Here below is the list of Most Cited Publications about ‘Mt Gox’.

Last updated November 4th, 2017.

Most Cited ‘Mt Gox’ Publications

  1. Equilibrium capillary surfaces“. R Finn. 2012. 904 cites.
  2. Bitcoin: An innovative alternative digital currency“. R Grinberg. 2012. HeinOnline Hastings Sci. & Tech. LJ311 cites.
  3. Quantitative analysis of the full bitcoin transaction graph“. D Ron, A Shamir. 2013. Springer … Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data …309 cites.
  4. Traveling the Silk Road: A measurement analysis of a large anonymous online marketplace“. N Christin. 2013. Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on …304 cites.
  5. A fistful of bitcoins: characterizing payments among men with no names“. S Meiklejohn, M Pomarole, G Jordan…. 2013. Proceedings of the …290 cites.
  6. Is Bitcoin a real currency? An economic appraisal“. D Yermack. 2013. 212 cites.
  7. Nucleotide sequence of the cell wall proteinase gene of Streptococcus cremoris Wg2.“. J Kok, KJ Leenhouts, AJ Haandrikman…. 1988. Am Soc Microbiol Applied and …195 cites.
  8. Bitcoin: Economics, technology, and governance“. R Böhme, N Christin…. 2015. American Economic Association The Journal of …191 cites.
  9. Beware the middleman: Empirical analysis of Bitcoin-exchange risk“. T Moore, N Christin. 2013. Springer … Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data …162 cites.
  10. The economics of Bitcoin mining, or Bitcoin in the presence of adversaries“. JA Kroll, IC Davey, EW Felten. 2013. Proceedings of WEIS154 cites.
  11. BitCoin meets Google Trends and Wikipedia: Quantifying the relationship between phenomena of the Internet era“. L Kristoufek. 2013. Scientific reports139 cites.
  12. Bitcoin: A primer for policymakers“. J Brito, A Castillo. 2013. 135 cites.
  13. Nerdy money: Bitcoin, the private digital currency, and the case against its regulation“. N Kaplanov. 2012. HeinOnline Loy. Consumer L. Rev.130 cites.
  14. Regulating digital currencies: bringing Bitcoin within the reach of IMF“. NA Plassaras. 2013. HeinOnline Chi. J. Int’l L.110 cites.
  15. “When perhaps the real problem is money itself!”: the practical materiality of Bitcoin“. B Maurer, TC Nelms, L Swartz. 2013. Taylor & Francis Social Semiotics97 cites.
  16. Structure and anonymity of the bitcoin transaction graph“. M Ober, S Katzenbeisser, K Hamacher. 2013. Future internet93 cites.
  17. An inquiry into money laundering tools in the Bitcoin ecosystem“. M Moser, R Bohme, D Breuker. 2013. eCrime Researchers Summit …83 cites.
  18. The economics of Bitcoin and similar private digital currencies“. GP Dwyer. 2015. Elsevier Journal of Financial Stability83 cites.
  19. Responsible vendors, intelligent consumers: Silk Road, the online revolution in drug trading“. MC Van Hout, T Bingham. 2014. Elsevier International Journal of Drug Policy82 cites.
  20. Bitcoin-asset or currency? revealing users’ hidden intentions“. F Glaser, K Zimmermann, M Haferkorn, MC Weber…. 2014. 80 cites.
  21. Bitcoin and money laundering: mining for an effective solution“. D Bryans. 2014. HeinOnline Ind. LJ74 cites.
  22. The digital traces of bubbles: feedback cycles between socio-economic signals in the Bitcoin economy“. D Garcia, CJ Tessone…. 2014. Journal of the …72 cites.
  23. Bitcoin and the age of bespoke silicon“. MB Taylor. 2013. Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on …70 cites.
  24. Bitcoin mining and its energy footprint“. KJ O’Dwyer, D Malone. 2014. IET 66 cites.
  25. What are the main drivers of the Bitcoin price? Evidence from wavelet coherence analysis“. L Kristoufek. 2015. PloS one66 cites.
