Here below is the list of Most Cited Publications about ‘Keynesian Economics’.
Keynesian Economics was developed by John Maynard Keynes in the early 20th century. It is the predominant economics theoretical framework of the time to manage currencies. The framework relies upon inflation, central banking, and strict regulation at the state level for national currencies. Keynesian economics philosophy includes supply side tools, intervention tools to manage prices of currencies relative to others, balancing inflation and deflation, and tools to manage financial deposits including lenders of last resort. Cryptocurrencies approach economics in the “Austrian” economics philosophy style where money supplies are not related to external political pressures, individual participants cannot be denies, seigniorage is assigned to miners and holders on the network rather than political entities, and open market competition to determine rates between currencies.
Last updated November 26th, 2017.
Most Cited ‘Keynesian Economics’ Publications
- “The future of the capitalist state.“. RD Jessop. 2002. . 3548 cites.
- “A tract on monetary reform“. JM Keynes, A Robinson, DE Moggridge. 1923. . 2457 cites.
- “Democracy in deficit“. JMG Buchanan, RE Wagner. 1977. Acad. Press . 2052 cites.
- “The political power of economic ideas: Keynesianism across nations“. PA Hall. 1989. . 2040 cites.
- “The Keynesian counterrevolution: a theoretical appraisal“. RW Clower. 1965. London: Macmillan The theory of interest rates. 1819 cites.
- “How did economists get it so wrong?“. P Krugman. 2009. New York Times. 1572 cites.
- “A general disequilibrium model of income and employment“. RJ Barro, HI Grossman. 1971. JSTOR The American Economic Review. 1477 cites.
- “Inflation crises and long-run growth“. M Bruno, W Easterly. 1998. Elsevier Journal of Monetary Economics. 1416 cites.
- “The irrelevance of equilibrium economics“. N Kaldor. 1972. JSTOR The Economic Journal. 1327 cites.
- “Foundations of post-Keynesian economic analysis“. M Lavoie. 1992. Books. 1320 cites.
- “Introduction“. M Blaug. 1990. Springer John Maynard Keynes. 1183 cites.
- “Crisis in Keynesian economics“. JR Hicks. 1974. . 1076 cites.
- “After keynesian macroeconomics“. RE Lucas, T Sargent. 1981. Rational expectations and econometric …. 1039 cites.
- “The new Keynesian economics and the output-inflation trade-off“. L Ball, NG Mankiw, D Romer, GA Akerlof, A Rose…. 1988. JSTOR Brookings papers on …. 1008 cites.
- “New Keynesian economics and the Phillips curve“. JM Roberts. 1995. JSTOR Journal of money, credit and banking. 943 cites.
- “Keynesian macroeconomics without the LM curve“. D Romer. 2000. . 890 cites.
- “How rich countries got rich and why poor countries stay poor“. ES Reinert. 2007. Constable . 837 cites.
- “Real wage rigidities and the New Keynesian model“. O Blanchard, J Galí. 2007. Wiley Online Library Journal of money, credit and banking. 791 cites.
- “Macroeconomics after Keynes: a reconsideration of the General Theory“. V Chick. 1983. . 787 cites.
- “What is new-Keynesian economics?“. RJ Gordon. 1990. JSTOR journal of Economic Literature. 780 cites.
- “The economy needs agent-based modelling“. JD Farmer, D Foley. 2009. Nature. 763 cites.
- “Essays in biography“. JM Keynes, G Keynes. 1933. . 753 cites.
- “Neo-Keynesian disequilibrium theory in a monetary economy“. JP Benassy. 1975. JSTOR The Review of Economic Studies. 741 cites.
- “New Keynesian Economics: Coordination failures and real rigidities“. NG Mankiw, D Romer. 1991. . 721 cites.
- “Staggered price and wage setting in macroeconomics“. JB Taylor. 1999. Elsevier Handbook of macroeconomics. 706 cites.
- “guide to Keynes“. AH Hansen. 1953. . 642 cites.
- “Is probability theory relevant for uncertainty? A post Keynesian perspective“. P Davidson. 1991. JSTOR The Journal of Economic Perspectives. 591 cites.
- “Rational economic man: a philosophical critique of neo-classical economics“. M Hollis, EJ Nell. 1975. JSTOR . 566 cites.
