Here below is the list of Most Cited Publications about ‘Blockchain and 3D Printing’.

3D printing is dramatically changing the production, distribution, consumption style of manufacturing. With it comes additional innovation and improvement questions such as ownership and royalties. Blockchain is a natural connection as it solves some of the fundamental issues with centralized distribution of 3D printing assets. This is one of the areas that is converging with blockchain to enable new fields of growth and entrepreneurship.

Last updated December 19th, 2017.

Most Cited ‘Blockchain and 3D Printing’ Publications

  1. The fourth industrial revolution“. K Schwab. 2017. 673 cites.
  2. The sharing economy: The end of employment and the rise of crowd-based capitalism“. A Sundararajan. 2016. 212 cites.
  3. Network society and future scenarios for a collaborative economy“. V Kostakis, M Bauwens. 2014. 137 cites.
  4. Nerdy money: Bitcoin, the private digital currency, and the case against its regulation“. N Kaplanov. 2012. HeinOnline Loy. Consumer L. Rev.136 cites.
  5. NMC horizon report: 2017 higher education edition“. S Adams Becker, M Cummins, A Davis…. 2017. Austin, Texas: The …80 cites.
  6. The dark net: Inside the digital underworld“. J Bartlett. 2015. 78 cites.
  7. Protocols for secure electronic commerce“. MH Sherif. 2016. 70 cites.
  8. Beyond Bitcoin: Issues in Regulating Blockchain Tranactions“. TI Kiviat. 2015. HeinOnline Duke LJ51 cites.
  9. Distributed data storage using erasure resilient coding“. J Li, L He, J Liang. 2011. Google Patents US Patent 8,051,36243 cites.
  10. BitProperty“. JAT Fairfield. 2014. HeinOnline S. Cal. L. Rev.38 cites.
  11. Throwing rocks at the Google bus: how growth became the enemy of prosperity“. D Rushkoff. 2016. 37 cites.
  12. Connected car: quantified self becomes quantified car“. M Swan. 2015. Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks33 cites.
  13. Digital gold: The untold story of Bitcoin“. N Popper. 2015. Penguin UK 25 cites.
  14. Economics: an AZ guide“. M Bishop. 2016. 23 cites.
  15. Moving Beyond Bitcoin to an Endogenous Theory of Decentralized Ledger Technology Regulation: An Initial Proposal“. CL Reyes. 2016. 23 cites.
  16. Land-use and climate change risks in the Amazon and the need of a novel sustainable development paradigm“. CA Nobre, G Sampaio, LS Borma…. 2016. National Acad Sciences Proceedings of the …21 cites.
  17. Daemon“. D Suarez. 2017. 17 cites.
  18. Blockchains and Bitcoin: Regulatory responses to cryptocurrencies“. A Guadamuz, C Marsden. 2015. 16 cites.
  19. Kickstarter My Heart: Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowdfunding Constraints and Bitcoin Bubbles“. D Groshoff. 2014. 16 cites.
  20. New Private Monies: A Bit-Part Player?“. K Dowd. 2014. 16 cites.
  21. Big-Data Analytics for Cloud, IoT and Cognitive Computing“. K Hwang, M Chen. 2017. 15 cites.
  22. Интеллектуальная мобильность в цифровой экономике“. ВП Куприяновский, ОН Дунаев…. 2017. … Journal of Open …14 cites.
  23. Blockchain platform for industrial Internet of Things“. A Bahga, VK Madisetti. 2016. J. Softw. Eng. Appl13 cites.
  24. Predicting the future of additive manufacturing: A Delphi study on economic and societal implications of 3D printing for 2030“. R Jiang, R Kleer, FT Piller. 2017. Elsevier Technological Forecasting and Social Change12 cites.
  25. Platform cooperativism“. T Scholz. 2016. Challenging the corporate sharing economy. New York …12 cites.
  26. Online Currencies, Real-World Chaos: The Struggle to Regulate the Rise Bitcoin“. N Wenker. 2014. HeinOnline Tex. Rev. L. & Pol.12 cites.
