Here below is the list of Most Cited Publications about ‘Primitive Money’.

Early forms of money traded in communities; all forms of money that are not a coin or derived form one. This is all forms of money up until around 2700 years ago. This type of money still exists in communities but relying on a particular item or concept can be used as an exchange of value (E.g. On the island of Yap, people used giant stone coins that weighed thousands of pounds), so once this is realized, the concept of cryptocurrency becomes uncontroversial. This helps to show that anything can be value and traded.

Last updated November 19th, 2017.

Most Cited ‘Primitive Money’ Publications

  1. Experiences in groups: V“. WR Bion. 1950. Human Relations8230 cites.
  2. The social meaning of money“. VAR Zelizer. 1997. 2382 cites.
  3. A history of interest rates“. S Homer, RE Sylla. 1996. 1444 cites.
  4. The ascent of money: A financial history of the world“. N Ferguson. 2008. 1386 cites.
  5. On the concept of political power“. T Parsons. 1963. JSTOR Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society1203 cites.
  6. On the sociology of primitive exchange“. M Sahlins. 1965. The relevance of models for social anthropology1200 cites.
  7. History of money“. G Davies. 2010. 831 cites.
  8. Africa counts: Number and pattern in African cultures“. C Zaslavsky. 1999. 787 cites.
  9. The nature of money“. G Ingham. 2013. 734 cites.
  10. In the active voice“. M Douglas. 2011. 730 cites.
  11. Money and its use in medieval Europe“. P Spufford. 1989. 723 cites.
  12. Money/space: Geographies of monetary transformation“. A Leyshon, NJ Thrift. 1997. 706 cites.
  13. A theory of primitive society, with special reference to law“. RA Posner. 1980. The Journal of Law and Economics686 cites.
  14. The social meaning of money:” special monies”“. VA Zelizer. 1989. American journal of sociology675 cites.
  15. The impact of money on an African subsistence economy“. P Bohannan. 1959. The Journal of Economic History575 cites.
  16. Primitive polynesian economy“. R Firth. 2013. 560 cites.
  17. The two concepts of money: implications for the analysis of optimal currency areas“. CAE Goodhart. 1998. Elsevier European Journal of Political Economy477 cites.
  18. Money mischief: Episodes in monetary history“. M Friedman. 1994. 459 cites.
  19. The origin and development of media of exchange“. RA Jones. 1976. Journal of Political Economy456 cites.
  20. Anthropology and the Greeks“. SC Humphreys. 2013. 402 cites.
  21. Savage money: the anthropology and politics of commodity exchange“. CA Gregory. 1997. 400 cites.
  22. Money as tool, money as drug: The biological psychology of a strong incentive“. SEG Lea, P Webley. 2006. Behavioral and brain sciences397 cites.
  23. The anthropology of money“. B Maurer. 2006. Annu. Rev. Anthropol.394 cites.
  24. Money, language, and thought: Literary and philosophic economies from the medieval to the modern era“. M Shell. 1993. 358 cites.
  25. Money and the early Greek mind: Homer, philosophy, tragedy“. R Seaford. 2004. 335 cites.
  26. An introduction to social anthropology“. LP Mair. 1972. Clarendon Press 333 cites.
  27. Money, prices, and civilization in the Mediterranean world, fifth to seventeenth century“. CM Cipolla. 1956. … for the University of Cincinnati by … 319 cites.
  28. Essai sur la qualification du travail“. P Naville. 1956. Rivière 312 cites.
  29. The history of money“. J Weatherford. 2009. 307 cites.
  30. Heads or tails? Two sides of the coin“. K Hart. 1986. JSTOR Man306 cites.
  31. Economic history of Ethiopia, 1800-1935“. R Pankhurst. 1968. Haile Sellassie I University Press 294 cites.
  32. Commodity money, oligopoly, credit and bankruptcy in a general equilibrium model“. M Shubik. 1973. Wiley Online Library Economic Inquiry293 cites.
  33. The sacred meanings of money“. RW Belk, M Wallendorf. 1990. Elsevier Journal of Economic Psychology288 cites.
  34. Primitive money: In its ethnological, historical and economic aspects“. P Einzig. 2014. 274 cites.
  35. The Obsolete “Anti‐Market” Mentality: A Critique of the Substantive Approach to Economic Anthropology“. S Cook. 1966. Wiley Online Library American Anthropologist267 cites.
