Here below is the list of Most Cited Publications about ‘Merkle Tree’.

Merkle Trees are data structures  used by blockchain technologies. They store hashes of data. It is particularly useful for decentralized network applications as a way to verify data is correct across different nodes or servers. Merkle trees is a cryptographic technique invented by Ralph Merkle. His personal website is

Last updated November 19th, 2017.

Most Cited ‘Merkle Tree’ Publications

  1. Dynamo: amazon’s highly available key-value store“. G DeCandia, D Hastorun, M Jampani…. 2007. ACM SIGOPS operating …4088 cites.
  2. Random key predistribution schemes for sensor networks“. H Chan, A Perrig, D Song. 2003. Security and Privacy, 2003 …3698 cites.
  3. SEAD: Secure efficient distance vector routing for mobile wireless ad hoc networks“. YC Hu, DB Johnson, A Perrig. 2003. Elsevier Ad hoc networks1864 cites.
  4. Dynamic provable data possession“. CC Erway, A Küpçü, C Papamanthou…. 2015. ACM Transactions on …1020 cites.
  5. Privacy-preserving public auditing for secure cloud storage“. C Wang, SSM Chow, Q Wang, K Ren…. 2013. IEEE transactions on …942 cites.
  6. Plutus: Scalable Secure File Sharing on Untrusted Storage.“. M Kallahalla, E Riedel, R Swaminathan, Q Wang, K Fu. 2003. Fast881 cites.
  7. A survey of security issues in wireless sensor networks“. Y Wang, G Attebury, B Ramamurthy. 2006. 832 cites.
  8. Non-interactive verifiable computing: Outsourcing computation to untrusted workers“. R Gennaro, C Gentry, B Parno. 2010. Springer Advances in Cryptology–CRYPTO 2010737 cites.
  9. SECTOR: secure tracking of node encounters in multi-hop wireless networks“. S Čapkun, L Buttyán, JP Hubaux. 2003. … of the 1st ACM workshop on Security …503 cites.
  10. Authentication and integrity in outsourced databases“. E Mykletun, M Narasimha, G Tsudik. 2006. ACM Transactions on Storage …457 cites.
  11. Proofs of ownership in remote storage systems“. S Halevi, D Harnik, B Pinkas…. 2011. Proceedings of the 18th …456 cites.
  12. Homomorphic signature schemes“. R Johnson, D Molnar, D Song, D Wagner. 2002. Springer CT-RSA392 cites.
  13. On certificate revocation and validation“. PC Kocher. 1998. Springer International Conference on Financial Cryptography348 cites.
  14. Dynamic authenticated index structures for outsourced databases“. F Li, M Hadjieleftheriou, G Kollios…. 2006. Proceedings of the 2006 …344 cites.
  15. CloudVisor: retrofitting protection of virtual machines in multi-tenant cloud with nested virtualization“. F Zhang, J Chen, H Chen, B Zang. 2011. Proceedings of the Twenty-Third …341 cites.
  16. Efficient Replica Maintenance for Distributed Storage Systems.“. BG Chun, F Dabek, A Haeberlen, E Sit…. 2006. NSDI297 cites.
  17. Authentic third-party data publication“. P Devanbu, M Gertz, C Martel…. 2002. Springer Data and Application …279 cites.
  18. An efficient scheme for authenticating public keys in sensor networks“. W Du, R Wang, P Ning. 2005. Proceedings of the 6th ACM international …263 cites.
  19. Smart: A secure multilayer credit-based incentive scheme for delay-tolerant networks“. H Zhu, X Lin, R Lu, Y Fan…. 2009. IEEE Transactions on …263 cites.
  20. Verifying completeness of relational query results in data publishing“. HH Pang, A Jain, K Ramamritham, KL Tan. 2005. Proceedings of the 2005 …263 cites.
  21. Caches and hash trees for efficient memory integrity verification“. B Gassend, GE Suh, D Clarke…. 2003. … , 2003. HPCA-9 …262 cites.
