Here below is the list of Most Cited Publications about ‘Internet of Things’.

Last updated November 4th, 2017.

Most Cited ‘Internet of Things’ Publications

  1. The internet of things: A survey“. L Atzori, A Iera, G Morabito. 2010. Elsevier Computer networks6772 cites.
  2. Internet of Things (IoT): A vision, architectural elements, and future directions“. J Gubbi, R Buyya, S Marusic, M Palaniswami. 2013. Elsevier Future generation computer …3265 cites.
  3. Internet of things: Vision, applications and research challenges“. D Miorandi, S Sicari, F De Pellegrini, I Chlamtac. 2012. Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks1489 cites.
  4. Fog computing and its role in the internet of things“. F Bonomi, R Milito, J Zhu, S Addepalli. 2012. Proceedings of the first edition of …1345 cites.
  5. The internet of things: How the next evolution of the internet is changing everything“. D Evans. 2011. CISCO white paper1320 cites.
  6. Context aware computing for the internet of things: A survey“. C Perera, A Zaslavsky, P Christen…. 2014. … Surveys & Tutorials1076 cites.
  7. Internet of things for smart cities“. A Zanella, N Bui, A Castellani…. 2014. … Internet of Things …1052 cites.
  8. Smart objects as building blocks for the internet of things“. G Kortuem, F Kawsar, V Sundramoorthy…. 2010. IEEE Internet …994 cites.
  9. Internet of things: A survey on enabling technologies, protocols, and applications“. A Al-Fuqaha, M Guizani, M Mohammadi…. 2015. … Surveys & Tutorials811 cites.
  10. Internet of things in industries: A survey“. L Da Xu, W He, S Li. 2014. IEEE Transactions on industrial …788 cites.
  11. Vision and challenges for realising the Internet of Things“. H Sundmaeker, P Guillemin…. 2010. … the Internet of Things …705 cites.
  12. Internet of Things–New security and privacy challenges“. RH Weber. 2010. Elsevier Computer law & security review695 cites.
  13. The zero marginal cost society: The internet of things, the collaborative commons, and the eclipse of capitalism“. J Rifkin. 2014. 672 cites.
  14. Building the internet of things using RFID: the RFID ecosystem experience“. E Welbourne, L Battle, G Cole, K Gould…. 2009. IEEE Internet …575 cites.
  15. Interacting with the soa-based internet of things: Discovery, query, selection, and on-demand provisioning of web services“. D Guinard, V Trifa, S Karnouskos…. 2010. IEEE transactions on …562 cites.
  16. Disruptive technologies: Advances that will transform life, business, and the global economy“. J Manyika, M Chui, J Bughin, R Dobbs, P Bisson…. 2013. McKinsey Global Institute San … 546 cites.
  17. Internet of things: Applications and challenges in technology and standardization“. D Bandyopadhyay, J Sen. 2011. Springer Wireless Personal Communications529 cites.
  18. Research directions for the internet of things“. JA Stankovic. 2014. IEEE Internet of Things Journal505 cites.
  19. Internet of things strategic research roadmap“. O Vermesan, P Friess, P Guillemin…. 2011. Internet of Things …500 cites.
  20. Future internet: The internet of things“. L Tan, N Wang. 2010. … Theory and Engineering (ICACTE), 2010 3rd …494 cites.
  21. Sensor mania! the internet of things, wearable computing, objective metrics, and the quantified self 2.0“. M Swan. 2012. Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks489 cites.
  22. Towards the web of things: Web mashups for embedded devices“. D Guinard, V Trifa. 2009. … Mashups and Lightweight Composition on the …473 cites.
  23. An architectural approach towards the future internet of things“. D Uckelmann, M Harrison, F Michahelles. 2011. Springer … the internet of things455 cites.
  24. Shaping Things (Mediaworks Pamphlets)“. B Sterling. 2005. 428 cites.
  25. The internet of things“. X Cui. 2016. Springer Ethical Ripples of Creativity and Innovation408 cites.
  26. From the Internet of Computers to the Internet of Things“. F Mattern, C Floerkemeier. 2010. Springer From active data management to event-based …406 cites.
  27. From today’s intranet of things to a future internet of things: a wireless-and mobility-related view“. M Zorzi, A Gluhak, S Lange…. 2010. IEEE Wireless …404 cites.
