Here below is the list of Most Cited Publications about ‘Fiat Currency’.
Last updated October 26, 2017.
Most Cited ‘Fiat Currency’ Publications
- “On money as a medium of exchange“. N Kiyotaki, R Wright. 1989. Journal of Political economy. 1512 cites.
- “From financial crash to debt crisis“. CM Reinhart, KS Rogoff. 2011. American Economic Association The American …. 1228 cites.
- “Banking in the Theory of Finance“. EF Fama. 1980. Elsevier Journal of monetary economics. 1219 cites.
- “A search-theoretic approach to monetary economics“. N Kiyotaki, R Wright. 1993. JSTOR The American Economic Review. 933 cites.
- “Money, credit, and prices in a real business cycle“. RG King, CI Plosser. 1984. JSTOR The American Economic Review. 817 cites.
- “Reciprocal exchange: a self-sustaining system“. RE Kranton. 1996. JSTOR The American Economic Review. 793 cites.
- “Search, bargaining, money, and prices“. A Trejos, R Wright. 1995. Journal of political Economy. 722 cites.
- “The two concepts of money: implications for the analysis of optimal currency areas“. CAE Goodhart. 1998. Elsevier European Journal of Political Economy. 477 cites.
- “How basic are behavioral biases? Evidence from capuchin monkey trading behavior“. MK Chen, V Lakshminarayanan…. 2006. Journal of Political …. 455 cites.
- “A contribution to the pure theory of money“. N Kiyotaki, R Wright. 1991. Elsevier Journal of economic Theory. 431 cites.
- “Currency and coercion: the political economy of international monetary power“. J Kirshner. 1997. . 407 cites.
- “The behavior of the exchange rate in the genetic algorithm and experimental economies“. J Arifovic. 1996. Journal of Political Economy. 374 cites.
- “The process of financial innovation“. WL Silber. 1983. JSTOR The American Economic Review. 367 cites.
- “The real-bills doctrine versus the quantity theory: A reconsideration“. TJ Sargent, N Wallace. 1982. Journal of Political economy. 365 cites.
- “A survey of recent developments in the literature of finance and growth“. JB Ang. 2008. Wiley Online Library Journal of economic Surveys. 352 cites.
- “Barter and monetary exchange under private information“. S Williamson, R Wright. 1994. JSTOR The American Economic Review. 311 cites.
- “Bitcoin: An innovative alternative digital currency“. R Grinberg. 2012. HeinOnline Hastings Sci. & Tech. LJ. 308 cites.
- “The Chicago plan revisited“. J Benes, M Kumhof. 2012. . 305 cites.
- “Currency substitution“. A Giovannini, B Turtelboom. 1992. . 272 cites.
- “Currency elasticity and banking panics: Theory and evidence“. B Champ, BD Smith, SD Williamson. 1996. JSTOR Canadian Journal of Economics. 263 cites.
- “Money and the price level under the gold standard“. RJ Barro. 1979. JSTOR The Economic Journal. 244 cites.
- “A monetary explanation of the equity premium, term premium, and risk-free rate puzzles“. R Bansal, WJ Coleman. 1996. Journal of Political Economy. 238 cites.
- “The payments system, liquidity, and rediscounting“. S Freeman. 1996. JSTOR The American Economic Review. 222 cites.
- “Competition and currency: Essays on free banking and money“. LH White. 1992. . 206 cites.
- “Is Bitcoin a real currency? An economic appraisal“. D Yermack. 2013. . 205 cites.
- “Diversity: The invention of a concept“. P Wood, P Wood. 2003. . 200 cites.
- “Competitive payments systems and the unit of account“. LH White. 1984. JSTOR The American Economic Review. 199 cites.
- “Commodity-reserve currency“. M Friedman. 1951. Journal of Political Economy. 195 cites.
- “The buffer stock employment model and the NAIRU: The path to full employment“. WF Mitchell. 1998. Taylor & Francis Journal of Economic Issues. 194 cites.
- “Money in electronic commerce: Digital cash, electronic fund transfer, and ecash“. P Panurach. 1996. Communications of the ACM. 163 cites.