  36. The Archaeology of Roman Britain“. RG Collingwood, IA Richmond. 1969. London: Methuen 255 cites.
  37. The primitive economics of the Trobriand Islanders“. B Malinowski. 1921. JSTOR The Economic Journal236 cites.
  38. Money is a social relation“. G Ingham. 1996. Taylor & Francis Review of Social Economy229 cites.
  39. Primitive money“. P Einzig. 1947. Eyre Amp Spottiswoode London 227 cites.
  40. The origins of money“. P Grierson. 1977. Burns & Oates 222 cites.
  41. The shell money of the slave trade“. J Hogendorn, M Johnson. 2003. 211 cites.
  42. The credit theory of money: the monetary circuit approach“. A Parguez, M Seccareccia. 2000. What is money209 cites.
  43. The Cowrie Currencies of West Africa Part I“. M Johnson. 1970. The Journal of African History203 cites.
  44. A survey of primitive money: The beginnings of currency“. AH Quiggin. 2017. 202 cites.
  45. Tribal and peasant economies: readings in economic anthropology“. G Dalton. 1977. University of Texas Press 192 cites.
  46.  Capital Imperialism and Exploitation in Ancient World-Systems“. K Ekholm, J Friedman. 1982. JSTOR Review (Fernand Braudel Center)191 cites.
  47. Economic anthropology and development: essays on tribal and peasant economies“. G Dalton. 1971. Basic Books (AZ) 185 cites.
  48. History, economics, and anthropology: the work of Karl Polanyi“. SC Humphreys. 1969. JSTOR History and theory183 cites.
  49. Mary Douglas Primitive Rationing“. P Rationing. 1967. Themes in economic anthropology177 cites.
  50. The Phenomenon of Money (Routledge Revivals)“. T Crump. 2011. 175 cites.
  51. Primitive money“. G Dalton. 1965. Wiley Online Library American Anthropologist174 cites.
  52. Capitalism, primitive and modern“. TS Epstein. 1963. 170 cites.
  53. Babylonian madness: on the historical and sociological origins of money“. G Ingham. 2000. What is money168 cites.
  54. Money and capital as competing media of exchange“. R Lagos, G Rocheteau. 2008. Elsevier Journal of Economic theory165 cites.
  55. A History of Money: from AD 800“. JF Chown. 1994. 162 cites.
  56. Microwear, microdrills, and Mississippian craft specialization“. RW Yerkes. 1983. American Antiquity162 cites.
  57. Developing Software with UML: Object-oriented analysis and design in practice“. B Oestereich. 2002. Pearson Education 160 cites.
  58. Negative nominal interest rates: Three ways to overcome the zero lower bound“. WH Buiter. 2009. Elsevier The North American Journal of Economics and Finance160 cites.
  59. Aboriginal economies in stateless societies“. G Dalton. 1977. Exchange systems in prehistory153 cites.
  60. Cultural and historical differences in concepts of self and their effects on attitudes toward having and giving“. RW Belk. 1984. ACR North American Advances150 cites.
  61. Money, finance, and development“. PJ Drake. 1980. Halsted Press 149 cites.
  62. The symbolism of money in Imerina“. M Bloch. 1989. 143 cites.
  63. Ethnography and philology“. H Hale. 1968. Gregg Press 124 cites.
  64. Money and credit: a sociological approach“. BG Carruthers, L Ariovich. 2010. 120 cites.
  65. The development of the new monetary economics“. T Cowen, R Kroszner. 1987. journal of Political Economy120 cites.
  66. Reading financial services: texts, consumers, and financial literacy“. A Leyshon, N Thrift, J Pratt. 1998. Environment and Planning D …119 cites.
  67. Markets and money in social theory: what role for economics?“. B Fine, C Lapavitsas. 2000. Taylor & Francis Economy and Society117 cites.
  68. On the Underdevelopment of the’Sociology of Money’“. G Ingham. 1998. Acta Sociologica117 cites.
  69. The sociology of money“. WE Baker, JB Jimerson. 1992. American Behavioral Scientist116 cites.
  70. Deleuze and the open-ended becoming of the world“. M DeLanda. 1998. Chaos/Control: Complexity …115 cites.
  71. Money and respect: The changing value of old age in rural Ghana“. S Van der Geest. 1997. Africa110 cites.
  72. Fundamentals of a theory of money: untangling Fine, Lapavitsas and Zelizer“. G Ingham. 2001. Taylor & Francis Economy and Society106 cites.