  22. Tahoe: the least-authority filesystem“. Z Wilcox-O’Hearn, B Warner. 2008. Proceedings of the 4th ACM international …244 cites.
  23. Herding hash functions and the Nostradamus attack“. J Kelsey, T Kohno. 2006. Springer Annual International Conference on the Theory and …239 cites.
  24. Integrity auditing of outsourced data“. M Xie, H Wang, J Yin, X Meng. 2007. … of the 33rd international conference on …238 cites.
  25. Zerocash: Decentralized anonymous payments from bitcoin“. EB Sasson, A Chiesa, C Garman…. 2014. Security and Privacy …236 cites.
  26. Accountable-subgroup multisignatures“. S Micali, K Ohta, L Reyzin. 2001. Proceedings of the 8th ACM conference on …232 cites.
  27. Steganalysis of least significant bit matching using multi‐order differences“. Z Xia, X Wang, X Sun, B Wang. 2014. Wiley Online Library Security and Communication …230 cites.
  28. Securing the deluge network programming system“. PK Dutta, JW Hui, DC Chu…. 2006. Information Processing in …227 cites.
  29. Securely outsourcing linear algebra computations“. MJ Atallah, KB Frikken. 2010. Proceedings of the 5th ACM Symposium on …222 cites.
  30. On the distribution and revocation of cryptographic keys in sensor networks“. H Chan, VD Gligor, A Perrig…. 2005. IEEE Transactions on …220 cites.
  31. Efficient Security Mechanisms for Routing Protocolsa.“. YC Hu, A Perrig, DB Johnson. 2003. NDSS214 cites.
  32. Wormhole detection in wireless ad hoc networks“. YC Hu, A Perrig, DB Johnson. 2002. … of Computer Science …210 cites.
  33. Micropayments revisited“. S Micali, RL Rivest. 2002. Springer CT-RSA207 cites.
  34. A general model for authenticated data structures“. C Martel, G Nuckolls, P Devanbu, M Gertz, A Kwong…. 2004. Springer Algorithmica201 cites.
  35. An ideal-security protocol for order-preserving encoding“. RA Popa, FH Li, N Zeldovich. 2013. Security and Privacy (SP), 2013 …201 cites.
  36. Practical broadcast authentication in sensor networks“. D Liu, P Ning, S Zhu, S Jajodia. 2005. Mobile and Ubiquitous …194 cites.
  37. Authenticating query results in edge computing“. HH Pang, KL Tan. 2004. Data Engineering, 2004. Proceedings. 20th …193 cites.
  38. Multi-user broadcast authentication in wireless sensor networks“. K Ren, S Yu, W Lou, Y Zhang. 2009. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular …191 cites.
  39. Boosting efficiency and security in proof of ownership for deduplication“. R Di Pietro, A Sorniotti. 2012. Proceedings of the 7th ACM Symposium on …177 cites.
  40. Mobility helps peer-to-peer security“. S Capkun, JP Hubaux, L Buttyan. 2006. IEEE Transactions on …176 cites.
  41. Selective and authentic third-party distribution of XML documents“. E Bertino, B Carminati, E Ferrari…. 2004. … on Knowledge and …173 cites.
  42. Efficient generic forward-secure signatures with an unbounded number of time periods“. T Malkin, D Micciancio, S Miner. 2002. Springer Eurocrypt170 cites.
  43. HIDE: an infrastructure for efficiently protecting information leakage on the address bus“. X Zhuang, T Zhang, S Pande. 2004. ACM SIGPLAN Notices169 cites.
  44. Flexible authentication of XML documents“. P Devanbu, M Gertz, A Kwong, C Martel…. 2004. Journal of …167 cites.
  45. Authentic data publication over the Internet1“. P Devanbu, M Gertz, C Martel…. 2003. Journal of Computer …160 cites.
  46. Fast, Inexpensive Content-Addressed Storage in Foundation.“. SC Rhea, R Cox, A Pesterev. 2008. USENIX Annual Technical Conference154 cites.
