Here below is the list of Most Cited Publications about ‘M-Pesa, M-Shwari, and M-Kesho’.

M-Pesa is a mobile money created by SafariCom, the largest telecom company in Kenya and Tanzania. It is an example of electronic money leapfrogging technology. In this case, people skipped using banks and payment networks and moved directly to mobile wallets. In addition to payments users can now create bank accounts and loans with the additional M-Shwari and M-Kesho services. It is a successful example of a mobile payment network that has widespread adoption for everyday use.

Last updated November 26th, 2017.

Most Cited ‘M-Pesa, M-Shwari, and M-Kesho’ Publications

  1. Mobile money: The economics of M-PESA“. W Jack, T Suri. 2011. 447 cites.
  2. M-PESA: mobile money for the “unbanked” turning cellphones into 24-hour tellers in Kenya“. N Hughes, S Lonie. 2007. MIT Press Innovations378 cites.
  3. Mobile banking: The impact of M-Pesa in Kenya“. I Mbiti, DN Weil. 2011. 261 cites.
  4. Risk sharing and transactions costs: Evidence from Kenya’s mobile money revolution“. W Jack, T Suri. 2014. American Economic Association The American Economic Review235 cites.
  5. Mobile payments go viral: M-PESA in Kenya“. I Mas, D Radcliffe. 2010. 228 cites.
  6. Designing mobile money services lessons from M-PESA“. I Mas, O Morawczynski. 2009. MIT Press Innovations197 cites.
  7. Mobile banking adoption: A literature review“. AA Shaikh, H Karjaluoto. 2015. Elsevier Telematics and Informatics171 cites.
  8. Poor people using mobile financial services: observations on customer usage and impact from M-PESA“. O Morawczynski, M Pickens. 2009. 165 cites.
  9. Innovating for shared value“. M Pfitzer, V Bockstette, M Stamp. 2013. Harvard Business Review137 cites.
  10. Is the bottom of the pyramid really for you“. A Karamchandani, M Kubzansky…. 2011. Harvard Business …130 cites.
  11. Exploring the usage and impact of “transformational” mobile financial services: The case of M-PESA in Kenya“. O Morawczynski. 2009. Taylor & Francis Journal of Eastern African Studies129 cites.
  12. The mobile phone ‘revolution’in Africa: rhetoric or reality?“. S Etzo, G Collender. 2010. African affairs127 cites.
  13. Kenya’s mobile revolution and the promise of mobile savings“. G Demombynes, A Thegeya. 2012. 114 cites.
  14. The impact of mobile payments on the success and growth of micro-business: The case of M-Pesa in Kenya“. M Mbogo. 2010. Journal of Language, Technology & Entrepreneurship …104 cites.
  15. Understanding mobile banking: The unified theory of acceptance and use of technology combined with cultural moderators“. G Baptista, T Oliveira. 2015. Elsevier Computers in Human Behavior102 cites.
  16. Examining trust in mobile banking transactions: The case of M-PESA in Kenya“. O Morawczynski, G Miscione. 2008. Springer IFIP International Conference on Human …100 cites.
  17. The economics of branchless banking“. I Mas. 2009. MIT Press innovations92 cites.
  18. Mobile-banking adoption and usage by low-literate, low-income users in the developing world“. I Medhi, A Ratan, K Toyama. 2009. Springer Internationalization, design and global …81 cites.
  19. Application of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) in M-Banking Adoption in Kenya.“. I Lule, TK Omwansa, TM Waema. 2012. International Journal of …76 cites.
  20. M-PESA: Progress and prospects“. T Omwansa. 2009. Innovations69 cites.
  21. Community-level economic effects of M-PESA in Kenya“. MG Plyler, S Haas, G Nagarajan. 2010. Financial services …67 cites.
  22. Human–computer interaction and global development“. K Toyama. 2010. Foundations and Trends® in Human–Computer …64 cites.
  23. Development 2.0: the IT-enabled transformation of international development“. R Heeks. 2010. Communications of the ACM62 cites.
  24. Entrepreneurship and socioeconomic development in Africa: a reality or myth?“. FM Nafukho, MA Helen Muyia. 2010. Journal of European Industrial …60 cites.
  25. An emerging platform: From money transfer system to mobile money ecosystem“. J Kendall, B Maurer, P Machoka, C Veniard. 2012. MIT Press 59 cites.
