Here below is the list of Most Cited Publications about ‘Fiat Currency’.

Last updated October 26, 2017.

Most Cited ‘Fiat Currency’ Publications

  1. On money as a medium of exchange“. N Kiyotaki, R Wright. 1989. Journal of Political economy1512 cites.
  2. From financial crash to debt crisis“. CM Reinhart, KS Rogoff. 2011. American Economic Association The American …1228 cites.
  3. Banking in the Theory of Finance“. EF Fama. 1980. Elsevier Journal of monetary economics1219 cites.
  4. A search-theoretic approach to monetary economics“. N Kiyotaki, R Wright. 1993. JSTOR The American Economic Review933 cites.
  5. Money, credit, and prices in a real business cycle“. RG King, CI Plosser. 1984. JSTOR The American Economic Review817 cites.
  6. Reciprocal exchange: a self-sustaining system“. RE Kranton. 1996. JSTOR The American Economic Review793 cites.
  7. Search, bargaining, money, and prices“. A Trejos, R Wright. 1995. Journal of political Economy722 cites.
  8. The two concepts of money: implications for the analysis of optimal currency areas“. CAE Goodhart. 1998. Elsevier European Journal of Political Economy477 cites.
  9. How basic are behavioral biases? Evidence from capuchin monkey trading behavior“. MK Chen, V Lakshminarayanan…. 2006. Journal of Political …455 cites.
  10. A contribution to the pure theory of money“. N Kiyotaki, R Wright. 1991. Elsevier Journal of economic Theory431 cites.
  11. Currency and coercion: the political economy of international monetary power“. J Kirshner. 1997. 407 cites.
  12. The behavior of the exchange rate in the genetic algorithm and experimental economies“. J Arifovic. 1996. Journal of Political Economy374 cites.
  13. The process of financial innovation“. WL Silber. 1983. JSTOR The American Economic Review367 cites.
  14. The real-bills doctrine versus the quantity theory: A reconsideration“. TJ Sargent, N Wallace. 1982. Journal of Political economy365 cites.
  15. A survey of recent developments in the literature of finance and growth“. JB Ang. 2008. Wiley Online Library Journal of economic Surveys352 cites.
  16. Barter and monetary exchange under private information“. S Williamson, R Wright. 1994. JSTOR The American Economic Review311 cites.
  17. Bitcoin: An innovative alternative digital currency“. R Grinberg. 2012. HeinOnline Hastings Sci. & Tech. LJ308 cites.
  18. The Chicago plan revisited“. J Benes, M Kumhof. 2012. 305 cites.
  19. Currency substitution“. A Giovannini, B Turtelboom. 1992. 272 cites.
  20. Currency elasticity and banking panics: Theory and evidence“. B Champ, BD Smith, SD Williamson. 1996. JSTOR Canadian Journal of Economics263 cites.
  21. Money and the price level under the gold standard“. RJ Barro. 1979. JSTOR The Economic Journal244 cites.
  22. A monetary explanation of the equity premium, term premium, and risk-free rate puzzles“. R Bansal, WJ Coleman. 1996. Journal of Political Economy238 cites.
  23. The payments system, liquidity, and rediscounting“. S Freeman. 1996. JSTOR The American Economic Review222 cites.
  24. Competition and currency: Essays on free banking and money“. LH White. 1992. 206 cites.
  25. Is Bitcoin a real currency? An economic appraisal“. D Yermack. 2013. 205 cites.
  26. Diversity: The invention of a concept“. P Wood, P Wood. 2003. 200 cites.
  27. Competitive payments systems and the unit of account“. LH White. 1984. JSTOR The American Economic Review199 cites.
  28. Commodity-reserve currency“. M Friedman. 1951. Journal of Political Economy195 cites.
  29. The buffer stock employment model and the NAIRU: The path to full employment“. WF Mitchell. 1998. Taylor & Francis Journal of Economic Issues194 cites.