  27. Industry 4.0 and the current status as well as future prospects on logistics“. E Hofmann, M Rüsch. 2017. Elsevier Computers in Industry11 cites.
  28. Cyberspace and cybersecurity“. G Kostopoulos. 2017. 11 cites.
  29. How innovation commons contribute to discovering and developing new technologies“. D Allen, J Potts. 2016. International Journal of the Commons11 cites.
  30. On the properties of non-media digital watermarking: a review of state of the art techniques“. AS Panah, R Van Schyndel, T Sellis, E Bertino. 2016. IEEE Access11 cites.
  31. Bitcoin as Politics: Distributed Right-Wing Extremism“. D Golumbia. 2015. Browser Download This Paper10 cites.
  32. Radical technologies: The design of everyday life“. A Greenfield. 2017. 9 cites.
  33. Political economies and environmental futures for the sharing economy“. K Frenken. 2017. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A9 cites.
  34. Bitcoin and the uniform commercial code“. JL Schroeder. 2015. HeinOnline U. Miami Bus. L. Rev.9 cites.
  35. Trend Compendium 2030“. R Berger. 2014. Roland Berger Strategy Consultants9 cites.
  36. The Doctrinal Toll of Information as Speech“. K Langvardt. 2015. HeinOnline Loy. U. Chi. LJ8 cites.
  37. Bitcoins: Technological Innovation or Emerging Threat“. RJ Cook. 2013. HeinOnline J. Marshall J. Info. Tech. & Privacy L.8 cites.
  38. Sustainability of bitcoin and blockchains“. H Vranken. 2017. Elsevier Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability7 cites.
  39. A Wearable Revolution: Is the smartwatch the next small big thing?“. M Kracheel, W Bronzi, H Kazemi. 2014. IT ONE Magazine 20147 cites.
  40. ISO 9001: 2015–a questionable reform. What should the implementing organisations understand and do?“. J Anttila, K Jussila. 2017. Taylor & Francis Total Quality Management & Business …6 cites.
  41. The future of law and etechnologies“. T Kerikmäe, A Rull. 2016. 6 cites.
  42. Internet of Things with ESP8266“. M Schwartz. 2016. 6 cites.
  43. Realm of the Coin: Bitcoin and Civil Procedure“. MI Raskin. 2014. HeinOnline Fordham J. Corp. & Fin. L.6 cites.
  44. Secure Storing and Offline Transferring of Digitally Transferable Assets“. SD Lerner. 2014. Google Patents US Patent App. 14/890,3966 cites.
  45. Tomorrow’s Inheritance: The Frontiers of Estate Planning Formalism“. D Horton. 2017. HeinOnline BCL Rev.5 cites.
  46. The Internet Information and Technology Research Directions based on the Fourth Industrial Revolution.“. M Chung, J Kim. 2016. KSII Transactions on Internet & Information Systems5 cites.
  47. Jumping on the Blockchain Bandwagon: Lessons of the Past and Outlook to the Future“. M Avital, R Beck, J King, M Rossi, R Teigland. 2016. 5 cites.
  48. Digital to the Core: Remastering Leadership for Your Industry, Your Enterprise, and Yourself“. M Raskino, G Waller. 2016. 5 cites.
  49. Entering the matrix: the challenge of regulating Radical Leveling Technologies“. JJ Snow. 2015. 5 cites.
  50. Taxation and today’s digital economy“. A Nellen. 2015. Journal of Tax Practice & Procedure5 cites.
  51. Self-Enforcing Online Dispute Resolution: Lessons from Bitcoin“. P Ortolani. 2015. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies5 cites.
  52. Secret money: living on bitcoin in the real world“. K Hill. 2014. 5 cites.
  53. The Bitcoin Protocol as Law, and the Politics of a Stateless Currency“. S Jeong. 2013. Browser Download This Paper5 cites.
