Here below is the list of Most Cited Publications about ‘Central Banking’.
Last updated November 7th, 2017.
Most Cited ‘Central Banking’ Publications
- “Estimation and inference in econometrics“. R Davidson, JG MacKinnon. 1993. JSTOR . 7227 cites.
- “The economics of money, banking, and financial markets“. FS Mishkin. 2007. Pearson education . 4254 cites.
- “Inflation forecast targeting: Implementing and monitoring inflation targets“. LEO Svensson. 1997. Elsevier European economic review. 2206 cites.
- “Central banking in theory and practice“. AS Blinder. 1999. . 1811 cites.
- “Introduction“. F Schimmelfennig, S Engert, H Knobel. 2006. Springer International Socialization in …. 1722 cites.
- “Governance by conditionality: EU rule transfer to the candidate countries of Central and Eastern Europe“. F Schimmelfennig, U Sedelmeier. 2004. Taylor & Francis Journal of European public …. 1234 cites.
- “Systemic risk, interbank relations, and liquidity provision by the central bank“. X Freixas, BM Parigi, JC Rochet. 2000. JSTOR Journal of money, credit and banking. 1141 cites.
- “Monetary theory and the trade cycle“. S Baker. 1966. . 961 cites.
- “The economics of exchange rates“. L Sarno, MP Taylor. 2002. . 945 cites.
- “Optimal commitment in monetary policy: credibility versus flexibility“. S Lohmann. 1992. JSTOR The American Economic Review. 885 cites.
- “Firm-specific capital, nominal rigidities and the business cycle“. D Altig, LJ Christiano, M Eichenbaum, …. 2011. Elsevier Review of Economic …. 854 cites.
- “University economics“. AA Alchian, WR Allen, R Newcomb, D Ramsey. 1967. JSTOR . 785 cites.
- “Rulemaking: How government agencies write law and make policy“. CM Kerwin, SR Furlong. 1994. . 716 cites.
- “Issues in the design of monetary policy rules“. BT McCallum. 1999. Elsevier Handbook of macroeconomics. 660 cites.
- “The financial market effects of the Federal Reserve’s large-scale asset purchases“. J Gagnon, M Raskin, J Remache, B Sack. 2011. … Journal of Central Banking. 596 cites.
- “Development and efficiency of the banking sector in a transitional economy: Hungarian experience“. I Hasan, K Marton. 2003. Elsevier Journal of Banking & Finance. 577 cites.
- “Modern central banking“. S Fischer. 1994. World Economy Laboratory at … . 571 cites.
- “The theory of free banking: Money supply under competitive note issue“. GA Selgin. 1988. Rowman & Littlefield Pub Inc . 571 cites.
- “Distinguished Lecture on Economics in Government: What Central Bankers Could Learn from Academics–And Vice Versa“. AS Blinder. 1997. JSTOR The Journal of Economic Perspectives. 555 cites.
- “Central bank laws and monetary policy“. R Bade, M Parkin. 1988. . 549 cites.
- “Free banking in Britain: Theory, experience, and debate, 1800-1845“. LH White. 1984. Cambridge University Press . 548 cites.
- “Should the functions of monetary policy and banking supervision be separated?“. C Goodhart, D Schoenmaker. 1995. JSTOR Oxford Economic Papers. 527 cites.
- “Monetary policy under the international gold standard: 1880-1914“. AI Bloomfield. 1959. Federal Reserve Bank of New York . 516 cites.
- “The theory of money“. J Niehans. 1980. JHU Press . 500 cites.
- “Central bank credibility: why do we care? How do we build it?“. AS Blinder. 1999. . 496 cites.
- “Gatekeepers of growth: the international political economy of central banking in developing countries“. S Maxfield. 1998. . 473 cites.
- “Financial deregulation, monetary policy, and central banking“. M Goodfriend, RG King. 1988. . 451 cites.
- “The art of central banking“. RG Hawtrey. 2012. . 436 cites.
- “The rationale of central banking“. VC Smith. 1936. . 429 cites.
- “Central-bank independence revisited“. S Fischer. 1995. JSTOR The American Economic Review. 381 cites.
- “The financial market impact of quantitative easing in the United Kingdom“. M Joyce, A Lasaosa, I Stevens, M Tong. 2011. … Journal of Central Banking. 371 cites.
- “Monetary mystique: Secrecy and central banking“. M Goodfriend. 1986. Elsevier Journal of Monetary Economics. 354 cites.
- “International convergence of capital measurement and capital standards: a revised framework“. Comitato di Basilea per la vigilanza bancaria. 2004. Bank for International Settlements . 352 cites.
- “Clearinghouses and the origin of central banking in the United States“. G Gorton. 1985. The Journal of Economic History. 349 cites.
- “Central banking and money market changes“. HP Minsky. 1957. The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 341 cites.
- “Monetary sovereignty: The politics of central banking in Western Europe“. JB Goodman. 1992. . 338 cites.
- “Autonomy and regulation: Coping with agencies in the modern state“. T Christensen, P Lægreid. 2006. . 325 cites.
- “Rational fictions: Central bank independence and the social logic of delegation“. K McNamara. 2002. Taylor & Francis West european politics. 322 cites.
- “The changing role of central banks“. CAE Goodhart. 2011. Financial History Review. 299 cites.
- “Crucial issues concerning central bank independence“. BT McCallum. 1997. Elsevier Journal of Monetary Economics. 290 cites.
- “The challenge of central banking in a democratic society.“. A Greenspan. 1997. Executive Speeches. 290 cites.
- “The central banking role of clearinghouse associations“. RH Timberlake. 1984. JSTOR Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. 288 cites.
- “Is bank supervision central to central banking?“. J Peek, ES Rosengren, …. 1999. The Quarterly Journal of …. 284 cites.
- “Interbank exposures: An empirical examination of contagion risk in the Belgian banking system“. H Degryse, G Nguyen. 2007. … Journal of Central Banking. 279 cites.
- “The theory of monetary institutions“. LH White. 1999. Blackwell Oxford . 278 cites.
- “State of the art of inflation targeting“. G Hammond. 2012. Handbooks. 258 cites.
- “Can central banking survive the IT revolution?“. CAE Goodhart. 2000. Wiley Online Library International Finance. 257 cites.
- “Central bank independence, inflation, and growth in transition economies“. P Loungani, N Sheets. 1997. JSTOR Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking. 254 cites.
- “Monetary and financial stability: is there a trade-off?“. O Issing. 2003. BIS Papers. 253 cites.
- “Imperfect competition in the interbank market for liquidity as a rationale for central banking“. VV Acharya, D Gromb, …. 2012. American Economic Association American …. 241 cites.
- “Experience of Free Banking“. K Dowd. 2002. . 235 cites.
- “Principles of banking law“. R Cranston. 2002. OUP Catalogue. 235 cites.
- “Of finance and development: neglected and unsettled questions“. A Chandavarkar. 1992. Elsevier World development. 230 cites.
- “Modern banking“. RS Sayers. 1967. Clarendon P. . 225 cites.
- “The quiet revolution: Central banking goes modern“. AS Blinder. 2008. . 225 cites.
