcryption schemes: cryptographic primitives for preserving privacy and authenticity in the ubiquitous world“. X Huang, W Susilo, Y Mu…. 2005. … Information Networking and …. 86 cites.
- “Ring signatures without random oracles“. SSM Chow, VK Wei, JK Liu, TH Yuen. 2006. … of the 2006 ACM Symposium on …. 86 cites.
- “A New ID-based Signature with Batch Verification.“. JH Cheon, Y Kim, HJ Yoon. 2004. IACR Cryptology EPrint Archive. 83 cites.
- “Ring signatures of sub-linear size without random oracles“. N Chandran, J Groth, A Sahai. 2007. Springer Automata, Languages and Programming. 82 cites.
- “Certificate based (linkable) ring signature“. MH Au, JK Liu, W Susilo, TH Yuen. 2007. Springer International Conference on …. 81 cites.
- “On the Portability of Generalized Schnorr Proofs.“. J Camenisch, A Kiayias, M Yung. 2009. Springer EUROCRYPT. 81 cites.
- “Short designated verifier signature scheme and its identity-based variant“. X Huang, W Susilo, Y Mu, F Zhang. 2008. . 80 cites.
- “User-private information retrieval based on a peer-to-peer community“. J Domingo-Ferrer, M Bras-Amorós, Q Wu…. 2009. Elsevier Data & Knowledge …. 78 cites.
- “Property-based attestation without a trusted third party“. L Chen, H Löhr, M Manulis, AR Sadeghi. 2008. Springer Information Security. 77 cites.
- “Survey on anonymous communications in computer networks“. J Ren, J Wu. 2010. Elsevier Computer Communications. 76 cites.
- “Attribute-Based Ring Signatures.“. J Li, K Kim. 2008. IACR Cryptology EPrint Archive. 75 cites.
- “Policy-based cryptography and applications“. W Bagga, R Molva. 2005. Springer Financial Cryptography. 75 cites.
- “Revocable attribute-based signatures with adaptive security in the standard model“. A Escala, J Herranz, P Morillo. 2011. Springer Progress in Cryptology–AFRICACRYPT …. 74 cites.
- “Tree-ring response of Populus tremula L. and Quercus robur L. to recent spring floods of the Saône River, France“. L Astrade, Y Bégin. 1997. Taylor & Francis Ecoscience. 73 cites.
- “The power of proofs-of-possession: Securing multiparty signatures against rogue-key attacks“. T Ristenpart, S Yilek. 2007. Springer Eurocrypt. 72 cites.
- “A separable threshold ring signature scheme“. JK Liu, VK Wei, DS Wong. 2003. Springer International Conference on Information …. 70 cites.
- “Footprint: detecting Sybil attacks in urban vehicular networks“. S Chang, Y Qi, H Zhu, J Zhao…. 2012. IEEE Transactions on …. 70 cites.
- “A new efficient threshold ring signature scheme based on coding theory“. CA Melchor, PL Cayrel, P Gaborit…. 2011. IEEE Transactions on …. 69 cites.
- “How to leak a secret: Theory and applications of ring signatures“. RL Rivest, A Shamir, Y Tauman. 2006. Springer Essays in memory of Shimon Even. 68 cites.
- “Calibration of floodplain roughness and estimation of flood discharge based on tree-ring evidence and hydraulic modelling“. JA Ballesteros, JM Bodoque, A Díez-Herrero…. 2011. Elsevier Journal of …. 67 cites.
- “Decentralized Attribute-Based Signatures.“. T Okamoto, K Takashima. 2013. Springer Public Key Cryptography. 67 cites.
- “Historical patterns of western spruce budworm and Douglas-fir tussock moth outbreaks in the northern Blue Mountains, Oregon, since AD 1700.“. TW Swetnam, BE Wickman, HG Paul, CH Baisan. 1995. . 67 cites.
- “Cryptography from pairings“. KG Paterson. 2006. London mathematical society lecture note series. 66 cites.
- “Claromatic carbon nanostructures“. AT Balaban, DJ Klein. 2009. ACS Publications The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 64 cites.
- “Identity based strong designated verifier signature scheme“. PK Kancharla, S Gummadidala, A Saxena. 2007. Informatica. 64 cites.
- “Privacy in content-oriented networking: Threats and countermeasures“. A Chaabane, E De Cristofaro, MA Kaafar…. 2013. ACM SIGCOMM …. 64 cites.
- “A hydrographic section from South Africa to the southern limit of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current at the Greenwich meridian“. S Gladyshev, M Arhan, A Sokov, S Speich. 2008. Elsevier Deep Sea Research Part I …. 62 cites.