  28. The social internet of things (siot)–when social networks meet the internet of things: Concept, architecture and network characterization“. L Atzori, A Iera, G Morabito, M Nitti. 2012. Elsevier Computer networks398 cites.
  29. A resource oriented architecture for the web of things“. D Guinard, V Trifa, E Wilde. 2010. Internet of Things (IOT), 2010382 cites.
  30. From the internet of things to the web of things: Resource-oriented architecture and best practices“. D Guinard, V Trifa, F Mattern, E Wilde. 2011. Springer Architecting the Internet of things377 cites.
  31. Internet of things: converging technologies for smart environments and integrated ecosystems“. O Vermesan, P Friess. 2013. 375 cites.
  32. Sensing as a service model for smart cities supported by internet of things“. C Perera, A Zaslavsky, P Christen…. 2014. Wiley Online Library Transactions on …358 cites.
  33. Securing the internet of things“. R Roman, P Najera, J Lopez. 2011. Computer355 cites.
  34. The Internet of Things—A survey of topics and trends“. A Whitmore, A Agarwal, L Da Xu. 2015. Springer Information Systems Frontiers348 cites.
  35. The internet of things: 20th Tyrrhenian workshop on digital communications“. D Giusto, A Iera, G Morabito, L Atzori. 2010. 347 cites.
  36. Standardized protocol stack for the internet of (important) things“. MR Palattella, N Accettura, X Vilajosana…. 2013. … surveys & tutorials335 cites.
  37. From Machine-to-machine to the Internet of Things: Introduction to a New Age of Intelligence“. J Holler, V Tsiatsis, C Mulligan, S Avesand…. 2014. 329 cites.
  38. That ‘internet of things’ thing“. K Ashton. 2011. RFiD Journal325 cites.
  39. On the features and challenges of security and privacy in distributed internet of things“. R Roman, J Zhou, J Lopez. 2013. Elsevier Computer Networks325 cites.
  40. The Internet of Things vision: Key features, applications and open issues“. E Borgia. 2014. Elsevier Computer Communications325 cites.
  41. Security, privacy and trust in Internet of Things: The road ahead“. S Sicari, A Rizzardi, LA Grieco, A Coen-Porisini. 2015. Elsevier Computer Networks323 cites.
  42. The internet of things: a survey“. S Li, L Da Xu, S Zhao. 2015. Springer Information Systems Frontiers312 cites.
  43. Distributed and cloud computing: from parallel processing to the internet of things“. K Hwang, J Dongarra, GC Fox. 2013. 312 cites.
  44. The internet of things in an enterprise context“. S Haller, S Karnouskos, C Schroth. 2008. Springer Future Internet Symposium304 cites.
  45. A survey on the ietf protocol suite for the internet of things: Standards, challenges, and opportunities“. Z Sheng, S Yang, Y Yu, A Vasilakos…. 2013. IEEE Wireless …302 cites.
  46. SmartFactory—Towards a factory-of-things“. D Zuehlke. 2010. Elsevier Annual Reviews in Control300 cites.
  47. Smart community: an internet of things application“. X Li, R Lu, X Liang, X Shen, J Chen…. 2011. IEEE Communications …292 cites.
  48. Integration of cloud computing and internet of things: a survey“. A Botta, W De Donato, V Persico, A Pescapé. 2016. Elsevier Future Generation Computer …292 cites.
  49. Internet of things“. F Xia, LT Yang, L Wang, A Vinel. 2012. International Journal of …289 cites.
  50. Semantics for the Internet of Things: early progress and back to the future“. P Barnaghi, W Wang, C Henson…. 2012. International Journal on …287 cites.
  51. An information framework for creating a smart city through internet of things“. J Jin, J Gubbi, S Marusic…. 2014. IEEE Internet of Things …286 cites.
  52. A survey on trust management for Internet of Things“. Z Yan, P Zhang, AV Vasilakos. 2014. Elsevier Journal of network and computer …286 cites.
  53. Closed-loop PLM for intelligent products in the era of the Internet of things“. D Kiritsis. 2011. Elsevier Computer-Aided Design285 cites.
  54. A survey on facilities for experimental internet of things research“. A Gluhak, S Krco, M Nati, D Pfisterer…. 2011. IEEE …284 cites.
