Here below is the list of Most Cited Publications about ‘Cryptocurrency Regulations’.

Despite being digital, cryptocurrencies are subject to regulation like any other payment system. New concepts such as initial coin offerings are also treated as securities depending on the facts and circumstances of the ICO. Exchanges also need to comply with local rules and “know your customer” (KYC) and anti money-laundering (AML) requirements.

Last updated November 16th, 2017.

Most Cited ‘Cryptocurrency Regulations’ Publications

  1. Rethinking virtual currency regulation in the Bitcoin age“. KV Tu, MW Meredith. 2015. HeinOnline Wash. L. Rev.49 cites.
  2. Competition, cooperation, and regulation: Understanding the evolution of the mobile payments technology ecosystem“. J Liu, RJ Kauffman, D Ma. 2015. Elsevier Electronic Commerce Research and …42 cites.
  3. Beyond Bitcoin: Issues in Regulating Blockchain Tranactions“. TI Kiviat. 2015. HeinOnline Duke LJ41 cites.
  4. Capital flight: China’s experience“. YW Cheung, XW Qian. 2010. Wiley Online Library Review of Development Economics39 cites.
  5. Bitcoin financial regulation: Securities, derivatives, prediction markets, and gambling“. J Brito, H Shadab, A Castillo. 2014. HeinOnline Colum. Sci. & Tech. L. Rev.37 cites.
  6. Regulating cryptocurrencies in the United States: Current issues and future directions“. SJ Hughes, ST Middlebrook. 2014. 31 cites.
  7. Bitcoin: a regulatory nightmare to a libertarian dream“. P De Filippi. 2014. Browser Download This Paper29 cites.
  8. The political economy of bitcoin“. JR Hendrickson, TL Hogan, WJ Luther. 2016. Wiley Online Library Economic Inquiry29 cites.
  9. When is Bitcoin a security under US securities law“. R Yang. 2013. HeinOnline J. Tech. L. & Pol’y26 cites.
  10. Handbook of digital currency: Bitcoin, innovation, financial instruments, and big data“. DLK Chuen. 2015. 24 cites.
  11. The rise and challenge of dark net drug markets“. J Buxton, T Bingham. 2015. Policy Brief23 cites.
  12. Moving Beyond Bitcoin to an Endogenous Theory of Decentralized Ledger Technology Regulation: An Initial Proposal“. CL Reyes. 2016. 20 cites.
  13. Halting a shift in the paradigm: The need for Bitcoin regulation“. P Twomey. 2013. HeinOnline Trinity CL Rev.18 cites.
  14. Digital currencies: Principles, trends, opportunities, and risks“. P Tasca. 2015. 17 cites.
  15. The block is hot: A survey of the state of Bitcoin regulation and suggestions for the future“. M Tsukerman. 2015. HeinOnline Berkeley Tech. LJ17 cites.
  16. Kickstarter My Heart: Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowdfunding Constraints and Bitcoin Bubbles“. D Groshoff. 2014. 15 cites.
  17. On the value of virtual currencies“. W Bolt, MRC van Oordt. 2016. 15 cites.
  18. Bitcoin: Questions, answers, and analysis of legal issues“. E Murphy, M Murphy, M Seitzinger. 2015. Congressional Research Service14 cites.
  19. Advancing a Framework for Regulating Cryptocurrency Payments Intermediaries“. SJ Hughes, ST Middlebrook. 2015. HeinOnline Yale J. on Reg.13 cites.
  20. How should Bitcoin be regulated“. S Shcherbak. 2014. HeinOnline Eur. J. Legal Stud.13 cites.
  21. Negative bubbles and shocks in cryptocurrency markets“. J Fry, ET Cheah. 2016. Elsevier International Review of Financial Analysis13 cites.
  22. Bitcoin: how to regulate a virtual currency“. G Varriale. 2013. International Financial Law Review12 cites.
  23. Bitcoin: Tempering the digital ring of gyges or implausible pecuniary privacy“. M Elias. 2011. 12 cites.
  24. A bit of a problem: national and extraterritorial regulation of virtual currency in the age of financial disintermediation“. I Pflaum, E Hateley. 2013. HeinOnline Geo. J. Int’l L.11 cites.