- “An identity-based ring signature scheme from bilinear pairings“. CY Lin, TC Wu. 2004. … Networking and Applications, 2004. AINA 2004 …. 62 cites.
- “Analytic Novikov for topologists“. J Rosenberg. 1995. Novikov conjectures, index theorems and rigidity. 62 cites.
- “The fairness of perfect concurrent signatures“. G Wang, F Bao, J Zhou. 2006. Springer Information and Communications Security. 62 cites.
- “K-anonymous secret handshakes with reusable credentials“. S Xu, M Yung. 2004. Proceedings of the 11th ACM conference on Computer …. 60 cites.
- “Location privacy in urban sensing networks: research challenges and directions [security and privacy in emerging wireless networks]“. I Krontiris, FC Freiling, T Dimitriou. 2010. IEEE Wireless …. 60 cites.
- “Cost-effective authentic and anonymous data sharing with forward security“. X Huang, JK Liu, S Tang, Y Xiang…. 2015. IEEE Transactions …. 59 cites.
- “Predicting photometric and spectroscopic signatures of rings around transiting extrasolar planets“. Y Ohta, A Taruya, Y Suto. 2008. The Astrophysical Journal. 59 cites.
- “The dust halo of Saturn’s largest icy moon, Rhea“. GH Jones, E Roussos, N Krupp, U Beckmann…. 2008. …. 59 cites.
- “Formation and evolution of planetary systems: upper limits to the gas mass in HD 105“. D Hollenbach, U Gorti, M Meyer, JS Kim…. 2005. The Astrophysical …. 58 cites.
- “Group Signatures with Verifier-Local Revocation and Backward Unlinkability in the Standard Model.“. B Libert, D Vergnaud. 2009. Springer CANS. 58 cites.
- “Traceable ring signature“. E Fujisaki, K Suzuki. 2007. Springer Public Key Cryptography. 58 cites.
- “Ring signatures: Stronger definitions, and constructions without random oracles“. A Bender, J Katz, R Morselli. 2009. Springer Journal of Cryptology. 57 cites.
- “Generic construction of (identity-based) perfect concurrent signatures“. SSM Chow, W Susilo. 2005. Springer International Conference on Information and …. 56 cites.
- “On the RS-code construction of ring signature schemes and a threshold setting of RST“. DS Wong, K Fung, JK Liu, VK Wei. 2003. Springer ICICS. 55 cites.
- “Efficient zero-knowledge authentication based on a linear algebra problem MinRank“. N Courtois. 2001. Springer ASIACRYPT. 54 cites.
- “Short linkable ring signatures revisited“. MH Au, SSM Chow, W Susilo, PP Tsang. 2006. Springer European Public Key …. 54 cites.
- “An identity-based ring signature scheme with enhanced privacy“. C Gamage, B Gras, B Crispo…. 2006. … and Workshops, 2006. 53 cites.
- “Privacy-preserving public auditing for shared cloud data supporting group dynamics“. B Wang, H Li, M Li. 2013. Communications (ICC), 2013 IEEE …. 53 cites.
- “Convertible ring signature“. KC Lee, HA Wen, T Hwang. 2005. IET IEE Proceedings-Communications. 52 cites.
- “Efficient optimistic fair exchange secure in the multi-user setting and chosen-key model without random oracles“. Q Huang, G Yang, DS Wong, W Susilo. 2008. Springer Lecture Notes in Computer …. 52 cites.
- “Ambiguous optimistic fair exchange“. Q Huang, G Yang, DS Wong, W Susilo. 2008. Springer … on the Theory and Application of …. 51 cites.
- “Asymmetric concurrent signatures“. K Nguyen. 2005. Springer ICICS. 51 cites.
- “Threshold Attribute-Based Signcryption.“. M Gagné, S Narayan, R Safavi-Naini. 2010. Springer SCN. 51 cites.
- “Certificateless threshold ring signature“. S Chang, DS Wong, Y Mu, Z Zhang. 2009. Elsevier Information Sciences. 50 cites.
- “Generalized digital certificate for user authentication and key establishment for secure communications“. L Harn, J Ren. 2011. IEEE Transactions on Wireless …. 50 cites.
- “Identity-based ring signatures from RSA“. J Herranz. 2007. Elsevier Theoretical Computer Science. 50 cites.
- “Linkable ring signatures: Security models and new schemes“. JK Liu, DS Wong. 2005. Springer … Conference on Computational Science and Its …. 50 cites.
- “Anonymous proxy signatures“. G Fuchsbauer, D Pointcheval. 2008. Springer … on Security and Cryptography for Networks. 49 cites.