  55. Security of the internet of things: Perspectives and challenges“. Q Jing, AV Vasilakos, J Wan, J Lu, D Qiu. 2014. Springer Wireless Networks281 cites.
  56. Identities in the future internet of things“. AC Sarma, J Girão. 2009. Springer Wireless personal communications279 cites.
  57. The internet of nano-things“. IF Akyildiz, JM Jornet. 2010. IEEE Wireless Communications278 cites.
  58. Future internet: the internet of things architecture, possible applications and key challenges“. R Khan, SU Khan, R Zaheer…. 2012. Frontiers of Information …277 cites.
  59. SOA-based integration of the internet of things in enterprise services“. P Spiess, S Karnouskos, D Guinard…. 2009. Web Services, 2009 …276 cites.
  60. Coap: An application protocol for billions of tiny internet nodes“. C Bormann, AP Castellani, Z Shelby. 2012. IEEE Internet Computing269 cites.
  61. Evolution of wireless sensor networks towards the internet of things: A survey“. L Mainetti, L Patrono, A Vilei. 2011. … and Computer Networks …258 cites.
  62. An overview of the Internet of Things for people with disabilities“. MC Domingo. 2012. Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications256 cites.
  63. Internet of things-from research and innovation to market deployment“. O Vermesan, P Friess. 2014. 254 cites.
  64. Embedded interaction: Interacting with the internet of things“. M Kranz, P Holleis, A Schmidt. 2010. IEEE internet computing253 cites.
  65. What is the Internet of things? An economic perspective.“. E Fleisch. 2010. Economics, Management & Financial Markets253 cites.
  66. The Internet of things: from RFID to the next-generation pervasive networked systems“. L Yan, Y Zhang, LT Yang, H Ning. 2008. 247 cites.
  67. The Internet of Things-promise for the future? An introduction“. L Coetzee, J Eksteen. 2011. IST-Africa Conference Proceedings …246 cites.
  68. Smart city and the applications“. K Su, J Li, H Fu. 2011. Electronics, Communications and Control …245 cites.
  69. Internet of Things: Summarize on Concepts, Architecture and Key Technology Problem [J]“. Q Sun, J Liu, S Li, CX Fan, JJ Sun. 2010. Journal of Beijing University of …239 cites.
  70. The internet of things for ambient assisted living“. A Dohr, R Modre-Opsrian, M Drobics…. 2010. … ITNG), 2010 Seventh …239 cites.
  71. Fog computing: A platform for internet of things and analytics“. F Bonomi, R Milito, P Natarajan, J Zhu. 2014. Springer Big Data and Internet of Things: A …236 cites.
  72. Fog computing: A platform for internet of things and analytics“. F Bonomi, R Milito, P Natarajan, J Zhu. 2014. Springer Big Data and Internet of Things: A …236 cites.
  73. Iot gateway: Bridgingwireless sensor networks into internet of things“. Q Zhu, R Wang, Q Chen, Y Liu…. 2010. … Computing (EUC), 2010 …232 cites.
  74. SPITFIRE: toward a semantic web of things“. D Pfisterer, K Romer, D Bimschas…. 2011. IEEE …229 cites.
  75. From” smart objects” to” social objects”: The next evolutionary step of the internet of things“. L Atzori, A Iera, G Morabito. 2014. IEEE Communications Magazine228 cites.
  76. Beyond locative media: Giving shape to the internet of things“. M Tuters, K Varnelis. 2006. MIT Press Leonardo225 cites.
  77. Compressed sensing signal and data acquisition in wireless sensor networks and internet of things“. S Li, L Da Xu, X Wang. 2013. IEEE Transactions on Industrial …225 cites.
  78. Siot: Giving a social structure to the internet of things“. L Atzori, A Iera, G Morabito. 2011. IEEE communications letters222 cites.
  79. The internet of things for health care: a comprehensive survey“. SMR Islam, D Kwak, MDH Kabir, M Hossain…. 2015. IEEE …222 cites.
  80. Multimedia traffic security architecture for the internet of things“. L Zhou, HC Chao. 2011. IEEE Network221 cites.
  81. Security in the internet of things: a review“. H Suo, J Wan, C Zou, J Liu. 2012. Computer Science and Electronics …216 cites.