- “A history of currency in the United States“. AB Hepburn, MEE Hepburn. 1915. . 163 cites.
- “Negative nominal interest rates: Three ways to overcome the zero lower bound“. WH Buiter. 2009. Elsevier The North American Journal of Economics and Finance. 158 cites.
- “Exchange rates and the fiscal theory of the price level“. B Dupor. 2000. Elsevier Journal of Monetary Economics. 153 cites.
- “Full employment abandoned: shifting sands and policy failures“. W Mitchell, J Muysken. 2010. International Journal of Public …. 151 cites.
- “Bimetallism revisited“. M Friedman. 1990. JSTOR the Journal of economic Perspectives. 151 cites.
- “The economics of Bitcoin mining, or Bitcoin in the presence of adversaries“. JA Kroll, IC Davey, EW Felten. 2013. Proceedings of WEIS. 151 cites.
- “The transition from barter to fiat money“. JA Ritter. 1995. JSTOR The American Economic Review. 148 cites.
- “The Creature from Jekyll Island“. GE Griffin. 2002. American Media,. 136 cites.
- “Petrodollar warfare: oil, Iraq and the future of the dollar“. WR Clark. 2005. . 133 cites.
- “Schumpeter: finance and evolution“. HP Minsky. 1990. Ann Arbor, MI: St Martin’s Press Evolving technology and market …. 128 cites.
- “Information, liquidity, asset prices, and monetary policy“. B Lester, A Postlewaite, R Wright. 2012. The Review of Economic …. 126 cites.
- “A new world order: explaining the international diffusion of the gold standard, 1870–1913“. CM Meissner. 2005. Elsevier Journal of International Economics. 125 cites.
- “A price discrimination analysis of monetary policy“. J Bryant, N Wallace. 1984. The Review of Economic Studies. 123 cites.
- “Money and sustainability“. B Lietaer, C Arnsperger, S Goerner…. 2012. The Missing Link …. 120 cites.
- “How is fiat money possible?—or, the devolution of money and credit“. HH Hoppe. 1994. Springer The Review of Austrian Economics. 117 cites.
- “Costs and benefits to phasing out paper currency“. K Rogoff. 2015. NBER Macroeconomics Annual. 117 cites.
- “Toward a general theory of error cycles“. JG Hülsmann. 1998. Springer The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics. 111 cites.
- “Strategic complementarity in business formation: Aggregate fluctuations and sunspot equilibria“. S Chatterjee, R Cooper…. 1993. The Review of Economic …. 109 cites.
- “A dictum of monetary theory“. N Wallace. 1998. Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. Quarterly …. 108 cites.
- “Modern money“. LR Wray. 1998. . 104 cites.
- “Conservationist government policies and intergenerational equity in an overlapping generations model with renewable resources“. A Mourmouras. 1993. Elsevier Journal of Public Economics. 102 cites.
- ““When perhaps the real problem is money itself!”: the practical materiality of Bitcoin“. B Maurer, TC Nelms, L Swartz. 2013. Taylor & Francis Social Semiotics. 96 cites.
- “Using genetic algorithms to model the evolution of heterogeneous beliefs“. J Bullard, J Duffy. 1999. Springer Computational Economics. 95 cites.
- “Endogenous market participation and the general equilibrium value of money“. S Chatterjee, D Corbae. 1992. Journal of Political Economy. 95 cites.
- “How Do Fixed-Exchange-Rates Regimes Work: The Evidence from the Gold Standard, Bretton Woods and the EMS“. A Giovannini. 1988. . 92 cites.
- “Clearinghouse banks and banknote over-issue“. S Freeman. 1996. Elsevier Journal of Monetary Economics. 88 cites.
- “Money, inflation, and output under fiat and commodity standards“. AJ Rolnick, WE Weber. 1997. Journal of Political Economy. 87 cites.
- “A century plus of yen exchange rate behavior“. JR Lothian. 1990. Elsevier Japan and the world economy. 87 cites.