  54. Business School“. F LI, Y WANG, P ZHAO. 0. Qingdao University5 cites.
  55. When risks cannot be seen: Regulating uncertainty in emerging technologies“. JB Roca, P Vaishnav, MG Morgan, J Mendonça…. 2017. Elsevier Research Policy4 cites.
  56. Time, trading and algorithms in financial sector security“. GF Thompson. 2017. Taylor & Francis New Political Economy4 cites.
  57. A review of existing and emerging digital technologies to combat the global trade in fake medicines“. TK Mackey, G Nayyar. 2017. Taylor & Francis Expert Opinion on Drug Safety4 cites.
  58. Look Who’s Watching: Surveillance, Treachery and Trust Online“. FO Hampson, E Jardine. 2016. McGill-Queen’s Press-MQUP 4 cites.
  59. Whiplash: How to Survive Our Faster Future“. J Ito, J Howe. 2016. Hachette UK 4 cites.
  60. Building the Internet of Things: Implement New Business Models, Disrupt Competitors, Transform Your Industry“. M Kranz. 2016. 4 cites.
  61. Digital Disruption: Wie Sie Ihr Unternehmen auf das digitale Zeitalter vorbereiten“. K Matzler, F Bailom, SF von den Eichen. 2016. Vahlen 4 cites.
  62. A New Framework for a Novel Lattice: 3D Printers, DNA Fabricators, and the Perils in Regulating the Raw Materials of the Next Era of Revolution, Renaissance, and …“. P Jensen-Haxel. 2015. HeinOnline Wake Forest JL & Pol’y4 cites.
  63. Transformation: examining the implications of emerging technology for journalism, media and society“. JV Pavlik. 2015. Athens Journal of Mass Media and Communications4 cites.
  64. Towards An Ownership Layer for the Internet“. T McConaghy, D Holtzman. 2015. Online. Retrieved4 cites.
  65. Why business schools need to teach about the blockchain“. K Bheemaiah. 2015. 4 cites.
  66. Copyrights, privacy, and the blockchain“. TW Bell. 2015. HeinOnline Ohio NUL Rev.4 cites.
  67. Bitcoin as a monetary system: Examining attention and attendance“. TP Huhtinen. 2014. 4 cites.
  68. In Search of Research Ideas? Call a Professional“. W Zinn, TJ Goldsby. 2017. Wiley Online Library Journal of Business Logistics3 cites.
  69. Introduction to Trust, Identity, and Trusted Systems in Digital Environments Minitrack“. S Jarvenpaa, R Teigland. 2017. … of the 50th …3 cites.
  70. On intelligent mobility in the digital economy“. V Kupriyanovsky, O Dunaev, N Fedorova…. 2017. International Journal of …3 cites.
  71. Global trends: paradox of progress“. GF Treverton. 2017. 3 cites.
  72. The offer network protocol: Mathematical foundations and a roadmap for the development of a global brain“. F Heylighen. 2017. Springer The European Physical Journal Special Topics3 cites.
  73. Digital affordances, spatial affordances, and the genesis of entrepreneurial ecosystems“. E Autio, S Nambisan, LDW Thomas…. 2017. Wiley Online Library Strategic …3 cites.
  74. Emergence of Digital Twins“. SPA Datta. 2016. arXiv preprint arXiv:1610.064673 cites.
  75. Hackerspaces as entrepreneurial anarchy“. DWE Allen. 2016. 3 cites.
  76. Why we need democracy 2.0 and capitalism 2.0 to survive“. D Helbing. 2016. Browser Download This Paper3 cites.
  77. A Framework for Understanding the Possible Intersections of Design with Open, P2P, Diffuse, Distributed and Decentralized Systems“. M Menichinelli. 2016. 3 cites.
  78. Trusted IoT in the complex landscape of governance, security, privacy, availability and safety“. EZ Tragos, JB Bernabe…. 2016. … the Industry–Internet …3 cites.