- “Who holds the wealth of nations“. A Rozanov. 2005. Central Banking Journal. 225 cites.
- “Central banking after Bagehot“. RS Sayers. 1957. . 224 cites.
- “Do state and local taxes affect economic growth?“. A Mofidi, JA Stone. 1990. JSTOR The Review of Economics and Statistics. 216 cites.
- “Independence and accountability“. C Briault, A Haldane, MA King. 1997. Springer Towards more effective monetary policy. 212 cites.
- “What should central banks do? What should be their macroeconomic objectives and operations?“. CAE Goodhart. 1994. JSTOR The Economic Journal. 210 cites.
- “Assessing competitive conditions in the Greek banking system“. G Hondroyiannis, S Lolos, E Papapetrou. 1999. Elsevier Journal of International Financial …. 201 cites.
- “The Nigerian financial system“. GO Nwankwo. 1980. Macmillan . 201 cites.
- “Banking in transition economies“. JP Bonin, P Wachtel. 1998. Books. 194 cites.
- “The European Central Bank as lender of last resort in the government bond markets“. P De Grauwe. 2013. CESifo Economic Studies. 194 cites.
- “Benjamin Strong: Central Banker“. LV Chandler. 1958. Brookings Institution . 192 cites.
- “Central banking in the credit turmoil: An assessment of Federal Reserve practice“. M Goodfriend. 2011. Elsevier Journal of Monetary Economics. 190 cites.
- “EMU and banking supervision“. T Padoa‐Schioppa. 1999. Wiley Online Library International Finance. 190 cites.
- “No money, no inflation–the role of money in the economy“. M King. 2003. Central Banking, monetary theory and practice: Essays …. 190 cites.
- “The origins of central banking in the United States“. RH Timberlake. 1978. Harvard Univ Pr . 190 cites.
- “Fiscal discipline in EMU: rules or institutions?“. C Wyplosz. 2002. April 16, 2002 meeting of the Group of Economic …. 188 cites.
- “-Federal Reserve Monetary Policy, 1917-1933“. ER Wicker. 1966. . 186 cites.
- “Should banking supervision and monetary policy tasks be given to different agencies?“. C Di Noia, G Di Giorgio. 1999. Wiley Online Library International Finance. 185 cites.
- “Monetary policy frameworks in a global context“. L Mahadeva, G Sterne. 2012. . 184 cites.
- “Central banking and banking regulation“. RM Lastra. 1996. . 183 cites.
- “The case for financial laissez-faire“. K Dowd. 1996. JSTOR The Economic Journal. 183 cites.
- “National central banking and the international economy“. R Triffin. 1946. JSTOR The Review of Economic Studies. 179 cites.
- “Is New Zealand’s Reserve Bank Act of 1989 an optimal central bank contract?“. CE Walsh. 1995. JSTOR Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. 178 cites.
- “Financial stability and monetary policy: How closely interlinked?“. F Smets. 2014. International Journal of Central Banking. 176 cites.
- “Monetary policy implementation: past, present and future-will electronic money lead to the eventual demise of central banking?“. C Freedman. 2000. Wiley Online Library INTERNATIONAL FINANCE-OXFORD-. 173 cites.
- “Central banking post-crisis: What compass for uncharted waters“. C Borio. 2011. Basel: BIS. 172 cites.
- “The state and the monetary system“. K Dowd. 1989. Philip Allan Updates . 164 cites.
- “Financial Crises, Contagion, and the Lender of Last Resort: A Reader: A Reader“. C Goodhart, G Illing. 2002. . 163 cites.
- “Financial policy and central banking in Japan“. TF Cargill, MM Hutchison, T Ito. 2001. . 161 cites.
- “Qe 1 vs. 2 vs. 3…: A framework for analyzing large-scale asset purchases as a monetary policy tool“. M Gertler, P Karadi. 2013. … Journal of central Banking. 159 cites.
- “Central banking in developing countries: Objectives, activities and independence“. A Almeida, MJ Fry, C Goodhart. 2004. . 158 cites.
- “Trial balance“. HC Coombs. 1981. Melbourne: Macmillan . 158 cites.
- “Optimal economic transparency“. CE Walsh. 2007. International Journal of Central Banking. 156 cites.
- “Monetary policy regimes and economic performance: the historical record“. MD Bordo, AJ Schwartz. 1999. Elsevier Handbook of macroeconomics. 155 cites.
- “Central banking in a democratic society“. J Stiglitz. 1998. Springer De Economist. 152 cites.
- “Responsibility of central banks for stability in financial markets“. MGJ Schinasi. 2003. . 152 cites.
- “Modern money and banking“. RLR Miller, DD VanHoose. 1993. McGraw-Hill College . 150 cites.
- “Nonlinear Taylor rules and asymmetric preferences in central banking: Evidence from the United Kingdom and the United States“. A Cukierman, A Muscatelli. 2008. The BE Journal of macroeconomics. 148 cites.
- “Political economy and comparative central banking“. G Epstein. 1992. Review of Radical Political Economics. 147 cites.
- “The anguish of central banking“. AF Burns. 1987. Springer Money and the Economy: Central Bankers’ Views. 143 cites.
- “The changing face of central banking: Evolutionary trends since World War II“. PL Siklos. 2002. . 142 cites.
- “Interest rate setting by the ECB, 1999-2006: Words and deeds“. S Gerlach. 2007. International Journal of Central Banking. 140 cites.
- “The central banks“. M Deane, R Pringle. 1994. Hamish Hamilton . 138 cites.
- “Financial Crises: Theory, history, and policy“. CP Kindleberger, JP Laffargue. 1982. Cambridge University Press . 137 cites.
- “Monetary policy and asset prices“. DL Kohn. 2006. Monetary Policy. 134 cites.
- “The bureaucratic and partisan behavior of independent central banks: German and international evidence“. R Vaubel. 1997. Elsevier European Journal of Political Economy. 133 cites.
- “EMU after Maastricht“. PB Kenen. 1992. Group of Thirty . 132 cites.
- “Central banking“. DMH Kock. 1938. PS King and staples ltd. . 126 cites.
- “Asian states, Asian bankers: central banking in Southeast Asia“. N Hamilton-Hart. 2002. . 117 cites.
- “Open issues in European central banking“. L Smaghi, D Gros. 2000. . 114 cites.
- “A history of central banking in Great Britain and the United States“. JH Wood. 2005. . 111 cites.
- “Adaptive learning, persistence, and optimal monetary policy“. V Gaspar, F Smets, D Vestin. 2006. Wiley Online Library Journal of the European …. 110 cites.
- “Banking reform and the Federal Reserve, 1863-1923“. RC West. 1977. Cornell Univ Pr . 110 cites.
- “Systemic risk in banking“. O De Bandt, P Hartmann, JL Peydró. 2010. . 110 cites.
- “Central banks as agents of economic development“. G Epstein. 2006. . 109 cites.
- “Rethinking central banking“. Committee on International Economic Policy and , …. 2011. . 108 cites.