- “Toward the fair anonymous signatures: Deniable ring signatures“. Y Komano, K Ohta, A Shimbo, S Kawamura. 2006. Springer CT-RSA. 48 cites.
- “Policy-Based Signatures.“. M Bellare, G Fuchsbauer. 2014. Public Key Cryptography. 47 cites.
- “Fully Secure Attribute-Based Systems with Short Ciphertexts/Signatures and Threshold Access Structures.“. C Chen, J Chen, HW Lim, Z Zhang, D Feng, S Ling…. 2013. Springer CT-RSA. 46 cites.
- “Multi-party concurrent signatures“. D Tonien, W Susilo, R Safavi-Naini. 2006. Springer ISC. 46 cites.
- “Non-interactive deniable ring authentication“. W Susilo, Y Mu. 2003. Springer International Conference on Information Security and …. 46 cites.
- “Routes of Agulhas rings in the southeastern Cape Basin“. G Dencausse, M Arhan, S Speich. 2010. Elsevier Deep Sea Research Part I …. 46 cites.
- “Universal designated verifier signatures without random oracles or non-black box assumptions“. F Laguillaumie, B Libert, JJ Quisquater. 2006. Springer SCN. 44 cites.
- “A ring signature scheme using bilinear pairings“. J Xu, Z Zhang, D Feng. 2004. Springer International Workshop on Information Security …. 43 cites.
- “Composability and On-Line Deniability of Authentication.“. Y Dodis, J Katz, AD Smith, S Walfish. 2009. Springer TCC. 43 cites.
- “Identity based ring signature: Why, how and what next“. SSM Chow, RWC Lui, LCK Hui, SM Yiu. 2005. Springer EuroPKI. 43 cites.
- “On the security models of (threshold) ring signature schemes“. JK Liu, DS Wong. 2004. Springer International Conference on Information Security and …. 43 cites.
- “A suite of non-pairing id-based threshold ring signature schemes with different levels of anonymity“. PP Tsang, MH Au, JK Liu, W Susilo, DS Wong. 2010. Springer ProvSec. 42 cites.
- “Finding composite order ordinary elliptic curves using the Cocks–Pinch method“. D Boneh, K Rubin, A Silverberg. 2011. Elsevier Journal of Number Theory. 42 cites.
- “Revocable ring signature“. DYW Liu, JK Liu, Y Mu, W Susilo, DS Wong. 2007. Springer Journal of Computer Science …. 41 cites.
- “The Tree-Ring Record of Drought on the Canadian Prairies a, b“. S St. George, DM Meko, MP Girardin…. 2009. Journal of …. 41 cites.
- “A Framework for Efficient Signatures, Ring Signatures and Identity Based Encryption in the Standard Model.“. Z Brakerski, YT Kalai. 2010. IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive. 40 cites.
- “A provably secure ring signature scheme in certificateless cryptography“. L Zhang, F Zhang, W Wu. 2007. Springer provsec. 40 cites.
- “On the security of auditing mechanisms for secure cloud storage“. Y Yu, L Niu, G Yang, Y Mu, W Susilo. 2014. Elsevier Future Generation Computer Systems. 39 cites.
- “Security, privacy, and accountability in wireless access networks“. W Lou, K Ren. 2009. IEEE Wireless Communications. 39 cites.
- “Automatic classification of spatial signatures on semiconductor wafermaps“. KW Tobin, SS Gleason…. 1997. SPIE’s 22nd …. 38 cites.
- “One-Time Signatures and Chameleon Hash Functions.“. P Mohassel. 2010. Springer Selected Areas in Cryptography. 38 cites.
- “Solutions to Key Exposure Problem in Ring Signature.“. JK Liu, DS Wong. 2008. IJ Network Security. 38 cites.
- “A Lattice-Based Threshold Ring Signature Scheme.“. PL Cayrel, R Lindner, M Rückert, R Silva. 2010. Springer LATINCRYPT. 37 cites.
- “Efficient and spontaneous privacy-preserving protocol for secure vehicular communication“. H Xiong, K Beznosov, Z Qin…. 2010. … (ICC), 2010 IEEE …. 37 cites.
- “Tripartite concurrent signatures“. W Susilo, Y Mu. 2005. Springer Security and Privacy in the Age of Ubiquitous …. 37 cites.
- “Blind spontaneous anonymous group signatures for ad hoc groups“. TK Chan, K Fung, JK Liu, VK Wei. 2004. Springer ESAS. 36 cites.
- “Verifiable ring signature“. J Lv, X Wang. 2003. Proc. of DMS 2003-The 9th International …. 36 cites.