- “Indeterminacy and sunspots in macroeconomics“. J Benhabib, REA Farmer. 1999. Elsevier Handbook of macroeconomics. 542 cites.
- “New tests of the new-Keynesian Phillips curve“. J Rudd, K Whelan. 2005. Elsevier Journal of Monetary Economics. 535 cites.
- “Is inflation sticky?“. JM Roberts. 1997. Elsevier Journal of Monetary Economics. 535 cites.
- “Information and coordination: essays in macroeconomic theory“. A Leijonhufvud. 1981. Oxford Univ Pr . 528 cites.
- “Rational expectations: a fallacious foundation for studying crucial decision-making processes“. P Davidson. 1982. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 505 cites.
- “Pension fund capitalism“. G Clark. 2000. OUP Catalogue. 501 cites.
- “Why are Latin America’s savings rates so low? An international comparative analysis“. S Edwards. 1996. Elsevier Journal of development economics. 487 cites.
- “The death of neoclassical economics“. D Colander. 2000. Journal of the history of Economic Thought. 477 cites.
- “The new Keynesian microfoundations“. JJ Rotemberg. 1987. NBER macroeconomics annual. 474 cites.
- “A model of imperfect competition with Keynesian features“. O Hart. 1982. The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 472 cites.
- “16 Some skeptical observations on real business cycle theory“. LH Summers. 2002. A Macroeconomics Reader. 422 cites.
- “An essay on post-Keynesian theory: a new paradigm in economics“. AS Eichner, JA Kregel. 1975. JSTOR journal of Economic Literature. 420 cites.
- “Monopolistic competition and general equilibrium“. T Negishi. 1989. Springer General Equilibrium. 419 cites.
- “Transatlantic investment by multinational firms: a rivalistic phenomenon?“. EM Graham. 1978. Taylor & Francis Journal of post Keynesian economics. 408 cites.
- “The Keynesian revolution and the monetarist counter-revolution“. HG Johnson. 1971. JSTOR The American Economic Review. 401 cites.
- “A modern guide to macroeconomics“. B Snowdon, HR Vane, P Wynarczyk. 1994. Books. 397 cites.
- “Mr Keynes and the post keynesians“. FJC De Carvalho. 1992. Books. 394 cites.
- “IS-LM: an explanation“. J Hicks. 1980. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 378 cites.
- “Capital: A critique of political economy (I): The process of capitalist production“. K Marx. 1867. History of Economic Thought Books. 368 cites.
- “A history of post Keynesian economics since 1936“. JE King. 2002. . 359 cites.
- “The nature of heterodox economics“. T Lawson. 2005. Cambridge journal of economics. 357 cites.
- “Reality and economic theory“. P Davidson. 1996. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 356 cites.
- “Two theories of money supply endogeneity: some empirical evidence“. R Pollin. 1991. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 356 cites.
- “The Keynesian revolution in the making, 1924-1936“. P Clarke. 1990. OUP Catalogue. 356 cites.
- “Why does money affect output? A survey“. OJ Blanchard. 1990. Elsevier Handbook of monetary economics. 352 cites.
- “The crisis in economic theory“. D Bell, I Kristol. 1981. Basic Books . 351 cites.
- “The Post-Keynesian approach to economics“. P Arestis. 1992. Books. 334 cites.
- “Keynesian economics: the search for first principles“. A Coddington. 1976. JSTOR Journal of Economic Literature. 327 cites.
- “Simulating social phenomena“. R Conte, R Hegselmann, P Terna. 2013. . 325 cites.
- “A plain man’s guide to Kaldor’s growth laws“. AP Thirlwall. 1983. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 315 cites.
- “Finance and economic breakdown: modeling Minsky’s “financial instability hypothesis”“. S Keen. 1995. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 309 cites.
- “The politics and philosophy of economics: Marxians, Keynesians and Austrians“. TW Hutchison. 1981. . 308 cites.
- “Post-Keynesian economics: new foundations“. M Lavoie. 2014. . 307 cites.
- “Post Keynesian economics: debt, distribution and the macro economy“. T Palley. 1996. . 302 cites.