  30. Money in electronic commerce: Digital cash, electronic fund transfer, and ecash“. P Panurach. 1996. Communications of the ACM163 cites.
  31. A history of currency in the United States“. AB Hepburn, MEE Hepburn. 1915. 163 cites.
  32. Negative nominal interest rates: Three ways to overcome the zero lower bound“. WH Buiter. 2009. Elsevier The North American Journal of Economics and Finance158 cites.
  33. Exchange rates and the fiscal theory of the price level“. B Dupor. 2000. Elsevier Journal of Monetary Economics153 cites.
  34. Full employment abandoned: shifting sands and policy failures“. W Mitchell, J Muysken. 2010. International Journal of Public …151 cites.
  35. Bimetallism revisited“. M Friedman. 1990. JSTOR the Journal of economic Perspectives151 cites.
  36. The economics of Bitcoin mining, or Bitcoin in the presence of adversaries“. JA Kroll, IC Davey, EW Felten. 2013. Proceedings of WEIS151 cites.
  37. The transition from barter to fiat money“. JA Ritter. 1995. JSTOR The American Economic Review148 cites.
  38. The Creature from Jekyll Island“. GE Griffin. 2002. American Media,136 cites.
  39. Petrodollar warfare: oil, Iraq and the future of the dollar“. WR Clark. 2005. 133 cites.
  40. Schumpeter: finance and evolution“. HP Minsky. 1990. Ann Arbor, MI: St Martin’s Press Evolving technology and market …128 cites.
  41. Information, liquidity, asset prices, and monetary policy“. B Lester, A Postlewaite, R Wright. 2012. The Review of Economic …126 cites.
  42. A new world order: explaining the international diffusion of the gold standard, 1870–1913“. CM Meissner. 2005. Elsevier Journal of International Economics125 cites.
  43. A price discrimination analysis of monetary policy“. J Bryant, N Wallace. 1984. The Review of Economic Studies123 cites.
  44. Money and sustainability“. B Lietaer, C Arnsperger, S Goerner…. 2012. The Missing Link …120 cites.
  45. How is fiat money possible?—or, the devolution of money and credit“. HH Hoppe. 1994. Springer The Review of Austrian Economics117 cites.
  46. Costs and benefits to phasing out paper currency“. K Rogoff. 2015. NBER Macroeconomics Annual117 cites.
  47. Toward a general theory of error cycles“. JG Hülsmann. 1998. Springer The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics111 cites.
  48. Strategic complementarity in business formation: Aggregate fluctuations and sunspot equilibria“. S Chatterjee, R Cooper…. 1993. The Review of Economic …109 cites.
  49. A dictum of monetary theory“. N Wallace. 1998. Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. Quarterly …108 cites.
  50. Modern money“. LR Wray. 1998. 104 cites.
  51. Conservationist government policies and intergenerational equity in an overlapping generations model with renewable resources“. A Mourmouras. 1993. Elsevier Journal of Public Economics102 cites.
  52. “When perhaps the real problem is money itself!”: the practical materiality of Bitcoin“. B Maurer, TC Nelms, L Swartz. 2013. Taylor & Francis Social Semiotics96 cites.
  53. Using genetic algorithms to model the evolution of heterogeneous beliefs“. J Bullard, J Duffy. 1999. Springer Computational Economics95 cites.
  54. Endogenous market participation and the general equilibrium value of money“. S Chatterjee, D Corbae. 1992. Journal of Political Economy95 cites.
  55. How Do Fixed-Exchange-Rates Regimes Work: The Evidence from the Gold Standard, Bretton Woods and the EMS“. A Giovannini. 1988. 92 cites.
  56. Clearinghouse banks and banknote over-issue“. S Freeman. 1996. Elsevier Journal of Monetary Economics88 cites.
  57. Money, inflation, and output under fiat and commodity standards“. AJ Rolnick, WE Weber. 1997. Journal of Political Economy87 cites.