  73. A theory of a generally acceptable medium of exchange and barter“. S Oh. 1989. Elsevier Journal of Monetary Economics105 cites.
  74. Peasantries in Anthropology and History [and Comments and Replies]“. G Dalton, HR Bernhard, B Chiν̃as…. 1972. Current …100 cites.
  75. Debt: the first five thousand years“. D Graeber. 2009. 99 cites.
  76. The boostrap theory of money: A search-theoretic foundation of monetary economics“. K Iwai. 1996. Elsevier Structural Change and Economic Dynamics99 cites.
  77. Common cents: situating money in time and place“. E Gilbert. 2005. Taylor & Francis Economy and Society98 cites.
  78. Markets and marketplaces“. S Plattner. 1989. Stanford University Press Stanford … Economic anthropology98 cites.
  79. Geographies of money and finance II“. A Leyshon. 1997. Progress in Human Geography96 cites.
  80. Knappheit, Geld und die bürgerliche Gesellschaft“. N Luhmann. 1972. JSTOR Jahrbuch für Sozialwissenschaft96 cites.
  81. Money, law and exchange: coinage in the Greek polis“. S Von Reden. 1997. The Journal of Hellenic Studies96 cites.
  82. The social life of money in the English past“. D Valenze. 2006. 96 cites.
  83. The unacceptability of money as a gift“. P Webley, SEG Lea, R Portalska. 1983. Elsevier Journal of Economic Psychology95 cites.
  84. Barter as a universal mode of exchange“. A Chapman. 1980. JSTOR L’homme94 cites.
  85. The Power and the Money: The Mexican Financial System, 1876-1932“. N Maurer. 2002. 91 cites.
  86. The price and value of children: The case of children’s insurance“. VA Zelizer. 1981. American Journal of Sociology91 cites.
  87. The Polanyi school of anthropology on money: An economist’s view“. J Melitz. 1970. Wiley Online Library American Anthropologist89 cites.
  88. Marriage, Sale, and Gift in the Homeric World“. MI Finley. 1954. HeinOnline Seminar86 cites.
  89. The iconography of early Anglo-Saxon coinage: sixth to eighth centuries“. A Gannon. 2003. 82 cites.
  90. Token and notational money in electronic commerce“. LJ Camp, M Sirbu, JD Tygar, L Jean, C Marvin…. 1995. In Proceedings of the …80 cites.
  91. Copper-alloy metallurgy in ancient Peru“. I Shimada, JF Merkel. 1991. Scientific American76 cites.
  92. Women, Horticulture, and Society in Sub‐Saharan Africa“. CS Lancaster. 1976. Wiley Online Library American Anthropologist75 cites.
  93. Barter“. G Dalton. 1982. Taylor & Francis Journal of Economic Issues74 cites.
  94. Economic anthropology“. R Frankenberg. 1967. Themes in Economic Anthropology. London …74 cites.
  95. Money: The unauthorised biography“. F Martin. 2014. Random House 74 cites.
  96. What is money? A social structural interpretation“. WE Baker. 1987. Intercorporate relations74 cites.
  97. Axe-monies and their relatives“. D Hosler, H Lechtman, O Holm. 1990. JSTOR Studies in pre-Columbian art and …70 cites.
  98. Currency depreciation in medieval Europe“. CM Cipolla. 1963. Wiley Online Library The Economic History Review70 cites.
  99. Political money“. JS Coleman. 1970. American Political Science Review69 cites.
  100. Money-exchange systems and a theory of money“. H Codere. 1968. JSTOR Man67 cites.
  101. Towards a global anthropology“. K Ekholm, J Friedman. 1980. Itinerario66 cites.
  102. Cannibal tours“. D MacCannell. 1990. Wiley Online Library Visual Anthropology Review64 cites.
  103. State and coinage in the late republic and early empire“. EL Cascio. 1981. The Journal of Roman Studies64 cites.
  104. Raffia cloth distribution in the Lele economy“. M Douglas. 1958. Africa63 cites.
  105. The emergence of capitalist credit money“. G Ingham. 2004. Credit and State Theories of Money: The Contribution …62 cites.