- “Distribution, demand and growth in neo-Kaleckian macro-models“. RA Blecker. 2002. Chapters. 300 cites.
- “Post-Keynesian economics: towards coherence“. P Arestis. 1996. Cambridge Journal of Economics. 297 cites.
- “Post Keynesian monetary economics“. S Rousseas. 1998. . 296 cites.
- “The unfortunate uselessness of most’state of the art’academic monetary economics“. WH Buiter. 2009. . 292 cites.
- “Price flexibility and output stability: an old Keynesian view“. J Tobin. 1993. JSTOR The Journal of Economic Perspectives. 292 cites.
- “Milton Friedman’s monetary framework“. RJ Gordon. 1975. . 292 cites.
- “Keynesian, new Keynesian, and new classical economics“. BC Greenwald, JE Stiglitz. 1987. . 290 cites.
- “The present state of institutional economics“. WJ Samuels. 1995. Cambridge Journal of Economics. 289 cites.
- “The endogenous flow of credit and the post Keynesian theory of money“. M Lavoie. 1984. Taylor & Francis Journal of Economic Issues. 288 cites.
- “Economics and policy: a historical study“. D Winch. 1969. Walker,[1970 . 286 cites.
- “Introduction to post-Keynesian economics“. M Lavoie. 2009. . 283 cites.
- “The methodology of macroeconomic thought“. SC Dow. 1996. Books. 271 cites.
- “Keynes’s Economics and the Theory of Value and Distribution“. J Eatwell, M Milgate. 1983. Gerald Duckworth & Co Ltd . 271 cites.
- “John Maynard Keynes, 1883-1946: economist, philosopher, statesman“. R Skidelsky. 2003. Macmillan London . 264 cites.
- “Kaleckian models of growth in a coherent stock-flow monetary framework: a Kaldorian view“. M Lavoie, W Godley. 2001. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 263 cites.
- “Probability and uncertainty in economic analysis“. T Lawson. 1988. Taylor & Francis Journal of post Keynesian economics. 261 cites.
- “Reconstruction of Political Economy: An Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics“. JA Kregel. 1973. . 261 cites.
- “The reincarnation of Keynesian economics“. NG Mankiw. 1991. . 260 cites.
- “Money, New-Keynesian macroeconomics and the business cycle“. JO Hairault, F Portier. 1993. Elsevier European Economic Review. 259 cites.
- “Mapping economics through the journal literature: An experiment in journal cocitation analysis“. KW McCain. 1991. Journal of the American Society for Information …. 259 cites.
- “Political economy: The contest of economic ideas“. F Stilwell. 2011. OUP Catalogue. 257 cites.
- “Microeconomic foundations of Keynesian macroeconomics“. T Negishi. 1979. North-Holland . 256 cites.
- “Keynesian kaleidics“. GLS Shackle, JM Keynes. 1974. . 251 cites.
- “From Keynesianism to neoliberalism: Shifting paradigms in economics“. TI Palley. 2005. Neoliberalism: A critical reader. 247 cites.
- “Why Economics is not yet a Science“. AS Eichner. 1983. Taylor & Francis Journal of Economic Issues. 247 cites.
- “POST KEYNESIANISM: FROM CFUTICISM TO COHERENCE?“. OF Hamouda, GC Harcourt. 1988. Wiley Online Library Bulletin of Economic Research. 245 cites.
- “Interpreting Mr. Keynes: The IS-LM Enigma“. W Young. 1987. Westview Pr . 245 cites.
- “Keynesian Economics“. A Coddington. 2013. . 240 cites.
- “The structure of post-Keynesian economics“. GC Harcourt. 2008. Springer Keynes for the Twenty-First Century. 239 cites.
- “Fictions of state: culture and credit in Britain, 1694-1994“. P Brantlinger. 1996. . 239 cites.
- “On capital flows and the balance-of-payments-constrained growth model“. JC Moreno-Brid. 1998. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 237 cites.
- “OECD demand regimes (1960-2000)“. CWM Naastepad, S Storm. 2006. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 229 cites.
- “Reinventing fiscal policy“. P Arestis, M Sawyer. 2003. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 228 cites.
- “Finance, funding, saving, and investment“. P Davidson. 1986. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 228 cites.