  47. On broadcast authentication in wireless sensor networks“. K Ren, W Lou, K Zeng, PJ Moran. 2007. IEEE Transactions on …154 cites.
  48. Uncheatable grid computing“. W Du, M Murugesan, J Jia. 2010. Algorithms and theory of computation …153 cites.
  49. Improving cost, performance, and security of memory encryption and authentication“. C Yan, D Englender, M Prvulovic, B Rogers…. 2006. ACM SIGARCH …152 cites.
  50. The pollution attack in P2P live video streaming: measurement results and defenses“. P Dhungel, X Hei, KW Ross, N Saxena. 2007. … of the 2007 workshop on Peer …152 cites.
  51. Private data deduplication protocols in cloud storage“. WK Ng, Y Wen, H Zhu. 2012. Proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM …151 cites.
  52. Probabilistically bounded staleness for practical partial quorums“. P Bailis, S Venkataraman, MJ Franklin…. 2012. Proceedings of the …150 cites.
  53. Zero-knowledge sets“. S Micali, M Rabin, J Kilian. 2003. Foundations of Computer Science …150 cites.
  54. Asymptotically efficient lattice-based digital signatures“. V Lyubashevsky, D Micciancio. 2008. Springer Theory of Cryptography147 cites.
  55. Hawk: The blockchain model of cryptography and privacy-preserving smart contracts“. A Kosba, A Miller, E Shi, Z Wen…. 2016. Security and Privacy …147 cites.
  56. Private and cheating-free outsourcing of algebraic computations“. D Benjamin, MJ Atallah. 2008. … , Security and Trust, 2008. PST’08 …144 cites.
  57. Certificate transparency“. B Laurie, A Langley, E Kasper. 2013. 136 cites.
  58. Iris: A scalable cloud file system with efficient integrity checks“. E Stefanov, M van Dijk, A Juels, A Oprea. 2012. Proceedings of the 28th …136 cites.
  59. Informed content delivery across adaptive overlay networks“. JW Byers, J Considine, M Mitzenmacher…. 2004. IEEE/ACM Transactions …135 cites.
  60. Electronic lottery tickets as micropayments“. RL Rivest. 1997. Springer International Conference on Financial Cryptography129 cites.
  61. Policy-Sealed Data: A New Abstraction for Building Trusted Cloud Services.“. N Santos, R Rodrigues, KP Gummadi…. 2012. USENIX security …129 cites.
  62. Scalable architectural support for trusted software“. D Champagne, RB Lee. 2010. High Performance Computer …127 cites.
  63. Merkle tree traversal in log space and time“. M Szydlo. 2004. Springer Eurocrypt124 cites.
  64. Tamper detection in audit logs“. RT Snodgrass, SS Yao, C Collberg. 2004. … on Very large data bases-Volume …122 cites.
  65. Virtual monotonic counters and count-limited objects using a TPM without a trusted OS“. LFG Sarmenta, M Van Dijk, CW O’Donnell…. 2006. Proceedings of the first …122 cites.
  66. Distillation codes and applications to DoS resistant multicast authentication“. C Karlof, N Sastry, Y Li, A Perrig, JD Tygar. 2004. NDSS121 cites.
  67. Recursive composition and bootstrapping for SNARKs and proof-carrying data“. N Bitansky, R Canetti, A Chiesa, E Tromer. 2013. … of the forty-fifth annual ACM …120 cites.
  68. Memory Delegation.“. KM Chung, YT Kalai, FH Liu, R Raz. 2011. Springer CRYPTO117 cites.
  69. New approaches to security and availability for cloud data“. A Juels, A Oprea. 2013. Communications of the ACM115 cites.