  26. I’ll Gladly Trade You Two Bits on Tuesday for a Byte Today: Bitcoin, Regulating Fraud in the E-Conomy of Hacker-Cash“. DA Dion. 2013. HeinOnline U. Ill. JL Tech. & Pol’y60 cites.
  27. Capital Markets Union: a vision for the long term“. N Véron, GB Wolff. 2016. Journal of Financial Regulation57 cites.
  28. Cryptocurrencies, network effects, and switching costs“. WJ Luther. 2016. Wiley Online Library Contemporary Economic Policy54 cites.
  29. Bitcoin transaction malleability and MtGox“. C Decker, R Wattenhofer. 2014. Springer … Symposium on Research in Computer Security53 cites.
  30. Bitcoin transaction malleability and MtGox“. C Decker, R Wattenhofer. 2014. Springer … Symposium on Research in Computer Security53 cites.
  31. Speculative bubbles in Bitcoin markets? An empirical investigation into the fundamental value of Bitcoin“. ET Cheah, J Fry. 2015. Elsevier Economics Letters53 cites.
  32. Bitiodine: Extracting intelligence from the bitcoin network“. M Spagnuolo, F Maggi, S Zanero. 2014. Springer International Conference on Financial …52 cites.
  33. The Nature of the Form: Legal ad Regulatory Issues Surrounding the Bitcoin Digital Currency System“. JJ Doguet. 2012. HeinOnline La. L. Rev.50 cites.
  34. Virtual currencies; Bitcoin & what now after Liberty Reserve, Silk Road, and Mt. Gox?“. LJ Trautman. 2014. 49 cites.
  35. Rethinking virtual currency regulation in the Bitcoin age“. KV Tu, MW Meredith. 2015. HeinOnline Wash. L. Rev.48 cites.
  36. The issue of competing currencies“. A Rogojanu, L Badea. 2014. 45 cites.
  37. Empirical analysis of denial-of-service attacks in the Bitcoin ecosystem“. M Vasek, M Thornton, T Moore. 2014. Springer International Conference on Financial …43 cites.
  38. Anonymity of bitcoin transactions“. M Möser. 2013. Münster bitcoin conference40 cites.
  39. Bitcoin as money?“. S Lo, JC Wang. 2014. 40 cites.
  40. Bitcoin is memory“. WJ Luther, J Olson. 2013. 38 cites.
  41. Bitcoin: Technical background and data analysis“. AI Badev, M Chen. 2014. 38 cites.
  42. Bitcoin financial regulation: Securities, derivatives, prediction markets, and gambling“. J Brito, H Shadab, A Castillo. 2014. HeinOnline Colum. Sci. & Tech. L. Rev.37 cites.
  43. Coining Bitcoin’s Legal-Bits: Examining the Regulatory Framework for Bitcoin and Virtual Currencies“. MKM Ly. 2013. HeinOnline Harv. JL & Tech.37 cites.
  44. Why Bitcoin has value“. M Van Alstyne. 2014. Communications of the ACM37 cites.
  45. Price fluctuations and the use of Bitcoin: An empirical inquiry“. M Polasik, AI Piotrowska, TP Wisniewski…. 2015. Taylor & Francis … Journal of Electronic …35 cites.
  46. Influence of surface defects in ZnO thin films on its biosensing response characteristic“. S Saha, V Gupta. 2011. Journal of Applied Physics33 cites.
  47. Where Is Current Research on Blockchain Technology?—A Systematic Review“. J Yli-Huumo, D Ko, S Choi, S Park, K Smolander. 2016. PloS one33 cites.
  48. Price discovery on Bitcoin exchanges“. M Brandvold, P Molnár, K Vagstad…. 2015. Elsevier Journal of International …32 cites.
  49. Regulating cryptocurrencies in the United States: Current issues and future directions“. SJ Hughes, ST Middlebrook. 2014. 31 cites.
  50. Whack-a-Mole: Why Prosecuting Digital Currency Exchanges Won’t Stop Online Laundering“. CM Christopher. 2014. 31 cites.