- “Anonymous Webs of Trust.“. M Backes, S Lorenz, M Maffei, K Pecina. 2010. Springer Privacy Enhancing Technologies. 35 cites.
- “Improved short lattice signatures in the standard model“. L Ducas, D Micciancio. 2014. Springer International Cryptology Conference. 35 cites.
- “List signature schemes“. S Canard, B Schoenmakers, M Stam…. 2006. Elsevier Discrete Applied …. 35 cites.
- “Quasi-Dyadic CFS Signatures.“. PSLM Barreto, PL Cayrel, R Misoczki, R Niebuhr. 2010. Springer Inscrypt. 35 cites.
- “Subpixel image registration using circular fiducials“. A Efrat, C Gotsman. 1994. World Scientific International Journal of Computational …. 35 cites.
- “Archaeological tree-ring dating at the millennium“. SE Nash. 2002. Springer Journal of Archaeological Research. 34 cites.
- “Constant-size ID-based linkable and revocable-iff-linked ring signature“. MH Au, JK Liu, W Susilo, TH Yuen. 2006. Springer InDOcRYPT. 34 cites.
- “Fighting phishing attacks: A lightweight trust architecture for detecting spoofed emails“. B Adida, S Hohenberger…. 2005. DIMACS Wkshp on …. 34 cites.
- “Role-dependent privacy preservation for secure V2G networks in the smart grid“. H Liu, H Ning, Y Zhang, Q Xiong…. 2014. IEEE Transactions on …. 34 cites.
- “Universal designated verifier ring signature (proof) without random oracles“. J Li, Y Wang. 2006. Springer EUC Workshops. 34 cites.
- “Escrowed linkability of ring signatures and its applications“. SSM Chow, W Susilo, TH Yuen. 2006. Springer VIETCRYPT. 33 cites.
- “Provably Secure Code-Based Threshold Ring Signatures.“. L Dallot, D Vergnaud. 2009. Springer IMA Int. Conf.. 33 cites.
- “A survey of ring signature“. L Wang, G Zhang, C Ma. 2008. Springer Frontiers of Electrical and Electronic Engineering …. 32 cites.
- “An efficient and provable secure identity-based ring signcryption scheme“. ZC Zhu, Y Zhang, F Wang. 2009. Elsevier Computer standards & interfaces. 32 cites.
- “Blind ring signatures secure under the chosen-target-CDH assumption“. J Herranz, F Laguillaumie. 2006. Springer ISC. 32 cites.
- “Fully Anonymous Attribute Tokens from Lattices.“. J Camenisch, G Neven, M Rückert. 2012. Springer SCN. 32 cites.
- “Short group signatures with controllable linkability“. JY Hwang, S Lee, BH Chung, HS Cho…. 2011. … Security & Privacy …. 32 cites.
- “Anonymity 2.0-X. 509 extensions supporting privacy-friendly authentication“. V Benjumea, SG Choi, J Lopez, M Yung. 2007. Springer CANS. 31 cites.
- “Multi-designated verifiers signatures: anonymity without encryption“. F Laguillaumie, D Vergnaud. 2007. Elsevier Information Processing Letters. 31 cites.
- “Proxy ring signature: formal definitions, efficient construction and new variant“. J Li, TH Yuen, X Chen, Y Wang. 2006. … Intelligence and Security …. 31 cites.
- “Robust Receipt-Free Election System with Ballot Secrecy and Verifiability.“. SSM Chow, JK Liu, DS Wong. 2008. NDSS. 31 cites.
- “Towards an anonymous access control and accountability scheme for cloud computing“. M Jensen, S Schäge, J Schwenk. 2010. Cloud Computing (CLOUD) …. 31 cites.
- “Cryptanalysis and improvement of an ID-based ad-hoc anonymous identification scheme at CT-RSA 05“. F Zhang, X Chen. 2009. Elsevier Information Processing Letters. 30 cites.
- “Deniable ring authentication revisited“. W Susilo, Y Mu. 2004. Springer ACNS. 30 cites.
- “Anonymous authentication“. Y Lindell. 2007. Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality. 29 cites.
- “Maximum eigenvalues of the reciprocal distance matrix and the reverse Wiener matrix“. B Zhou, N Trinajstić. 2008. Wiley Online Library International Journal of Quantum …. 29 cites.
- “Designated verifier signature: definition, framework and new constructions“. Y Li, W Susilo, Y Mu, D Pei. 2007. Springer Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing. 28 cites.
- “Macrofossil and tree-ring evidence for a long-term forest succession and mid-Holocene hemlock decline“. L Filion, F Quinty. 1993. Elsevier Quaternary Research. 28 cites.