  25. Cryptocurrency Bitcoin: Disruption, challenges and opportunities“. W Raymaekers. 2015. Journal of Payments Strategy & Systems11 cites.
  26. A regulatory and economic perplexity: Bitcoin needs just a bit of regulation“. D Sonderegger. 2015. HeinOnline Wash. UJL & Pol’y10 cites.
  27. Bitcoin, silk road, and the need for a new approach to virtual currency regulation“. J Lane. 2013. HeinOnline Charleston L. Rev.10 cites.
  28. From anonymity to identification“. AM Froomkin. 2015. Browser Download This Paper10 cites.
  29. How can cryptocurrency and blockchain technology play a role in building social and solidarity finance?“. B Scott. 2016. 10 cites.
  30. Might the Blockchain Outlive Bitcoin?“. G Hurlburt. 2016. IT Professional10 cites.
  31. Online Currencies, Real-World Chaos: The Struggle to Regulate the Rise Bitcoin“. N Wenker. 2014. HeinOnline Tex. Rev. L. & Pol.10 cites.
  32. Bursting the Bitcoin bubble: The case to regulate digital currency as a security or commodity“. ND Swartz. 2014. HeinOnline Tul. J. Tech. & Intell. Prop.8 cites.
  33. Trotting Out the White Horse: How the SEC Can Handle Bitcoin’s Threat to American Investors“. JS Colesanti. 2014. HeinOnline Syracuse L. Rev.8 cites.
  34. Understanding and regulating twenty-first century payment systems: The ripple case study“. MT Rosner, A Kang. 2015. HeinOnline Mich. L. Rev.8 cites.
  35. An analysis of the cryptocurrency industry“. R Farell. 2015. 7 cites.
  36. Beyond the silk road: unregulated decentralized virtual currencies continue to endanger US national security and welfare“. JA Kleiman. 2013. HeinOnline Nat’l Sec. L. Brief7 cites.
  37. Bitcoin: A First Legal Analysis“. F Boehm, P Pesch. 2014. Springer … Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data …7 cites.
  38. Digital Money: Bitcoin’s Financial and Tax Future Despite Regulatory Uncertainty“. N Mirjanich. 2014. HeinOnline DePaul L. Rev.7 cites.
  39. Introduction to bitcoin“. LP Nian, DLK Chuen. 2015. Handbook of Digital Currency: Bitcoin …7 cites.
  40. Taxing and Regulating Bitcoin: The Government’s Game of Catch Up“. P McLeod. 2013. HeinOnline CommLaw Conspectus7 cites.
  41. The Bitcoin Bible Gold Edition: All you need to know about bitcoins and more“. B Guttmann. 2014. 7 cites.
  42. The New Wild West: Preventing Money Laundering int he Bitcoin Network“. K Singh. 2015. HeinOnline Nw. J. Tech. & Intell. Prop.7 cites.
  43. О подходах в международном регулировании криптовалют (Bitcoin) в отдельных иностранных юрисдикциях“. ВА Кузнецов, АВ Якубов. 2016. Деньги и кредит7 cites.
  44. A Comparative Analysis of Bitcoin and Other Decentralised Virtual Currencies: Legal Regulation in the People’s Republic of China, Canada, and the United States“. MP Ponsford. 2015. Browser Download This Paper6 cites.
  45. Apple Pay, Bitcoin, and Consumers: The ABCs of Future Public Payments Law“. ME Burge. 2015. 6 cites.
  46. Discovering and developing the blockchain cryptoeconomy“. DWE Allen. 2016. 6 cites.
  47. Financial regulations and price inconsistencies across Bitcoin markets“. G Pieters, S Vivanco. 2017. Elsevier Information Economics and Policy6 cites.
  48. Fintech and Disruptive Business Models in Financial Products, Intermediation and Markets-Policy Implications for Financial Regulators“. IHY Chiu. 2016. HeinOnline J. Tech. L. & Pol’y6 cites.