- “The theory and practice of central banking, 1797-1913“. EV Morgan. 1965. . 108 cites.
- “The development of central banking“. F Capie, C Goodhart, N Schnadt. 1994. Citeseer . 107 cites.
- “Why the banking system should be regulated“. SC Dow. 1996. JSTOR The Economic Journal. 105 cites.
- “Distinguished lecture on economics in government: central banking and systemic risks in capital markets“. AF Brimmer. 1989. JSTOR The Journal of Economic Perspectives. 104 cites.
- “Andrew Jackson and the bank war“. RV Remini. 1967. . 101 cites.
- “Issues in recent banking crises in developing countries“. V Sundararajan, TJT Balino. 1990. … Monetary Fund, Central Banking … . 100 cites.
- “Lessons for monetary policy: What should the consensus be?“. O Issing. 2011. . 100 cites.
- “Capitalism with a comrade’s face: studies in the postcommunist transition“. R Frydman, K Murphy, A Rapaczynski. 1998. Kendall Hunt . 98 cites.
- “How Countries Supervise Their Banks, Insurers and Securities Markets…“. N Courtis. 2010. Central Banking Publications . 97 cites.
- “Economic and regulatory capital in banking: what is the difference?“. A Elizalde, R Repullo. 2007. … Journal of Central Banking. 96 cites.
- “How to find plausible, severe, and useful stress scenarios“. T Breuer, M Jandacka, K Rheinberger, M Summer. 2009. . 96 cites.
- “Towards a framework for quantifying systemic stability“. P Alessandri, P Gai, S Kapadia, N Mora, C Puhr. 2009. … Journal of Central Banking. 95 cites.
- “English theories of central banking control, 1819-1858: with some account of contemporary procedure“. E Wood. 1939. Harvard University Press . 93 cites.
- “The future of central banking“. F Capie, S Fischer, C Goodhart, N Schnadt. 1995. Cambridge Books. 93 cites.
- “CENTRAL BANKING AS A POLITICAL PRINCIPAL‐AGENT PROBLEM“. M Fratianni, JVON HAGEN, C Waller. 1997. Wiley Online Library Economic Inquiry. 92 cites.
- “Japan’s financial crisis and its parallels to US experience“. R Mikitani, AS Posen. 2000. . 92 cites.
- “The future of central banking: the tercentenary symposium of the Bank of England“. F Capie. 1994. . 90 cites.
- “Gatekeepers of growth“. S Maxfield. 1997. Princeton NJ: Princeton University. 88 cites.
- “Why did the Bank of Canada emerge in 1935?“. MD Bordo, A Redish. 1987. The Journal of Economic History. 87 cites.
- “Bitcoin: A primer“. F Velde. 2013. Chicago Fed Letter. 86 cites.
- “Central banks on the move“. M Marcussen. 2005. Taylor & Francis Journal of European Public Policy. 86 cites.
- “Euro fantasies“. R Dornbusch. 1996. HeinOnline Foreign Aff.. 86 cites.
- “A history of financial intermediaries“. HE Krooss, MR Blyn. 1971. Random House . 85 cites.
- “The truth about bank runs“. GG Kaufman. 1988. Springer The Financial Services Revolution. 85 cites.
- “Why the Federal Reserve should not adopt inflation targeting“. BM Friedman. 2004. Wiley Online Library International Finance. 85 cites.
- “Banking on the future: the fall and rise of central banking“. H Davies, D Green. 2010. . 84 cites.
- “Goodhart’s law: its origins, meaning and implications for monetary policy“. KA Chrystal, PD Mizen, PD Mizen. 2003. Central banking, monetary …. 84 cites.
- “Central banking in transition countries“. H Wagner. 2000. Taylor & Francis Eastern European Economics. 83 cites.
- “Central banking as global governance: constructing financial credibility“. RB Hall. 2008. . 82 cites.
- “Federal reserve communications“. B Bernanke. 2007. … CUADERNO DE …. 82 cites.
- “IMF essays from a time of crisis: the international financial system, stabilization, and development“. S Fischer. 2005. MIT Press Books. 82 cites.
- “In reserve: central banking in Australia, 1945-75“. CB Schedvin. 1992. Allen & Unwin . 82 cites.
- “Can there be an International Lender‐of‐Last‐Resort?“. F Capie. 1998. Wiley Online Library International Finance. 81 cites.
- “Modern approaches to central banking“. S Fischer. 1995. . 81 cites.
- “The Law of the European Central Bank“. C Zilioli, M Selmayr. 2001. Hart Pub Limited . 81 cites.
- “Bank panics and the endogeneity of central banking“. G Gorton, L Huang. 2006. Elsevier Journal of Monetary Economics. 78 cites.
- “Insiders versus outsiders in monetary policymaking“. T Besley, N Meads, P Surico. 2008. JSTOR The American Economic Review. 78 cites.
- “The art of central banking“. K Brunner. 1981. Graduate School of Management … . 77 cites.
- “Central banking without central bank money“. T Henckel, A Ize, A Kovanen. 1999. . 76 cites.
- “Centralised wage setting, inflation contracts, and the optimal choice of central banker“. P Lawler. 2000. Wiley Online Library The Economic Journal. 76 cites.
- “The economics of central banking“. A Cukierman. 1998. Springer Contemporary Economic Issues. 76 cites.
- “The economics of central banking“. A Cukierman. 1996. . 76 cites.
- “Coordination of fiscal and monetary policy under different institutional arrangements“. TM Andersen, F Schneider. 1986. Elsevier European Journal of Political Economy. 75 cites.
- “Greenspan’s bubbles: the age of ignorance at the Federal Reserve“. WA Fleckenstein, F Sheehan. 2008. McGraw-Hill New York . 75 cites.
- “The Gold Standard Illusion: France, the Bank of France, and the International Gold Standard, 1914-1939“. K Mouré. 2002. OUP Catalogue. 75 cites.
- “Central banking and the choice of currency regime in accession countries“. W Buiter, C Grafe. 2001. Revue d’économie financière (English ed.). 74 cites.
- “Limiting Central Bank Credit to the Government; Theory and Practice“. C Cottarelli. 1993. . 74 cites.
- “Reflections on international administration“. A Loveday, A Loveday. 1956. JSTOR . 74 cites.
- “Central bank talk: Committee structure and communication policy“. AS Blinder, C Wyplosz. 2004. January 2005 meetings of the American Economic …. 73 cites.
- “Central banking, stability and macroeconomic outcomes: a comparison of New Consensus and Post-Keynesian monetary macroeconomics“. M Setterfield. 2004. Central banking in the modern world: Alternative …. 73 cites.
- “The impact of monetary policy on the exchange rate: A study using intraday data“. J Kearns, P Manners. 2006. International Journal of Central Banking. 71 cites.
- “The origins of central banking: solutions to the free-rider problem“. JL Broz. 1998. International Organization. 70 cites.
- “A critical analysis of central banks and fractional-reserve free banking from the Austrian school perspective“. JH De Soto. 1995. Springer The Review of Austrian Economics. 69 cites.
- “Central banking in the twentieth century“. J Singleton. 2010. . 69 cites.