  70. Authenticated hash tables“. C Papamanthou, R Tamassia…. 2008. Proceedings of the 15th …114 cites.
  71. Efficient audit service outsourcing for data integrity in clouds“. Y Zhu, H Hu, GJ Ahn, SS Yau. 2012. Elsevier Journal of Systems and Software112 cites.
  72. Practical dynamic proofs of retrievability“. E Shi, E Stefanov, C Papamanthou. 2013. Proceedings of the 2013 ACM …112 cites.
  73. Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies: A Comprehensive Introduction“. A Narayanan, J Bonneau, E Felten, A Miller…. 2016. 109 cites.
  74. Certificate revocation in vehicular networks“. M Raya, D Jungels, P Papadimitratos…. 2006. … (LCA) School of …107 cites.
  75. A next-generation smart contract and decentralized application platform“. V Buterin. 2014. white paper105 cites.
  76. Differing-Inputs Obfuscation and Applications.“. P Ananth, D Boneh, S Garg…. 2013. IACR Cryptology …104 cites.
  77. Reconfigurable physical unclonable functions-enabling technology for tamper-resistant storage“. K Kursawe, AR Sadeghi, D Schellekens…. 2009. … Security and Trust …104 cites.
  78. Tree-based certificate revocation system“. S Micali. 2000. Google Patents US Patent 6,097,811104 cites.
  79. Using address independent seed encryption and bonsai merkle trees to make secure processors os-and performance-friendly“. B Rogers, S Chhabra, M Prvulovic…. 2007. … , 2007. MICRO 2007 …102 cites.
  80. Efficient certificate revocation“. S Micali. 2002. Google Patents US Patent 6,487,658101 cites.
  81. Hardware-rooted trust for secure key management and transient trust“. JS Dwoskin, RB Lee. 2007. Proceedings of the 14th ACM conference on …101 cites.
  82. Optimal verification of operations on dynamic sets“. C Papamanthou, R Tamassia…. 2011. Springer Annual Cryptology …98 cites.
  83. Fractal Merkle tree representation and traversal“. M Jakobsson, T Leighton, S Micali, M Szydlo. 2003. Springer Cryptographers’ Track at the …97 cites.
  84. SIA: Secure information aggregation in sensor networks“. H Chan, A Perrig, B Przydatek…. 2007. Journal of Computer …97 cites.
  85. Sabotage-tolerance and trust management in desktop grid computing“. P Domingues, B Sousa, LM Silva. 2007. Elsevier Future Generation Computer Systems96 cites.
  86. SecCloud: Bridging secure storage and computation in cloud“. L Wei, H Zhu, Z Cao, W Jia…. 2010. … (ICDCSW), 2010 IEEE …96 cites.
  87. Security services in group communications over wireless infrastructure, mobile ad hoc, and wireless sensor networks“. P Sakarindr, N Ansari. 2007. IEEE Wireless Communications95 cites.
  88. An efficient merkle-tree-based authentication scheme for smart grid“. H Li, R Lu, L Zhou, B Yang, X Shen. 2014. IEEE Systems Journal94 cites.
  89. Efficient and fresh certification“. I Gassko, PS Gemmell, P MacKenzie. 2000. Springer Public Key Cryptography94 cites.
  90. Certifying Program Execution with Secure Processors.“. B Chen, R Morris. 2003. HotOS93 cites.
  91. Advanced meet-in-the-middle preimage attacks: first results on full Tiger, and improved results on MD4 and SHA-2.“. J Guo, S Ling, C Rechberger, H Wang. 2010. Springer ASIACRYPT91 cites.
  92. Castor: Scalable secure routing for ad hoc networks“. W Galuba, P Papadimitratos…. 2010. INFOCOM, 2010 …88 cites.
  93. Multicast authentication in fully adversarial networks“. A Lysyanskaya, R Tamassia…. 2004. Security and Privacy …88 cites.
  94. Partially materialized digest scheme: an efficient verification method for outsourced databases“. K Mouratidis, D Sacharidis, HH Pang. 2009. The VLDB Journal—The …88 cites.