  26. Expanding the financial services frontier: Lessons from mobile phone banking in Kenya“. M Kimenyi, N Ndung’u. 2009. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution) …56 cites.
  27. The philanthropic state: market–state hybrids in the philanthrocapitalist turn“. L McGoey. 2014. Taylor & Francis Third World Quarterly55 cites.
  28. Branchless and mobile banking solutions for the poor: a survey of the literature“. A Dermish, C Kneiding, P Leishman, I Mas. 2012. MIT Press 51 cites.
  29. M-PESA: A case study of the critical early adopters’ role in the rapid adoption of mobile money banking in Kenya“. B Ngugi, M Pelowski, JG Ogembo. 2010. The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in …51 cites.
  30. M-banking in developing markets: competitive and regulatory implications“. J Anderson. 2010. info49 cites.
  31. Surviving in the‗ dual system ‘: How M-PESA is fostering urban-to-rural remittances in a Kenyan Slum,‖ in“. O Morawczynski. 2008. Proceedings of the IFIP WG48 cites.
  32. Safaricom and M-Pesa in Kenya: financial inclusion and financial integrity“. MW Buku, MW Meredith. 2012. HeinOnline Wash. Jl tech. & arts46 cites.
  33. Early lessons from the deployment of M-PESA“. P Vaughan. 2007. Vodafone’s own mobile transactions service,‖ The …46 cites.
  34. Extracting key lessons in service innovation“. S Wooder, S Baker. 2012. Wiley Online Library Journal of Product Innovation …44 cites.
  35. Bridges to Cash: the retail end of M-PESA“. F Eijkman, J Kendall, I Mas. 2010. JSTOR Savings and development42 cites.
  36. Nonbank e-money issuers: regulatory approaches to protecting customer funds“. M Tarazi, P Breloff. 2010. Focus Note42 cites.
  37. Documenting the birth of a financial economy“. T Suri, W Jack, TM Stoker. 2012. National Acad Sciences Proceedings of the National …40 cites.
  38. Fertile grounds for mobile money: Towards a framework for analysing enabling environments“. A Heyer, I Mas. 2011. Enterprise Development and …40 cites.
  39. Examining the usage and impact of transformational M-banking in Kenya“. O Morawczynski. 2009. Springer Internationalization, design and global development39 cites.
  40. The long-run poverty and gender impacts of mobile money“. T Suri, W Jack. 2016. Science36 cites.
  41. The mobile banking and payment revolution“. S Gupta. 2013. European Financial Review36 cites.
  42. Transaction networks: Evidence from mobile money in Kenya“. W Jack, A Ray, T Suri. 2013. American Economic Association The American Economic …35 cites.
  43. Customer adoption of mobile payment services by professionals across two cities in India: An empirical study using modified technology acceptance model“. R Thakur. 2013. Business Perspectives and Research34 cites.
  44. Stragglers of the herd get eaten: security concerns for GSM mobile banking applications“. M Paik. 2010. Proceedings of the Eleventh Workshop on Mobile …31 cites.
  45. Some economics of private digital currency“. JS Gans, H Halaburda. 2015. Economic Analysis of the Digital Economy30 cites.
  46. The economics of M-PESA: An update“. W Jack, T Suri. 2010. Unpublished research paper, Georgetown University30 cites.
  47. Mobile payments in emerging markets“. N Kshetri, S Acharya. 2012. IT Professional28 cites.
  48. The mobile money movement: Catalyst to jump-start emerging markets“. M Gencer. 2011. MIT Press innovations28 cites.
  49. From microfinance to m-finance innovations case discussion: M-PESA“. M Kapoor, J Morduch, S Ravi. 2007. MIT Press Innovations28 cites.
  50. Cash In, Cash Out Kenya: The Role of M-PESA in the Lives of Low-Income People“. G Stuart, M Cohen. 2011. College Park: College Park27 cites.
  51. Money, real quick: The story of M-PESA“. TK Omwansa, NP Sullivan. 2012. Guardian Books 26 cites.
  52. IT innovation for the bottom of the pyramid“. R Heeks. 2012. Communications of the ACM26 cites.
  53. Advanced Technologies for Microfinance: Solutions and Challenges: Solutions and Challenges“. A Ashta. 2010. 26 cites.
  54. How M-Shwari works: The story so far“. T Cook, C McKay. 2015. Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP) and …25 cites.