  49. Is Bitcoin a security“. JE Alberts, B Fry. 2015. HeinOnline BUJ Sci. & Tech. L.6 cites.
  50. Tales from Cryptocurrency: On Biocoin, Square Pegs, and Round Holes“. EP Pacy. 2014. HeinOnline New Eng. L. Rev.6 cites.
  51. Virtually possible: How to strengthen Bitcoin regulation within the current regulatory framework“. P Kirby. 2014. HeinOnline NCL Rev.6 cites.
  52. 최근 디지털 가상화폐 거래의 법적 쟁점과 운용방안“. 김홍기. 2014. 증권법연구6 cites.
  53. Bitcoin: The Early Market“. SN Wolfson. 2015. Journal of Business & Economics Research …5 cites.
  54. Bitcoin: The Napster or Currency“. S Small. 2015. HeinOnline Hous. J. Int’l L.5 cites.
  55. It’s Not Just About the Money: A Comparative Analysis of the Regulatory Status of Bitcoin Under Various Domestic Securities Laws“. V Harasic. 2014. HeinOnline Am. U. Bus. L. Rev.5 cites.
  56. Opening discussion on banking sector risk exposures and vulnerabilities from virtual currencies: An operational risk perspective“. GW Peters, A Chapelle, E Panayi. 2016. Springer Journal of Banking Regulation5 cites.
  57. Systematic Risk in Conventional and Islamic Equity Markets“. A Sensoy. 2016. Wiley Online Library International Review of Finance5 cites.
  58. A Medium of Exchange for an Internet Age: How to Regulate Bitcoin for the Growth of E-Commerce“. J Papp. 2014. HeinOnline Pitt. J. Tech. L. & Pol’y4 cites.
  59. Bitcoin as a monetary system: Examining attention and attendance“. TP Huhtinen. 2014. 4 cites.
  60. BITCOIN: Cryptography, Economics, and the Future“. S Peng. 2013. Retrieved April4 cites.
  61. Fitting a square peg in a round hole: Bitcoin, money laundering, and the Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination“. NJ Ajello. 2014. HeinOnline Brook. L. Rev.4 cites.
  62. How should Bitcoin be regulated“. D Descôteaux. 2014. Economic Note, Montreal Economic Insitute4 cites.
  63. Self-Enforcing Online Dispute Resolution: Lessons from Bitcoin“. P Ortolani. 2015. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies4 cites.
  64. The crypto-currency conundrum: Regulating an uncertain future“. E Howden. 2014. HeinOnline Emory Int’l L. Rev.4 cites.
  65. The law of bitcoin“. J Brito. 2015. 4 cites.
  66. Almost an MNC: Bitcoin Entrepreneurs’ Use of Collective Resources and Decoupling to Build Legitimacy“. C Ingram, M Morisse. 2016. System Sciences (HICSS), 2016 49th …3 cites.
  67. Banking on Bitcoin: Applying Anti-Money Laundering and Money Transmitter Laws“. KL Penrose. 2013. HeinOnline NC Banking Inst.3 cites.
  68. Bitcoin regulation coming this year“. J Pagliery. 2014. CNNMoney. Cable News Network3 cites.
  69. Bitcoin, its legal classification and its regulatory framework“. T Mandjee. 2015. J. Bus. & Sec. L.3 cites.
  70. Bitcoins vs. State Money Transmission Laws: Protecting Consumers or Hindering Innovation“. J Hamburger. 2015. HeinOnline JL Econ. & Pol’y3 cites.
  71. Central bank behaviour concerning the level of bitcoin regulation as policy variable“. B Sauer. 2015. 3 cites.
  72. Design for Trust: An exploration of the challenges and opportunities of bitcoin users“. C Sas, IE Khairuddin. 2017. Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on …3 cites.
  73. Did New York State just anoint virtual currencies by proposing to regulate them, or will regulation spoil them for some“. SJ Hughes. 2014. HeinOnline Wash. & Lee L. Rev. Online3 cites.