  58. A century plus of yen exchange rate behavior“. JR Lothian. 1990. Elsevier Japan and the world economy87 cites.
  59. Export sectors and rural development“. M Kilkenny, MD Partridge. 2009. American Journal of Agricultural …82 cites.
  60. On ensuring the acceptability of a new fiat money“. G Selgin. 1994. JSTOR Journal of Money, Credit and Banking81 cites.
  61. The economics of Bitcoin and similar private digital currencies“. GP Dwyer. 2015. Elsevier Journal of Financial Stability81 cites.
  62. The economics of digital currencies“. R Ali, J Barrdear, R Clews, J Southgate. 2014. 79 cites.
  63. This time is different: Eight centuries of financial folly“. CM Reinhart, KS Rogoff. 2009. 78 cites.
  64. The Thruport concept and transmodal rail freight distribution in North America“. JP Rodrigue. 2008. Elsevier Journal of Transport Geography76 cites.
  65. Dynamic efficiency, the riskless rate, and debt Ponzi games under uncertainty“. O Blanchard, P Weil. 2001. Advances in Macroeconomics75 cites.
  66. The case for a world currency“. R Mundell. 2005. North-Holland Journal of Policy Modeling75 cites.
  67. Bitcoin and money laundering: mining for an effective solution“. D Bryans. 2014. HeinOnline Ind. LJ74 cites.
  68. Irrelevance of open market operations in some economies with government currency being dominated in rate of return“. TJ Sargent, BD Smith. 1987. JSTOR The American Economic Review73 cites.
  69. Transaction costs and the use of cash and credit“. SL Schreft. 1992. Springer Economic Theory73 cites.
  70. A search-theoretic model of legal and illegal currency“. ES Curtis, CJ Waller. 2000. Elsevier Journal of Monetary Economics73 cites.
  71. Endogenous credit cycles“. C Gu, F Mattesini, C Monnet…. 2013. Journal of Political …72 cites.
  72. Risk sharing between households“. M Fafchamps. 2008. Handbook of social economics70 cites.
  73. Liquidity and asset-market dynamics“. G Rocheteau, R Wright. 2013. Elsevier Journal of Monetary Economics69 cites.
  74. Synthetic commodity money“. G Selgin. 2015. Elsevier Journal of Financial Stability69 cites.
  75. Stored value cards: costly private substitutes for government currency“. JM Lacker. 1996. 68 cites.
  76. What the euro means for the dollar and the international monetary system“. RA Mundell. 1998. Springer Atlantic Economic Journal67 cites.
  77. Fiscal policy and the job guarantee“. WF Mitchell, WB Mosler. 2001. 67 cites.
  78. Stationary solution to the overlapping generations model of fiat money: experimental evidence“. SS Lim, EC Prescott, S Sunder. 1994. Springer Experimental Economics66 cites.
  79. Management of a common currency“. A Casella, J Feinstein. 1988. 64 cites.
  80. The myth of free banking in Scotland“. MN Rothbard. 1988. Springer The Review of Austrian Economics64 cites.
  81. Taking Takings Seriously: An Essay for Centrists“. M Kelman. 1986. JSTOR 61 cites.
  82. Money in the modern economy: an introduction“. M McLeay, A Radia, R Thomas. 2014. 61 cites.
  83. Private fiat money with many suppliers“. B Taub. 1985. Elsevier Journal of Monetary Economics60 cites.
  84. The Definition of Money: Net wealth and neutrality as criteria“. M Friedman, AJ Schwartz. 1969. JSTOR Journal of Money, Credit and Banking60 cites.
  85. Money and output: A test of reverse causation“. WJ Coleman. 1996. JSTOR The American Economic Review59 cites.
  86. Dynamic efficiency, the riskless rate, and debt Ponzi games under uncertainty“. OJ Blanchard, P Weil. 1992. 59 cites.