- “Strapped to the mast: EC central bankers between global financial markets and regional integration1“. K Dyson, K Featherstone, …. 1995. Taylor & Francis Journal of European …. 69 cites.
- “The danger of inflating expectations of macroeconomic stability: Heuristic switching in an overlapping-generations monetary model“. A Brazier, R Harrison, M King, …. 2008. … of Central Banking. 69 cites.
- “The euro at ten: The next global currency?“. J Pisani-Ferry, AS Posen. 2009. . 69 cites.
- “Prudential supervision and monetary policy“. HR Heller. 1991. International Financial Policy: Essays in Honour of …. 68 cites.
- “Central Banking in developing countries“. AG Chandavarkar. 1996. Springer . 67 cites.
- “Inflation forecasts and the New Keynesian Phillips curve“. SN Brissimis, NS Magginas. 2008. International Journal of Central Banking. 67 cites.
- “Issues in managing and sequencing financial sector reforms: lessons from experiences in five developing countries“. A Bisat, RB Johnston, V Sundararajan. 1992. International Monetary Fund … . 67 cites.
- “Monetary aggregates and monetary policy at the federal reserve: A historical perspective“. BS Bernanke. 2006. Speech at the Fourth ECB Central Banking …. 67 cites.
- “Should developing countries have central banks?: currency quality and monetary systems in 155 countries“. K Schuler. 1996. Inst of Economic Affairs . 67 cites.
- “Zimbabwe: From hyperinflation to growth“. SH Hanke. 2008. . 67 cites.
- “The changing face of central banking“. PL Siklos. 2006. Cambridge Books. 66 cites.
- “Technology diffusion within central banking: the case of real-time gross settlement“. ML Bech, B Hobijn. 2006. . 65 cites.
- “The use and meaning of words in central banking: inflation targeting, credibility, and transparency“. BM Friedman. 2002. . 65 cites.
- “Bagehot was a shadow banker: shadow banking, central banking, and the future of global finance“. P Mehrling, Z Pozsar, J Sweeney, DH Neilson. 2013. . 64 cites.
- “Banking panics and the origin of central banking“. G Gorton, L Huang. 2002. . 64 cites.
- “Capital regulation and risk sharing“. D Gale. 2010. International Journal of Central Banking. 64 cites.
- “Central banking, asset prices and financial fragility“. É Tymoigne. 2008. . 64 cites.
- “Reflections on central banking“. A Greenspan. 2005. . 64 cites.
- “Sequencing Financial Sector Reforms“. RB Johnston, V Sundararajan. 1999. . 64 cites.
- “Techniques of monetary control“. J Aschheim. 1961. Johns Hopkins Press . 64 cites.
- “Which lender of last resort for Europe?“. CAE Goodhart. 2000. . 64 cites.
- “Central bank independence: criteria and indices“. SCW Eijffinger, E Schaling. 1992. . 62 cites.
- “Central banking in a democracy“. AS Blinder. 1996. . 62 cites.
- “Insiders and Outsiders at the Bank of England“. P Gerlach-Kristen. 2003. Central Banking. 62 cites.
- “Securitization markets and central banking: An evaluation of the term asset-backed securities loan facility“. S Campbell, D Covitz, W Nelson, K Pence. 2011. Elsevier Journal of Monetary …. 62 cites.
- “Financial supervision: inside or outside central banks“. T Padoa Schioppa. 2003. Kremers J., Schoenmaker D., Wierts P., Financial …. 61 cites.
- “The first hundred years of the Standard Bank“. JA Henry. 1963. New York, Oxford U. P . 60 cites.
- “Central bank balance sheets and fiscal operations“. J Hawkins. 2003. Fiscal Issues and Central Banking in Emerging …. 59 cites.
- “Central banking in the British dominions“. AFWW Plumptre. 1940. University of Toronto Press . 59 cites.
- “Central bank independence and regulatory responsibilities: the Bank of Japan and the Federal Reserve“. TF Cargill. 1989. … Brothers Center for the Study of … . 57 cites.
- “Central banking by committee“. A Sibert. 2006. Wiley Online Library International Finance. 57 cites.
- “Central banking in the modern world: alternative perspectives“. M Lavoie, M Seccareccia. 2004. . 57 cites.
- “Econometric models of the euro-area central banks“. G Fagan, J Morgan. 2006. . 57 cites.
- “Policy entrepreneurship and institutional change: multilevel governance of central banking reform“. C Bakir. 2009. Wiley Online Library Governance. 57 cites.
- “The way of all women“. ME Harding. 1933. JSTOR . 57 cites.
- “The elusive promise of independent central banking“. M Goodfriend. 2012. . 56 cites.
- “Disinflation: an unsung benefit of globalization?“. KS Rogoff. 2003. Finance and Development. 55 cites.
- “The transformation of the European financial system“. Central Banking Conference. 2003. European Central Bank . 55 cites.
- “Understanding Wall Street“. JB Little, L Rhodes. 2004. . 55 cites.
- “Applied Bayesian econometrics for central bankers“. AP Blake, H Mumtaz. 2012. Technical Books. 54 cites.
- “Private money: The path to monetary stability“. K Dowd. 1988. Institute of economic affairs . 54 cites.
- “The Bank of England: Money, Power, and Influence 1694-1994“. R Roberts, D Kynaston. 1995. . 54 cites.
- “Mythology and central banking“. JF Chant, K Acheson. 1973. Wiley Online Library Kyklos. 53 cites.
- “The Monetary Theory of Production: tradition and perspectives“. G Fontana, R Realfonzo. 2005. . 53 cites.
- “Central banking functions of the United States treasury, 1789-1941“. ER Taus. 1943. . 52 cites.
- “Experience with integrated supervisors: governance and quality of supervision“. M Cihák, R Podpiera. 2007. Designing Financial Supervision Institutions …. 52 cites.
- “The institutional paradoxes of monetary orthodoxy: reflections on the political economy of central bank independence“. M Watson. 2002. Taylor & Francis Review of International Political Economy. 52 cites.
- “Unconventional Monetary Policy: the international experience with central bank asset purchases“. S Kozicki, E Santor, L Suchanek. 2011. Bank of Canada review. 52 cites.
- “Central banking governance in the European Union: a comparative analysis“. L Quaglia. 2007. . 51 cites.
- “Is there a new consensus in macroeconomics?“. P Arestis. 2007. Palgrave Macmillan . 51 cites.
- “The evolving role of central banks“. MP Downes, R Vaez-Zadeh. 1991. . 51 cites.
- “The political economy of central banking“. GA Epstein, JB Schor. 1986. Harvard Institute of Economic … . 51 cites.
- “Modern financial macroeconomics: panics, crashes, and crises“. TA Knoop. 2008. Wiley-Blackwell . 50 cites.
- “Private clearinghouses and the origins of central banking“. G Gorton. 1984. Business Review. 49 cites.
- “Surplus liquidity: implications for central banks“. J Ganley. 2004. Lectures. 49 cites.
- “Central banking and economic development: the record of innovation“. AF Brimmer. 1971. JSTOR Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. 48 cites.