  82. Review on internet of things [J]“. W Baoyun. 2009. Journal of Electronic Measurement and Instrument215 cites.
  83. CCIoT-CMfg: cloud computing and internet of things-based cloud manufacturing service system“. F Tao, Y Cheng, L Da Xu, L Zhang…. 2014. IEEE Transactions on …212 cites.
  84. Perci: Pervasive service interaction with the internet of things“. G Broll, E Rukzio, M Paolucci, M Wagner…. 2009. IEEE Internet …211 cites.
  85. Internet of things“. H Kopetz. 2011. Springer Real-time systems206 cites.
  86. Research on the architecture of Internet of things“. M Wu, TJ Lu, FY Ling, J Sun…. 2010. … Computer Theory and …206 cites.
  87. Internet of things“. RH Weber, R Weber. 2010. Springer 197 cites.
  88. Internet of things for enterprise systems of modern manufacturing“. Z Bi, L Da Xu, C Wang. 2014. IEEE Transactions on industrial …197 cites.
  89. The digital universe of opportunities: Rich data and the increasing value of the internet of things“. V Turner, JF Gantz, D Reinsel, S Minton. 2014. IDC Analyze the Future196 cites.
  90. Towards physical mashups in the web of things“. D Guinard, V Trifa, T Pham…. 2009. … Sensing Systems (INSS) …195 cites.
  91. Data mining for Internet of Things: A survey.“. CW Tsai, CF Lai, MC Chiang…. 2014. … Surveys and Tutorials192 cites.
  92. Security Challenges in the IP-based Internet of Things“. T Heer, O Garcia-Morchon, R Hummen…. 2011. Springer Wireless Personal …191 cites.
  93. An internet of things–based personal device for diabetes therapy management in ambient assisted living (AAL)“. AJ Jara, MA Zamora, AFG Skarmeta. 2011. Springer Personal and Ubiquitous Computing185 cites.
  94. An overview of privacy and security issues in the internet of things“. CM Medaglia, A Serbanati. 2010. Springer The Internet of Things184 cites.
  95. Enabling smart cities through a cognitive management framework for the internet of things“. P Vlacheas, R Giaffreda, V Stavroulaki…. 2013. IEEE …183 cites.
  96. The Internet of Things (IoT): Applications, investments, and challenges for enterprises“. I Lee, K Lee. 2015. Elsevier Business Horizons181 cites.
  97. Future internet of things architecture: like mankind neural system or social organization framework?“. H Ning, Z Wang. 2011. IEEE Communications Letters178 cites.
  98. Sentient city: Ubiquitous computing, architecture, and the future of urban space“. M Shepard. 2011. 177 cites.
  99. The things in the internet of things“. S Haller. 2010. Poster at the (IoT 2010). Tokyo, Japan, November174 cites.
  100. Key management systems for sensor networks in the context of the Internet of Things“. R Roman, C Alcaraz, J Lopez, N Sklavos. 2011. Elsevier Computers & Electrical …174 cites.
  101. Enabling the internet of things“. R Want, BN Schilit, S Jenson. 2015. Computer173 cites.
  102. Adding sense to the Internet of Things“. TS López, DC Ranasinghe, M Harrison…. 2012. Springer Personal and Ubiquitous …172 cites.
  103. Smart Semantic Middleware for the Internet of Things.“. A Katasonov, O Kaykova, O Khriyenko…. 2008. ICINCO …171 cites.
  104. Challenges and opportunities of internet of things“. YK Chen. 2012. Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), 2012 …170 cites.
  105. Internet of things: Objectives and scientific challenges“. HD Ma. 2011. Springer Journal of Computer science and Technology168 cites.
  106. On the integration of cloud computing and internet of things“. A Botta, W De Donato, V Persico…. 2014. … Internet of Things and …165 cites.
  107. Architecture and protocols for the internet of things: A case study“. AP Castellani, N Bui, P Casari, M Rossi…. 2010. … ), 2010 8th IEEE …164 cites.
  108. The internet of things: A survey from the data-centric perspective“. CC Aggarwal, N Ashish, A Sheth. 2013. Springer Managing and mining sensor data164 cites.
  109. SNAIL: an IP-based wireless sensor network approach to the internet of things“. S Hong, D Kim, M Ha, S Bae, SJ Park…. 2010. IEEE Wireless …163 cites.