  95. All about Eve: Execute-Verify Replication for Multi-Core Servers.“. M Kapritsos, Y Wang, V Quema, A Clement, L Alvisi…. 2012. OSDI87 cites.
  96. Let’s chronosync: Decentralized dataset state synchronization in named data networking“. Z Zhu, A Afanasyev. 2013. Network Protocols (ICNP), 2013 21st IEEE …84 cites.
  97. Seven-property-preserving iterated hashing: ROX“. E Andreeva, G Neven, B Preneel…. 2007. Springer Advances in Cryptology …84 cites.
  98. Tree-based certificate revocation system“. S Micali. 2001. Google Patents US Patent 6,301,65984 cites.
  99. XMSS-a practical forward secure signature scheme based on minimal security assumptions“. J Buchmann, E Dahmen, A Hülsing. 2011. Springer Post-Quantum Cryptography84 cites.
  100. Blocked tree authorization and status systems“. F Sudia. 2004. Google Patents US Patent App. 10/949,71283 cites.
  101. An efficient integrity-preserving scheme for hierarchical sensor aggregation“. KB Frikken, JA Dougherty IV. 2008. Proceedings of the first ACM conference …81 cites.
  102. End-to-end Data Integrity for File Systems: A ZFS Case Study.“. Y Zhang, A Rajimwale, AC Arpaci-Dusseau…. 2010. FAST81 cites.
  103. Payment processing method and system“. R Nix, A Mesarovich, T Schwartz…. 2005. Google Patents US Patent App. 11 …81 cites.
  104. Cryptographic method for updating financial records“. SM Matyas. 1993. Google Patents US Patent 5,231,66679 cites.
  105. Cryptographic method for updating financial records“. SM Matyas. 1993. Google Patents US Patent 5,231,66679 cites.
  106. Efficient Data Structures For Tamper-Evident Logging.“. SA Crosby, DS Wallach. 2009. USENIX Security Symposium79 cites.
  107. Secure two-party computation with low communication“. I Damgård, S Faust, C Hazay. 2012. Springer Theory of cryptography78 cites.
  108. Robust and efficient data management for a distributed hash table“. J Cates. 2003. 77 cites.
  109. CMSS-an improved merkle signature scheme“. J Buchmann, LCC García, E Dahmen, M Döring…. 2006. Springer INDOCRYPT76 cites.
  110. Design space exploration and optimization of path oblivious ram in secure processors“. L Ren, X Yu, CW Fletcher, M Van Dijk…. 2013. ACM SIGARCH …76 cites.
  111. Permacoin: Repurposing bitcoin work for data preservation“. A Miller, A Juels, E Shi, B Parno…. 2014. Security and Privacy (SP) …76 cites.
  112. An efficient broadcast authentication scheme in wireless sensor networks“. SM Chang, S Shieh, WW Lin, CM Hsieh. 2006. Proceedings of the 2006 ACM …75 cites.
  113. Avoiding black hole and cooperative black hole attacks in wireless ad hoc networks“. A Baadache, A Belmehdi. 2010. arXiv preprint arXiv:1002.168175 cites.
  114. Verifying computations with state“. B Braun, AJ Feldman, Z Ren, S Setty…. 2013. Proceedings of the …75 cites.
  115. Enhanced Certificate Transparency and End-to-End Encrypted Mail.“. MD Ryan. 2014. NDSS74 cites.
  116. Privacy-preserving Logarithmic-time Search on Encrypted Data in Cloud.“. Y Lu. 2012. NDSS74 cites.
  117. Delegation of Computation without Rejection Problem from Designated Verifier CS-Proofs.“. S Goldwasser, H Lin, A Rubinstein. 2011. IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive73 cites.
  118. On the random-oracle methodology as applied to length-restricted signature schemes“. R Canetti, O Goldreich, S Halevi. 2004. Springer TCC73 cites.