  87. Inside money, output, and causality“. S Freeman, GW Huffman. 1991. JSTOR International Economic Review57 cites.
  88. Price setting, price dispersion, and the value of money: or, the law of two prices“. E Curtis, R Wright. 2004. Elsevier Journal of Monetary Economics56 cites.
  89. Dollarization in Mexico: Causes and consequences“. G Ortiz. 1983. Financial Policies and the World Capital Market: The …56 cites.
  90. Soft Currency Economics“. W Mosler. 1995. 54 cites.
  91. Adaptive learning and the transition to fiat money“. G Selgin. 2003. Wiley Online Library The Economic Journal53 cites.
  92. Anchors aweigh: the transition from commodity money to fiat money in western economies“. A Redish. 1993. JSTOR Canadian Journal of Economics52 cites.
  93. Information, Liquidity and Asset Prices“. BR Lester, A Postlewaite, R Wright. 2008. 52 cites.
  94. Market-Inalienability Once Again: Reply to Radin“. W Block. 1999. HeinOnline T. Jefferson L. Rev.52 cites.
  95. Dual-currency economies as multiple-payment systems“. BR Craig, CJ Waller. 2000. Economic Review-Federal Reserve …51 cites.
  96. Re-examining the buffer-stock model of money“. R Milbourne. 1987. JSTOR The Economic Journal51 cites.
  97. Inequality, inflation, and central bank independence“. J Dolmas, GW Huffman…. 2000. Wiley Online Library Canadian Journal of …51 cites.
  98. Milton Friedman Unraveled“. MN Rothbard. 2002. Journal of Libertarian Studies51 cites.
  99. Bitcoin transaction malleability and MtGox“. C Decker, R Wattenhofer. 2014. Springer … Symposium on Research in Computer Security51 cites.
  100. The natural rate of interest is zero“. M Forstater, W Mosler. 2005. Taylor & Francis Journal of Economic Issues51 cites.
  101. A Fiscal Theory of Government’s Role in Money“. G Selgin, LH White. 1999. Wiley Online Library Economic Inquiry48 cites.
  102. Legal restrictions,” sunspots,” and Peel’s bank act: the real bills doctrine versus the quantity theory reconsidered“. BD Smith. 1988. Journal of Political Economy48 cites.
  103. The end of national currency“. B Steil. 2007. JSTOR Foreign Affairs47 cites.
  104. The real reasons for the upcoming war with Iraq: a macroeconomic and geostrategic analysis of the unspoken truth“. W Clark. 2003. Radical January 200347 cites.
  105. The neo-chartalist approach to money“. LR Wray. 2000. 47 cites.
  106. Why Markets In Foreign Exchange Are Different From Other Ma“. N Wallace. 1990. Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. Quarterly …46 cites.
  107. Petty capitalism, perfecting capitalism or post-capitalism? Lessons from the Argentinean barter experiments“. J Powell. 2002. Taylor & Francis Review of International Political Economy46 cites.
  108. Green jobs: Public service employment and environmental sustainability“. M Forstater. 2006. Taylor & Francis Challenge45 cites.
  109. Currency transactions costs and competing fiat currencies“. M Engineer. 2000. Elsevier Journal of International Economics44 cites.
  110. Domestic currency denominated government debt as equity in the primary surplus“. CA Sims. 1999. Latin American meetings of the Econometric Society …44 cites.
  111. Bank failures, financial restrictions, and aggregate fluctuations: Canada and the United States, 1870-1913“. SD Williamson. 1989. Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis …44 cites.
  112. The problem with Bitcoin“. D Bradbury. 2013. Elsevier Computer Fraud & Security43 cites.
  113. Dollarization as a monetary arrangement for emerging market economies“. G Antinolfi, T Keister. 2001. REVIEW-FEDERAL RESERVE BANK …43 cites.
  114. Green jobs: addressing the critical issues surrounding the environment, workplace, and employment“. M Forstater. 2004. International Journal of Environment …41 cites.