  110. Lithe: Lightweight secure CoAP for the internet of things“. S Raza, H Shafagh, K Hewage…. 2013. IEEE Sensors …163 cites.
  111. Key technologies for the construction of manufacturing cloud“. L Zhang, YL Luo, F Tao, L Ren, H Guo. 2010. Computer Integrated …161 cites.
  112. Mobile fog: A programming model for large-scale applications on the internet of things“. K Hong, D Lillethun, U Ramachandran…. 2013. Proceedings of the …157 cites.
  113. SVELTE: Real-time intrusion detection in the Internet of Things“. S Raza, L Wallgren, T Voigt. 2013. Elsevier Ad hoc networks155 cites.
  114. A software defined networking architecture for the internet-of-things“. Z Qin, G Denker, C Giannelli…. 2014. … (NOMS), 2014 IEEE155 cites.
  115. Sharing using social networks in a composable web of things“. D Guinard, M Fischer, V Trifa. 2010. Pervasive Computing and …155 cites.
  116. Security for the internet of things: a survey of existing protocols and open research issues“. J Granjal, E Monteiro, JS Silva. 2015. IEEE Communications Surveys …154 cites.
  117. TRM-IoT: A trust management model based on fuzzy reputation for internet of things“. D Chen, G Chang, D Sun, J Li, J Jia…. 2011. Computer Science and …153 cites.
  118. A survey on internet of things from industrial market perspective“. C Perera, CH Liu, S Jayawardena, M Chen. 2014. IEEE Access152 cites.
  119. Smart home mobile RFID-based Internet-of-Things systems and services“. M Darianian, MP Michael. 2008. Advanced Computer Theory and …151 cites.
  120. The Web of Things: interconnecting devices with high usability and performance“. S Duquennoy, G Grimaud…. 2009. Embedded Software and …148 cites.
  121. Securing the internet of things: A standardization perspective“. SL Keoh, SS Kumar…. 2014. IEEE Internet of Things …146 cites.
  122. Wi-Fi enabled sensors for internet of things: A practical approach“. S Tozlu, M Senel, W Mao…. 2012. IEEE Communications …144 cites.
  123. Opportunistic IoT: Exploring the harmonious interaction between human and the internet of things“. B Guo, D Zhang, Z Wang, Z Yu, X Zhou. 2013. Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer …143 cites.
  124. Regulating the internet of things: first steps toward managing discrimination, privacy, security and consent“. SR Peppet. 2014. HeinOnline Tex. L. Rev.141 cites.
  125. RFID technology and its applications in Internet of Things (IoT)“. X Jia, Q Feng, T Fan, Q Lei. 2012. … Electronics, Communications and …139 cites.
  126. … University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing 210046, China; Study on the Architecture and Associated Technologies for Internet of Things [J]“. S SHEN, Q FAN, P ZONG, Y MAO, W HUANG. 2009. Journal of Nanjing University of Posts …139 cites.
  127. ITU Internet Reports 2005: The internet of things“. ITU Strategy, P Unit. 2005. Geneva: International Telecommunication Union (ITU)139 cites.
  128. ITU Internet Reports 2005: The internet of things“. ITU Strategy, P Unit. 2005. Geneva: International Telecommunication Union (ITU)139 cites.
  129. Middleware for internet of things: a survey“. MA Razzaque, M Milojevic-Jevric…. 2016. … Internet of Things …137 cites.
  130. Enabling things to talk“. A Bassi, M Bauer, M Fiedler, T Kramp…. 2016. Springer 137 cites.
  131. Role of middleware for internet of things: A study“. S Bandyopadhyay, M Sengupta…. 2011. … Journal of Computer …135 cites.
  132. The internet of things: the next technological revolution“. MA Feki, F Kawsar, M Boussard, L Trappeniers. 2013. Computer132 cites.
  133. The internet of things: connecting objects“. H Chaouchi. 2013. 132 cites.
  134. Moving application logic from the firmware to the cloud: Towards the thin server architecture for the internet of things“. M Kovatsch, S Mayer…. 2012. Innovative Mobile and …131 cites.
  135. Wireless sensor networks and the internet of things: Do we need a complete integration?“. C Alcaraz, P Najera, J Lopez, R Roman. 2010. … of the Internet of Things  …130 cites.