  51. Bitcoin: a regulatory nightmare to a libertarian dream“. P De Filippi. 2014. Browser Download This Paper29 cites.
  52. Noncausal autoregressive model in application to bitcoin/usd exchange rates“. A Hencic, C Gouriéroux. 2015. Springer Econometrics of Risk29 cites.
  53. Algorithmic authority: The case of Bitcoin“. C Lustig, B Nardi. 2015. System Sciences (HICSS), 2015 48th …28 cites.
  54. SNOW 2014 Data Challenge: Assessing the Performance of News Topic Detection Methods in Social Media.“. S Papadopoulos, D Corney…. 2014. SNOW-DC …28 cites.
  55. Speculative Tech: the Biotin Legal Quagmire & the Need for Legal Innovation“. PH Farmer. 2014. HeinOnline J. Bus. & Tech. L.28 cites.
  56. Trust, Identity and Disclosure: Are Bitcoin Exchanges the Next Virtual Havens for Money Laundering and Tax Evasion“. S Gruber. 2013. HeinOnline Quinnipiac L. Rev.28 cites.
  57. Who uses bitcoin? an exploration of the bitcoin community“. J Bohr, M Bashir. 2014. Privacy, Security and Trust (PST), 2014 …28 cites.
  58. Bitcoin: The economic case for a global, virtual currency operating in an unexplored legal framework“. JB Turpin. 2014. Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies27 cites.
  59. Can bitcoin become a major currency?“. WJ Luther, LH White. 2014. 27 cites.
  60. Bitcoin: a first assessment“. D Woo. 2013. 26 cites.
  61. Bitcoins as an investment or speculative vehicle? A first look“. C Baek, M Elbeck. 2015. Taylor & Francis Applied Economics Letters26 cites.
  62. Moral hazard and government guarantees in the banking industry“. F Allen, E Carletti, I Goldstein…. 2015. Journal of Financial …26 cites.
  63. Pyranose oxidase modified carbon paste electrodes for monosaccharide determination“. H Lidén, J Volc, G Marko-Varga, L Gorton. 1998. Electroanalysis26 cites.
  64. The false premises and promises of Bitcoin“. BP Hanley. 2013. arXiv preprint arXiv:1312.204826 cites.
  65. Virtual Currencies and Beyond: Initial Considerations“. D He, KF Habermeier, RB Leckow, V Haksar…. 2016. 26 cites.
  66. When is Bitcoin a security under US securities law“. R Yang. 2013. HeinOnline J. Tech. L. & Pol’y26 cites.
  67. Competition in the Cryptocurrency Market“. N Gandal, H Halaburda. 2014. 25 cites.
  68. I shop online–recreationally! Internet anonymity and Silk Road enabling drug use in Australia“. A Phelps, A Watt. 2014. Elsevier Digital Investigation25 cites.
  69. Hadoop based defense solution to handle distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks“. S Tripathi, B Gupta, A Almomani, A Mishra…. 2013. Journal of Information …24 cites.
  70. The unreasonable fundamental incertitudes behind bitcoin mining“. NT Courtois, M Grajek, R Naik. 2013. arXiv preprint arXiv:1310.793524 cites.
  71. Trends, tips, tolls: A longitudinal study of Bitcoin transaction fees“. M Möser, R Böhme. 2015. Springer … Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data …23 cites.
  72. The promise and perils of digital currencies“. T Moore. 2013. International Journal of Critical Infrastructure …22 cites.
  73. Towards risk scoring of Bitcoin transactions“. M Möser, R Böhme, D Breuker. 2014. Springer International Conference on Financial …22 cites.
  74. Bitcoin: questions, answers, and analysis of legal issues“. CK Elwell, MM Murphy, MV Seitzinger. 2013. 21 cites.
  75. Bitcoin: Benefit or Curse?“. GF Hurlburt, I Bojanova. 2014. IT Professional20 cites.
  76. Crypto-currency bubbles: an application of the Phillips–Shi–Yu (2013) methodology on Mt. Gox bitcoin prices“. A Cheung, E Roca, JJ Su. 2015. Taylor & Francis Applied Economics20 cites.