  119. Self-verifying names for read-only named data“. M Baugher, B Davie, A Narayanan…. 2012. … WKSHPS), 2012 IEEE …73 cites.
  120. Jumbo Store: Providing Efficient Incremental Upload and Versioning for a Utility Rendering Service.“. K Eshghi, M Lillibridge, L Wilcock, G Belrose…. 2007. FAST72 cites.
  121. A parameter-adaptive dynamic programming approach for inferring cophylogenies“. D Merkle, M Middendorf…. 2010. bmcbioinformatics.biomedcentral … BMC …71 cites.
  122. A remote password authentication scheme based on the digital signature method“. MS Hwang. 1999. Taylor & Francis International Journal of Computer Mathematics71 cites.
  123. Advances in Cryptology-EUROCRYPT 2004: International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques, Interlaken, Switzerland …“. C Cachin. 2004. 71 cites.
  124. Enabling the Archival Storage of Signed Documents.“. P Maniatis, M Baker. 2002. FAST71 cites.
  125. Secure multihop network programming with multiple one-way key chains“. H Tan, J Zic, S Jha, D Ostry. 2011. IEEE Transactions on Mobile …71 cites.
  126. Encryption and authentication for scalable multimedia: Current state of the art and challenges“. BB Zhu, MD Swanson, S Li. 2004. Proc. SPIE69 cites.
  127. Flooding-resilient broadcast authentication for vanets“. HC Hsiao, A Studer, C Chen, A Perrig, F Bai…. 2011. Proceedings of the 17th …69 cites.
  128. Indistinguishability obfuscation for turing machines with unbounded memory“. V Koppula, AB Lewko, B Waters. 2015. … of the forty-seventh annual ACM …69 cites.
  129. Optimizing BGP security by exploiting path stability“. K Butler, P McDaniel, W Aiello. 2006. … of the 13th ACM conference on …69 cites.
  130. Proof-infused streams: Enabling authentication of sliding window queries on streams“. F Li, K Yi, M Hadjieleftheriou, G Kollios. 2007. Proceedings of the 33rd …69 cites.
  131. How to manage persistent state in DRM systems“. W Shapiro, R Vingralek. 2001. Springer ACM Workshop on Digital Rights Management68 cites.
  132. On protecting integrity and confidentiality of cryptographic file system for outsourced storage“. A Yun, C Shi, Y Kim. 2009. Proceedings of the 2009 ACM workshop on Cloud …68 cites.
  133. SecureME: a hardware-software approach to full system security“. S Chhabra, B Rogers, Y Solihin…. 2011. Proceedings of the …68 cites.
  134. Cryptopage: An efficient secure architecture with memory encryption, integrity and information leakage protection“. G Duc, R Keryell. 2006. … Conference, 2006. ACSAC’06. 22nd Annual67 cites.
  135. EDDK: Energy-efficient distributed deterministic key management for wireless sensor networks“. X Zhang, J He, Q Wei. 2011. Springer EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications …67 cites.
  136. Mercurial Commitments with Applications to Zero-Knowledge Sets.“. M Chase, A Healy, A Lysyanskaya, T Malkin, L Reyzin. 2005. Springer Eurocrypt66 cites.
  137. On securing untrusted clouds with cryptography“. Y Chen, R Sion. 2010. Proceedings of the 9th annual ACM workshop on …66 cites.
  138. Merkle signatures with virtually unlimited signature capacity“. J Buchmann, E Dahmen, E Klintsevich, K Okeya…. 2007. Springer … and Network Security65 cites.
  139. Hardware mechanisms for memory authentication: A survey of existing techniques and engines“. R Elbaz, D Champagne, C Gebotys, R Lee…. 2009. Springer Transactions on …64 cites.
  140. Hash based digital signature schemes“. C Dods, NP Smart, M Stam. 2005. Springer Lecture notes in computer science64 cites.
  141. CADS: Continuous authentication on data streams“. S Papadopoulos, Y Yang, D Papadias. 2007. Proceedings of the 33rd …63 cites.