  136. The internet of things: Key applications and protocols“. O Hersent, D Boswarthick, O Elloumi. 2011. 129 cites.
  137. A survey of Internet-of-Things: Future vision, architecture, challenges and services“. D Singh, G Tripathi, AJ Jara. 2014. Internet of things (WF-IoT), 2014 …127 cites.
  138. The internet of bio-nano things“. IF Akyildiz, M Pierobon…. 2015. IEEE …126 cites.
  139. Towards a restful plug and play experience in the web of things“. V Stirbu. 2008. … computing, 2008 IEEE international conference on126 cites.
  140. Designing the internet of things“. A McEwen, H Cassimally. 2013. 125 cites.
  141. Fog computing and smart gateway based communication for cloud of things“. M Aazam, EN Huh. 2014. … Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud) …125 cites.
  142. Key technologies and applications of internet of things“. Y Liu, G Zhou. 2012. … ICICTA), 2012 Fifth International Conference on123 cites.
  143. Descriptive models for Internet of Things“. Y Huang, G Li. 2010. Intelligent Control and Information Processing …122 cites.
  144. Descriptive models for Internet of Things“. Y Huang, G Li. 2010. Intelligent Control and Information Processing …122 cites.
  145. DTLS based security and two-way authentication for the Internet of Things“. T Kothmayr, C Schmitt, W Hu, M Brünig, G Carle. 2013. Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks122 cites.
  146. The internet of things“. S Greengard. 2015. 122 cites.
  147. Cyber physical systems in the context of Industry 4.0“. N Jazdi. 2014. Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics, 2014 IEEE …122 cites.
  148. RIOT OS: Towards an OS for the Internet of Things“. E Baccelli, O Hahm, M Gunes…. 2013. … IEEE Conference on121 cites.
  149. The Internet of Things: Mapping the value beyond the hype“. J Manyika. 2015. McKinsey Global Institute 121 cites.
  150. Internet of things in the 5G era: Enablers, architecture, and business models“. MR Palattella, M Dohler, A Grieco…. 2016. IEEE Journal on …121 cites.
  151. Web Services for the Internet of Things through CoAP and EXI“. AP Castellani, M Gheda, N Bui…. 2011. … (ICC), 2011 IEEE …120 cites.
  152. Trustworthiness management in the social internet of things“. M Nitti, R Girau, L Atzori. 2014. IEEE Transactions on knowledge and …120 cites.
  153. Cloud of Things: Integrating Internet of Things and cloud computing and the issues involved“. M Aazam, I Khan, AA Alsaffar…. 2014. Applied Sciences and …119 cites.
  154. Cloud computing for Internet of Things & sensing based applications“. BBP Rao, P Saluia, N Sharma, A Mittal…. 2012. … (ICST), 2012 Sixth …117 cites.
  155. A self-assessment stereo capture model applicable to the internet of things“. Y Lin, J Yang, Z Lv, W Wei, H Song. 2015. Sensors117 cites.
  156. A self-assessment stereo capture model applicable to the internet of things“. Y Lin, J Yang, Z Lv, W Wei, H Song. 2015. Sensors117 cites.
  157. The emerging internet of things marketplace from an industrial perspective: A survey“. C Perera, CH Liu…. 2015. IEEE Transactions on …117 cites.
  158. Wireless sensor networks and the internet of things: selected challenges“. D Christin, A Reinhardt, PS Mogre…. 2009. … of the 8th GI/ITG KuVS …115 cites.
  159. Internet of things strategic research roadmap“. P Guillemin, P Friess. 2009. The Cluster of European Research Projects, Tech. Rep115 cites.
  160. Internet of things strategic research roadmap“. P Guillemin, P Friess. 2009. The Cluster of European Research Projects, Tech. Rep115 cites.
  161. Cognitive internet of things: a new paradigm beyond connection“. Q Wu, G Ding, Y Xu, S Feng, Z Du…. 2014. … Internet of Things …115 cites.
  162. The internet of things: An overview“. K Rose, S Eldridge, L Chapin. 2015. The Internet Society …115 cites.
  163. A real-time search engine for the web of things“. B Ostermaier, K Römer, F Mattern…. 2010. Internet of Things  …114 cites.
  164. Research on the architecture and key technology of Internet of Things (IoT) applied on smart grid“. M Yun, B Yuxin. 2010. Advances in Energy Engineering (ICAEE) …113 cites.