  55. The Home Economics of E-Money: Velocity, Cash Management, and Discount Rates of M-Pesa Users“. I Mbiti, DN Weil. 2013. American Economic Association The American economic review25 cites.
  56. Frugal innovation: the key to penetrating emerging markets“. K Mukerjee. 2012. Ivey Business Journal25 cites.
  57. Examining the adoption, usage and outcomes of mobile money services: the case of M-PESA in Kenya“. O Morawczynski. 2011. 25 cites.
  58. Cell phones, electronic delivery systems and social cash transfers: Recent evidence and experiences from Africa“. K Vincent, T Cull. 2011. Wiley Online Library International Social Security Review23 cites.
  59. Mobile money usage patterns of Kenyan small and medium enterprises“. D Higgins, J Kendall, B Lyon. 2012. MIT Press 22 cites.
  60. Can the success of M-PESA be repeated? A review of the implementations in Kenya and Tanzania“. G Camner, E Sjoblom. 2009. . 22 cites.
  61. The performance and impact of M-PESA: preliminary evidence from a household survey“. C Pulver, W Jack, T Suri. 2008. Financial Sector Deepening Kenya22 cites.
  62. Impact of cashless economy in Nigeria“. M Omotunde, T Sunday…. 2013. Greener Journal of …21 cites.
  63. Using technology to deliver financial services to low-income households: a preliminary study of Equity Bank and M-PESA customers in Kenya“. AL Ratan. 2008. Microsoft Research Technical … 21 cites.
  64. Creating new services“. L Patrício, RP Fisk. 2013. Serving customers globally20 cites.
  65. M-Pesa: Kenya’s mobile wallet revolution“. F Graham. 2010. BBC News20 cites.
  66. Early lessons from the deployment of M-PESA, Vodaphones’s own mobile transactions service“. P Vaughan. 2007. The Transformational Potential of M-transactions …20 cites.
  67. The digital divide, financial exclusion and mobile phone technology: Two problems, one solution?“. N Geach. 2007. Journal of International Trade Law and Policy20 cites.
  68. Seven ways mobile phones have changed lives in Africa“. T Ogunlesi, S Busari. 2012. CNN. Retrieved December19 cites.
  69. Can the Success of M-PESA be repeated“. G Camner, E Sjöblom. 2009. A Review of19 cites.
  70. What makes a successful mobile money implementation? Learnings from M-PESA in Kenya and Tanzania“. G Camner, C Pulver, E Sjöblom. 2009. London: GMSA, available at: www. gsmworld. com …19 cites.
  71. How micro‐entrepreneurs could change the world“. R Chandy, O Narasimhan. 2011. Wiley Online Library Business Strategy Review18 cites.
  72. Village savings and loans: A pathway to financial inclusion for Africa’s poorest households“. L Hendricks, S Chidiac. 2011. Enterprise Development and …18 cites.
  73. A secured mobile payment model for developing markets“. B Masamila, F Mtenzi, J Said, R Tinabo. 2010. Springer Networked Digital Technologies17 cites.
  74. The coming African tsunami of information insecurity“. S Goodman, A Harris. 2010. Communications of the ACM17 cites.
  75. What is the role of mobile phones in bringing about growth?“. S Qureshi. 2013. Taylor & Francis 16 cites.
  76. Branchless banking pricing analysis“. C McKay, M Pickens. 2010. Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP) …16 cites.
  77. transport MY patient: an initiative to overcome the barrier of transport costs for patients accessing treatment for obstetric fistulae and cleft lip in Tanzania“. AN Fiander, T Vanneste. 2012. Tropical doctor15 cites.
  78. Harnessing mobile communications innovations for water security“. R Hope, T Foster, A Money, M Rouse. 2012. Wiley Online Library Global Policy15 cites.
  79. Mobile money: Getting to scale in emerging markets“. B Cobert, B Helms, D Parker. 2012. McKinsey & Company …15 cites.
  80. Where a cellphone is still cutting edge“. A Giridharadas. 2010. The New York Times15 cites.
  81. Challenges of agent banking experiences in Kenya“. FG Atandi. 2013. International Journal of Academic Research in …14 cites.
  82. Results from 2011 for the transportMYpatient program for overcoming transport costs among women seeking treatment for obstetric fistula in Tanzania“. A Fiander, C Ndahani, K Mmuya…. 2013. Wiley Online Library International Journal of …14 cites.