- “The fall and rise of Keynesian economics“. AS Blinder. 1988. Wiley Online Library Economic record. 219 cites.
- “A guide to post-Keynesian economics“. AS Eichner, J Robinson. 1979. JSTOR . 217 cites.
- “The endogenous money stock“. BJ Moore. 1979. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 211 cites.
- “The failure of the” new economics”: an analysis of the Keynesian fallacies“. H Hazlitt. 1959. . 208 cites.
- “How did economics get that way and what way did it get?“. RM Solow. 1997. JSTOR Daedalus. 207 cites.
- “A Post Keynesian theory of credit rationing“. MH Wolfson. 1996. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 204 cites.
- “Expectations and confidence under uncertainty“. D Dequech. 1999. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 202 cites.
- “On the Empirics of Balance-of-payments–Constrained Growth“. JSL McCombie. 1997. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 202 cites.
- “Towards a reconstruction of Keynesian economics: expectations and constrained equilibria“. JP Neary, JE Stiglitz. 1979. . 202 cites.
- “Keynesian economics and general equilibrium theory: reflections on some current debates“. FH Hahn. 1977. Springer The Microeconomic Foundations of Macroeconomics. 199 cites.
- “The strange history of the Washington consensus“. J Williamson. 2004. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 197 cites.
- ““Thirlwall’s law” and beyond: the Latin American experience“. J López G, A Cruz B. 2000. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 197 cites.
- “Economic methodology: an inquiry“. S Dow. 2002. OUP Catalogue. 196 cites.
- “Post-Keynesian monetary economics“. A Cottrell. 1994. Cambridge Journal of Economics. 194 cites.
- “A neo-Kaldorian perspective on the rise and decline of the Golden Age“. M Setterfield, J Cornwall. 2002. Chapters. 192 cites.
- “The endogenous money supply“. BJ Moore. 1988. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 191 cites.
- “Imperfect competition and the Keynesian cross“. NG Mankiw. 1988. Elsevier Economics Letters. 191 cites.
- “Owner–manager conflict and financial theories of investment instability: a critical assessment of Keynes, Tobin, and Minsky“. JR Crotty. 1990. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 189 cites.
- “Keynesian uncertainty and the weight of arguments“. J Runde. 1990. Economics & Philosophy. 183 cites.
- “Full employment and price stability“. W Mosler. 1997. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 181 cites.
- “Neoclassical, mainstream, orthodox, and heterodox economics“. D Dequech. 2007. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 179 cites.
- “The life-cycle hypothesis and the consumption behavior of the elderly“. S Danziger, J Van Der Gaag, E Smolensky…. 1982. Taylor & Francis … Economics. 179 cites.
- “Inflation and economic growth: A cross-country nonlinear analysis“. R Pollin, A Zhu. 2006. Taylor & Francis Journal of post Keynesian economics. 177 cites.
- “Interest Rates in Post‐Keynesian Models of Growth and Distribution“. M Lavoie. 1995. Wiley Online Library Metroeconomica. 175 cites.
- “Unpacking the post Keynesian black box: bank lending and the money supply“. BJ Moore. 1983. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 175 cites.
- “Money in Motion: the post-Keynesian and circulation approaches“. G Deleplace, EJ Nell. 2016. . 174 cites.
- “Keynes and the Keynesians: A suggested interpretation“. A Leijonhufvud. 1967. JSTOR The American Economic Review. 174 cites.
- “Shareholder value orientation and the investment-profit puzzle“. E Stockhammer. 2005. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 171 cites.
- “Money, interest, and wages“. J Hicks. 1982. Harvard Univ Pr . 170 cites.
- “The shadow of Keynes“. ES Johnson, HG Johnson. 1978. Taylor & Francis . 169 cites.
- “Speculation-led economic development: a post-Keynesian interpretation of financial liberalization programmes in the Third World“. llene Grabel. 1995. Taylor & Francis International Review of Applied Economics. 168 cites.
- “The investment theories of Kalecki and Keynes: an empirical study of firm data, 1970–1982“. SM Fazzari, TL Mott. 1986. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 167 cites.
- “How did Paul Krugman get it so Wrong?“. JH Cochrane. 2011. Wiley Online Library Economic Affairs. 165 cites.