  79. The Scandal of Money: Why Wall Street Recovers But the Economy Never Does“. G Gilder. 2016. 3 cites.
  80. Building the impact economy: Our future, yea or nay“. M Martin. 2015. 3 cites.
  81. Internet Finance in China: Introduction and Practical Approaches“. P Xie, C Zou, H Liu. 2015. 3 cites.
  82. Blockchains and the G20: Building an Inclusive, Transparent and Accountable Digital Economy“. JA Maupin. 2017. 2 cites.
  83. Today is the future of yesterday; what is the future of today?“. H Jaakkola, J Henno, J Mäkelä…. 2017. Paper submitted to …2 cites.
  84. Identifying potentially disruptive trends by means of keyword network analysis“. F Dotsika, A Watkins. 2017. Elsevier Technological Forecasting and Social Change2 cites.
  85. IS Research and Policy: Notes From the 2015 ICIS Senior Scholar’s Forum.“. F Niederman, R Clarke, LM Applegate, JL King, R Beck…. 2017. CAIS2 cites.
  86. Categorical anarchy in the UK? The British media’s classification of bitcoin and the limits of categorization“. JP Vergne, G Swain. 2017. From Categories to Categorization …2 cites.
  87. Is Technological Unemployment Real? An Assessment and a Plea for Abundance Economics“. M Swan. 2017. Springer Surviving the Machine Age2 cites.
  88. Blockchains and the economics institutions of capitalism“. S Davidson, P De Filippi, J Potts. 2017. Journal of Institutional Economics2 cites.
  89. The Driver in the Driverless Car: How Our Technology Choices Will Create the Future“. V Wadhwa, A Salkever. 2017. 2 cites.
  90. NMC/CoSN Horizon Report: 2017 K–“. A Freeman, S Adams Becker, M Cummins, A Davis…. 2017. 2 cites.
  91. Decentralized decision support for intelligent manufacturing in Industry 4.0“. M Marques, C Agostinho…. 2017. Journal of Ambient …2 cites.
  92. Value in the Commons Economy: Developments in Open and Contributory Value Accounting“. M Bauwens, V Niaros. 2017. Heinrich Böll Stiftung, P2P Foundation2 cites.
  93. Il mondo dato: Cinque brevi lezioni di filosofia digitale“. C Accoto. 2017. EGEA spa 2 cites.
  94. Autonomous Weapon Systems and Strategic Stability“. J Altmann, F Sauer. 2017. Survival2 cites.
  95. Mastering Bitcoin: Programming the Open Blockchain“. AM Antonopoulos. 2017. 2 cites.
  96. Blockchain will usher in the era of decentralised computing“. B Pon. 2016. LSE Business Review2 cites.
  98. Digital Revolution–Challenges for Contract Law“. R Schulze, D Staudenmayer. 2016. Digital Revolution: Challenges for …2 cites.
  99. Shaping the Digital Enterprise: Trends and Use Cases in Digital Innovation and Transformation“. G Oswald, S Edward. 2016. 2 cites.
  100. Re-risking in Realtime. On Possible Futures for Finance after the Blockchain“. B Maurer. 2016. BEHEMOTH-A Journal on Civilisation2 cites.
  101. Regulating The Bitcoin Ecosystem“. R Kapoor. 2016. 2 cites.
  102. Systems and Modes of ICT Innovation“. R Wintjes. 2016. JRC Science for Policy Report EUR28005. Bruselas …2 cites.
  103. Method and system for electronic content storage and retrieval using Galois fields and geometric shapes on cloud computing networks“. S Lesavich, ZC Lesavich. 2016. Google Patents US Patent 9,361,4792 cites.
  104. Strategic Innovation: The Definitive Guide to Outlier Strategies“. L Välikangas, M Gibbert. 2015. 2 cites.
  105. Trustless Property Systems and Anarchy: How Trustless Transfer Technology Will Shape the Future of Property Exchange“. ED Baker. 2015. HeinOnline Sw. L. Rev.2 cites.