  115. Private money and counterfeiting“. SD Williamson. 2002. 41 cites.
  116. Seigniorage or sovereignty?“. LR Wray. 2003. Modern theories of money39 cites.
  117. Buyers and sellers: should I stay or should I go?“. K Burdett, M Coles, N Kiyotaki, R Wright. 1995. JSTOR The American Economic Review39 cites.
  118. Adam Smith’s support for money and banking regulation: a case of inconsistency“. EG West. 1997. JSTOR Journal of money, Credit, and Banking38 cites.
  119. What is money? An alternative to Searle’s institutional facts“. JP Smit, F Buekens, S Du Plessis. 2011. Economics & Philosophy37 cites.
  120. Bitcoin as money?“. S Lo, JC Wang. 2014. 37 cites.
  121. On the launching of a new currency“. S Lotz, G Rocheteau. 2002. Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking36 cites.
  122. A comparison of the macroeconomic consequences of basic income and job guarantee schemes“. W Mitchell, M Watts. 2005. HeinOnline Rutgers JL & Urb. Pol’y36 cites.
  123. Emerging markets in history: the United States, Japan, and Argentina“. R Sylla. 1999. Springer Global competition and integration36 cites.
  124. Increasing returns to scale in financial intermediation and the non-neutrality of government policy“. SD Williamson. 1986. The Review of Economic Studies36 cites.
  125. Understanding Inflation as a Joint Monetary–Fiscal Phenomenon“. EM Leeper, C Leith. 2016. Elsevier Handbook of Macroeconomics36 cites.
  126. C4: A new paradigm for providing incentives in multi-hop wireless networks“. C Zhang, X Zhu, Y Song, Y Fang. 2011. … , 2011 Proceedings IEEE35 cites.
  127. Can higher inflation reduce real interest rates in the long run?“. MA Espinosa-Vega, S Russell. 1998. JSTOR Canadian Journal of Economics34 cites.
  128. The market for cryptocurrencies“. LH White. 2015. HeinOnline Cato J.34 cites.
  129. Competitive money, inside and out“. LH White. 1983. HeinOnline Cato J.34 cites.
  130. Time consistency of monetary policy in the open economy“. H Bohn. 1991. Elsevier Journal of International Economics34 cites.
  131. State-Issued Currency and the Ratification of the US Consitution“. MM Schweitzer. 1989. The Journal of Economic History34 cites.
  132. Limited participation, private money, and credit in a spatial model of money“. SD Williamson. 2004. Springer Economic Theory33 cites.
  133. The economics of local exchange and trading systems: a theoretical perspective“. J Schraven. 2000. International Journal of Community Currency Research33 cites.
  134. Liquidity risk, economic development, and the effects of monetary policy“. E Ghossoub, RR Reed. 2010. Elsevier European Economic Review32 cites.
  135. Currency restrictions, government transaction policies and currency exchange“. CJ Waller, ES Curtis. 2003. Springer Economic Theory32 cites.
  136. Fiscal foundations of monetary regimes“. JH Cochrane. 2003. Berkeley, Universidad de Chicago/Oficina …32 cites.
  137. The market as a matter of money: Denaturalizing economic currency in American constitutional history“. C Desan. 2005. Wiley Online Library Law & Social Inquiry32 cites.
  138. What kinds of monetary institutions would a free market deliver“. LH White. 1989. HeinOnline Cato J.32 cites.
  139. Covered interest arbitrage: then versus now“. T Juhl, W Miles, MD Weidenmier. 2006. Wiley Online Library Economica32 cites.
  140. John Law’s System“. FR Velde. 2007. JSTOR The American economic review31 cites.
  141. The Bitcoin question: Currency versus trust-less transfer technology“. A Blundell-Wignall. 2014. … Papers on Finance, Insurance and Private …31 cites.
  142. Is the Gold Standard Still the Gold Standard among Monetary Systems?“. LH White. 2008. 31 cites.
  143. Oil market structure, network effects and the choice of currency for oil invoicing“. E Mileva, N Siegfried. 2007. 31 cites.