  142. Short Redactable Signatures Using Random Trees.“. EC Chang, CL Lim, J Xu. 2009. Springer CT-RSA62 cites.
  143. Trust but verify: accountability for network services“. AR Yumerefendi, JS Chase. 2004. Proceedings of the 11th workshop on ACM …62 cites.
  144. Distributed user access control in sensor networks“. H Wang, Q Li. 2006. Springer DCOSS61 cites.
  145. Efficient signature schemes supporting redaction, pseudonymization, and data deidentification“. S Haber, Y Hatano, Y Honda, W Horne…. 2008. Proceedings of the …61 cites.
  146. Joint topology control and authentication design in mobile ad hoc networks with cooperative communications“. Q Guan, FR Yu, S Jiang…. 2012. IEEE Transactions on …61 cites.
  147. Providing freshness guarantees for outsourced databases“. M Xie, H Wang, J Yin, X Meng. 2008. … of the 11th international conference on …61 cites.
  148. Defense against intrusion in a live streaming multicast system“. M Haridasan, R van Renesse. 2006. Peer-to-Peer Computing, 2006 …60 cites.
  149. Vector Commitments and Their Applications.“. D Catalano, D Fiore. 2013. Springer Public Key Cryptography59 cites.
  150. A coding-theoretic approach for efficient message verification over insecure channels“. D Slater, P Tague, R Poovendran, BJ Matt. 2009. Proceedings of the second …58 cites.
  151. Certificate revocation using fine grained certificate space partitioning“. V Goyal. 2007. Springer … Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data …58 cites.
  152. Efficient verification of shortest path search via authenticated hints“. ML Yiu, Y Lin, K Mouratidis. 2010. Data Engineering (ICDE), 2010 …58 cites.
  153. Spatial query integrity with voronoi neighbors“. L Hu, WS Ku, S Bakiras…. 2013. IEEE Transactions on …58 cites.
  154. Efficient consistency proofs for generalized queries on a committed database“. R Ostrovsky, C Rackoff, A Smith. 2004. Springer ICALP57 cites.
  155. CONIKS: Bringing Key Transparency to End Users.“. MS Melara, A Blankstein, J Bonneau…. 2015. USENIX Security …56 cites.
  156. Peppercoin micropayments“. RL Rivest. 2004. Springer Financial Cryptography56 cites.
  157. A confidential and DoS-resistant multi-hop code dissemination protocol for wireless sensor networks“. H Tan, D Ostry, J Zic, S Jha. 2013. Elsevier Computers & Security55 cites.
  158. Social Networking with Frientegrity: Privacy and Integrity with an Untrusted Provider.“. AJ Feldman, A Blankstein, MJ Freedman…. 2012. USENIX Security …55 cites.
  159. Authentication of moving kNN queries“. ML Yiu, E Lo, D Yung. 2011. Data Engineering (ICDE), 2011 IEEE …54 cites.
  160. Shroud: ensuring private access to large-scale data in the data center.“. JR Lorch, B Parno, JW Mickens, M Raykova…. 2013. FAST54 cites.
  161. Tec-tree: A low-cost, parallelizable tree for efficient defense against memory replay attacks“. R Elbaz, D Champagne, R Lee, L Torres…. 2007. Springer … and Embedded Systems …54 cites.
  162. Scalable zero knowledge via cycles of elliptic curves“. E Ben-Sasson, A Chiesa, E Tromer, M Virza. 2017. Springer Algorithmica53 cites.
  163. Obfuscated databases and group privacy“. A Narayanan, V Shmatikov. 2005. Proceedings of the 12th ACM conference on …52 cites.
  164. Certificate transparency“. B Laurie. 2014. Queue51 cites.
  165. SEAR: a secure efficient ad hoc on demand routing protocol for wireless networks“. Q Li, M Zhao, J Walker, YC Hu, A Perrig…. 2009. Wiley Online Library Security and …51 cites.