  106. Learning Bitcoin“. R Caetano. 2015. 2 cites.
  107. Peer-to-peer law, built on Bitcoin“. MB Abramowicz. 2015. 2 cites.
  108. From Bitcoin to Burning Man and Beyond: The Quest for Identity and Autonomy in a Digital Society“. J Clippinger, D Bollier. 2014. 2 cites.
  109. 3D printing and international security: risks and challenges of an emerging technology“. M Fey. 2017. 1 cites.
  110. The G20 Countries Should Engage with Blockchain Technologies to Build an Inclusive, Transparent, and Accountable Digital Economy for All“. J Maupin. 2017. 1 cites.
  111. Mapping the global legal landscape of blockchain technologies“. JA Maupin. 2017. 1 cites.
  112. Method and system for providing three-dimensional (3D) display of two-dimensional (2D) information“. R Wang, BA Wang, A Wang. 2017. Google Patents US Patent 9,667,9481 cites.
  113. Developments in emerging digital health technologies“. C Pistorius. 2017. 1 cites.
  114. Ensuring Impact: Thought Leadership in Logistics and Supply Chain Research“. W Zinn, TJ Goldsby. 2017. Wiley Online Library Journal of Business Logistics1 cites.
  115. A theory of crowds in time and space: Explaining the cognitive foundations of a new market“. S Seong. 2017. Emergence1 cites.
  116. Identity Crisis in the Pearl River Delta“. M Poon, WEJ Klein. 2017. Digital Culture & Society1 cites.
  117. Supply chains and electronic markets-impulses for value co-creation across the disciplines“. G Prockl, V Bhakoo, C Wong. 2017. Springer Electronic Markets1 cites.
  118. Smart Contracts: Legal Agreements for the Blockchain“. R O’Shields. 2017. HeinOnline NC Banking Inst.1 cites.
  119. FENWICK & WEST“. MJ Shuster, P Farmer-Koppenol. 2017. Legal Ethics1 cites.
  120. Law and Regulation of Artificial Intelligence and Robots-Conceptual Framework and Normative Implications“. N Petit. 2017. 1 cites.
  121. Exploring DIY practices of complex home technologies“. C Sas, C Neustaedter. 2017. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human …1 cites.
  122. The Digital Matrix: New Rules for Business Transformation Through Technology“. V Venkatraman. 2017. 1 cites.
  123. Could China Be the Winner of the Next Industrial Revolution?“. LS Balogh. 2017. Financial and Economic Review1 cites.
  124. Background Paper for the Digital Development Summit 2017“. B Faith, K Hernandez, B Ramalingam. 2017. 1 cites.
  125. The Great Equalizer: How Main Street Capitalism Can Create an Economy for Everyone“. D Smick. 2017. Hachette UK 1 cites.
  126. Visualization and Data Provenance Trends in Decision Support for Cybersecurity“. J Garae, RKL Ko. 2017. Springer Data Analytics and Decision Support for Cybersecurity1 cites.
  127. Disintermediating Electronic Payments: Digital Cash and Virtual Currencies“. B Geva. 2017. 1 cites.
  128. Digital rights management: Model, technology and application“. Z Ma. 2017. China Communications1 cites.
  129. Contracts Ex Machina“. KD Werbach, N Cornell. 2017. 1 cites.
  130. Cubichain tackles 3D printing counterfeiting issues with blockchain technology“. L Parker. 2016. … -3d-printingcounterfeiting-issues-with-blockchain …1 cites.
  131. Anticipating EU transport sector governance“. TM Chen, G Bodea, NM Huijboom. 2016. EARPA Form Forum 2016, 1-241 cites.
  132. Blockchain as an Institutional Technology Spearheading an Equitable Exchange Economy“. P Tasca, M Ulieru. 2016. . 1 cites.