  144. The drachma, foreign creditors, and the international monetary system: tales of a currency during the 19th and the early 20th centuries“. S Lazaretou. 2005. Elsevier Explorations in Economic History31 cites.
  145. Search-based models of money and finance: An integrated approach“. A Trejos, R Wright. 2016. Elsevier Journal of Economic Theory31 cites.
  146. Whack-a-Mole: Why Prosecuting Digital Currency Exchanges Won’t Stop Online Laundering“. CM Christopher. 2014. 31 cites.
  147. Welfare-improving credit controls“. SL Schreft. 1992. Elsevier Journal of Monetary Economics30 cites.
  148. The long-run real effects of monetary policy: Keynesian predictions from a neoclassical model“. M Espinosa-Vega, S Russell. 1998. 30 cites.
  149. Classical monetary theory, new and old“. J Niehans. 1987. JSTOR Journal of Money, Credit and Banking30 cites.
  150. Hybrid energy market and currency system for total energy management“. S Sgouridis, SW Kennedy. 2010. Google Patents US Patent App. 13/394,67030 cites.
  151. Bitcoin: a regulatory nightmare to a libertarian dream“. P De Filippi. 2014. Browser Download This Paper29 cites.
  152. Money and risk sharing“. RR Reed, C Waller. 2006. Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking29 cites.
  153. Policy rules, information and fiscal effects in a” Ricardian” model“. EM Leeper. 1989. 29 cites.
  154. Alternative monetary constitutions and the quest for price stability“. FE Kydland, MA Wynne. 2002. … Reserve Bank of Dallas Economic and …28 cites.
  155. Time for Change: International experience in community currencies“. G Seyfang, R Pearson. 2000. Springer Development27 cites.
  156. Secondary currency: An empirical analysis“. M Colacelli, DJH Blackburn. 2009. Elsevier Journal of monetary economics27 cites.
  157. The Forerunners of” New Monetary Economics” Proposals to Stabilize the Unit of Account: Note“. S Sumner. 1990. JSTOR Journal of Money, Credit and Banking27 cites.
  158. Maria Theresa’s Thaler: A case of international money“. AE Tschoegl. 2001. JSTOR Eastern Economic Journal27 cites.
  159. Learning, rational expectations and policy: A summary of recent research“. J Bullard. 1991. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review27 cites.
  160. The Case for the Euro–I and II“. R Mundell. 1998. Wall Street Journal27 cites.
  161. The origins of value“. WN Goetzmann, KG Rouwenhorst. 2005. The Financial Innovations that …26 cites.
  162. Central bank design in general equilibrium“. J Bullard, C Waller. 2004. Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking26 cites.
  163. The false premises and promises of Bitcoin“. BP Hanley. 2013. arXiv preprint arXiv:1312.204826 cites.
  164. Price discriminating monetary policy: a nonuniform pricing approach“. AP Villamil. 1988. Elsevier Journal of Public Economics26 cites.
  165. Algorithmic authority: The case of Bitcoin“. C Lustig, B Nardi. 2015. System Sciences (HICSS), 2015 48th …26 cites.
  166. Gaps in the institutional structure of the euro area“. CA Sims. 2012. FSR FINANCIAL25 cites.
  167. Global imbalances and the key currency regime: the case for a commodity reserve currency“. LJ Ussher. 2009. Taylor & Francis Review of Political Economy25 cites.
  168. Making the transition to a new gold standard“. LH White. 2012. 25 cites.
  169. Transactions costs, inflation, and the variety of intermediation services“. S Williamson. 1987. JSTOR Journal of Money, Credit and Banking25 cites.
  170. The tragedy of the Euro“. P Bagus. 2011. JSTOR The Independent Review25 cites.
  171. Explaining Malinvestment and overinvestment“. LJ Sechrest. 2006. Springer Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics25 cites.