- “Export sectors and rural development“. M Kilkenny, MD Partridge. 2009. American Journal of Agricultural …. 82 cites.
- “On ensuring the acceptability of a new fiat money“. G Selgin. 1994. JSTOR Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. 81 cites.
- “The economics of Bitcoin and similar private digital currencies“. GP Dwyer. 2015. Elsevier Journal of Financial Stability. 81 cites.
- “The economics of digital currencies“. R Ali, J Barrdear, R Clews, J Southgate. 2014. . 79 cites.
- “This time is different: Eight centuries of financial folly“. CM Reinhart, KS Rogoff. 2009. . 78 cites.
- “The Thruport concept and transmodal rail freight distribution in North America“. JP Rodrigue. 2008. Elsevier Journal of Transport Geography. 76 cites.
- “Dynamic efficiency, the riskless rate, and debt Ponzi games under uncertainty“. O Blanchard, P Weil. 2001. Advances in Macroeconomics. 75 cites.
- “The case for a world currency“. R Mundell. 2005. North-Holland Journal of Policy Modeling. 75 cites.
- “Bitcoin and money laundering: mining for an effective solution“. D Bryans. 2014. HeinOnline Ind. LJ. 74 cites.
- “Irrelevance of open market operations in some economies with government currency being dominated in rate of return“. TJ Sargent, BD Smith. 1987. JSTOR The American Economic Review. 73 cites.
- “Transaction costs and the use of cash and credit“. SL Schreft. 1992. Springer Economic Theory. 73 cites.
- “A search-theoretic model of legal and illegal currency“. ES Curtis, CJ Waller. 2000. Elsevier Journal of Monetary Economics. 73 cites.
- “Endogenous credit cycles“. C Gu, F Mattesini, C Monnet…. 2013. Journal of Political …. 72 cites.
- “Risk sharing between households“. M Fafchamps. 2008. Handbook of social economics. 70 cites.
- “Liquidity and asset-market dynamics“. G Rocheteau, R Wright. 2013. Elsevier Journal of Monetary Economics. 69 cites.
- “Synthetic commodity money“. G Selgin. 2015. Elsevier Journal of Financial Stability. 69 cites.
- “Stored value cards: costly private substitutes for government currency“. JM Lacker. 1996. . 68 cites.
- “What the euro means for the dollar and the international monetary system“. RA Mundell. 1998. Springer Atlantic Economic Journal. 67 cites.
- “Fiscal policy and the job guarantee“. WF Mitchell, WB Mosler. 2001. . 67 cites.
- “Stationary solution to the overlapping generations model of fiat money: experimental evidence“. SS Lim, EC Prescott, S Sunder. 1994. Springer Experimental Economics. 66 cites.
- “Management of a common currency“. A Casella, J Feinstein. 1988. . 64 cites.
- “The myth of free banking in Scotland“. MN Rothbard. 1988. Springer The Review of Austrian Economics. 64 cites.
- “Taking Takings Seriously: An Essay for Centrists“. M Kelman. 1986. JSTOR . 61 cites.
- “Money in the modern economy: an introduction“. M McLeay, A Radia, R Thomas. 2014. . 61 cites.
- “Private fiat money with many suppliers“. B Taub. 1985. Elsevier Journal of Monetary Economics. 60 cites.
- “The Definition of Money: Net wealth and neutrality as criteria“. M Friedman, AJ Schwartz. 1969. JSTOR Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. 60 cites.
- “Money and output: A test of reverse causation“. WJ Coleman. 1996. JSTOR The American Economic Review. 59 cites.
- “Dynamic efficiency, the riskless rate, and debt Ponzi games under uncertainty“. OJ Blanchard, P Weil. 1992. . 59 cites.
- “Inside money, output, and causality“. S Freeman, GW Huffman. 1991. JSTOR International Economic Review. 57 cites.
- “Price setting, price dispersion, and the value of money: or, the law of two prices“. E Curtis, R Wright. 2004. Elsevier Journal of Monetary Economics. 56 cites.
- “Dollarization in Mexico: Causes and consequences“. G Ortiz. 1983. Financial Policies and the World Capital Market: The …. 56 cites.