  106. The euro, the pound and the shell in our pockets: rationales for complementary currencies in a global economy“. G Seyfang. 2000. Taylor & Francis New Political Economy61 cites.
  107. Early Kongo-Portuguese relations: a new interpretation“. J Thornton. 1981. History in Africa60 cites.
  108. Money, Markets, and Trade in Early Southeast Asia: The development of indigenous monetary systems to AD 1400“. RS Wicks. 1992. 59 cites.
  109. The Entrepreneur as Culture Hero: preadaptations in Nigerian economic development“. BI Belasco. 1980. Praeger Publishers 59 cites.
  110. Frivolité de la valeur: essai sur l’imaginaire du capitalisme“. JJ Goux. 2000. Blusson 58 cites.
  111. Native and trade currencies in southern Nigeria during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries“. GI Jones. 1958. Africa58 cites.
  112. Primitive and modern money: an interdisciplinary approach“. J Melitz. 1974. Addison-Wesley 58 cites.
  113. Chartalism and the tax-driven approach to money“. PR Tcherneva. 2006. A handbook of alternative monetary economics57 cites.
  114. Rethinking the Concept” Primitive”“. FLK Hsu. 1964. Current Anthropology57 cites.
  115. Money in Mesopotamia“. MA Powell. 1996. Journal of the Economic and Social …56 cites.
  116. Origins of Law and the State: Supervision of Violence, Mutilationof Bodies, or Setting of Prices, At the“. JQ Whitman. 1995. HeinOnline Chi.-Kent L. Rev.56 cites.
  117. The major currencies in Nigerian history“. AHM Kirk-Greene. 1960. JSTOR Journal of the Historical Society of Nigeria56 cites.
  118. Money’s place in society“. S Smelt. 1980. JSTOR British Journal of Sociology55 cites.
  119. Shoe‐leather Costs Reconsidered“. JS Chadha, AG Haldane…. 1998. Wiley Online Library The Economic Journal54 cites.
  120. Copper currency in central Africa: the archaeological evidence“. MS Bisson. 1975. Taylor & Francis World Archaeology53 cites.
  121. Cost, benefit and value in the organization of early European copper production“. S Shennan. 1999. Antiquity53 cites.
  122. Making multiple monies“. VA Zelizer. 1993. Explorations in economic sociology53 cites.
  123. Money talks, but what is it saying? Semiotics of money and social control“. C Wennerlind. 2001. Taylor & Francis Journal of Economic Issues53 cites.
  124. Создание множественных денег“. З Вивиана. 2002. Экономическая социология53 cites.
  125. The Institutions of Primitive Societies: A Series of Broadcast Talks“. EE Evans-Pritchard. 1954. 52 cites.
  126. Money in the late Roman Republic“. DB Hollander. 2007. 51 cites.
  127. The evolution of money as a medium of exchange“. GY Luo. 1998. Elsevier Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control50 cites.
  128. 11. Tax-driven money: additional evidence from the history of economic thought, economic history and economic policy1“. M Forstater. 2006. … Money and Macroeconomic Theory: Essays in …49 cites.
  129. Understanding Origins: Contemporary Views on the Origins of Life, Mind and Society“. FJ Varela, JP Dupuy. 2013. 49 cites.
  130. The trade of Guinea“. L Sundström. 1965. Uppsala. 48 cites.
  131. Attitudes towards animals in ancient Greece“. SH Lonsdale. 1979. Greece & Rome47 cites.
  132. Origin and development of commercial and Islamic banking operations“. A Chachi. 2005. Islamic Economics46 cites.
  133. The value of wampum among the New York Iroquois: A case study in artifact analysis“. L Ceci. 1982. Journal of anthropological Research44 cites.
  134. Cowries and conquest: Towards a subalternate quality theory of money“. CA Gregory. 1996. Comparative studies in society and history43 cites.
  135. Marcel Mauss’s” The Gift” Revisited“. M Panoff. 1970. JSTOR Man42 cites.
  136. The encyclopedia of money“. L Allen. 2009. 42 cites.
  137. Evolution of money“. K Iwai. 1997. 41 cites.
  138. The origin of money“. A Orlean. 1992. Springer Understanding origins41 cites.
  139. Experiments with early techniques for making whole shells into beads“. P Francis Jr. 1982. Current Anthropology40 cites.