  133. Theorising on Digital Legal (Outer) Space“. T Kerikmäe, A Rull. 2016. Springer The Future of Law and eTechnologies1 cites.
  134. The case for active library copyright advocacy both now and in the future“. W Widmark, J Holm, S Reilly. 2016. Signum1 cites.
  135. Millennium Project Team (2016) Future Work/Technology 2050 Real-Time Delphi Study: Excerpt from the 2015-16 State of the Future Report“. JC Glenn, E Florescu. 2016. J Socialomics1 cites.
  136. Understanding and applying Blockchain technology in banking: Evolution or revolution?“. M Buitenhek. 2016. Journal of Digital Banking1 cites.
  137. Socialisme ou Barbarie: From Castoriadis’ Project of Individual and Collective Autonomy to the Collaborative Commons“. E Papadimitropoulos. 2016. … , Capitalism & Critique. Open Access Journal for a …1 cites.
  138. The New Economics of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Institutions: Considerations for Australian Agriculture“. J Potts. 2016. 2016 Conference (60th), February 2-5, 2016 …1 cites.
  139. The Origin of the Entrepreneur and the Role of the Innovation Commons“. DWE Allen, J Potts. 2016. 1 cites.
  140. The E-commerce directive, consumer transactions, and the digital single market: Questions of regulatory fitness, regulatory disconnection and rule redirection“. R Brownsword. 2016. 1 cites.
  141. Knowledge markets: a typology and an overview“. FJ Carrillo. 2016. International Journal of Knowledge-Based …1 cites.
  142. Keep your friends close, your enemies closer: The case for inclusive innovation policy“. J Potts, DWE Allen, TJ MacDonald. 2016. 1 cites.
  143. The digital transformation and smart data analytics: An overview of enabling developments and application areas“. N Roedder, D Dauer, K Laubis…. 2016. Big Data (Big Data) …1 cites.
  144. Combined security for electronic transfers“. V Vilmont. 2016. Google Patents US Patent App. 14/991,7361 cites.
  145. Future themes in the operational environment of the Finnish cadastral system“. K Riekkinen, S Toivonen, P Krigsholm, J Hiironen…. 2016. Elsevier Land Use Policy1 cites.
  146. Digitalisierung: Systematisierung der Trends im Strukturwandel-Gestaltungsaufgabe für die Wirtschaftspolitik“. M Hüther. 2016. 1 cites.
  147. The Bitcoin Guidebook: How to Obtain, Invest, and Spend the World’s First Decentralized Cryptocurrency“. I DeMartino. 2016. 1 cites.
  148. Internet of things and its future“. R van den Dam. 2015. 1 cites.
  149. Bitcoin: How Government Regulation Will Lead to a Brighter Future for the Online Currency“. R Bernard. 2015. 1 cites.
  150. La società della rete: Nuove idee per l’uomo del futuro“. C Orban. 2015. 1 cites.
  151. The Antitrust Analysis of Rules and Standards for Software Platforms“. DS Evans. 2014. 1 cites.
  152. Le Bitcoin Une monnaie révolutionnaire?“. JP Delahaye. 2014. UMR1 cites.
  153. Media Outlook 2017-2021“. G Entertainment. 0. kampanje.com1 cites.
  154. “Openness” With and Without IT: A Framework and a Brief History“. D Schlagwein, K Conboy, J Feller, L Morgan…. 0. Journal of Information …1 cites.
  155. The sharing economy and its implications for sustainable value chains“. K Rong, J Hu, Y Ma, MK Lim, Y Liu, C Lu. 2018. Elsevier Resources, Conservation and …0 cites.
  156. The Technology of the 4th Industrial Revolution“. M Skilton, F Hovsepian. 2018. Springer The 4th Industrial Revolution0 cites.
  157. Die Zukunft der Wertschöpfung–dezentral, vernetzt und kollaborativ“. T Redlich, M Moritz. 2018. Springer Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven zur Zukunft der …0 cites.