- “Central banking under test“. A Crockett. 2003. BIS Papers. 47 cites.
- “In search of monetary stability: the evolution of monetary policy“. O Issing. 2009. . 47 cites.
- “Money, Banking & Financial Markets“. RLR Miller, DD VanHoose. 2001. South-Western Pub . 47 cites.
- “A Century of US Central Banking: Goals, Frameworks, Accountability“. BS Bernanke. 2013. American Economic Association The Journal of Economic …. 45 cites.
- “Central Banking Legislation“. H Aufricht. 1962. JSTOR . 45 cites.
- “Central banks“. CH Kisch, WA Elkin. 1983. Dissertations-G . 45 cites.
- “Bank of England vs the IBRD: Did the Nigerian colony deserve a Central Bank?“. CU Uche. 1997. Elsevier Explorations in Economic History. 44 cites.
- “Monetary and central banking problems of mini states“. DR Khatkhate, BK Short. 1980. Elsevier World Development. 44 cites.
- “Reforming financial systems: historical implications for policy“. G Caprio Jr, D Vittas. 2007. . 44 cites.
- “The dilemma of discretion: Career ambitions and the politics of central banking“. CA Adolph. 2004. Harvard University . 44 cites.
- “The EMS: achievements, current issues and directions for the future“. D Gros, N Thygesen. 1988. Centre for European Policy Studies . 44 cites.
- “The Taylor rule and the practice of central banking“. PF Asso, GA Kahn, R Leeson. 2010. . 44 cites.
- “Time-varying US inflation dynamics and the New Keynesian Phillips curve“. KJ Lansing. 2009. Elsevier Review of Economic Dynamics. 44 cites.
- “Wicksellian norm, central bank real interest rate targeting and macroeconomic performance“. M Seccareccia. 1998. The Political Economy of Central Banking, Cheltenham …. 44 cites.
- “Banking theory and free banking history: a review essay“. G Gorton. 1985. Elsevier Journal of Monetary Economics. 43 cites.
- “Central Banking in Underdeveloped Money Markets“. Sen. SN. 1952. Bookland . 43 cites.
- “Dependent and accountable: evidence from the modern theory of central banking“. G Piga. 2000. Wiley Online Library Journal of economic surveys. 43 cites.
- “How to reform the Stability and Growth Pact“. WH Buiter. 2003. Central Banking. 43 cites.
- “Inflation thresholds and relative price variability: evidence from US cities“. A Bick, D Nautz. 2008. International Journal of Central Banking. 43 cites.
- “Currency and central banking in Ireland, 1922-1960“. M Moynihan. 1975. Gill and Macmillan [for] the Central … . 42 cites.
- “The triumph of central banking?: Paul A. Volcker“. PA Volcker. 1990. International Monetary Fund . 42 cites.
- “Burma’s currency and credit“. T Wai. 1962. Orient Longmans . 41 cites.
- “Central banking in the monetary circuit“. LP Rochon, S Rossi. 2004. Central Banking in the Modern World …. 41 cites.
- “A Review of Current Banking Theory and Practice“. SK Basu, A Ghosh. 1974. Macmillan . 40 cites.
- “Central banking in a free society“. T Congdon. 2009. . 40 cites.
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- “50 years of the D-mark“. L Gleske. 1998. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “A BIS embarrassed A seemingly straightforward share buyback has been even more expensive than planned-and highly embarrassing for the BIS“. W Hall. 2003. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “A crisis of identity The loss of its managing director could not have come at a worse time for an IMF looking to remodel itself“. K Engelen. 2007. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “a greater understanding of financial markets and the BIS’s role in promoting this in conversation with Benedict Mander“. M Knight. 2003. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “A helping hand-Juliet Johnson argues that Western assistance to post-communist central banks has been mutually beneficial.“. J Johnson. 2008. Central Banking. 0 cites.
- “A match made in heaven? Terry Beadle says central banks’ needs fit the application service provider approach to IT.“. T Beadle. 2008. Central Banking. 0 cites.
- “A new approach to liquidity management“. R Aliber. 2004. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
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- “a new history of central banking in Britain and the United States“. R Bai. 2005. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “A new scheme, planned to go live next year, is likely to have a major impact on foreign exchange markets“. P Allsopp. 2001. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “A question of accountability“. C Randzio-Plath. 1998. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “A” robust exit” for an insolvent bank“. D Mayes. 2003. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Accounting for reserves. Having three sets of accounts for reserves is more than just extravagant“. J Nugee. 2002. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “All eyes on the rand South Africa’s central bank may hit its inflation target, but the exchange rate continues to dominate economic debate“. M Rietveld. 2005. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “American perspectives on the euro: Looks forward to monetary union but warns against a lack of preparedness“. RD Erb. 1997. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Analysis: Who uses the euro?“. W Clarke. 2000. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Argentina’s pseudo crisis“. S Hanke. 2001. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Asian monetary union“. P Dickie. 1999. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Asia’s bonny bond markets“. A Rowley. 2006. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Asia’s gold card-Central banks will not continue to subsidise US deficits and foreign policy forever“. D Hale. 2003. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Assaults on independence“. N Lakshman. 2007. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “At a time when many governments are in a process of reforming legislation governing their central banks, this article analyses the difficulty in reconciling …“. R Lastra, G Wood. 2000. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Australia and New Zealand compared-Rodney Dickens says New Zealand’s central bank is lagging behind its trans-Tasmanian counterpart.“. R Dickens. 2009. Central Banking. 0 cites.
- “Axel Weber has impressed in his first year at the Bundesbank“. M Kurm-Engels. 2005. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Back from the Brink by Stephen K. Beckner: This interesting and enjoyable account of the Greenspan years“. M Deane. 1997. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Bank beds in its new money market“. P Brione. 2006. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Bank of England’s independence“. M King. 2001. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Banking union divides Europe-The European Central Bank is set to gain responsibility for the supervision of the continent’s banks in a move unlikely to …“. K Engelen. 2012. Central Banking. 0 cites.
- “Banque de France Bicentenary The Banque de France is celebrating its 200^ t^ h anniversary this year with an exciting programme of festivities“. P Gaskell. 2000. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Barbados sails on A variety of policy instruments are needed for the central bank to meet the challenges of a small open economy“. B Codrington. 2006. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Behind the scenes in Basel. The BIS is looking to redefine its role: meanwhile, international expansion, anti-counterfeiting software, and an e-mail network …“. N Courtis. 2002. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Beware fads and fashions: The latest fashion in accounting standards will not deliver good central banking“. J Nugee. 2005. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Big Bang-more than just a buzzword“. G Harris. 1997. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Birthpangs of a New Currency“. R Pringle. 1996. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Black Wednesday“. SF Frowen. 2000. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Blaming the other side is not the way for the major economic players to tackle global imbalances“. R Portes. 2006. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Bulgarian Central Bank independence and macroeconomic performance“. O Teneva, G Minassian, J Ilieva. 1999. Central banking. 0 cites.