  140. Nigeria and the Evolution of Money“. E Eyo. 1979. … Bank of Nigeria in association with … 40 cites.
  141. Culture, politics and money among the Yoruba“. T Falola, AG Adebayo. 2000. 39 cites.
  142. English coins: from the seventh century to the present day“. GC Brooke. 1966. Taylor & Francis 39 cites.
  143. Expending multiplicity: money in Cuban Ifá cults“. M Holbraad. 2005. Wiley Online Library Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute39 cites.
  144. Cloth as money: the cloth strip currencies of Africa“. M Johnson. 1980. Taylor & Francis Textile History38 cites.
  145. Cottage industries: Concepts and implications“. G Prentice. 1983. JSTOR midcontinental Journal of Archaeology38 cites.
  146. Money is a social relation“. G Ingham. 1999. Critical Realism in Economics: Development and …37 cites.
  147. Money: from cowrie shells to credit cards“. J Cribb. 1986. Published for the Trustees of the … 37 cites.
  148. Présentation“. S Breton. 2002. L’homme37 cites.
  149. The Veil of Barter: The Solution to’The Task of Obtaining Representations of an Economy in which Money is Essential’“. G Heinsohn, O Steiger. 1989. Springer Inflation and Income Distribution in Capitalist …37 cites.
  150. Hot money and war debts: Transactional regimes in Southwestern Sumatra“. H Znoj. 1998. Comparative Studies in Society and History36 cites.
  151. Cradles of the American aborigines“. OT Mason. 1889. 35 cites.
  152. Quiripas and Mostacillas: The evolution of shell beads as a medium of exchange in northern South America“. RA Gassón. 2000. Duke Univ Press Ethnohistory35 cites.
  153. The devaluation of the Kapauku-cowrie as a factor of social disintegration“. LFB Dubbeldam. 1964. JSTOR American Anthropologist35 cites.
  154. The Evolution of Modern Money“. WW Carlile. 1901. 35 cites.
  155. Traces et fonction: les gestes retrouvés“. PC Anderson, PJ Giner, S Beyries, M Otte, H Plisson…. 1993. 35 cites.
  156. Whence and whither money?“. M Aglietta. 2002. The future of money34 cites.
  157. Archaeology and pre-Achaemenid metalworking in Iran: A fifteen year retrospective“. PRS Moorey. 1982. Taylor & Francis Iran33 cites.
  158. Primitive Money in its Ethnological“. P Einzig. 1949. Historical and Economic Aspects, London33 cites.
  159. Strategising man“. JI Prattis. 1973. JSTOR Man33 cites.
  160. The ecology and politics of primitive valuables“. T Earle. 1982. … Association, Washington, DC Culture and Ecology: Eclectic …33 cites.
  161. Token coinage and the administration of poor relief during the late Middle Ages“. WJ Courtenay. 1972. JSTOR The Journal of Interdisciplinary History33 cites.
  162. Towards a global anthropology“. K Ekholm, J Friedman. 1985. Critique of Anthropology33 cites.
  163. Bargains, barter, and money“. M Engineer, S Shi. 2001. Elsevier Review of Economic Dynamics32 cites.
  164. Deleuze, diagrams, and the genesis of form“. M De Landa. 2000. JSTOR Amerikastudien/American Studies32 cites.
  165. Hospitality versus exchange: the limits of monetary economies“. S Bell, JF Henry. 2001. Taylor & Francis Review of Social Economy32 cites.
  166. Sex, money, and the status of women in aboriginal South Bougainville“. J Nash. 1981. Wiley Online Library American Ethnologist32 cites.
  167. The origins of money“. FL Pryor. 1977. JSTOR Journal of money, credit and banking32 cites.
  168. Alternative currencies: A challenge to globalisation?“. R Tibbett. 1997. Taylor & Francis New Political Economy31 cites.
  169. Economic anthropology“. RF Salisbury. 1973. Annual Review of Anthropology31 cites.
  170. Schumpeter as a Walrasian Austrian and Keynes as a classical Marshallian“. B Schefold. 1997. Springer Normal Prices, Technical Change and Accumulation31 cites.
  171. The geology of morals: A neo-materialist interpretation“. M DeLanda. 1995. Virtual Futures31 cites.
  172. Writings that clarify theoretical disputes over Karl Polanyi’s work“. G Dalton. 1990. Taylor & Francis Journal of Economic Issues31 cites.