  166. Efficient data protection for distributed shared memory multiprocessors“. B Rogers, M Prvulovic, Y Solihin. 2006. Parallel Architectures and …50 cites.
  167. Antiquity: exploiting a secure log for wide-area distributed storage“. H Weatherspoon, P Eaton, BG Chun…. 2007. ACM SIGOPS Operating …48 cites.
  168. Hourglass schemes: how to prove that cloud files are encrypted“. M Van Dijk, A Juels, A Oprea, RL Rivest…. 2012. Proceedings of the …48 cites.
  169. An opportunistic batch bundle authentication scheme for energy constrained DTNs“. H Zhu, X Lin, R Lu, X Shen, D Xing…. 2010. … 2010 Proceedings IEEE46 cites.
  170. Optimal parameter selection for efficient memory integrity verification using merkle hash trees“. D Williams, EG Sirer. 2004. Network Computing and Applications …46 cites.
  171. Power consumption evaluation of efficient digital signature schemes for low power devices“. S Seys, B Preneel. 2005. Wireless And Mobile Computing …46 cites.
  172. Scalable security for petascale parallel file systems“. AW Leung, EL Miller, S Jones. 2007. … 2007. SC’07. Proceedings of the …46 cites.
  173. Efficient data authentication in an environment of untrusted third-party distributors“. MJ Atallah, YS Cho, A Kundu. 2008. Data Engineering, 2008. ICDE …45 cites.
  174. Leveraging Channel Diversity for Key Establishment in Wireless Sensor Networks.“. MJ Miller, NH Vaidya. 2006. INFOCOM45 cites.
  175. Fighting against packet dropping misbehavior in multi-hop wireless ad hoc networks“. A Baadache, A Belmehdi. 2012. Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications44 cites.
  176. Incrementally verifiable computation or proofs of knowledge imply time/space efficiency“. P Valiant. 2008. Springer Theory of Cryptography44 cites.
  177. Stack and queue integrity on hostile platforms“. PT Devanbu, SG Stubblebine. 2002. IEEE Transactions on Software …44 cites.
  178. The trusted execution module: Commodity general-purpose trusted computing“. V Costan, L Sarmenta, M Van Dijk…. 2008. Springer Smart Card Research and …44 cites.
  179. The trusted execution module: Commodity general-purpose trusted computing“. V Costan, L Sarmenta, M Van Dijk…. 2008. Springer Smart Card Research and …44 cites.
  180. Zero-knowledge sets with short proofs“. D Catalano, D Fiore, M Messina. 2008. Springer … on the Theory and Applications of …44 cites.
  181. Caches and merkle trees for efficient memory authentication“. B Gassend, E Suh, D Clarke, M Van Dijk…. 2003. Proceedings of Ninth …43 cites.
  182. Misbehavior in bitcoin: A study of double-spending and accountability“. GO Karame, E Androulaki, M Roeschlin…. 2015. ACM Transactions on …43 cites.
  183. A Remark on a Signature Scheme where Forgery can be Proved“. G Bleumer, B Pfitzmann, M Waidner. 1990. Springer … on the Theory and Application of of …42 cites.
  184. ALPHA: an adaptive and lightweight protocol for hop-by-hop authentication“. T Heer, S Götz, OG Morchon, K Wehrle. 2008. Proceedings of the 2008 ACM …42 cites.
  185. Formal aspects of fail-stop signatures“. B Pfitzmann, M Waidner. 1990. 42 cites.
  186. Merkle Tree Traversal Revisited.“. JA Buchmann, E Dahmen, M Schneider. 2008. Springer PQCrypto42 cites.
  187. NoSQL systems for big data management“. VN Gudivada, D Rao…. 2014. … (SERVICES), 2014 IEEE …42 cites.
  188. Quasimodo: Efficient certificate validation and revocation“. FF Elwailly, C Gentry, Z Ramzan. 2004. Springer Public Key Cryptography42 cites.
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