- “But what if the US economy weakens? External factors may lead the ECB to rein in or even reverse a monetary tightening“. P Lane. 2006. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Can central banks be efficient? What are a central bank’s” core tasks” and how can performance be measured?“. N Courtis. 2003. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Central Bank independence and macroeconomic performance in the Czech Republic“. P Soukup, A Taci, R Matousek. 1999. Central banking. 0 cites.
- “Central Bank of Ruritania: management commentary“. R Darbyshire. 2007. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Central bank risk management“. P Higginson, T Beadle. 2001. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Central bankers man the lifeboats: Are central bankers in a position to save the world?“. R Pringle. 1998. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Central Banking and Monetary Management in Islamic Financial Environment“. MN Hanif-SBP, SAMSH Khan. 2010. Central Banking. 0 cites.
- “Central banks in search of a lodestar-again: Inflation targets are not enough“. R Goedhuys. 1998. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Central banks on the net: The central bank websites“. N Courtis. 1996. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Central role for the ECCB Decline in tourist travel and financial sector scrutiny mean tough times for the Eastern Caribbean“. M Imeson. 2003. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Challenges for central banks As accession countries prepare for the stresses and strains of joining the EU and the euro“. M Watson. 2004. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Challenges of accession: Estonia. After ten years of a currency board, Estonia is more than prepared for speedy entry to Europe“. M Ross. 2002. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Changing legal basis of central banks“. R Smits. 2002. Central Banking. 0 cites.
- “Chaos or success? the challenges that confront the imminent introduction of euro notes and coins“. W Clarke. 2001. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “China’s exchange rate reform does not solve the problems facing domestic and international policymakers“. D Hale. 2005. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “China’s precarious balancing act“. H Feng. 2009. Central Banking. 0 cites.
- “Choosing the right level of computer support for reserve managers is becoming increasingly important. It might be better to outsource some part of IT …“. J Nugee. 2001. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Clipping wings: Central banks should become specialised monetary authorities“. W Buiter. 2007. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Commission eyes juicy ESCB profits“. N Courtis. 1999. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Create an account or Log In“. DF DeRosa. 0. CFA Institute Central Banking. 0 cites.
- “Croatia Stabilises the Kuna: the country with the lowest inflation in Eastern Europe“. J Nell. 1996. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Dangers of excess liquidity A preoccupation with current figures has led to a dangerous build-up in liquidity“. T Polleit. 2006. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “David Kynaston on the City“. W Clarke. 2001. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Discusses the bank’s reform and Zambia’s debt burden“. J Mwanza. 1998. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Do the” dove” and” hawk” labels attached to members of the Bank of England’s MPC stand up to analysis?“. P Gerlach-Kristen. 2003. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Do we need a new financial architecture?“. R Mundell. 2000. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Does the global output gap matter?“. M Rietveld. 2007. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Dollarisation is becoming a viable option for a number of countries, but potential loss of seigniorage is a major obstacle“. Z Bogetic. 2000. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Down the Basel road“. N Courtis. 2000. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Eastern Europe’s risky credit boom Sky-rocketing lending is a real worry for policymakers, but with one eye on the euro, their options are limited“. D Mihaljek. 2006. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Edward Gramlich, who recently retired after eight years as a Federal Reserve governor, discusses some highlights of his term in office“. B Baker, E Kogan. 2005. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Emancipating the Banking System: How to establish markets for government debt“. M Fry. 1996. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “EMU and the markets: Europe’s bankers eye the euro nervously. Not only will Europe lack a lender of the last resort, but the euro ushers in a more volatile …“. C Huhne. 1998. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Emu” Armageddon”“. B Kettell. 1999. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “EMU: a sceptical US view: A view from across the water“. A Meltzer. 1996. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “EMU: Why Monetary Union might still happen“. A Szasz. 1995. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “EMU:” No” to a Single European Currency“. EV Morgan. 1995. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Ernst Welteke talks with the editor about the forthcoming restructuring of the Bundesbank, the euro, the ECB and the need for greater political integration in …“. E Welteke. 2000. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “ESCB Profits: a Bundesbank miscalculation?-As it becomes clear EMU will cause the Bundesbank a large loss of income“. N Courtis. 1997. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Euro and the dollar“. N Walter. 1999. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Europe’s capital markets“. R Marshall. 1999. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Europe’s exchange rate regime“. LB Smaghi. 2007. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Europe’s quest for monetary stability has taken stops at the ports of money targetting, exchange rate targetting and, most recently, inflation targetting“. A Houben. 2001. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Even relatively transparent central banks like the Fed are too secretive“. S Hanke, R Keleher. 1998. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Exchange Rate Regime and Policy in the Republic of Slovenia“. A Kozar. 1997. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Exchange rate volatility“. G Hess, O Humpage. 1999. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Farewell to Tietmeyer“. S Frowen. 2000. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Fifty years too late: It was the first intergovernmental attempt to right some of the century’s most terrible wrongs“. W Clarke. 1998. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Financial education: What central banks can achieve-Central banks increasingly realise the importance of educating the public. Narayan Lakshman looks …“. N Lakshman. 2007. Central Banking. 0 cites.
- “Financial system reform“. S Griffith-Jones. 2002. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “First decisions for the ECB“. W Duisenberg. 1998. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Flawed independence for the bank: What the Treasury has given with one hand it has taken with the other“. M Taylor. 1998. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “four key areas where China has looked to strengthen its burgeoning banking sector“. L Ruogu. 2005. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “France’s financial elite Alumni from” les Grandes Ecoles” exert unparalleled influence over French state-capitalism. But globalisation, privatisation and fast …“. P Gaskell. 2000. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Fund memories three decades of often-rancorous meetings of the Bretton Woods twins“. W Keegan. 2006. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Further problems of inflation targets Convincing a population of the trustworthiness of inflation statistics is essential for inflation targetting“. J Rossouw. 2003. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Georgia’s new currency, the lari, is one year old. But can the central bank control the money supply?“. J Nell. 1996. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Gold Regains its Allure“. R Pringle. 1993. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Gold: a Bridge to a New Age: The US is hoarding gold and plotting a surprise return to the gold standard“. T Taniguchi. 1998. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Golden Age for world money: The IMF/World Bank meeting in Hong Kong was one of the most interesting for many years“. R Pringle. 1997. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Governance in central banks A quiet revolution has overtaken the world’s central banks. A new survey by Central Banking reveals that in most central …“. B Weller, N Courtis. 2000. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Governance in Colombia’s Central Bank“. A Alesina, A Carasquilla, R Steiner. 2011. Central Banking. 0 cites.
- “Governing the governors-Central banks face multiple challenges in the current market environment. But they still need to press towards better governance …“. J Mendzela. 2012. Central Banking. 0 cites.