  74. Funny Money or the Fall of Fiat: Bitcoin and Forward-Facing Virtual Currency Regulation“. ED Jeans. 2015. HeinOnline J. on Telecomm. & High Tech. L.3 cites.
  75. Legitimizing Bitcoin: Policy Recommendations“. T Alcorn, A Eagle, E Sherbondy. 2014. 3 cites.
  76. Of Two Minds, Multiple Addresses, and One Ledger: Characterizing Opinions, Knowledge, and Perceptions of Bitcoin Across Users and Non-Users“. X Gao, GD Clark, J Lindqvist. 2016. Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference …3 cites.
  77. Real regulation of virtual currencies“. B Levin, A O’Brien, M Zubrti. 2015. Handbook of digital currency …3 cites.
  78. The Real World of the Decentralized Autonomous Society“. JZ Garrod. 2016. tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. Open …3 cites.
  79. Watermarked tokens and pseudonymity on public blockchains“. T Swanson. 2015. Unpublished manuscript, R3CEV3 cites.
  80. Связанные одним блокчейном: обзор международного опыта регулирования криптовалют“. ОВ Демидов. 2015. Индекс безопасности3 cites.
  81. Analysis of Bitcoin as a peer-to-peer network for international payments“. S Böhme. 2014. 2 cites.
  82. Ben Lawsky: New York Can’t Risk Getting Bitcoin Regulation Wrong’, Coindesk. August 21“. P Rizzo. 2014. . 2 cites.
  83. Beyond bitcoin: an early overview on smart contracts“. P Cuccuru. 2017. International Journal of Law and Information …2 cites.
  84. Bitcoin exchange transactions: Income tax implications to consider within the South African environment“. LL Berger. 2016. 2 cites.
  85. Bitcoin or Bust: Can One Really Trust One’s Digital Assets“. AK Noonan. 2014. HeinOnline Est. Plan. & Cmty. Prop. LJ2 cites.
  86. Bitcoin regulation coming this year“. P Jose. 2014. CNN Money2 cites.
  87. Bitcoin, Its Legal Classification and Its Regulatory Framework“. T Mandjee. 2014. HeinOnline J. Bus. & Sec. L.2 cites.
  88. Bitcoin: Currency or Fool’s Gold: A Comparative Analysis of the Legal Classification of Bitcoin“. S Litwack. 2015. HeinOnline Temp. Int’l & Comp. LJ2 cites.
  89. Bitcoin: The Trade of Digital Signatures“. S Hazratjee. 2015. HeinOnline T. Marshall L. Rev.2 cites.
  90. Bits and Pieces: The Digital World of Bitcoin Currency“. GP Dwyer, NJ Michel. 2015. Retrieved February2 cites.
  91. Blockchain Innovation Commons“. DWE Allen. 2017. 2 cites.
  92. Blockchain: A Primer“. GP Dwyer. 2016. 2 cites.
  93. Capital“. A Pierre. 1999. Dictionnaire de Sociologie, Seuil, Le Robert2 cites.
  94. Cryptographic Currencies from a Tech-Policy Perspective: Policy Issues and Technical Directions“. E McReynolds, A Lerner, W Scott, F Roesner…. 2015. Springer … Conference on Financial …2 cites.
  95. Digital metal: Regulating bitcoin as a commodity“. M Prentis. 2015. HeinOnline Case W. Res. L. Rev.2 cites.
  96. Does the Velocity of Bitcoins Effect the Price Level of Bitcoin“. MJ DeLeo, W Stull. 2014. Temple University2 cites.
  97. From Bitcoin to Burning Man and Beyond: The Quest for Identity and Autonomy in a Digital Society“. J Clippinger, D Bollier. 2014. 2 cites.
  98. International criminals and their virtual currencies: the need for an international effort in regulating virtual currencies and combating cyber crime“. JM Virga. 2015. HeinOnline Braz. J. Int’l L.2 cites.
  99. New Wine into Old Bottles: Fintech Meets the Bank Regulatory World“. JL Douglas. 2016. HeinOnline NC Banking Inst.2 cites.