  173. A theory of money and financial institutions: Fiat money and noncooperative equilibrium in a closed economy“. M Shubik. 1971. Springer International Journal of Game Theory30 cites.
  174. How heterodox is the heterodoxy of monetary circuit theory? The nature of money and the microeconomics of the circuit“. A Zazzaro. 2003. Modern Theories of Money: the nature and the Role …30 cites.
  175. Small change and ballast: cowry trade and usage as an example of Indian Ocean economic history“. J Heimann. 1980. Taylor & Francis South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies30 cites.
  176. The desire to obtain money: A culturally ritualised expression of the aggressive instinct“. RP Behrendt. 2006. Behavioral and Brain Sciences30 cites.
  177. Entrepreneurship and economic growth: the theory of emergent institutions“. J High. 2009. Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics29 cites.
  178. Ethno-conchology: A study of primitive money“. REC Stearns. 1889. US Government Printing Office 29 cites.
  179. Famous myths of” fiat money”“. D Goldberg. 2005. Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking29 cites.
  180. Interrogative intimations: On a possible social economics of interrogatives“. SC Levinson. 2012. Questions: Formal, functional and interactional …29 cites.
  181. Money and currency“. JA Schumpeter. 1991. JSTOR Social Research29 cites.
  182. Precolonial Tiv trade and cloth currency“. DC Dorward. 1976. JSTOR The international Journal of African historical studies29 cites.
  183. The Bougainville connection: changes in the economic context of shell money production in Malaita“. J Connell. 1977. Wiley Online Library Oceania29 cites.
  184. The evolution of complexity in primitive exchange: Theory“. J Stodder. 1995. Elsevier Journal of comparative economics29 cites.
  185. The new psychology of money“. A Furnham. 2014. 29 cites.
  186. Economic thinking, traditional ecological knowledge and ethnoeconomics“. C Cavalcanti. 2002. Current Sociology28 cites.
  187. Mississippian craft specialization on the American Bottom“. RW Yerkes. 1989. JSTOR Southeastern Archaeology28 cites.
  188. Synthesis, or a new problematic in economic anthropology“. JI Prattis. 1982. Springer Theory and Society28 cites.
  189. 29 Interest and money: the property explanation“. G Heinsohn, O Steiger. 2006. A handbook of alternative monetary economics27 cites.
  190. Alternative monetary constitutions and the quest for price stability“. FE Kydland, MA Wynne. 2002. … Reserve Bank of Dallas Economic and …27 cites.
  191. Is paying for health care culturally acceptable in Sub-Sahara Africa? Money and tradition“. S Van der Geest. 1992. Elsevier Social Science & Medicine27 cites.
  192. Maria Theresa’s Thaler: A case of international money“. AE Tschoegl. 2001. JSTOR Eastern Economic Journal27 cites.
  193. Questions: Formal, functional and interactional perspectives“. JP de Ruiter. 2012. 27 cites.
  194. Romans and Batavians: regional developments at the imperial frontier“. WJH Willems. 1983. 27 cites.
  195. Symbolic technologies: Machines and the Marxian notion of fetishism“. A Hornborg. 2001. Anthropological Theory27 cites.
  196. The control of the purse: progress and decline of parliament’s financial control“. P Einzig. 1959. London: Secker & Warburg 27 cites.
  197. Follow the thing: money“. B Christophers. 2011. Environment and Planning D: Society and …26 cites.
  198. Representing value and the value of representation: A different look at money“. VR Dominguez. 1990. Wiley Online Library Cultural Anthropology26 cites.
  199. Searle, rationality, and social reality“. A Viskovatoff. 2003. Wiley Online Library American Journal of Economics and Sociology26 cites.
  200. A radiocarbon chronology of Yapese stone money quarries in Palau“. SM Fitzpatrick. 2002. Micronesica25 cites.
  201. Economic institutions and pastoral resources management: considerations for a development strategy“. PN Hopcraft. 1980. … of pastoral peoples: research priorities for …25 cites.
  202. Money in early Christian Ireland according to the Irish laws“. M Gerriets. 1985. Comparative studies in society and history25 cites.
  203. Money: an alternative story“. É Tymoigne, LR Wray. 2005. 25 cites.
  204. State, money, catallaxy: underlaboring for a chartalist theory of money“. MS Peacock. 2003. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics25 cites.