- “Greenspan on risk and moral hazard“. A Greenspan. 2000. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Greenspan’s legacy: how Alan Greenspan’s leadership of the Fed has re-written the rules of monetary-policy making“. A Meltzer. 2006. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Greenspan’s record: where do we go from here?“. M Weale. 2003. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Greenspan’s view of the world“. J Berry. 2000. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “How a central bank should talk Central banks’ suspicion of the media betrays an ignorance of how it works“. T Morrison. 2003. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “How much money should the Bank of Russia print? Since Russia cannot tax or borrow it must print money to avoid chaos argues. But it is up to the IMF …“. G Skorov. 1998. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “How safe are your reserves? A case before the English courts has highlighted concerns over whether sovereign immunity applies to central bank reserves“. C Proctor. 2006. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “How to manage system risks Many central banks can forget best-of-breed solutions for IT systems“. T Beadle. 2007. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “How to succeed as a central banker“. B Mander. 2001. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “How will the euro measure up against the dollar?“. B Weller. 1999. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Ian Macfarlane-a proud record“. S Bell. 2006. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “IMF Historian on British Follies“. R Pringle. 1996. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Implementing monetary policy the Bank of England plans to stabilise short-term interest rates“. B Allen. 2004. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “In an exclusive interview, the governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka discusses recent developments in monetary policy and the possible introduction of …“. AN Cabraal. 2007. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “In an exclusive interview, the Nobel Prize winner and economic visionary discusses euro entry, financial architecture and future currency unions“. R Mundell. 2002. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “In or out? While the potential benefits of UK entry are widely discussed, the risks of rejecting euro memberhsip are less well known“. G Bishop. 2001. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “In praise of Robert Mundell“. JW Dean. 2001. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “India’s vast banknote circulation“. P Biswas. 2006. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Inflation targeting and the ECB“. G Kahn. 1999. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Inflation targeting: a user’s guide“. N Lakshman. 2007. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Information crunch: Central banks did little to relieve the information asymmetries during the crisis“. M Annunziata. 2007. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Inside Beijing’s Power Struggle“. H Feng. 2008. Central Banking. 0 cites.
- “Inter-bank payment arrangements and the lender-of-last-resort: The challenges facing central banks in the design and operation of real time gross …“. BJ Summers. 1997. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Interim report on MPC: The decision to bring forward publication of the minutes of the Monetary Policy Committee puts the Bank of England at the forefront …“. N Courtis. 1998. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Intermediate Monetary Targeting in Slovakia“. P Sevcovic, R Konecna. 1997. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Intermediate Targets in Hungary“. E Lang, P Tabak. 1997. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Interview: Charles Goodhart“. C Goodhart. 2001. Central Banking. 0 cites.
- “Interview: Marion Williams-Blair Baker talks to the governor of the Central Bank of Barbados about how the crisis has impacted the island’s economy.“. B Baker. 2009.Central Banking. 0 cites.
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- “Investment hank relations with central banks“. B Weller. 1999. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Investment portfolio techiques at a central bank“. E Lavigne. 2003. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Iraq’s botched currency reform A credible monetary regime is vital for economic growth and political stability in Iraq. Have the authorities got it right with the …“. S Hanke, M Sekerke. 2004. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Japan’s debt dilemma: After years of stagnation, Japan’s economy is at last stirring. Yet rising yields threaten new financial crises“. A Rowley. 2005. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Jean-Pierre Roth The chairman of the Swiss National Bank discusses the central bank’s profits, monetary policy and independence as it approaches its …“. B Baker, Z Singer. 2006. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Keynes and Third World Bank Failures“. W Eltis. 1993. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Kid gloves for Greenspan“. J Berry. 1997. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Kuroda’s crusade for the ACU What’s behind the Asian Development Bank’s push for a single currency in Asia?“. A Rowley. 2006. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Last through the door?-Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania may be the last countries to join the EU, and they are taking very different paths to the euro“. N Carver. 2005. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Last year the rand took a hammering in the currency markets-why didn’t the Reserve Bank intervene and is anyone to blame?“. T Mboweni. 2002. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Learning to live with IFRS“. K Sullivan. 2005. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Liberalising financial markets“. A Yaacoby. 1997. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Life after monetary union“. W Hall. 1998. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Living with a strong euro Europe’s policymakers should be proud of a strong single currency“. A Ubide. 2007. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Making central banks legitimate-As unelected bodies, central banks need to be concerned about the grounds for their political legitimacy and …“. F Vibert. 2007.Central Banking. 0 cites.
- “Making markets work Building a market economy requires an approach coordinated across government functions“. J Chown. 2004. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Managing commodity-based wealth Rapid growth in the size and number of national oil funds means a new approach to managing them is required“. A Rozanov. 2006. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Managing compliance and operational risk-Ulrik Knudsen, Jesper Berg and Suzanne Hyldahl explain how Denmark’s central bank has tackled …“. U Knudsen, J Berg, S Hyldahl. 2007. Central Banking. 0 cites.
- “Managing liquidity risk in a global system“. A Large. 2006. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Managing risk in open economies“. M Naameh. 1998. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Mexico on an upswing how the Bank of Mexico has battled to deliver price stability“. B Mander. 2004. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Monetary policy and asset prices: Closer attention to asset prices in monetary policy could have helped avoid the crisis“. T Young. 2007. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Monetary Policy and Final Targets in Poland“. E Rzwezutek, O Szczepanska, …. 1997. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL …. 0 cites.
- “Monetary policy in euroland“. WF Duisenberg. 1999. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Monetary Policy Responses to Capital Inflows in the Czech Republic“. R Olsovsky, I Matalik. 1997. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Monetary Policy: the Case for a Numerical Goal“. WJ McDonough. 1996. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Mongolia: Togrog rides high“. J Unenbat, B Enhhuyag. 1999. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “New directions for the ECB A new president, enlargement and a review of monetary policy mean a year of fundamental choices for the ECB“. P Lane. 2003. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “New light on the Fed’s history In 1932, the Fed’s reluctance to intervene to expand the money supply was incorrect but understandable“. T Congdon. 2004. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “New Mandates for Korea and Japan: Examines the new mandates of the central banks of Korea and Japan“. TF Cargill. 1998. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “New Zealand breaks with the Brash era“. R Dickens. 2007. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “News analysis-Claire Jones analyses how central bankers have been forced into activism and cooperation.“. C Jones. 2008. Central Banking. 0 cites.
- “Next steps for the stability pact New rules mean a tougher but more flexible pact has emerged from Brussels“. W Clarke. 2003. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Obituary: Wolfgang Schmitz-Karl Socher on the legacy of the former governor of the Austrian central bank.“. K Socher. 2009. Central Banking. 0 cites.
- “On China’s central bank“. B Gilley, D Murphy. 2001. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Outlook for Japan: Examines the Japanese bank rescue package and the financial sector’s prospects“. G Lyons. 1998. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Over a barrel no more: Compared to the shocks of the 1970s, the world economy has so far taken recent record oil prices in its stride“. S Dullien, M Schieritz. 2006. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Overhaul of the Bundesbank“. K Engelen. 2002. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Performance measurement in central banks“. I Thomson. 2006. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Personalities and Power“. M Deane. 1996. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Plucked from New England academia, Anwar Ahady has been given the daunting task of rebuilding the central bank in Afghanistan“. A Ahady. 2002. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Policy coordination and future IMF surveillance“. A Swoboda. 2006. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Prospects for an inflation-targeting Fed: Constitutional hurdles mean that the Fed is unlikely to adopted inflation targeting“. J Wood. 2007. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Questions Fukui still has to answer Unanswered questions arising from the Murakami affair still threaten the Bank of Japan’s credibility“. H Harui. 2006. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Rational and irrational bubbles. Recent gyrations in the housing and equity markets have led to calls for central bank action on both sides of the Atlantic“. A Meltzer. 2002. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Reflections and comparisons“. C de Boissieu. 2007. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Reflections on Black Wednesday The events of September 1992, when speculators forced 40 the UK to devalue, continue to reverberate in Whitehall and …“. S Frowen. 2000. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Reflections on the future of the banking system-John Chown looks at what lessons can be learned from the past for the creation of a sustainable banking …“. J Chown. 2009. Central Banking. 0 cites.