  77. The inside story of Mt. Gox, Bitcoin’s $460 million disaster“. R McMillan. 2014. Wired. March20 cites.
  78. What is bitcoin“. B Segendorf. 2014. Sveriges Riksbank Economic Review20 cites.
  79. Biosensor integration on Si-based devices: Feasibility studies and examples“. S Libertino, S Conoci, A Scandurra…. 2013. Elsevier Sensors and Actuators B …19 cites.
  80. Digital gold: The untold story of Bitcoin“. N Popper. 2015. Penguin UK 19 cites.
  81. Moving Beyond Bitcoin to an Endogenous Theory of Decentralized Ledger Technology Regulation: An Initial Proposal“. CL Reyes. 2016. 19 cites.
  82. The legal status of online currencies: are bitcoins the future?“. R Bollen. 2013. Browser Download This Paper19 cites.
  83. Analyzing the bitcoin network: The first four years“. M Lischke, B Fabian. 2016. Future Internet18 cites.
  84. Halting a shift in the paradigm: The need for Bitcoin regulation“. P Twomey. 2013. HeinOnline Trinity CL Rev.18 cites.
  85. Nowcasting the Bitcoin Market with Twitter Signals“. J Kaminski. 2014. arXiv preprint arXiv:1406.757718 cites.
  86. When bitcoin mining pools run dry“. A Laszka, B Johnson, J Grossklags. 2015. Springer International Conference on Financial …18 cites.
  87. Cybersecurity: What About US Policy?“. LJ Trautman. 2015. 17 cites.
  88. Reader-Aware Multi-Document Summarization via Sparse Coding.“. P Li, L Bing, W Lam, H Li, Y Liao. 2015. IJCAI17 cites.
  89. The Bitcoin big bang: how alternative currencies are about to change the world“. B Kelly. 2014. 17 cites.
  90. The block is hot: A survey of the state of Bitcoin regulation and suggestions for the future“. M Tsukerman. 2015. HeinOnline Berkeley Tech. LJ17 cites.
  91. Two-level Message Clustering for Topic Detection in Twitter.“. G Petkos, S Papadopoulos, Y Kompatsiaris. 2014. SNOW-DC@ WWW17 cites.
  92. Can we predict the winner in a market with network effects? Competition in cryptocurrency market“. N Gandal, H Halaburda. 2016. Games16 cites.
  93. Feasibility Studies on Si-Based Biosensors“. S Libertino, V Aiello, A Scandurra, M Renis, F Sinatra…. 2009. Sensors16 cites.
  94. Is disruptive blockchain technology the future of financial services?“. LJ Trautman. 2016. 16 cites.
  95. Security protocols and evidence: Where many payment systems fail“. SJ Murdoch, R Anderson. 2014. Springer … on Financial Cryptography and Data Security16 cites.
  96. The bitcoin ecosystem“. MA Cusumano. 2014. Communications of the ACM16 cites.
  97. The inefficiency of Bitcoin“. A Urquhart. 2016. Elsevier Economics Letters16 cites.
  98. The politics of cryptography: Bitcoin and the ordering machines“. Q DuPont. 2014. Journal of Peer Production16 cites.
  99. Bitcoin Is Volatile! Isn’t that Right?“. S Sapuric, A Kokkinaki. 2014. Springer International Conference on Business Information …15 cites.
  100. Cryptofinance“. CR Harvey. 2016. Browser Download This Paper15 cites.
  101. Money nutters“. WM Maurer. 2011. Economic Sociology: The European Electronic …15 cites.
  102. Bitcoin: Currency or Investment?“. DG Baur, AD Lee, K Hong. 2015. 14 cites.
  103. Bitcoin: Questions, answers, and analysis of legal issues“. E Murphy, M Murphy, M Seitzinger. 2015. Congressional Research Service14 cites.