- “Soft Currency Economics“. W Mosler. 1995. . 54 cites.
- “Adaptive learning and the transition to fiat money“. G Selgin. 2003. Wiley Online Library The Economic Journal. 53 cites.
- “Anchors aweigh: the transition from commodity money to fiat money in western economies“. A Redish. 1993. JSTOR Canadian Journal of Economics. 52 cites.
- “Information, Liquidity and Asset Prices“. BR Lester, A Postlewaite, R Wright. 2008. . 52 cites.
- “Market-Inalienability Once Again: Reply to Radin“. W Block. 1999. HeinOnline T. Jefferson L. Rev.. 52 cites.
- “Dual-currency economies as multiple-payment systems“. BR Craig, CJ Waller. 2000. Economic Review-Federal Reserve …. 51 cites.
- “Re-examining the buffer-stock model of money“. R Milbourne. 1987. JSTOR The Economic Journal. 51 cites.
- “Inequality, inflation, and central bank independence“. J Dolmas, GW Huffman…. 2000. Wiley Online Library Canadian Journal of …. 51 cites.
- “Milton Friedman Unraveled“. MN Rothbard. 2002. Journal of Libertarian Studies. 51 cites.
- “Bitcoin transaction malleability and MtGox“. C Decker, R Wattenhofer. 2014. Springer … Symposium on Research in Computer Security. 51 cites.
- “The natural rate of interest is zero“. M Forstater, W Mosler. 2005. Taylor & Francis Journal of Economic Issues. 51 cites.
- “A Fiscal Theory of Government’s Role in Money“. G Selgin, LH White. 1999. Wiley Online Library Economic Inquiry. 48 cites.
- “Legal restrictions,” sunspots,” and Peel’s bank act: the real bills doctrine versus the quantity theory reconsidered“. BD Smith. 1988. Journal of Political Economy. 48 cites.
- “The end of national currency“. B Steil. 2007. JSTOR Foreign Affairs. 47 cites.
- “The real reasons for the upcoming war with Iraq: a macroeconomic and geostrategic analysis of the unspoken truth“. W Clark. 2003. Radical January 2003. 47 cites.
- “The neo-chartalist approach to money“. LR Wray. 2000. . 47 cites.
- “Why Markets In Foreign Exchange Are Different From Other Ma“. N Wallace. 1990. Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. Quarterly …. 46 cites.
- “Petty capitalism, perfecting capitalism or post-capitalism? Lessons from the Argentinean barter experiments“. J Powell. 2002. Taylor & Francis Review of International Political Economy. 46 cites.
- “Green jobs: Public service employment and environmental sustainability“. M Forstater. 2006. Taylor & Francis Challenge. 45 cites.
- “Currency transactions costs and competing fiat currencies“. M Engineer. 2000. Elsevier Journal of International Economics. 44 cites.
- “Domestic currency denominated government debt as equity in the primary surplus“. CA Sims. 1999. Latin American meetings of the Econometric Society …. 44 cites.
- “Bank failures, financial restrictions, and aggregate fluctuations: Canada and the United States, 1870-1913“. SD Williamson. 1989. Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis …. 44 cites.
- “The problem with Bitcoin“. D Bradbury. 2013. Elsevier Computer Fraud & Security. 43 cites.
- “Dollarization as a monetary arrangement for emerging market economies“. G Antinolfi, T Keister. 2001. REVIEW-FEDERAL RESERVE BANK …. 43 cites.
- “Green jobs: addressing the critical issues surrounding the environment, workplace, and employment“. M Forstater. 2004. International Journal of Environment …. 41 cites.
- “Private money and counterfeiting“. SD Williamson. 2002. . 41 cites.
- “Seigniorage or sovereignty?“. LR Wray. 2003. Modern theories of money. 39 cites.
- “Buyers and sellers: should I stay or should I go?“. K Burdett, M Coles, N Kiyotaki, R Wright. 1995. JSTOR The American Economic Review. 39 cites.