  100. Recent Development“. MOP CODE. 1967. HeinOnline 2 cites.
  101. The advantages and disadvantages of the Deep Web, Tor network, virtual currencies and the regulatory challenges thereof“. B Johnson. 2014. 2 cites.
  102. The Disruptive Implications of Fintech-Policy Themes for Financial Regulators“. IHY Chiu. 2016. Browser Download This Paper2 cites.
  103. The quest to lower high remittance costs to africa: A brief review of the use of mobile banking and bitcoins“. RC Maloumby-Baka, C Kingombe. 2015. Centre for Finance and …2 cites.
  104. Virtual Currencies and Blockchains–Potential Impacts on Financial Market Infrastructures and on Corporate Ownership“. P Fico. 2016. 2 cites.
  105. A light touch of regulation for virtual currencies“. LP Nian, DLK Chuen. 2015. Handbook of digital currency: Bitcoin …1 cites.
  106. A scenario planning for interbank payments and Decentralized Ledger Platforms“. CJ Huls. 2015. 1 cites.
  107. A turbulent IT currency infant in the global business environment“. D Dumitrescu, O Firica. 2014. Calitatea1 cites.
  108. Bitcoin, the Law and Emerging Public Policy: Towards a 21st Century Regulatory Scheme“. GM Karch. 2014. HeinOnline Fla. A & M UL Rev.1 cites.
  109. Bitcoin: The Pros and Cons of Regulation“. S Douma. 2016. 1 cites.
  110. Bitcoin-právní rámec a praktické aspekty jeho používání v platebním styku“. J Pardubický. 2014. 1 cites.
  111. Bitcoins: Regulatory Patterns“. A Borroni. 2016. Banking & Finance Law Review1 cites.
  112. Block-by-Block: Leveraging the Power of Blockchain Technology to Build Trust and Promote Cyber Peace“. S Shackelford, S Myers. 2016. 1 cites.
  113. Bridging Bitcoin’s Gender Gap“. OM George. 2015. HeinOnline NYUJL & Bus.1 cites.
  114. Bringing Continuity to Cryptocurrency: Commercial Law as a Guide to the Asset Categorization of Bitcoin“. E Hewitt. 2015. HeinOnline Seattle UL Rev.1 cites.
  115. Capital Flight and Bitcoin Regulation“. L Ju, TJ Lu, Z Tu. 2016. Wiley Online Library International Review of Finance1 cites.
  116. Cryptocurrencies and the Anonymous Nature of Transactions on the Internet“. EA Casale. 2015. 1 cites.
  117. Cryptocurrencies: Economic benefits and risks“. O Nica, K Piotrowska, KR Schenk-Hoppé. 2017. 1 cites.
  118. Cryptocurrency Compendium: A Reference for Digital Currencies: A Reference for Digital Currencies“. D Williams. 2017. 1 cites.
  119. CRYPTOCURRENCY IN THE CONTEXT OF DEVELOPMENT OF DIGITAL SINGLE MARKET IN EUROPEAN UNION“. I Nahorniak, K Leonova, V Skorokhod. 2016. InterEULawEast-Journal for …1 cites.
  120. Darknet and bitcoin, the obscure and anonymous side of the internet in healthcare“. M Masoni, MR Guelfi…. 2016. Technology and Health …1 cites.
  121. Electronic finance–recent developments“. K Dandapani, K Dandapani. 2017. Managerial Finance1 cites.
  122. How blockchain and cryptocurrency technology could revolutionize online gambling“. SM Gainsbury, A Blaszczynski. 2017. Gaming Law Review1 cites.
  123. How to combat money laundering in Bitcoin? An institutional and game theoretic approach to anti-money laundering prevention measures aimed at Bitcoin“. D Bååth, F Zellhorn. 2016. 1 cites.
  124. I Got 988 Problems But Bitcoin Ain’t One: The Current Problems Presented by the Internal Revenue Service’s Guidance on Virtual Currency“. ZB Johnson. 2016. HeinOnline U. Mem. L. Rev.1 cites.
  125. Identifying potentially disruptive trends by means of keyword network analysis“. F Dotsika, A Watkins. 2017. Elsevier Technological Forecasting and Social Change1 cites.