  104. Kickstarter My Heart: Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowdfunding Constraints and Bitcoin Bubbles“. D Groshoff. 2014. 14 cites.
  105. New Private Monies: A Bit-Part Player?“. K Dowd. 2014. 14 cites.
  106. There’s no free lunch, even using Bitcoin: Tracking the popularity and profits of virtual currency scams“. M Vasek, T Moore. 2015. Springer … Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data …14 cites.
  107. Blockchains and Bitcoin: Regulatory responses to cryptocurrencies“. A Guadamuz, C Marsden. 2015. 13 cites.
  108. Hayek money: The cryptocurrency price stability solution“. FM Ametrano. 2016. 13 cites.
  109. Negative bubbles and shocks in cryptocurrency markets“. J Fry, ET Cheah. 2016. Elsevier International Review of Financial Analysis13 cites.
  110. On the return-volatility relationship in the Bitcoin market around the price crash of 2013“. E Bouri, G Azzi, AH Dyhrberg. 2016. 13 cites.
  111. Taking a bit out of crime: Bitcoin and cross-border tax evasion“. T Slattery. 2014. HeinOnline Brook. J. Int’l L.13 cites.
  112. Who Is Satoshi Nakamoto?“. P Lemieux. 2013. Regulation13 cites.
  113. Bitcoin: bubble or blockchain“. P Godsiff. 2015. Springer Agent and Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and …12 cites.
  114. Breaking out of the bank in Europe-exploring collective emergent institutional entrepreneurship through bitcoin“. R Teigland, Z Yetis, TO Larsson. 2013. 12 cites.
  115. Cryptocurrency and the Problem of Intermediation“. C Harwick. 2015. 12 cites.
  116. Exploring the Bitcoin Network.“. A Baumann, B Fabian, M Lischke. 2014. WEBIST (1)12 cites.
  117. What can be expected from the BitCoin“. D van Wijk. 2013. Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam12 cites.
  118. Competition in the cryptocurrency market“. H Halaburda, N Gandal. 2014. 11 cites.
  119. Cryptocurrency Bitcoin: Disruption, challenges and opportunities“. W Raymaekers. 2015. Journal of Payments Strategy & Systems11 cites.
  120. Is Bitcoin the Only Cryptocurrency in the Town? Economics of Cryptocurrency and Friedrich A. Hayek“. M Iwamura, Y Kitamura, T Matsumoto. 2014. 11 cites.
  121. Provisions: Privacy-preserving proofs of solvency for bitcoin exchanges“. GG Dagher, B Bünz, J Bonneau, J Clark…. 2015. Proceedings of the 22nd …11 cites.
  122. The other side of the coin: User experiences with bitcoin security and privacy“. K Krombholz, A Judmayer, M Gusenbauer…. 2016. Springer … Conference on Financial …11 cites.
  123. To bit or not to bit?[Bitcoin cryptocurrency]“. C Evans-Pughe, A Novikov, V Vitaliev. 2014. IET Engineering & Technology11 cites.
  124. 数字加密货币研究: 一个文献综述“. 谢平, 石午光. 2015. 金融研究11 cites.
  125. A regulatory and economic perplexity: Bitcoin needs just a bit of regulation“. D Sonderegger. 2015. HeinOnline Wash. UJL & Pol’y10 cites.
  126. Bitcoin–the promise and limits of private innovation in monetary and payment systems“. C Beer, B Weber. 2015. 10 cites.
  127. Regulating Bitcoin: On What Grounds?“. WJ Luther. 2015. Browser Download This Paper10 cites.
  128. The value of Bitcoin in enhancing the efficiency of an investor’s portfolio“. CY Wu, VK Pandey, C DBA. 2014. Journal of financial planning10 cites.
  129. Things About Mt. Gox’s Crisis“. P Vigna. 2014. The Wall Street Journal10 cites.
  130. Bitcoin: a search-theoretic approach“. T Saito. 2014. 9 cites.
  131. Might the Blockchain Outlive Bitcoin?“. G Hurlburt. 2016. IT Professional9 cites.
  132. Predicting search intent based on pre-search context“. W Kong, R Li, J Luo, A Zhang, Y Chang…. 2015. Proceedings of the 38th …9 cites.