  83. 全球手机银行的现状, 模式, 监管与金融包容“. 刘海二. 2013. 上海金融14 cites.
  84. Conceptualising ICT4D project champions“. J Renken, R Heeks. 2013. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference …14 cites.
  85. It’s Better Than Cash: Kenya Mobile Money Market Assessment“. L Michaels. 2011. United States Agency for International Development14 cites.
  86. Cash in hand: why Africans are banking on the mobile phone“. R Wray. 2008. The Guardian14 cites.
  87. Mobile banking and mobile money adoption for financial inclusion“. AS Etim. 2014. Research in Business and Economics Journal13 cites.
  88. Money transfer service wows Kenya“. N Mwakugu. 2007. BBC News Online13 cites.
  89. M-Pesa and the rise of the global mobile money market“. D Runde. 2015. Forbes, August12 cites.
  90. State of mobile banking in Tanzania and Security issues“. B Masamila. 2014. International Journal of Network Security & Its …12 cites.
  91. Disrupting patriarchy: An examination of the role of e-technologies in rural Kenya“. BN Sanya. 2013. Feminist Africa 18 e-spaces: e-politics12 cites.
  92. Changing the Financial Landscape of Africa: An Unusual Story of Evidence‐informed Innovation, Intentional Policy Influence and Private Sector Engagement“. S Batchelor. 2012. Wiley Online Library IDS Bulletin12 cites.
  93. Impacts and implications of mobile water payments in East Africa“. T Foster, R Hope, M Thomas, I Cohen…. 2012. Taylor & Francis Water …12 cites.
  94. Mobile Money: The Economics of M-PESA“. T Suri, W Jack. 2011. NBER Working Paper12 cites.
  95. Putting the Banking in Branchless Banking: Regulation and the Case for Interest-Bearing and Insured E-money Savings Accounts“. T Ehrbeck, M Tarazi. 2011. World Economic Forum’s Mobile …12 cites.
  96. Regulatory Issues Around Mobile Banking“. P Makin, C Hyperion. 2010. The Development Dimension ICTs for …12 cites.
  97. A new idea in banking for the poor“. A Chaia, R Schiff, E Silva. 2010. McKinsey Q Nov12 cites.
  98. Mobile money services in Nigeria: An inquiry of existing models“. JO Yakub, HT Bello, IA Adenuga. 2013. … Journal of Economics and Management Sciences10 cites.
  99. Mobile Banking in India-Issues & Challenges“. V Devadevan. 2013. International Journal of Emerging …10 cites.
  100. Sub-Saharan Africa: A major potential revenue opportunity for digital payments“. J Kendall, R Schiff, E Smadja. 2013. 10 cites.
  101. Xhosa in town (revisited)–space, place and language“. A Deumert. 2013. International Journal of the Sociology of Language10 cites.
  102. Transforming innovations in Africa: explorative studies on appropriation in African societies“. JB Gewald, A Leliveld, I Peša. 2012. 10 cites.
  103. Designing digital payment artifacts“. M Olsen, J Hedman, R Vatrapu. 2012. Proceedings of the 14th Annual …10 cites.
  104. Mobile banking for the unbanked“. VK Rangan, KL Lee. 2012. 10 cites.
  105. The dark side of cyber finance“. C Bronk, C Monk, J Villasenor. 2012. Taylor & Francis Survival10 cites.
  106. What can branchless banking do to advance the field, and what can it not do? From mobile banking to point of service“. C Alexandre. 2011. 10 cites.
  107. Saving through the Mobile: A Study of M-PESA in Kenya“. O Morawczynski. 2010. Advanced Technologies for Microfinance …10 cites.
  108. Mobile phones, mobility practices, and transport organization in Sub-Saharan Africa“. G Porter. 2015. Mobility in history9 cites.
  109. The Mobile-Finance Revolution; How Cell Phones Can Spur Development“. J Kendall, R Voorhies. 2014. HeinOnline Foreign Aff.9 cites.
  110. Pay at Your Own Risk? How to Make Every Way to Pay Safe for Mobile Payments“. S Martindale, G Hillebrand. 2011. 9 cites.
  111. The potential of internet-based technologies for sharing data of public health importance“. G Fegan, M Moulsdale, J Todd. 2011. SciELO Public Health Bulletin of the World Health …9 cites.