  126. Internet finance: Digital currencies and alternative finance liberating the capital markets“. K Wales. 2015. JOURNAL OF GOVERNANCE AND REGULATION1 cites.
  127. Light at the End of the Tunnel for Cyber-libertarians?“. R Kutiš. 2014. Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technology1 cites.
  128. New York’s Financial Regulator, Benjamin Lawsky, Maintains Lead On Bitcoin Regulation“. M Bobelian. 2014. … maintains-lead-on-bitcoin-regulation 1 cites.
  129. On monopolistic practices in bitcoin: a coded solution“. S Samtani, V Baliga. 2015. HeinOnline Indian JL & Tech.1 cites.
  130. Ontology of Blockchain Technologies. Principles of Identification and Classification“. P Tasca, T Thanabalasingham, CJ Tessone. 2017. 1 cites.
  131. Operational Distributed Regulation for Bitcoin“. J Pouwelse. 2014. arXiv preprint arXiv:1406.54401 cites.
  132. Regulating The Bitcoin Ecosystem“. R Kapoor. 2016. 1 cites.
  133. Strategic innovation in financial sector: Blockchain and the case of Spanish banks“. J Grau Miró. 2016. 1 cites.
  134. Surveillance of peer to peer payment systems and peer to peer lending platforms“. E Faia. 2014. 1 cites.
  135. The Bitcoin Virtual Currency: A Safe Haven for Money Launderers?“. A Ogunbadewa. 2013. Browser Download This Paper1 cites.
  136. The End of Cash? Bitcoin, the Regulators and the Courts“. N Guthrie. 2014. Banking & Finance Law Review1 cites.
  137. The Stateless Currency and the State: An Examination of the Feasibility of a State Attack on Bitcoin“. A Kim, D Sng, S Yu. 2014. 1 cites.
  138. Trust, Financial Regulation, and Growth“. F Capie. 2016. Wiley Online Library Australian Economic History Review1 cites.
  139. Virtual Currencies and Fundamental Rights“. C Rueckert. 2016. Browser Download This Paper1 cites.
  140. (Shadow) Banking on the Blockchain: Permissioned Ledgers, Interoperability and Common Standards“. AHL Donovan. 0. cites.
  141. 3.21 Indian property bubble“. LA Patterson, CAK Koller. 2015. Boom & Bust: A Look at Economic …0 cites.
  142. A Bit Like Cash: Understanding Cash-for-Bitcoin Transactions Through Individual Vendors“. SJ Robberson. 2017. 0 cites.
  143. A Facilitative Model for Cryptocurrency Regulation in Singapore“. JW Lim. 2015. Handbook of Digital Currency: Bitcoin, Innovation …0 cites.
  144. A Light Touch of Regulation for Virtual Currencies“. PN LAM, DKC LEE. 2015. 0 cites.
  145. A new era in fintech payment innovations? A perspective from the institutions and regulation of payment systems“. IHY Chiu. 2017. Taylor & Francis Law, Innovation and Technology0 cites.
  146. A PROFILE OF BITCOIN CURRENCY: AN EXPLORATORY STUDY.“. M Franklin. 2016. International Journal of Business & Economics …0 cites.
  147. A regulamentação do bitcoin pelo ordenamento jurídico brasileiro e pela comunidade internacional: um olhar para a legislação brasileira“. CV Oliveira. 2017. 0 cites.
  149. Análisis de la implementación de las Bitcoins como método de pago en Colombia“. MA Cajiao Hoyos, D Fonseca Medellín. 2016. 0 cites.
  150. Assessing the Differences in Bitcoin & Other Cryptocurrency Legality Across National Jurisdictions“. UW Chohan. 2017. 0 cites.
  151. ATINER’s Conference Paper Series ECO2015-1528“. B Sauer. 0. atiner.gr0 cites.
  152. Betallösning för micropayments“. P Renström, A Östmarck. 2015. 0 cites.
  153. Bitcoin Algorithmic Trading Bot“. J Rowlands. 2014. 0 cites.
  154. Bitcoin and the Blockchain as Possible Corporate Governance Tools: Strengths and Weaknesses“. FS Piazza. 2017. Penn. St. JL & Int’l Aff.0 cites.