  133. Statistics on password re-use and adaptive strength for financial accounts“. DV Bailey, M Dürmuth, C Paar. 2014. Springer International Conference on Security and …9 cites.
  134. Virtual currencies, Micropayments and Monetary Policy: Where Are We Coming from and Where Does the Industry Stand?“. RA Valdes-Benavides…. 2016. Springer Handbook on 3D3C …9 cites.
  135. Virtual Currencies: Bitcoin & What Now after Liberty Reserve, Silk Road, and Mt. Gox“. L Trautman. 2013. HeinOnline Rich. JL & Tech.9 cites.
  136. What factors give cryptocurrencies their value: An empirical analysis“. A Hayes. 2015. Browser Download This Paper9 cites.
  137. Криптовалюта: понятие и проблемы“. МВ Молчанов. 2014. Science Time9 cites.
  138. A tale of twin tech: Bitcoin and the www“. D Folkinshteyn, MM Lennon, T Reilly. 2015. 8 cites.
  139. Accounting issues related to Bitcoins“. C Raiborn, M Sivitanides. 2015. Wiley Online Library Journal of Corporate Accounting & …8 cites.
  140. Bitcoin and modern alchemy: in code we trust“. J Simser. 2015. Journal of Financial Crime8 cites.
  141. Bitcoin as Politics: Distributed Right-Wing Extremism“. D Golumbia. 2015. Browser Download This Paper8 cites.
  142. Bitdeposit: Deterring attacks and abuses of cloud computing services through economic measures“. J Szefer, RB Lee. 2013. Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid) …8 cites.
  143. BitIodine: extracting intelligence from the Bitcoin network“. M Spagnuolo. 2013. 8 cites.
  144. Bursting the Bitcoin bubble: The case to regulate digital currency as a security or commodity“. ND Swartz. 2014. HeinOnline Tul. J. Tech. & Intell. Prop.8 cites.
  145. Cryptocurrencies: an unconventional challenge to the AML/CFT regulators?“. V Dostov, P Shust. 2014. Journal of Financial Crime8 cites.
  146. Opportunities and Risks of Blockchain Technologies–A Research Agenda“. J Lindman, VK Tuunainen, M Rossi. 2017. 8 cites.
  147. The face behind Bitcoin“. LMG Goodman. 2014. Newsweek, March8 cites.
  148. Understanding and regulating twenty-first century payment systems: The ripple case study“. MT Rosner, A Kang. 2015. HeinOnline Mich. L. Rev.8 cites.
  149. Появление и распространение сетевых денег на примере виртуальной валюты биткоин“. ВВ Пшеничников, АН Бичев. 2013. Финансовый вестник8 cites.
  150. An Analysis of Bitcoin Exchange Rates“. JB Smith. 2016. Browser Download This Paper7 cites.
  151. An analysis of the cryptocurrency industry“. R Farell. 2015. 7 cites.
  152. Automated detection of session management vulnerabilities in web applications“. Y Takamatsu, Y Kosuga, K Kono. 2012. Privacy, Security and Trust …7 cites.
  153. Beyond bitcoin: The economics of digital currencies“. H Halaburda, M Sarvary. 2016. 7 cites.
  154. Bitcoin and the uniform commercial code“. JL Schroeder. 2015. HeinOnline U. Miami Bus. L. Rev.7 cites.
  155. Bitcoin: A First Legal Analysis“. F Boehm, P Pesch. 2014. Springer … Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data …7 cites.
  156. Blockchain Double Bubble or Double Trouble?“. J Umeh. 2016. ITNOW7 cites.
  157. Can volume predict Bitcoin returns and volatility? A quantiles-based approach“. M Balcilar, E Bouri, R Gupta, D Roubaud. 2017. Elsevier Economic Modelling7 cites.