- “Reflections on the Concept of Balance-Of-Payments–Constrained Growth“. AP Thirlwall. 1997. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 165 cites.
- “Rational models of irrational behavior“. GA Akerlof, JL Yellen. 1987. JSTOR The American Economic Review. 163 cites.
- “Segmented labor market theories and the Australian experience of equal pay for women“. RG Gregory, RC Duncan. 1981. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 161 cites.
- “Economic insecurity and the institutional prerequisites for successful capitalism“. HP Minsky, CJ Whalen. 1996. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 159 cites.
- “Minimum-effort coordination games: Stochastic potential and logit equilibrium“. SP Anderson, JK Goeree, CA Holt. 2001. Elsevier Games and economic behavior. 158 cites.
- “Controversies in post keynesian economics“. P Davidson. 1991. Books. 157 cites.
- “The coming of Keynesianism to America“. D Colander, H Landreth. 1996. . 155 cites.
- “Post Keynesian economics: solving the crisis in economic theory“. L Davidson. 1990. Springer Money and Employment. 155 cites.
- “Keynes, Lucas, and scientific progress“. AS Blinder. 1987. JSTOR The American Economic Review. 154 cites.
- “Investment and interest rate policy“. B Dupor. 2001. Elsevier Journal of Economic Theory. 152 cites.
- “Debt, aggregate demand, and the business cycle: an analysis in the spirit of Kaldor and Minsky“. TI Palley. 1994. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 151 cites.
- “Reforming the world’s money“. P Davidson. 1992. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 151 cites.
- “Second thoughts on Keynesian economics“. RJ Barro. 1979. JSTOR The American Economic Review. 148 cites.
- “The crisis of liberalism: new issues of democracy“. JA Hobson. 1974. Barnes & Noble . 148 cites.
- “The nature of Post Keynesianism and its links to other traditions: a realist perspective“. T Lawson. 1994. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 147 cites.
- “Practical knowledge applying the social sciences“. N Stehr. 1992. . 146 cites.
- “Balance-of-payments-constrained growth: Evidence from the United States“. HS Atesoglu. 1993. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 144 cites.
- “Confidence, crashes and animal spirits“. REA Farmer. 2012. Wiley Online Library The Economic Journal. 142 cites.
- “Keynes’ Economics (Routledge Revivals): Methodological Issues“. T Lawson, H Pesaran. 2009. . 141 cites.
- “Deficient foresight: a troublesome theme in Keynesian economics“. A Coddington. 1982. JSTOR The American Economic Review. 140 cites.
- “Reflections on the Keynesian perplex“. R Clower. 1975. Springer Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie. 139 cites.
- “The ‘New Keynesian’Phillips curve: closed economy versus open economy“. A Razin, CW Yuen. 2002. Elsevier Economics Letters. 137 cites.
- “The rise and fall of Keynesian economics“. M Bleaney. 1985. Mc Millan. 137 cites.
- “The treatment of money in regional economics“. SC Dow. 1987. Wiley Online Library Journal of Regional Science. 136 cites.
- “Commercial banks, the central bank, and endogenous money“. LR Wray. 1992. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 135 cites.
- “Toward a New Economics: Essays in Post-Keynesian and Institutionalist Theory“. AS Eichner. 1985. . 131 cites.
- “Keynesian economics after fifty years“. N Kaldor. 2015. Springer Essays on Keynesian and Kaldorian Economics. 130 cites.
- “Say’ s Law and the Keynesian Revolution“. S Kates. 1998. Books. 130 cites.
- “DEPENDENCE AND HYSTERESIS IN POST KEYNESIAN MODELS“. AK Dutt. 1997. Markets, Unemployment, and Economic Policy. 130 cites.
- “A markup theory of bank loan rates“. S Rousseas. 1985. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 130 cites.
- “Structural change, balance-of-payments constraint, and economic growth: evidence from the multisectoral Thirlwall’s law“. RR Gouvêa, GT Lima. 2010. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 127 cites.
- “Affirmative action in the United States and India: A comparative perspective“. TE Weisskopf. 2004. . 127 cites.
- “Business cycle theory“. LG Arnold. 2002. OUP Catalogue. 127 cites.
