The University as a charity

The Crypto Chain University recognises that the intellectual capital it holds or has an interest in – whether – vested in its staff, students, graduates or business associates – is of critical importance to the benefit of society as a whole. 

Its value however, is maintained only if there is a corporate encouragement and challenge to its members to constantly review, refresh and develop ideas and to be open to constructive critical thinking.

The development of our course portfolios; the learning and teaching methods we employ and the learning resources and information and communication technologies we invest in are provided to students and others with a view to the constant development of ideas and critical thinking which can only be of benefit to society at large.


Donate to the University

Donors to the University are recognized for their contributions to the technological arts, and the propagation of cryptocurrency and blockchain fields. Donors will be qualified for the conferment of the following ranks respectively — Commandeur (Commander), Officier (Officer), Chevalier (Knight), based on the ‘Ordre des Arts et des Technologie‘.

Bitcoin (BTC)


Ethereum (ETH)



For further information please contact us.

(Featured Illustration: TheWeek/Corbis)