  158. Cryptocurrencies: The Next Generation of Terrorist Financing?“. AE Brill, L Keene. 2014. 7 cites.
  159. Digital Money: Bitcoin’s Financial and Tax Future Despite Regulatory Uncertainty“. N Mirjanich. 2014. HeinOnline DePaul L. Rev.7 cites.
  160. In blocks [security bitcoin]“. D Bradbury. 2015. Engineering & Technology7 cites.
  161. Introduction to bitcoin“. LP Nian, DLK Chuen. 2015. Handbook of Digital Currency: Bitcoin …7 cites.
  162. Mining newsworthy topics from social media“. C Martin, D Corney, A Goker. 2015. Springer Advances in Social Media Analysis7 cites.
  163. Regulatory Overview of Virtual Currency“. N Godlove. 2014. Oklahoma Journal of Law and Technology7 cites.
  164. Retailers directly accepting Bitcoins: Tricky tax issues?“. M Lambooij. 2014. Derivatives & Financial Instruments7 cites.
  165. Taxing and Regulating Bitcoin: The Government’s Game of Catch Up“. P McLeod. 2013. HeinOnline CommLaw Conspectus7 cites.
  166. The Bitcoin Bible Gold Edition: All you need to know about bitcoins and more“. B Guttmann. 2014. 7 cites.
  167. The New Wild West: Preventing Money Laundering int he Bitcoin Network“. K Singh. 2015. HeinOnline Nw. J. Tech. & Intell. Prop.7 cites.
  168. The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Address Clustering“. M Harrigan, C Fretter. 2016. … Cloud and Big Data Computing, Internet …7 cites.
  169. Amino acid intercalated montmorillonite: electrochemical biosensing applications“. F Demir, B Demir, EE Yalcinkaya, S Cevik…. 2014. RSC Advances6 cites.
  170. Behind closed doors: measurement and analysis of CryptoLocker ransoms in Bitcoin“. K Liao, Z Zhao, A Doupé, GJ Ahn. 2016. Electronic Crime Research …6 cites.
  171. Beyond the silk road: unregulated decentralized virtual currencies continue to endanger US national security and welfare“. JA Kleiman. 2013. HeinOnline Nat’l Sec. L. Brief6 cites.
  172. Bitcoin mining technology“. ND Bhaskar, DLEEK Chuen. 2015. Handbook of Digital Currency …6 cites.
  173. Chomping at the bit: US federal income taxation of bitcoin transactions“. H Wiener, J Zelnik, I Tarshish, M Rodgers. 2013. HeinOnline J. Tax’n Fin. Products6 cites.
  174. Cryptocurrencies and business ethics“. C Dierksmeier, P Seele. 2016. Springer Journal of Business Ethics6 cites.
  175. Cryptocurrency with a conscience: Using artificial intelligence to develop money that advances human ethical values“. ME Gladden. 2015. 6 cites.
  176. Czym jest Bitcoin?“. A Sieroń. 2013. Ekonomia. Wrocław Economic Review6 cites.
  177. Demystifying Bitcoin: Sleight of Hand or Major Global Currency Alternative?“. M Malović. 2014. Economic analysis6 cites.
  178. Effect of glucose oxidase and mixing time on soluble and insoluble wheat flour protein fractions: Changes on SH groups and H2O2 consumption“. JC Pescador-Piedra, RR Farrera-Rebollo…. 2010. Springer Food Science and …6 cites.
  179. Financial regulations and price inconsistencies across Bitcoin markets“. G Pieters, S Vivanco. 2017. Elsevier Information Economics and Policy6 cites.
  180. Mixing Dirichlet Topic Models and Word Embeddings to Make lda2vec“. CE Moody. 2016. arXiv preprint arXiv:1605.020196 cites.
  181. Mt. Gox files for bankruptcy, hit with lawsuit“. Y Takemoto, S Knight. 2014. Reuters, Tokyo6 cites.
  182. Popping the Bitcoin bubble: An application of log-periodic power law modeling to digital currency“. A MacDonell. 2014. University of Notre Dame working paper6 cites.