  165. Management of resource constrained devices in the internet of things“. A Sehgal, V Perelman, S Kuryla…. 2012. IEEE Communications …113 cites.
  166. The Internet of Things: A critique of ambient technology and the all-seeing network of RFID“. R Van Kranenburg. 2008. Institute of Network Cultures 113 cites.
  167. A survey on the internet of things security“. K Zhao, L Ge. 2013. … Intelligence and Security (CIS), 2013 9th …113 cites.
  168. Ubiquitous ID: standards for ubiquitous computing and the Internet of Things“. N Koshizuka, K Sakamura. 2010. IEEE Pervasive Computing112 cites.
  169. Service oriented middleware for the internet of things: a perspective“. T Teixeira, S Hachem, V Issarny…. 2011. Springer Towards a Service-Based …112 cites.
  170. The cluster between internet of things and social networks: Review and research challenges“. AM Ortiz, D Hussein, S Park, SN Han…. 2014. IEEE Internet of Things …112 cites.
  171. ming (Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China); Key Technologies and Applications of Internet of Things …“. L Hai. 2010. Computer Science111 cites.
  172. An integrated system for regional environmental monitoring and management based on internet of things“. S Fang, L Da Xu, Y Zhu, J Ahati, H Pei…. 2014. IEEE Transactions on …111 cites.
  173. Internet of things–Need for a new legal environment?“. RH Weber. 2009. Elsevier Computer law & security review109 cites.
  174. Managing and mining sensor data“. CC Aggarwal. 2013. 109 cites.
  175. Early infrastructure of an Internet of Things in Spaces for Learning“. GR Gonzalez, MM Organero…. 2008. … , 2008. ICALT’08. Eighth …108 cites.
  176. The internet of things [guest editorial]“. A Iera, C Floerkemeier, J Mitsugi…. 2010. IEEE Wireless …108 cites.
  177. Health care applications: a solution based on the internet of things“. N Bui, M Zorzi. 2011. Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on …108 cites.
  178. Interconnection framework for mHealth and remote monitoring based on the internet of things“. AJ Jara, MA Zamora-Izquierdo…. 2013. IEEE Journal on …107 cites.
  179. Proposed security model and threat taxonomy for the Internet of Things (IoT)“. S Babar, P Mahalle, A Stango, N Prasad…. 2010. Springer Recent Trends in …106 cites.
  180. IETF standardization in the field of the internet of things (IoT): a survey“. I Ishaq, D Carels, GK Teklemariam, J Hoebeke…. 2013. Journal of Sensor and …106 cites.
  181. Health monitoring and management using Internet-of-Things (IoT) sensing with cloud-based processing: Opportunities and challenges“. M Hassanalieragh, A Page, T Soyata…. 2015. … (SCC), 2015 IEEE …106 cites.
  182. Data mining for the internet of things: literature review and challenges“. F Chen, P Deng, J Wan…. 2015. SAGE PublicationsSage UK: London … International …105 cites.
  183. Research challenges and perspectives on Wisdom Web of Things (W2T)“. N Zhong, J Ma, R Huang, J Liu, Y Yao, Y Zhang…. 2016. Springer Wisdom Web of …105 cites.
  184. Cognitive machine-to-machine communications for Internet-of-Things: A protocol stack perspective“. A Aijaz, AH Aghvami. 2015. IEEE Internet of Things Journal104 cites.
  185. A novel user authentication and key agreement scheme for heterogeneous ad hoc wireless sensor networks, based on the Internet of Things notion“. M Turkanović, B Brumen, M Hölbl. 2014. Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks104 cites.
  186. In search of an internet of things service architecture: REST or WS-*? A developers’ perspective“. D Guinard, I Ion, S Mayer. 2011. Springer … Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems …103 cites.
  187. The internet of things“. R Van Kranenburg, E Anzelmo, A Bassi…. 2011. 1st Berlin Symposium …103 cites.
  188. Privacy in the Internet of Things: threats and challenges“. JH Ziegeldorf, OG Morchon…. 2014. Wiley Online Library Security and …103 cites.
  189. The applications of wifi-based wireless sensor network in internet of things and smart grid“. L Li, H Xiaoguang, C Ke, H Ketai. 2011. Industrial Electronics and …102 cites.
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