- “Adam Smith’s support for money and banking regulation: a case of inconsistency“. EG West. 1997. JSTOR Journal of money, Credit, and Banking. 38 cites.
- “What is money? An alternative to Searle’s institutional facts“. JP Smit, F Buekens, S Du Plessis. 2011. Economics & Philosophy. 37 cites.
- “Bitcoin as money?“. S Lo, JC Wang. 2014. . 37 cites.
- “On the launching of a new currency“. S Lotz, G Rocheteau. 2002. Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking. 36 cites.
- “A comparison of the macroeconomic consequences of basic income and job guarantee schemes“. W Mitchell, M Watts. 2005. HeinOnline Rutgers JL & Urb. Pol’y. 36 cites.
- “Emerging markets in history: the United States, Japan, and Argentina“. R Sylla. 1999. Springer Global competition and integration. 36 cites.
- “Increasing returns to scale in financial intermediation and the non-neutrality of government policy“. SD Williamson. 1986. The Review of Economic Studies. 36 cites.
- “Understanding Inflation as a Joint Monetary–Fiscal Phenomenon“. EM Leeper, C Leith. 2016. Elsevier Handbook of Macroeconomics. 36 cites.
- “C4: A new paradigm for providing incentives in multi-hop wireless networks“. C Zhang, X Zhu, Y Song, Y Fang. 2011. … , 2011 Proceedings IEEE. 35 cites.
- “Can higher inflation reduce real interest rates in the long run?“. MA Espinosa-Vega, S Russell. 1998. JSTOR Canadian Journal of Economics. 34 cites.
- “The market for cryptocurrencies“. LH White. 2015. HeinOnline Cato J.. 34 cites.
- “Competitive money, inside and out“. LH White. 1983. HeinOnline Cato J.. 34 cites.
- “Time consistency of monetary policy in the open economy“. H Bohn. 1991. Elsevier Journal of International Economics. 34 cites.
- “State-Issued Currency and the Ratification of the US Consitution“. MM Schweitzer. 1989. The Journal of Economic History. 34 cites.
- “Limited participation, private money, and credit in a spatial model of money“. SD Williamson. 2004. Springer Economic Theory. 33 cites.
- “The economics of local exchange and trading systems: a theoretical perspective“. J Schraven. 2000. International Journal of Community Currency Research. 33 cites.
- “Liquidity risk, economic development, and the effects of monetary policy“. E Ghossoub, RR Reed. 2010. Elsevier European Economic Review. 32 cites.
- “Currency restrictions, government transaction policies and currency exchange“. CJ Waller, ES Curtis. 2003. Springer Economic Theory. 32 cites.
- “Fiscal foundations of monetary regimes“. JH Cochrane. 2003. Berkeley, Universidad de Chicago/Oficina …. 32 cites.
- “The market as a matter of money: Denaturalizing economic currency in American constitutional history“. C Desan. 2005. Wiley Online Library Law & Social Inquiry. 32 cites.
- “What kinds of monetary institutions would a free market deliver“. LH White. 1989. HeinOnline Cato J.. 32 cites.
- “Covered interest arbitrage: then versus now“. T Juhl, W Miles, MD Weidenmier. 2006. Wiley Online Library Economica. 32 cites.
- “John Law’s System“. FR Velde. 2007. JSTOR The American economic review. 31 cites.
- “The Bitcoin question: Currency versus trust-less transfer technology“. A Blundell-Wignall. 2014. … Papers on Finance, Insurance and Private …. 31 cites.
- “Is the Gold Standard Still the Gold Standard among Monetary Systems?“. LH White. 2008. . 31 cites.
- “Oil market structure, network effects and the choice of currency for oil invoicing“. E Mileva, N Siegfried. 2007. . 31 cites.
- “The drachma, foreign creditors, and the international monetary system: tales of a currency during the 19th and the early 20th centuries“. S Lazaretou. 2005. Elsevier Explorations in Economic History. 31 cites.
- “Search-based models of money and finance: An integrated approach“. A Trejos, R Wright. 2016. Elsevier Journal of Economic Theory. 31 cites.