  183. The economics of private digital currency“. GP Dwyer. 2014. 6 cites.
  184. The International Consequences of Fed Policy“. B Steil. 2014. HeinOnline Foreign Aff.6 cites.
  185. The invisible politics of bitcoin: governance crisis of a decentralized infrastructure“. P De Filippi, B Loveluck. 2016. 6 cites.
  186. The predecessors of bitcoin and their implications for the prospect of virtual currencies“. T Kim. 2015. PloS one6 cites.
  187. The risks and rewards of blockchain technology“. K Heires. 2016. Risk Management6 cites.
  188. The technology and economic determinants of cryptocurrency exchange rates: The case of Bitcoin“. X Li, CA Wang. 2017. Elsevier Decision Support Systems6 cites.
  189. The ultimate guide to Bitcoin“. M Miller. 2014. 6 cites.
  190. There are two sides to every coin—even to the bitcoin, a virtual currency“. MA Arias, Y Shin. 2013. The Regional Economist6 cites.
  191. Using topic modeling and similarity thresholds to detect events“. N Keane, C Yee, L Zhou. 2015. … of the 3rd Workshop on EVENTS …6 cites.
  192. Virtual currencies, Micropayments and the payments systems: a challenge to fiat money and monetary policy?“. PLH Verme, RAV Benavides. 2013. European Scientific Journal, ESJ6 cites.
  193. Virtual Uncertainty: Developments in the Law of Electronic Payments and Financial Services“. ST Middlebrook, SJ Hughes. 2013. HeinOnline Bus. Law.6 cites.
  194. Вiтсоin как явление в мировой экономике“. АЕ Роббек. 2014. Вестник Северо-Восточного федерального …6 cites.
  195. 최근 디지털 가상화폐 거래의 법적 쟁점과 운용방안“. 김홍기. 2014. 증권법연구6 cites.
  196. ‘A Bad Apple Went Away’: Exploring Resilience among Bitcoin Entrepreneurs“. C Ingram, M Morisse, R Teigland. 2015. 5 cites.
  197. A Microeconomic Analysis of Bitcoin and Illegal Activities“. T Saito. 2015. Handbook of Digital Currency: Bitcoin, Innovation …5 cites.
  198. A Whole New World: Income Tax Considerations of the Bitcoin Economy“. BW Akins, JL Chapman, JM Gordon. 2013. 5 cites.
  199. A whole new world: Income tax considerations of the Bitcoin economy“. BW Akins, JL Chapman, JM Gordon. 2014. HeinOnline Pitt. Tax Rev.5 cites.
  200. Apparent theft at Mt. Gox shakes Bitcoin world“. N Popper, R Abrams. 2014. New York Times5 cites.
  201. Bitcoin as a Complement to Emerging Market Currencies“. J Carrick. 2016. Taylor & Francis Emerging Markets Finance and Trade5 cites.
  202. Bitcoin nfc“. DA Bronleewe. 2011. 5 cites.
  203. Bitcoin Protocol: Model of ‘Cryptographic Proof’Based Global Crypto-Currency & Electronic Payments System“. Y Malhotra. 2013. 5 cites.
  204. Bitcoin: The Early Market“. SN Wolfson. 2015. Journal of Business & Economics Research …5 cites.
  205. Bitcoin: The Napster or Currency“. S Small. 2015. HeinOnline Hous. J. Int’l L.5 cites.
  206. Consumer trust in digital currency enabled transactions“. A Zarifis, L Efthymiou, X Cheng, S Demetriou. 2014. Springer … Conference on Business …5 cites.
  207. Cryptoinsurance“. M Abramowicz. 2015. HeinOnline Wake Forest L. Rev.5 cites.
  208. From megabytes to megabucks [e-currency]“. C Evans-Pughe. 2012. IET Engineering & Technology5 cites.
  209. Mt. Gox Seeks Bankruptcy after $480 Million Bitcoin Loss“. C Dougherty, G Huang. 2014. Bloomberg5 cites.
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(Featured Image: ‘Apocalypse…‘ by daRoz)