  158. The Challenge of Technology“. C Dennett, M Johnson. 2018. Springer Conquering Digital Overload0 cites.
  159. Freelancing in the Economy 4.0: How Information Technology Can (Really) Help“. S Scalabrino, S Geremia, R Pareschi…. 2018. Social Media for …0 cites.
  160. Collaborative Spaces and Coworking as Hybrid Workspaces: Friends or Foes of Learning and Innovation?“. L Marchegiani, G Arcese. 2018. Springer Learning and Innovation in Hybrid …0 cites.
  161. The Future: Procurement 4.0“. B Nicoletti. 2018. Springer Agile Procurement0 cites.
  162. A Renaissance in Skills: The Future Place of Online Learning for Skills for Business“. S Murgatroyd. 2018. Springer On the Line0 cites.
  163. Life Under the “New Normal”“. P Hoontrakul. 2018. Springer … Transformation and Business Opportunities in Asia0 cites.
  164. New Paradigms and Big Disruptive Things“. M Oppitz, P Tomsu. 2018. Springer Inventing the Cloud Century0 cites.
  165. Competitive Advantages of Financial Transactions on the Basis of the Blockchain Technology in Digital Economy“. NG Vovchenko, AV Andreeva…. 2017. European Research …0 cites.
  166. Copyright Protection in Additive Manufacturing with Blockchain Approach“. M HOLLAND, C NIGISCHER, J STJEPANDIĆ. 2017. 0 cites.
  167. How 3D Printing Will Change the Future of Borrowing Lending and Spending?“. A Patwardhan. 2017. Elsevier Handbook of Blockchain, Digital Finance, and Inclusion …0 cites.
  168. Enhanced anti-counterfeiting measures for additive manufacturing: coupling lanthanide nanomaterial chemical signatures with blockchain technology“. ZC Kennedy, DE Stephenson, JF Christ…. 2017. Journal of Materials …0 cites.
  169. A strategic perspective on leading global technology developments in pursuit of digitalisation for industrial development“. H Teifel. 2017. 0 cites.
  170. Fintech Tsunami: Blockchain as the Driver of the Fourth Industrial Revolution“. K Chuen, LEE David. 2017. 0 cites.
  171. The G20 countries should engage with blockchain technologies to build an inclusive, transparent, and accountable digital economy for all. Economics …“. J Maupin. 2017. Kiel Institute for the World Economy. http://www …0 cites.
  172. How Can Blockchain Technology Disrupt the Existing Business Models?“. W Nowiński, M Kozma. 2017. Entrepreneurial Business and Economics …0 cites.
  173. A future underpinned by smart technology“. K Stubbs. 2017. IMIESA0 cites.
  174. Blockchain meets the supply chain“. N Edwards. 2017. MHD Supply Chain Solutions0 cites.
  175. Applications within Logistics 4.0: A research conducted on the visions of 3PL service providers“. D Horenberg. 2017. 0 cites.
  176. Visibility and digital art: Blockchain as an ownership layer on the Internet“. M McConaghy, G McMullen, G Parry…. 2017. Wiley Online Library Strategic …0 cites.
  177. WEBCAST HERE“. S Nov. 2017. 0 cites.
  178. Will artificial intelligence eliminate my job? AI presents the forward thinker with a new opportunity to reskill and adapt for the future“. R Koch. 2017. Strategic Finance0 cites.
  179. Corporate Knowledge Management, Foresight Tools, Primary Economically Affecting Disruptive Technologies, Corporate Technological Foresight Challenges 2008 …“. K Jari, L Theresa. 2017. Springer International Conference on Knowledge Management …0 cites.
  180. Mapping the Global Legal Landscape of Blockchain and Other Distributed Ledger Technologies“. J Maupin. 2017. 0 cites.
  181. Using the Gartner Hype Cycle to Evaluate the Adoption of Emerging Technology Trends in Higher Education–2013 to 2016“. T Prinsloo, JP Van Deventer. 2017. Springer International Symposium on Emerging …0 cites.