- “Whack-a-Mole: Why Prosecuting Digital Currency Exchanges Won’t Stop Online Laundering“. CM Christopher. 2014. . 31 cites.
- “Welfare-improving credit controls“. SL Schreft. 1992. Elsevier Journal of Monetary Economics. 30 cites.
- “The long-run real effects of monetary policy: Keynesian predictions from a neoclassical model“. M Espinosa-Vega, S Russell. 1998. . 30 cites.
- “Classical monetary theory, new and old“. J Niehans. 1987. JSTOR Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. 30 cites.
- “Hybrid energy market and currency system for total energy management“. S Sgouridis, SW Kennedy. 2010. Google Patents US Patent App. 13/394,670. 30 cites.
- “Bitcoin: a regulatory nightmare to a libertarian dream“. P De Filippi. 2014. Browser Download This Paper. 29 cites.
- “Money and risk sharing“. RR Reed, C Waller. 2006. Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking. 29 cites.
- “Policy rules, information and fiscal effects in a” Ricardian” model“. EM Leeper. 1989. . 29 cites.
- “Alternative monetary constitutions and the quest for price stability“. FE Kydland, MA Wynne. 2002. … Reserve Bank of Dallas Economic and …. 28 cites.
- “Time for Change: International experience in community currencies“. G Seyfang, R Pearson. 2000. Springer Development. 27 cites.
- “Secondary currency: An empirical analysis“. M Colacelli, DJH Blackburn. 2009. Elsevier Journal of monetary economics. 27 cites.
- “The Forerunners of” New Monetary Economics” Proposals to Stabilize the Unit of Account: Note“. S Sumner. 1990. JSTOR Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. 27 cites.
- “Maria Theresa’s Thaler: A case of international money“. AE Tschoegl. 2001. JSTOR Eastern Economic Journal. 27 cites.
- “Learning, rational expectations and policy: A summary of recent research“. J Bullard. 1991. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review. 27 cites.
- “The Case for the Euro–I and II“. R Mundell. 1998. Wall Street Journal. 27 cites.
- “The origins of value“. WN Goetzmann, KG Rouwenhorst. 2005. The Financial Innovations that …. 26 cites.
- “Central bank design in general equilibrium“. J Bullard, C Waller. 2004. Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking. 26 cites.
- “The false premises and promises of Bitcoin“. BP Hanley. 2013. arXiv preprint arXiv:1312.2048. 26 cites.
- “Price discriminating monetary policy: a nonuniform pricing approach“. AP Villamil. 1988. Elsevier Journal of Public Economics. 26 cites.
- “Algorithmic authority: The case of Bitcoin“. C Lustig, B Nardi. 2015. System Sciences (HICSS), 2015 48th …. 26 cites.
- “Gaps in the institutional structure of the euro area“. CA Sims. 2012. FSR FINANCIAL. 25 cites.
- “Global imbalances and the key currency regime: the case for a commodity reserve currency“. LJ Ussher. 2009. Taylor & Francis Review of Political Economy. 25 cites.
- “Making the transition to a new gold standard“. LH White. 2012. . 25 cites.
- “Transactions costs, inflation, and the variety of intermediation services“. S Williamson. 1987. JSTOR Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. 25 cites.
- “The tragedy of the Euro“. P Bagus. 2011. JSTOR The Independent Review. 25 cites.
- “Explaining Malinvestment and overinvestment“. LJ Sechrest. 2006. Springer Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics. 25 cites.
- “Systems and methods for managing promotional offers“. JW Barker. 2012. Google Patents US Patent App. 13/536,232. 25 cites.
- “A note on sunspot equilibria in search models of fiat money“. R Wright. 1994. Elsevier Journal of Economic Theory. 24 cites.
- “Hyperinflation with currency substitution: introducing an indexed currency“. FA Sturzenegger. 1994. JSTOR Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. 24 cites.
- “The Mises-Hayek business cycle theory, fiat currencies and open economies“. N Cachanosky. 2014. Springer The Review of Austrian Economics. 24 cites.