  172. Systems and methods for managing promotional offers“. JW Barker. 2012. Google Patents US Patent App. 13/536,23225 cites.
  173. A note on sunspot equilibria in search models of fiat money“. R Wright. 1994. Elsevier Journal of Economic Theory24 cites.
  174. Hyperinflation with currency substitution: introducing an indexed currency“. FA Sturzenegger. 1994. JSTOR Journal of Money, Credit and Banking24 cites.
  175. The Mises-Hayek business cycle theory, fiat currencies and open economies“. N Cachanosky. 2014. Springer The Review of Austrian Economics24 cites.
  176. Overcoming the zero bound on nominal interest rates: Gesell’s currency carry tax vs. Eisler’s parallel virtual currency“. WH Buiter. 2005. Springer International economics and economic policy24 cites.
  177. The failure of OCA analysis“. B Glăvan. 2004. Springer The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics24 cites.
  178. The digital currency doppelganger: regulatory challenge or harbinger of the new economy“. PC Tucker. 2009. HeinOnline Cardozo J. Int’l & Comp. L.24 cites.
  179. The conduct of monetary policy with a shrinking stock of government debt“. SL Schreft, D Bruce. 2002. Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking24 cites.
  180. Handbook of digital currency: Bitcoin, innovation, financial instruments, and big data“. DLK Chuen. 2015. 24 cites.
  181. Banknotes, local currencies and central bank objectives“. M Naqvi, J Southgate. 2013. 24 cites.
  182. Techniques for reallocating airport resources during adverse weather“. H Balakrishnan. 2007. Decision and Control, 2007 46th IEEE …24 cites.
  183. The macroeconomic effects of bank runs: An equilibrium analysis“. MB Loewy. 1991. Elsevier Journal of Financial Intermediation23 cites.
  184. The Emergence of Fiat Money: A Consideration“. K Dowd. 2000. HeinOnline Cato J.23 cites.
  185. Speculation, incomplete currency market participation, and nonfundamental movements in nominal and real exchange rates“. RC Barnett. 1992. Elsevier Journal of International Economics23 cites.
  186. Discount window policy, banking crises, and indeterminacy of equilibrium“. G Antinolfi, T Keister. 2006. Macroeconomic Dynamics23 cites.
  187. Free banking during the French Revolution“. EN White. 1990. Elsevier Explorations in Economic History23 cites.
  188. Optimal reserve requirements, deposit taxation, and the demand for money“. A Mourmouras, S Russell. 1992. Elsevier Journal of Monetary Economics22 cites.
  189. What is old is new again“. T Gravelle. 1996. Wiley Online Library The Manchester School22 cites.
  190. Limited information, money, and competitive equilibrium“. B Smith. 1986. JSTOR Canadian Journal of Economics22 cites.
  191. The psychology of money“. HC Lindgren. 1991. Krieger Publishing Company 22 cites.
  192. Currency portfolios and nominal exchange rates in a dual currency search economy“. B Craig, C Waller. 1999. 22 cites.
  193. Facilitating the transition to a steady-state economy: Some macroeconomic fundamentals“. P Lawn. 2010. Elsevier Ecological Economics21 cites.
  194. On the private provision of fiat currency“. A Berentsen. 2006. Elsevier European Economic Review20 cites.
  195. TARGET2: Not why Germans should fear a euro breakup“. K Whelan. 2012. VoxEU. org20 cites.
  196. Cybercrime: Dissecting the state of underground enterprise“. AK Sood, R Bansal, RJ Enbody. 2013. Ieee internet computing20 cites.
  197. Gold Wars: The Battle Against Sound Money As Seen From A Swiss Perspective“. F Lips. 2001. Foundation for the Advancement of … 20 cites.
  198. A global currency for a global economy“. BJ Moore. 2004. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics20 cites.
  199. A model of the federal reserve act under the international gold standard system“. H Fujiki. 2003. Elsevier Journal of Monetary Economics20 cites.