- “Reform of IMF as international lender of last resort“. S Fischer. 1999. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Regaining trust: The Bank of Japan needs to correct flaws in its policy framework“. R Feldman. 2007. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Regional cooperation on exchange rates would suit East Asia, but poor relations between China and Japan mean it is unlikely“. YC Park. 2006. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Regulating internet banking“. D Lascelles. 2000. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Reinventing euro-area central banks Monetary union has led to an identity crisis for Europe’s national central banks“. M Watson. 2003. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Reserve management survey-first results“. B Weller. 1999. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Restoring normality-John Nugee indentifies six areas in which the role of central banks will change in the aftermath of the crisis.“. J Nugee. 2009. Central Banking. 0 cites.
- “Risk management and information technology“. H Bohn. 2001. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
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- “risk management firm Trema identify the key areas where a risk management system can support a central bank’s financial market operations“. T Beadle, P Higginson. 2001. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Rmb on hold-China will resist appreciation of the renminbi“. S Hanke. 2005. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Royal Mint The United Kingdom’s Royal Mint faces one of the biggest challenges in its 1,114-year history. The deputy master, Roger Holmes“. N Courtis. 2000. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Russia: The Great Game: Stabilisation and Reform in Russia“. J Nell. 1995. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Separation between Supervisory and Monetary Authorities“. C Goodhart, D Schoenmaker. 1993. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL …. 0 cites.
- “Should reserve management be farmed out?“. N Carver. 2006. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Suing the BIS“. W Hall. 2001. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Talking numbers Central banks can and should write a management commentary to accompany their accounts“. R Darbyshire. 2007. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “The achievements of the CBR, and the tasks ahead“. S Dubinin. 1996. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “The Bank of England’s Strategy for London’s Money Markets“. J Nell. 1996. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “The Bank of Japan’s high-wire act“. A Smithers. 2006. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “The Barons and the Board: The conflicts between senior staff and the Board at the Fed“. J Berry. 1996. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “The benefits of a broader Basel Reforms to the Basel Capital Accord are misguided and will stunt growth in emerging markets“. S Griffith-Jones, S Spratt, …. 2003. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL …. 0 cites.
- “The case against inflation targets: Inflation targeting is built on shaky theoretical grounds and leads central bankers into an unhealthy obsession with …“. J Forder. 1998. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “The case for global standards“. GJ Vojta. 2001. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
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- “The Central Bank of Russia is the second largest central bank in the world and it is highly independent and completely unaccountable“. S Baker. 2000. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “The changes needed in central bank corporate governance and urges greater transparency in financial reporting“. J Foster. 2000. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “The changing role of sovereign wealth managers“. M Rietveld, R Pringle. 2007. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
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- “The dangers of inflexibility. A clash of logics threatens plans for EU enlargement. Insistence on legal consistency, at the expense of economic realty, is …“. C Wyplosz. 2002. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
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- “The ECB’s policy and operations have been a success“. T Mayer. 2000. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
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- “The euro in the Balkans What does the euro mean for a DM-backed currency?“. P Nicholl. 2002. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “The European challenge to Britain: A guide to the Emu debate“. B Weller. 1999. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “The events that led to central bank independence in the Antipodes“. M King. 2001. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “The Fed and the White House“. J Berry. 2001. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
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- “The Georgian era at the Bank of England Punctuated by crises yet characterised by reform, Sir Edward George’s stint in charge at the Bank of England has …“. E Hennessy. 2003. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “The governor of Bank Indonesia sets the record straight over his role in the Bank Bali affair, accusing Indonesian President Wahid of pursuing a personal …“. S Sabirin. 2001. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “The IMF answers its critics“. T Dawson. 2001. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “The IMF’s assessment of internal controls. Management controls in central banks of many borrowing countries fall short of IMF standards“. A Sartip. 2002. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “The implementation of a Fixed Exchange Rate in the Slovak Republic“. P Sevcovic, J Jirsakova. 1997. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “The Irish central bank governor says, that while higher interest rates would be more suited to the Irish economy,” you must take the rough with the smooth” …“. MO Connell. 2001. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
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- “The new Banca d’Italia“. M Draghi. 2006. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “The new dilemma facing central banks Central bankers have been praised for low inflation but how much credit do they deserve?“. J Nugee. 2006. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “The new geography of finance the implications of the shift in the IMF’s voting rights“. M Uzan. 2006. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
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- “The politics of the Eurosystem Where does the Eurosystem fit in the grand political designs of Europe? reports on the struggle to set the agenda for central …“. G Bishop. 2003. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “The president of Poland’s central bank describes how the far-reaching changes to the monetary policy framework are bedding down, and what is the role …“. H Gronkiewicz-Waltz. 2000. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
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- “The problem of capital flows-An Indian perspective“. U Thorat, R Rajan. 1998. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
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- “The Role of the Central Banks-Where Does the Blame Lie?“. W Clarke. 1997. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “The SDR: an international reserve liability Transparency in national reserves must extend to both sides of the balance sheet“. R Erb. 2004. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “The shape of the ERM in Stage Three“. B Lamfalussy. 1996. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “The supervision of banks“. E Barnea. 1997. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “The trade-off Central banks and governments have had to choose where along the spectrum between accountability and independence to be positioned“. R Lastra. 2001. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “The US” credit craze”“. T Congdon. 1999. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “The virtues of self-restraint“. A Posen. 2007. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “The way forward for Japan“. T Congdon. 2002. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Threats to the corporate sector“. J Six. 2006. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Three future risks“. S King. 2007. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Time for a monetary policy rethink A succession of asset bubbles shows the folly of too strict a focus on inflation“. S Roach. 2006. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Time for the ECB to intervene“. C Goodhart. 2005. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Towards a better SDDS“. S Hanke, M Sekerke. 2003. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Towards a global open society: For all its faults the world gains much from international capitalism“. G Soros. 1997. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
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- “Towards better economic governance“. J Bitterlich. 2007. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
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- “Why monetary policies have not been too loose“. B Allen. 2006. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
- “Why price stability is not enough Use of short-term goals for inflation targetting is counterproductive to long-run performance“. S King. 2003. CENTRAL BANKING … CENTRAL BANKING. 0 cites.
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(Featured Image: Great Central Bank illustration from the 1937 Brookside yearbook ad’ via Dan Brady’s Blog)