- “An exploratory study of the factors associated with parental saving for postsecondary education“. D Hossler, N Vesper. 1993. Taylor & Francis The Journal of Higher Education. 127 cites.
- “Endogenous money creation and idle balances“. AC Dow, SC Dow. 1989. New Directions in Post-Keynesian Economics. 127 cites.
- “Kaldor’s laws in retrospect“. JSL McCombie. 1983. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 127 cites.
- “Theoretical reflections on endogenous money: the problem with ‘convenience lending’“. P Arestis, P Howells. 1996. Cambridge Journal of Economics. 126 cites.
- “Has Moore become too horizontal?“. C Goodhart. 1989. Taylor & Francis Journal of post Keynesian economics. 126 cites.
- “Methodological issues and the new Keynesian economics“. JE Stiglitz. 1991. . 125 cites.
- “Keynes on probability, uncertainty, and decision making“. FJCD Carvalho. 1988. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 124 cites.
- “The demand for endogenous money“. PGA Howells. 1995. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 122 cites.
- “A simple model of bank intermediation“. BJ Moore. 1989. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 120 cites.
- “The effect of trade liberalization on exports, imports, the balance of trade, and growth: the case of Mexico“. P Pacheco-López. 2005. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 116 cites.
- “Balance-Of-Payments–Constrained Growth Model and Its Implications for the United States“. HS Atesoglu. 1997. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 116 cites.
- “A neokeynesian model of price and quantity determination in disequilibrium“. JP Benassy. 1977. Springer Equilibrium and disequilibrium in economic theory. 115 cites.
- “Post Keynesian approaches to endogenous money: a time framework explanation“. G Fontana. 2003. Taylor & Francis Review of Political Economy. 114 cites.
- “Debt service, financing constraints, and fixed investment: evidence from panel data“. L Ndikumana. 1999. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 114 cites.
- “Postmodernism and the social theory of value“. P Mirowski. 1991. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 113 cites.
- “Methodological pluralism and pluralism of method“. SC Dow. 1997. Pluralism in economics: New perspectives in history …. 112 cites.
- “The endogenous money supply: consensus and disagreement“. TI Palley. 1991. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 112 cites.
- “Prices and income distribution in manufacturing industry“. P Sylos-Labini. 1979. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 112 cites.
- “Credit and money: the dynamic circuit, overdraft economics, and Post-Keynesian economics“. M Lavoie. 1985. Springer Money and Macro Policy. 110 cites.
- “Balance-of-payments-constrained growth in Brazil: a test of Thirlwall’s Law, 1890-1973“. L Bértola, H Higachi, G Porcile. 2002. Taylor & Francis … of Post Keynesian Economics. 109 cites.
- “A new approach to balance-of-payments constraint: some empirical evidence“. JA Alonso, C Garcimartín. 1998. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 109 cites.
- “Keynes, knowledge and uncertainty“. S Dow, J Hillard. 1995. . 109 cites.
- “Keynes’s General Theory, the Rate of Interest and Keynesian’Economics“. G Tily. 2016. . 108 cites.
- “Is the current financial distress caused by the subprime mortgage crisis a Minsky moment? Or is it the result of attempting to securitize illiquid noncommercial mortgage …“. P Davidson. 2008. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 108 cites.
- “Measuring the quality of academic journals: The case of economics“. C Beed, C Beed. 1996. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 106 cites.
- “The Elgar Companion to Post Keynesian Economics“. JE King. 2012. . 105 cites.
- “Fiscal policy in a stock-flow consistent (SFC) model“. W Goldey, M Lavoie. 2007. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 105 cites.
- “The active consumer: Novelty and surprise in consumer choice“. M Bianchi. 2006. . 105 cites.
- “The New Consensus on monetary policy seen from a Post-Keynesian perspective“. M Lavoie. 2004. Central banking in the modern world: Alternative …. 105 cites.
- “Keynote address to the 2003 HOPE conference: My Keynesian Education“. RE Lucas. 2004. History of Political Economy. 104 cites.
- “Growth theory in a Keynesian mode: some Keynesian foundations for new endogenous growth theory“. TI Palley. 1996. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 104 cites.
- “Why aren’t economists as important as garbagemen?: essays on the state of economics“. DC Colander. 1991. . 102 cites.