  200. Fiat exchange in finite economies“. D Kovenock, CG Vries. 2002. Wiley Online Library Economic Inquiry19 cites.
  201. An economic analysis of contemporary local currencies in the United States“. GA Krohn, AM Snyder. 2008. International Journal of Community Currency …19 cites.
  202. Independence+ accountability: Why the Fed is a well-designed Central Bank“. CJ Waller. 2011. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review19 cites.
  203. Essential elements of a modern monetary economy with applications to social security privatisation and the intergenerational debate“. WF Mitchell, WB Mosler. 2005. 19 cites.
  204. Lessons from the history of money“. FR Velde. 1998. Economic Perspectives-Federal Reserve Bank of …19 cites.
  205. Price‐Level Targeting and Stabilization Policy“. A Berentsen, C Waller. 2011. Wiley Online Library Journal of money, credit and banking19 cites.
  206. International liquidity and balance of payments adjustment“. RN Cooper. 1970. International Monetary Fund 19 cites.
  207. Introduction to bitcoins: a pseudo-anonymous electronic currency system“. S Martins, Y Yang. 2011. Proceedings of the 2011 Conference of the Center …18 cites.
  208. Is nonprice competition in currency inefficient?“. LH White, DJ Boudreaux. 1998. JSTOR Journal of Money, Credit and Banking18 cites.
  209. Positively valued fiat money after the sovereign disappears: The case of Somalia“. WJ Luther, LH White. 2011. 18 cites.
  210. Ayn Rand and Austrian Economics: Two peas in a pod“. W Block. 2005. JSTOR The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies18 cites.
  211. Unemployment and fiscal policy“. WF Mitchell, W Mosler. 2001. Unemployment: The Tip of the Iceberg18 cites.
  212. Information-based bank runs in a monetary economy“. MB Loewy. 1998. Elsevier Journal of Macroeconomics18 cites.
  213. International credit, financial integration and the euro“. J Toporowski. 2013. Cambridge Journal of Economics18 cites.
  214. Credibility and adjustment: gold standards versus currency boards“. JBA Desquilbet, N Nenovsky. 2004. 18 cites.
  215. Interest payments and the rate of return on international fiat currency“. PB Clark. 1972. Springer Review of World Economics17 cites.
  216. Milton Friedman and the case against currency monopoly“. G Selgin. 2008. HeinOnline Cato J.17 cites.
  217. Dollarization and the integration of international capital markets: a contribution to the theory of optimal currency areas“. VR Bencivenga, E Huybens, BD Smith. 2001. JSTOR Journal of Money, Credit and …17 cites.
  218. Seigniorage of fiat money and the Maqasid al-Shari’ah: The compatibility of the gold dinar with the Maqasid“. A Kameel, M Meera, M Larbani. 2006. Humanomics17 cites.
  219. A common currency: early US monetary policy and the transition to the dollar“. PL Rousseau. 2006. Financial History Review17 cites.
  220. Smuggling, Currency Substitution and Unofficial Dollarization: A Crime-Theoretic Approach“. A Mourmouras, SH Russell. 2000. 17 cites.
  221. Tangible and fungible energy: Hybrid energy market and currency system for total energy management. A Masdar City case study“. S Sgouridis, S Kennedy. 2010. Elsevier Energy Policy17 cites.
  222. Inflation-free Pricing Rules for a Generalized Commodity-Reserve Currency“. JC Luke. 1975. Journal of Political Economy17 cites.
  223. Can currency competition work?“. J Fernández-Villaverde, D Sanches. 2016. 17 cites.
  224. Marx and the mixed economy: Money, accumulation, and the role of the state“. AE Davis. 2010. Guilford Press Science & Society17 cites.
  225. Trends in crypto-currencies and blockchain technologies: A monetary theory and regulation perspective“. GW Peters, E Panayi, A Chapelle. 2015. 17 cites.
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