  155. Bitcoin and the challenges for financial regulation“. A Sotiropoulou, D Guégan. 2017. Capital Markets Law Journal0 cites.
  156. Bitcoin Digital Divide“. H Subramanian, K Cousins, PE Zadeh. 2017. 0 cites.
  158. Bitcoin in Singapore: A Light-Touch Approach to Regulation“. PN Lam. 2014. 0 cites.
  159. Bitcoin in the Dark Web: A Shadow over Banking Secrecy and a Call for Global Response“. F Piazza. 2016. HeinOnline S. Cal. Interdisc. LJ0 cites.
  160. Bitcoin jako platební a investiční nástroj“. P Toman, TTT Ha. 0. theses.cz0 cites.
  161. Bitcoin regulations and investigations: A proposal for US policies“. JP Fawcett. 2017. 0 cites.
  162. Bitcoin som betalningsmedel“. V Didriksson. 2014. 0 cites.
  163. Bitcoin Transactions: A Bit of Financial Privacy“. S Agarwal. 2016. HeinOnline Cardozo Arts & Ent. LJ0 cites.
  164. Bitcoin 規制の 10 年後“. KF Lenz. 2014. 青山法務研究論集0 cites.
  165. BITCOIN: BREAKING BAD OR BREAKING BARRIERS?“. C Burks. 2017. NCJL & Tech. On.0 cites.
  166. Bitcoin: Crypto-Currency or Bust“. I Oliveira. 2014. 0 cites.
  167. Bitcoin: Información Sobre Su Reglamento En Las Américas y Futuro Crecimiento“. B Candelario. 2015. HeinOnline U. Miami Inter-Am. L. Rev.0 cites.
  168. Bitcoin: Is Cryptocurrency Viable?“. A Hill. 2014. 0 cites.
  169. Bitcoin: Order without Law in the Digital Age“. JO McGinnis, KW Roche. 2017. 0 cites.
  170. Bitcoin: Pros, Cons and the New Economy“. A stated by Barber. 0. . 0 cites.
  171. Bitcoin: Pyramid-scheme Wildfire, New Online Payment Medium, or Future Alternative Currency?“. H Vozak. 0. dspace.cuni.cz0 cites.
  172. Bitcoin: risks and regulatory problems“. N Mancini. 2016. Banca Impresa Società0 cites.
  173. BITCOIN: THE CASE AGAINST STRICT REGULATION“. M Sherlock. 2016. Rev. Banking & Fin. L.0 cites.
  174. Bitcoin: The Conflicting Currency“. S Greenwalt. 2016. HeinOnline Lincoln Mem’l UL Rev.0 cites.
  175. Bitcoin: The Futuristic Cryptocurrency for E-commerce Remittances“. A Nigam. 0. ijless.com0 cites.
  176. Bitcoin: The Revolutionary Currency“. T Sanders. 2014. 0 cites.
  177. Bitcoin: The Utopia or Nightmare of Regulation“. S McLeod. 2017. HeinOnline Elon L. Rev.0 cites.
  178. Bitcoin: What It Is, How It Works, And Why It Is Giving the World a Run for Its Money“. I LaMarsh. 2017. Oxford Journal: An International Journal of Business & …0 cites.
  179. Bitcoin-Legal Aspects and Regulation“. J Moravec. 0. dspace.cuni.cz0 cites.
  180. Bitcoin-Light at the End of the Tunnel for Cyber-Libertarians“. R Kutis. 2014. HeinOnline Masaryk UJL & Tech.0 cites.
  181. Bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies as property?“. KFK Low, EGS Teo. 2017. Taylor & Francis Law, Innovation and Technology0 cites.
  182. Bitcoin’s Future in Derivatives Markets“. R Tzoncheva, S Tonovab. 2014. GLOBAL INTERDISCIPLINARY …0 cites.
  183. Bitcoin’s Standing within the Global Regulatory and Economic Marketplace“. IA Holcomb. 2016. HeinOnline Currents: Int’l Trade LJ0 cites.