  182. Technology Puts the Consumer in the Driver’s Seat for Shaping Industries“. S Papanyan. 2017. 0 cites.
  183. The Business Case for Creative and Cultural Industries-Leicester’s Business Festival 2017“. RC Granger. 2017. 0 cites.
  184. The future of touchscreens will change how we see the world The future of touchscreens will change how we see the world“. PD Scott. 2017. Technology0 cites.
  185. Using the Gartner Hype Cycle to Evaluate the Adoption of Emerging Technology Trends in Higher Education–2013 to 2016“. P van Deventer. 2017. 0 cites.
  186. Contracts for the Supply of Digital Content–Consequential Loss“. SAE Martens. 2017. Contracts for the Supply of Digital Content …0 cites.
  187. Happiness and Ethical Values in Higher Education.“. JK Lee. 2017. ERIC Online Submission0 cites.
  188. Digital Trade“. JL González, MA Jouanjean. 2017. 0 cites.
  189. IDC perspectives on biotech SMME development“. C Fourie. 2017. 0 cites.
  190. Investment, Unemployment and the Cyber Revolution“. M Baddeley. 2017. Springer Economic Policies since the Global Financial Crisis0 cites.
  191. Research Handbook on Digital Transformations“. J Savirimuthu. 2017. HeinOnline 0 cites.
  192. INNOVATION IN THE SHOPPING PROCESS IN THE HYPERMARKET“. A Pawluczuk. 2017. Economic and Social Development (Book of …0 cites.
  193. Towards a Contemplative Commons“. ON DAY. 2017. Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies0 cites.
  194. Predicting the Future of Health and Care“. J Farenden. 2017. ITNOW0 cites.
  195. Fluidity-The Way to True Demokratia“. D Campbell. 2017. 0 cites.
  196. The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Triple Helix“. SY Kim. 2017. 0 cites.
  197. Implications of digitalization for value chains“. S Wyciślak. 2017. Przedsiębiorczość Międzynarodowa0 cites.
  198. The Role of Organizational Culture in Enhancing Innovation Potential. Consequences on the Market Performance of Romanian Firms“. C Ionescu. 2017. Eastern European Business and Economics Journal0 cites.
  199. Global Value Chains and Economic Development“. P Bamber, L Brun, S Frederick, G Gereffi. 2017. 0 cites.
  200. A New Approach to Cyberphysical Security in Industry 4.0“. A Wegner, J Graham, E Ribble. 2017. Springer Cybersecurity for Industry 4.00 cites.
  201. The Arab World Online 2017: Digital Transformations and Societal Trends in the Age of the 4th Industrial Revolution“. F Salem. 2017. 0 cites.
  202. Examining potential benefits and challenges associated with the Internet of Things integration in supply chains“. A Haddud, A Haddud, A DeSouza…. 2017. Journal of …0 cites.
  203. Distributed Ledgers“. RT Hanson, A Reeson…. 2017. Scenarios for the …0 cites.
  204. Veränderung: Der Wandel als Konstante unserer Zeit“. N Tomaschek, D Unterdorfer. 2017. 0 cites.
  205. L’era dell’internet of things e le nuove sfide per la protezione e valorizzazione della proprietà intellettuale“. F Ferrara. 2017. 0 cites.
  206. A Declaration of Interdependence Towards“. D Tapscott. 2017. 0 cites.
  207. 3TH1CS: A reinvention of ethics in the digital age?“. P Otto, E Gräf. 2017. iRights Media 0 cites.
  208. Alternative Narratives on the Future of Growth“. K Peter. 2017. 0 cites.
  209. Praxisbuch Trendmarketing: Innovationskreislauf und Marketing-Mix für KMU“. V Bellone, T Matla. 2017. 0 cites.
  210. Chinese reactions to disruptive forces in tourism: A study of the impact of the Chinese government“. W Zhao. 2017. 0 cites.
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