- “Overcoming the zero bound on nominal interest rates: Gesell’s currency carry tax vs. Eisler’s parallel virtual currency“. WH Buiter. 2005. Springer International economics and economic policy. 24 cites.
- “The failure of OCA analysis“. B Glăvan. 2004. Springer The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics. 24 cites.
- “The digital currency doppelganger: regulatory challenge or harbinger of the new economy“. PC Tucker. 2009. HeinOnline Cardozo J. Int’l & Comp. L.. 24 cites.
- “The conduct of monetary policy with a shrinking stock of government debt“. SL Schreft, D Bruce. 2002. Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking. 24 cites.
- “Handbook of digital currency: Bitcoin, innovation, financial instruments, and big data“. DLK Chuen. 2015. . 24 cites.
- “Banknotes, local currencies and central bank objectives“. M Naqvi, J Southgate. 2013. . 24 cites.
- “Techniques for reallocating airport resources during adverse weather“. H Balakrishnan. 2007. Decision and Control, 2007 46th IEEE …. 24 cites.
- “The macroeconomic effects of bank runs: An equilibrium analysis“. MB Loewy. 1991. Elsevier Journal of Financial Intermediation. 23 cites.
- “The Emergence of Fiat Money: A Consideration“. K Dowd. 2000. HeinOnline Cato J.. 23 cites.
- “Speculation, incomplete currency market participation, and nonfundamental movements in nominal and real exchange rates“. RC Barnett. 1992. Elsevier Journal of International Economics. 23 cites.
- “Discount window policy, banking crises, and indeterminacy of equilibrium“. G Antinolfi, T Keister. 2006. Macroeconomic Dynamics. 23 cites.
- “Free banking during the French Revolution“. EN White. 1990. Elsevier Explorations in Economic History. 23 cites.
- “Optimal reserve requirements, deposit taxation, and the demand for money“. A Mourmouras, S Russell. 1992. Elsevier Journal of Monetary Economics. 22 cites.
- “What is old is new again“. T Gravelle. 1996. Wiley Online Library The Manchester School. 22 cites.
- “Limited information, money, and competitive equilibrium“. B Smith. 1986. JSTOR Canadian Journal of Economics. 22 cites.
- “The psychology of money“. HC Lindgren. 1991. Krieger Publishing Company . 22 cites.
- “Currency portfolios and nominal exchange rates in a dual currency search economy“. B Craig, C Waller. 1999. . 22 cites.
- “Facilitating the transition to a steady-state economy: Some macroeconomic fundamentals“. P Lawn. 2010. Elsevier Ecological Economics. 21 cites.
- “On the private provision of fiat currency“. A Berentsen. 2006. Elsevier European Economic Review. 20 cites.
- “TARGET2: Not why Germans should fear a euro breakup“. K Whelan. 2012. VoxEU. org. 20 cites.
- “Cybercrime: Dissecting the state of underground enterprise“. AK Sood, R Bansal, RJ Enbody. 2013. Ieee internet computing. 20 cites.
- “Gold Wars: The Battle Against Sound Money As Seen From A Swiss Perspective“. F Lips. 2001. Foundation for the Advancement of … . 20 cites.
- “A global currency for a global economy“. BJ Moore. 2004. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 20 cites.
- “A model of the federal reserve act under the international gold standard system“. H Fujiki. 2003. Elsevier Journal of Monetary Economics. 20 cites.
- “Fiat exchange in finite economies“. D Kovenock, CG Vries. 2002. Wiley Online Library Economic Inquiry. 19 cites.
- “An economic analysis of contemporary local currencies in the United States“. GA Krohn, AM Snyder. 2008. International Journal of Community Currency …. 19 cites.
- “Independence+ accountability: Why the Fed is a well-designed Central Bank“. CJ Waller. 2011. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review. 19 cites.
- “Essential elements of a modern monetary economy with applications to social security privatisation and the intergenerational debate“. WF Mitchell, WB Mosler. 2005. . 19 cites.
- “Lessons from the history of money“. FR Velde. 1998. Economic Perspectives-Federal Reserve Bank of …. 19 cites.