  112. M-PESA: Finding new ways to serve the unbanked in Kenya“. S Lonie. 2010. Innovations in Rural and Agriculture Finance, ed …9 cites.
  113. M-KESHO in Kenya: A new step for M-PESA and mobile banking“. I Mas. 2010. . 9 cites.
  114. Outreach of M-PESA system in Kenya: Emerging trends“. S Haas, M Plyler, G Nagarajan. 2010. 9 cites.
  115. From Matatu to the Masai via mobile“. P Mason. 2007. BBC News. Retrieved March9 cites.
  116. Relax, you’ve got M-PESA: Leisure as empowerment“. R Gajjala, D Tetteh. 2014. Information Technologies & International …8 cites.
  117. Bitcoin Versus Electronic Money“. S Rotman. 2014. 8 cites.
  118. Remittance and household expenditures in Kenya“. CN Simiyu. 2013. Journal of Emerging Issues in Economics, Finance and …8 cites.
  119. Mobile apps in Africa“. S Murugesan. 2013. IT Professional8 cites.
  120. Learning from marginalized users: reciprocity in HCI4D“. SP Wyche, E Oreglia, MG Ames, C Hoadley…. 2012. Proceedings of the …8 cites.
  121. Promoting responsible financial inclusion: a risk-based approach to supporting mobile financial services expansion“. MC Stephens. 2012. Banking and Finance Law Review8 cites.
  122. Mobile money: the economics of m-pesa“. J William, S Tavneet. 2011. NBER Working Paper8 cites.
  123. Trustworthy mobile transactions: a longitudinal study on M-PESA in Kenya“. O Morawczynski, G Miscione. 2010. Latusek, & Gerbasi (Eds.), Trust …8 cites.
  124. Banking for the Poor: State-of-the-Art Financial Offerings for the Developing World“. I Mas. 2010. Browser Download This Paper8 cites.
  125. “MXing it up”: How African adolescents may affect social change through mobile phone use“. CM Napolitano. 2010. Wiley Online Library New Directions for Student Leadership8 cites.
  126. Why has M-PESA become so popular in Kenya?“. J Rosenberg. 2008. CGAP. June8 cites.
  127. Unmasking the storm behind M-PESA“. J Njiraini, J Anyanzwa. 2008. East African Standard, December8 cites.
  128. Your gain is my pain: Negative psychological externalities of cash transfers“. J Haushofer, J Reisinger, J Shapiro. 2015. 7 cites.
  129. Mobile commerce“. JM Chang, J Williams, G Hurlburt. 2014. IT Professional7 cites.
  130. Marketing Strategies for Profitability: A Case of Safaricom Ltd in Kenya Telecommunication Industry“. M Oloko, EB Anene, PG Kiara, I Kathambi…. 2014. International Journal of …7 cites.
  131. Access to finance: an empirical analysis“. RU Arora. 2014. Springer The European Journal of Development Research7 cites.
  132. Overcoming technological determinism in understanding the digital divide: Where do we go from here?“. S Qureshi. 2014. Taylor & Francis 7 cites.
  133. Kipochi Launches M-Pesa Integrated Bitcoin Wallet in Africa“. E Spaven. 2013. CoinDesk 7 cites.
  134. Mobile cash for nomadic livestock keepers: The impact of the mobile phone money innovation (M-Pesa) on Maasai pastoralists in Kenya“. M Rutten, M Mwangi. 2012. Transforming Innovations in Africa …7 cites.
  135. Emerging Practices in Mobile Microinsurance“. C Téllez. 2012. … London: Groupe Sociale Mobile …7 cites.
  136. Mobile money in the developing world: The impact of M-Pesa on development, freedom, and domination“. K Donovan. 2011. Washington, DC: Georgetown University7 cites.
  137. Saving on the Mobile: Developing Innovative Financial Services to Suit Poor Users“. O Morawczynski, S Krepp. 2011. The Mobile Financial Services …7 cites.
  138. Card and mobile payment opportunities: A framework to consider potential winners and losers and a snapshot of the future payments landscape in Africa“. G Holmes. 2011. Journal of Payments Strategy & Systems7 cites.
  139. Can the success of M-PESA be repeated? A review of the implementations in Kenya and Tanzania. Valuable Bits“. G Camner, E Sjöblom. 2009. Np 7 cites.