  205. Is Numérairology the Future of Monetary Economics?“. WH Buiter. 2007. Springer Open Economies Review24 cites.
  206. Shell bead production and exchange in prehistoric Mississippian populations“. RW Yerkes. 1989. Proceedings of the 1986 Shell Bead Conference …24 cites.
  207. Swiss Neolithic copper beads: currency, ornament or prestige items?“. B Ottaway, C Strahm. 1975. Taylor & Francis World archaeology24 cites.
  208. The archaeological evidence for international commerce: Public and/or private enterprise in Mesopotamia“. CC Lamberg-Karlovsky. 1996. Peabody Museum Bulletin … in the Ancient Near East and …24 cites.
  209. The Emergence of Fiat Money: A Consideration“. K Dowd. 2000. HeinOnline Cato J.24 cites.
  210. The Maria Theresa dollar in the early twentieth-century Red Sea region: a complementary interface between multiple markets“. A Kuroda. 2007. Financial History Review24 cites.
  211. Archaeological investigation of Omis Cave: a Yapese stone money quarry in Palau“. SM Fitzpatrick. 2001. Wiley Online Library Archaeology in Oceania23 cites.
  212. Bridewealth” vs.“Brideprice“. G Dalton. 1966. Wiley Online Library American Anthropologist23 cites.
  213. Marine shells as wealth items in Mississippian societies“. G Prentice. 1987. JSTOR Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology23 cites.
  214. On the function of cowries in Shang and Western Zhou China“. L Yung-Ti. 2003. Journal of East Asian Archaeology23 cites.
  215. Searle’s social reality“. SP Turner. 1999. Wiley Online Library History and Theory23 cites.
  216. The King and the Leaden Coin: The Economic Background of ‘Sine Qua Non’Causality“. WJ Courtenay. 1972. Traditio23 cites.
  217. Alcohol in the Soviet underground economy“. VG Treml. 1985. 22 cites.
  218. Endogenous money: the evolutionary versus revolutionary views“. LP Rochon, S Rossi. 2013. Review of keynesian economics22 cites.
  219. Money axes from Ecuador“. O Holm. 1967. Folk22 cites.
  220. The anthropology of money and finance: between ethnography and world history“. K Hart, H Ortiz. 2014. Annual Review of Anthropology22 cites.
  221. The vula of Kaliai: a primitive currency with commercial use“. D Counts. 1970. Wiley Online Library Oceania22 cites.
  222. Community-based LETSystems in Australia: localised barter in a sophisticated Western economy“. PW Liesch, D Birch. 2000. International Journal of Community Currency …21 cites.
  223. Dreaming of Money in Ho Chi Minh City“. AJ Truitt. 2013. 21 cites.
  224. Peasantry and city: Cultural persistence and change in historical perspective, a European case“. E Willems. 1970. Wiley Online Library American Anthropologist21 cites.
  225. Scandinavian gold bracteates in Britain. Money and media in the Dark Ages“. M Gaimster. 1992. Taylor & Francis Medieval Archaeology21 cites.
  226. The origins of money and the development of the modern financial system“. LR Wray. 1993. 21 cites.
  227. The role of wampum production at the Albany almshouse“. ES Peña. 2001. Springer International Journal of Historical Archaeology21 cites.
  228. Toward the comparative study of money: a reconsideration of West African currencies and neoclassical monetary concepts“. JLA Webb Jr. 1982. JSTOR International Journal of African Historical Studies21 cites.
  229. From Commodity to Currency in Ancient History–On Commerce, Tyranny, and the Modern Law of Money“. B Geva. 1987. HeinOnline Osgoode Hall LJ20 cites.
  230. Introduction to an alternative history of money“. LR Wray. 2012. 20 cites.
  231. On the early Iron Age in southern Cameroon: the sites of Akonétye“. C Meister, MKH Eggert. 2008. Journal of …20 cites.
  232. Spatial financial flows and the growth of the modern city“. A Leyshon, N Thrift. 1997. Wiley Online Library International social science journal20 cites.
  233. Spontaneous order analysis and anthropology“. L Cronk. 1988. Cultural Dynamics20 cites.
  234. Animal experiments in economic psychology“. SEG Lea. 1981. Elsevier Journal of Economic Psychology19 cites.
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(Featured Image: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) “Daily life of the ancient Maya recorded on murals at Calakmul, Mexico”)