  184. Bitcoins, Virtual Money and the Changing Dimensions of Indian Financial Law and Policy“. P Pathak. 2014. 0 cites.
  185. Block-by-Block: Leveraging the Power of Blockchain Technology to Build Trust and Promote Cyber Peace“. S Myers. 2017. Yale JL & Tech.0 cites.
  186. Blockchain futures: With or without Bitcoin?“. B Kewell, P Michael Ward. 2017. Wiley Online Library Strategic Change0 cites.
  187. Blocking the future? The regulation of distributed ledgers“. D Blummont. 2016. 0 cites.
  188. Breaking Bitcoin: Do exchange volume innovations lead to increased real cryptocurrency activity?“. D Vitt. 0. papers.ssrn.com0 cites.
  189. Breaking Bitcoin: Does cryptocurrency exchange activity lead to increased real activity outside cryptocurrency exchanges?“. D Vitt. 0. papers.ssrn.com0 cites.
  190. Colm Kelly“. CS Byrne, S Kirwan, P Twomey, S Goosey, G O’Malley…. 0. HeinOnline0 cites.
  191. Commodifying Trust: Trusted Commerce Policy Intersecting Blockchain and Internet of Things“. LW McKnight, R Etwaru, Y Yu. 2017. 0 cites.
  192. Contemporary Perspectives in Our Modern Legal Society“. K Welch. 2015. HeinOnline T. Marshall L. Rev.0 cites.
  193. Corporate Governance for Complex Cryptocurrencies? A Framework for Stability and Decision Making in Blockchain-Based Monetary Systems“. P Hacker. 2017. 0 cites.
  194. Cryptocurrencies: A Brief Thematic Review“. UW Chohan. 2017. 0 cites.
  195. Cryptocurrency and Capital Controls“. J Carlson. 2016. 0 cites.
  196. Cryptocurrency in China: Light-Touch Regulation in Demand“. M Yang. 2016. 0 cites.
  197. Cryptographic Currencies from a Tech-Policy Perspective: Policy Issues and Technical Directions“. F Roesner, T Kohno. 2015. … Cryptography and Data Security: FC 2015 …0 cites.
  198. Decoding the Regulatory Enigma: How Australian Regulators Should Respond to the Tax Challenges Presented by Bitcoin“. J Emery. 2016. 0 cites.
  199. Die Regulierung von virtuellen Währungen“. ÖB Kilic. 2015. 0 cites.
  200. Digital Currencies: Unlocking the Secrets of Crypto-Currencies“. D Peterson. 2017. 0 cites.
  201. Economic and Legal Aspects of Electronic Money.“. O Schlossberger. 2016. Economic Studies & Analyses/Acta VSFS0 cites.
  202. E-gospodarka: problem regulacji“. P Wiśniewski. 2017. Catallaxy0 cites.
  203. Eight-Years-Young: How the New York BitLicense Stifles Bitcoin Innovation and Expansion with Its Premature Attempt to Regulate the Virtual Currency Industry“. SJ Syska. 2016. HeinOnline J. High Tech. L.0 cites.
  204. Explaining variations in regulating approches“. P Beest. 2017. 0 cites.
  205. Exploring the rise of blockchain technology: Towards distributed collaborative organizations“. B Scott, J Loonam, V Kumar. 2017. Wiley Online Library Strategic Change0 cites.
  206. Fintech Innovation“. B Nicoletti. 2017. Springer The Future of FinTech0 cites.
  207. Framework for implementing alternative credit schemes and digital social currencies“. S Lucarelli, M Sachy, L Bonacci, E Gentilucci…. 2015. 0 cites.
  208. From Bitcoin to Smart Contracts: Legal Revolution or Evolution from the Perspective of de lege ferenda?“. K Künnapas. 2016. Springer The Future of Law and eTechnologies0 cites.
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(Featured Image: ‘Artificial Intelligence: Evolution of the Legal Landscape’ by Herbert Sim)