- “Is inflation targeting compatible with Post Keynesian economics?“. M Setterfield. 2006. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 101 cites.
- “Post Keynesians and Circuitists on money and uncertainty: an attempt at generality“. G Fontana. 2000. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 101 cites.
- “Are prices unimportant? The changing structure of the industrialized economies“. E Appelbaum, R Schettkat. 1999. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 101 cites.
- “new economics; Keynes’ influence on theory and public policy“. SE Harris, JM Keynes. 1952. . 101 cites.
- “Neoclassical and Keynesian approaches to the theory of investment“. JR Crotty. 1992. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 100 cites.
- “Money supply endogeneity:“reserve price setting” or “reserve quantity setting”?“. BJ Moore. 1991. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 99 cites.
- “Character of Caribbean economy“. K Levitt, L Best. 1975. Jamaica: Institute of Social and … Caribbean Economy. 98 cites.
- “A Post Keynesian view of central bank independence, policy targets, and the rules versus discretion debate“. LR Wray. 2007. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 97 cites.
- “Constraints on the expansion of output and employment: real or monetary?“. JA Kregel. 1984. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 97 cites.
- “Accommodationism versus structuralism: time for an accommodation“. TI Palley. 1996. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 96 cites.
- “The death of Keynesian economics“. RE Lucas Jr. 1980. Issues and Ideas. 96 cites.
- “The Keynesian Episode“. WH Hutt. 1979. Duke Univ Press Indianapolis, Ind.: Liberty Fund. 96 cites.
- “The Cambridge school of Keynesian economics“. LL Pasinetti. 2005. Cambridge Journal of Economics. 95 cites.
- “On the indeterminacy of New-Keynesian economics“. A Beyer, REA Farmer. 2004. . 95 cites.
- “Keynes, Keynesians, and monetarists“. S Weintraub. 1978. [Philadelphia]: University of … . 95 cites.
- “A Post Keynesian approach to consumer choice“. M Lavoie. 1994. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 94 cites.
- “Monetary factors“. BJ Moore. 1979. ME Sharpe White Plains A guide to post-keynesian economics. 94 cites.
- “A companion to the history of economic thought“. WJ Samuels, JE Biddle, JB Davis. 2008. . 93 cites.
- “Interest rates, income distribution, and monetary policy dominance: Post Keynesians and the” fair rate” of interest“. LP Rochon, M Setterfield. 2007. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 93 cites.
- “Setting the record straight on A history of Post Keynesian economics“. P Davidson. 2003. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 93 cites.
- “External financial fragility and the 1998-1999 Brazilian currency crisis“. LFR De Paula, AJ Alves Jr. 2000. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 93 cites.
- “Balance-of-payments-constrained Growth in Central America: 1950–96“. JC Moreno-Brid, E Pérez. 1999. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 93 cites.
- “The critics of Keynesian economics“. H Hazlitt. 1960. . 93 cites.
- “Balance-of-payments–Constrained Growth: A Reconsideration of the Evidence for the US Economy“. H Hieke. 1997. Taylor & Francis Journal of post keynesian economics. 92 cites.
- “The stock market crash of 2008 caused the Great Recession: Theory and evidence“. REA Farmer. 2012. Elsevier Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. 91 cites.
- “A new guide to post Keynesian economics“. RPF Holt, S Pressman. 2001. . 91 cites.
- “Increasing returns, productivity, and output growth: the case of the United States“. JSL McCombie, JR De Ridder. 1983. Taylor & Francis … of Post Keynesian Economics. 90 cites.
- “The new institutional economics of corruption“. JG Lambsdorff, M Taube, M Schramm. 2004. . 89 cites.
- “A Keynesian theory of bank behavior“. GA Dymski. 1988. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 89 cites.
- “Marx and Keynes on economic recession: the theory of unemployment and effective demand“. C Sardoni. 1987. Wheatsheaf Books . 89 cites.
- “A responsive society: Collected essays on guiding deliberate social change“. A Etzioni. 1991. Jossey-Bass . 88 cites.
- “Keynes’ monetary theory of value (1933)“. RJ Rotheim. 1981. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 87 cites.
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(Featured Image: The Guardian “Keynes helped us through the crisis – but he’s still out of favour”)