  140. Impact of mobile banking on traditional banking practices in Zimbabwe“. S Mavhiki, T Nyamwanza, L Shumba. 2015. 6 cites.
  141. A Market-Building Approach to Financial Inclusion“. A Costa, T Ehrbeck. 2015. MIT Press innovations6 cites.
  142. The apparent M-Pesa monopoly may be set to crumble“. E Heinrich. 2014. Fortune, June6 cites.
  143. Mobile-Money Benefits and Usage: The Case of M-PESA“. A Mugambi, C Njunge, SC Yang. 2014. IT Professional6 cites.
  144. Could bitcoin be a financial solution for developing economies“. AG Clegg. 2014. University of Birmingham6 cites.
  145. Introduction to Mobile Money in Developing Countries: Financial Inclusion and Financial Integrity Conference Special Issue“. JK Winn, L De Koker. 2013. 6 cites.
  146. Determinants of mobile phone usage for e-commerce among micro and small enterprises in the informal sector of Kenya“. KO Litondo, FJ Ntale. 2013. … Science and Technology, 3 (6): 166 cites.
  147. Financial inclusion: Issues and challenges“. A Damodaran. 2012. AKGEC International Journal of Technology6 cites.
  148. The Role of Anti-Money Laundering Law in Mobile Money Systems in Developing Countries“. ES Kobor. 2012. HeinOnline Wash. JL Tech. & Arts6 cites.
  149. Mobile money as an information utility that touches everyone: Refining the vision for financial inclusion“. I Mas, N Sullivan. 2012. MIT Press 6 cites.
  150. A prototype mobile money implementation in Nigeria“. CK Ayo, WI Ukpere, A Oni, U Omote…. 2012. African Journal of …6 cites.
  151. Awareness of Mobile Phone-Based Money Transfer Services in Agriculture by Smallholder Farmers in Kenya“. OK Kirui, JJ Okello, RA Nyikal. 2012. … of ICT Research and Development in …6 cites.
  152. Le téléphone mobile at-il créé une révolution en Afrique?“. G Raballand. 2012. Études6 cites.
  153. Smart Water Systems“. SS Hotel. 2011. 6 cites.
  154. Operations strategies used in mobile banking: the case of M-Pesa service by Safaricom limited“. SA Abdullahi. 2010. University of Nairobi, Kenya 6 cites.
  155. The economics of M-PESA“. J William, T Suri. 2010. Georgetown University6 cites.
  156. Poor People Using Mobile Financial Services: Observations on Customer Usage and Impact from M-PESA. C-Gap Brief“. O Morawczynski, M Pickens. 2009. . 6 cites.
  157. Beyond e-waste: Kenyan creativity and alternative narratives in the dialectic of end-of-life“. U Vallauri. 2009. International Review of Information Ethics6 cites.
  158. Regulating transformational branchless banking: Dispatches from the policy frontlines“. K Prochaska, L Brix. 2008. Enterprise Development and …6 cites.
  159. A brief introduction to M-PESA“. S Lonie. 2007. World Bank roundtable on Making Finance Work for …6 cites.
  160. Innovations in mobile banking: The case of M-PESA“. O Morawczynski. 2007. First National Consultative Forum on Microfinance6 cites.
  161. The Role of M-Pesa in Kenya’s Economic and Political Development“. F Jacob. 2016. Springer Kenya After 505 cites.
  162. Adoption of digital wallet by consumers“. HS Rathore. 2016. BVIMSR’s Journal of Management Research5 cites.
  163. Consumers’ perceptions of mobile banking continuous usage in Finland and South Africa“. AA Shaikh, H Karjaluoto…. 2015. International Journal of …5 cites.
  164. Basel Accords on Risk Management: A Survey of Kenya s Commercial Banks“. OG Omondi. 2015. OMICS International Journal of Global Economics5 cites.
  165. The innovation process in emerging economies: An effectuation perspective“. D Lingelbach, V Sriram, T Mersha…. 2015. … International Journal of …5 cites.
  166. Mobile money“. KP Donovan. 2015. Wiley Online Library The International Encyclopedia of Digital …5 cites.
  167. Transforming banking through telecom-an approach“. VR Kumar, M Sethi…. 2015. Indian Journal of Science …5 cites.
  168. No Kenyan left behind: The case of financial inclusion through mobile banking“. T Mutsune. 2014. Global Conference on Business & Finance …5 cites.