- “Security and privacy in wireless sensor networks“. A Ukil. 2010. Smart Wireless Sensor Networks. 28 cites.
- “A new ring signature scheme with signer-admission property“. CH Wang, CY Liu. 2007. Elsevier Information Sciences. 27 cites.
- “Cutting through the Confusion: A Measurement Study of Homograph Attacks.“. T Holgers, DE Watson, SD Gribble. 2006. USENIX Annual Technical …. 27 cites.
- “Efficient secret authenticatable anonymous signcryption scheme with identity privacy“. M Zhang, B Yang, S Zhu, W Zhang. 2008. Springer International Conference on …. 27 cites.
- “A novel verifiably encrypted signature scheme without random oracle“. J Zhang, J Mao. 2007. Springer … Conference on Information Security Practice and …. 26 cites.
- “Efficient and multi-level privacy-preserving communication protocol for VANET“. H Xiong, Z Chen, F Li. 2012. Elsevier Computers & Electrical Engineering. 26 cites.
- “Providing hop-by-hop authentication and source privacy in wireless sensor networks“. Y Li, J Li, J Ren, J Wu. 2012. INFOCOM, 2012 Proceedings IEEE. 26 cites.
- “A-Train observations of deep convective storm tops“. M Setvák, K Bedka, DT Lindsey, A Sokol, Z Charvát…. 2013. Elsevier Atmospheric …. 25 cites.
- “Certificateless Ring Signatures.“. SSM Chow, WS Yap. 2007. IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive. 25 cites.
- “Generalized ring signatures“. J Ren, L Harn. 2008. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure …. 25 cites.
- “On the security of an identity based multi-proxy signature scheme“. H Xiong, J Hu, Z Chen, F Li. 2011. Elsevier Computers & Electrical Engineering. 25 cites.
- “On the security of an identity based multi-proxy signature scheme“. H Xiong, J Hu, Z Chen, F Li. 2011. Elsevier Computers & Electrical Engineering. 25 cites.
- “PPAA: Peer-to-peer anonymous authentication“. P Tsang, S Smith. 2008. Springer Applied Cryptography and Network Security. 25 cites.
- “Server-aided signatures verification secure against collusion attack“. SSM Chow, MH Au, W Susilo. 2013. Elsevier Information Security Technical Report. 25 cites.
- “Construction of universal designated-verifier signatures and identity-based signatures from standard signatures“. S Shahandashti, R Safavi-Naini. 2008. Springer Public Key Cryptography–PKC 2008. 24 cites.
- “Electronic group signature method with revocable anonymity, equipment and programs for implementing the method“. DA Modiano, L Frisch, D Mouton. 2009. Google Patents US Patent 7,526,651. 24 cites.
- “ePASS: An expressive attribute-based signature scheme with privacy and an unforgeability guarantee for the Internet of Things“. J Su, D Cao, B Zhao, X Wang, I You. 2014. Elsevier Future Generation Computer Systems. 24 cites.
- “Extended Artin-Schreier theory of fields“. E Becker. 1984. JSTOR The Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics. 24 cites.
- “Lightweight email signatures“. B Adida, D Chau, S Hohenberger, RL Rivest. 2006. Springer SCN. 24 cites.
- “Tracing-by-linking group signatures“. V Wei. 2005. Springer Information Security. 24 cites.
- “A Novel ID-Based Anonymous Signcryption Scheme.“. J Zhang, S Gao, H Chen, Q Geng. 2009. Springer APWeb/WAIM. 23 cites.
- “Analysis and improvements of two identity-based perfect concurrent signature schemes“. Z Huang, K Chen, X Lin, R Huang. 2007. Informatica. 23 cites.
- “Code-based Ring Signature Scheme.“. D Zheng, X Li, K Chen. 2007. IJ Network Security. 23 cites.
- “Domain-specific pseudonymous signatures for the German identity card“. J Bender, Ö Dagdelen, M Fischlin, D Kügler. 2012. Springer Information Security. 23 cites.
- “Privacy-preserving smart metering with regional statistics and personal enquiry services“. CK Chu, JK Liu, JW Wong, Y Zhao, J Zhou. 2013. Proceedings of the 8th ACM …. 23 cites.
- “Self-organized Anonymous Authentication in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.“. J Freudiger, M Raya, JP Hubaux. 2009. Springer SecureComm. 23 cites.
- “Separable identity-based ring signatures: Theoretical foundations for fighting phishing attacks“. B Adida, S Hohenberger…. 2005. … of DIMACS Workshop …. 23 cites.
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(Featured Image: ‘Sauron, the Lord of the Rings‘ by Callthistragedy1)