- “Price‐Level Targeting and Stabilization Policy“. A Berentsen, C Waller. 2011. Wiley Online Library Journal of money, credit and banking. 19 cites.
- “International liquidity and balance of payments adjustment“. RN Cooper. 1970. International Monetary Fund . 19 cites.
- “Introduction to bitcoins: a pseudo-anonymous electronic currency system“. S Martins, Y Yang. 2011. Proceedings of the 2011 Conference of the Center …. 18 cites.
- “Is nonprice competition in currency inefficient?“. LH White, DJ Boudreaux. 1998. JSTOR Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. 18 cites.
- “Positively valued fiat money after the sovereign disappears: The case of Somalia“. WJ Luther, LH White. 2011. . 18 cites.
- “Ayn Rand and Austrian Economics: Two peas in a pod“. W Block. 2005. JSTOR The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies. 18 cites.
- “Unemployment and fiscal policy“. WF Mitchell, W Mosler. 2001. Unemployment: The Tip of the Iceberg. 18 cites.
- “Information-based bank runs in a monetary economy“. MB Loewy. 1998. Elsevier Journal of Macroeconomics. 18 cites.
- “International credit, financial integration and the euro“. J Toporowski. 2013. Cambridge Journal of Economics. 18 cites.
- “Credibility and adjustment: gold standards versus currency boards“. JBA Desquilbet, N Nenovsky. 2004. . 18 cites.
- “Interest payments and the rate of return on international fiat currency“. PB Clark. 1972. Springer Review of World Economics. 17 cites.
- “Milton Friedman and the case against currency monopoly“. G Selgin. 2008. HeinOnline Cato J.. 17 cites.
- “Dollarization and the integration of international capital markets: a contribution to the theory of optimal currency areas“. VR Bencivenga, E Huybens, BD Smith. 2001. JSTOR Journal of Money, Credit and …. 17 cites.
- “Seigniorage of fiat money and the Maqasid al-Shari’ah: The compatibility of the gold dinar with the Maqasid“. A Kameel, M Meera, M Larbani. 2006. Humanomics. 17 cites.
- “A common currency: early US monetary policy and the transition to the dollar“. PL Rousseau. 2006. Financial History Review. 17 cites.
- “Smuggling, Currency Substitution and Unofficial Dollarization: A Crime-Theoretic Approach“. A Mourmouras, SH Russell. 2000. . 17 cites.
- “Tangible and fungible energy: Hybrid energy market and currency system for total energy management. A Masdar City case study“. S Sgouridis, S Kennedy. 2010. Elsevier Energy Policy. 17 cites.
- “Inflation-free Pricing Rules for a Generalized Commodity-Reserve Currency“. JC Luke. 1975. Journal of Political Economy. 17 cites.
- “Can currency competition work?“. J Fernández-Villaverde, D Sanches. 2016. . 17 cites.
- “Marx and the mixed economy: Money, accumulation, and the role of the state“. AE Davis. 2010. Guilford Press Science & Society. 17 cites.
- “Trends in crypto-currencies and blockchain technologies: A monetary theory and regulation perspective“. GW Peters, E Panayi, A Chapelle. 2015. . 17 cites.
- “Information and liquidity: a discussion“. G Rocheteau. 2009. . 17 cites.
- “Abstract knowledge and reified financial innovation: Building wisdom and ethics into financial innovation networks“. D Rooney, T Mandeville, T Kastelle. 2013. Springer Journal of Business Ethics. 16 cites.
- “Oil market structure, network effects and the choice of currency for oil invoicing“. E Mileva, N Siegfried. 2012. Elsevier Energy Policy. 16 cites.
- “Halting a shift in the paradigm: The need for Bitcoin regulation“. P Twomey. 2013. HeinOnline Trinity CL Rev.. 16 cites.
- “Economic Romanticism: Monetary Nationalism in Johann Gottlieb Fichte and Adam Müller“. RT Gray. 2003. JSTOR Eighteenth-Century Studies. 16 cites.
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(Featured Image: Wikipedia “Yuan dynasty coinage”)