  169. Mobile internet technologies and the possibilities for public archaeology in Africa: Marakwet, Kenya“. MIJ Davies, A Dupeyron, HL Moore. 2014. Antiquity Project Gallery5 cites.
  170. Factors influencing the uptake of mobile banking in developing countries: a case study of M-pesa in South Africa“. A Budree, KH Williams. 2013. Proceedings of 22nd International …5 cites.
  171. Integrated marketing communication and technology adoption: a case of Safaricom’s M-PESA mobile money transfer services in Kenya“. M Mulwa, N Ndati. 2013. … Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and …5 cites.
  172. Le Sud, futur laboratoire d’innovation du monde“. JM Huet, D de Pompignan, M Noé, AS Oster. 2013. L’Expansion Management …5 cites.
  173. From e-Governance to m-Governance—The Way Forward“. R Pandey, KSV Sekhar. 2013. E-Governance Techno-Behavioural …5 cites.
  174. Mobile banking and sustainable growth“. A Srivastava. 2013. American Journal of Economics and Business …5 cites.
  175. M-PESA extends its reach“. W Jack, T Suri. 2012. Mobile Money for the Unbanked Blog Post5 cites.
  176. Let a thousand currencies bloom“. DGW Birch. 2012. IEEE Spectrum5 cites.
  177. The Economics of M-PESA: Round 4 Update“. W Jack, T Suri. 2011. 2011b. available at: http://www. mit. edu/~ tavneet …5 cites.
  178. Making mobile phones work for women with fistula: The M-PESA experience in Kenya and Tanzania.“. M Bangser. 2011. 5 cites.
  179. The development, use and cultural context of M-PESA in Costal Kenya“. MS Berman. 2011. 5 cites.
  180. The Economics of M-PESA“. T Suri, W Jack. 2011. … , available at http://www. mit. edu/~ tavneet/M-PESA …5 cites.
  181. Secure Payments Using Mobile Device“. A Maritz. 2011. Proyect” iSpaza”, University of Cape Town (South …5 cites.
  182. M-PESA meets microsavings with Equity Bank deal in Kenya“. J Rosenberg. 2010. … org/2009/02/17/the-diary-of-an-m-pesa-user-thecase-of …5 cites.
  183. M-Pesa: Transforming Millions of Lives–I“. M Agrawal. 2010. Telecom Circle5 cites.
  184. Cash Replacement through Mobile Money in Emerging Markets: The FISA Approach“. A Jimenez, P Vanguri. 2010. IBM Global Business Services …5 cites.
  185. The performance and impact of M-PESA“. C Pulver, W Jack, T Suri. 2009. FSD Kenya5 cites.
  186. M-PESA vs. G-Cash: Accounting for their Relative Success, and Key Lessons for other Countries“. I Mas. 2008. Unpublished paper, CGAP, Washington, DC5 cites.
  187. Efectividad metacognitiva de la heurística V de Gowin en trabajos de laboratorio centrados en la resolución de situaciones problemáticas“. MM Andrés, JAM Villagrá…. 2007. Escuela Universitaria La Salle Indivisa: Boletín de …5 cites.
  188. Kenya: trend-setting M-Pesa goes international“. M Aron. 2007. Business Daily. Nairobi5 cites.
  189. Things You Thought You Knew about M-PESA“. C Alexandre. 0. … /blog/10-things-youthought-you-knew-about-m-pesa), 105 cites.
  190. The proliferation of digital credit deployments“. BH Hwang, C Tellez. 2016. 4 cites.
  191. No Kenyan Left Behind: The Model of Financial Inclusion Through Mobile Banking“. T Mutsune. 2015. 4 cites.
  192. Vodacom re-launches M-Pesa (again)“. A Goldstuck. 2014. Mail & Guardian4 cites.
  193. M-Shwari in Kenya: How is it Really Being used“. M Kaffenberger. 2014. Retrieved May4 cites.
  194. M-PESA: How Kenya Took the Lead in Mobile Money“. J Kamana. 2014. Mobile Transaction4 cites.
  195. 산업 간 융합 관점에서 본 핀테크의 시사점“. 박대현. 2014. KISA Internet & Security Focus4 cites.
  196. ICTs for leisure in development: a case for motivation, exploration, and play in the global South“. P Arora, N Rangaswamy. 2014. Information Technologies & …4 cites.
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